Day: August 2, 2017

Back to University with Leela Ambience Convention Hotel!

Wanna revisit college days, head straight to Leela Ambience Convention Hotel, and in case you have missed eating the typical canteen food, the Back to University Food Festival at Leela, will help you recreate those memories again.

The ambience really catches your eyes the moment yo enter Cafe Knosh, with a huge gold spot bottle forming the centre piece and scholar hats and degrees hanging on the ceiling and blackboards on the walls.  A nice bus stop, sports zone and cycles, trophies shelf and loads of interesting artistic decor really brings the college life magic alive.

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Loved a Tapri Chai Thela, which served some cutting chai along with age old rusk and cookies. It was like a Deja Vu, remembering number of times we went for tea and biscuits to a near by thela and enjoyed simple things of life chatting away with friends.

The food has been inspired from various colleges across Delhi and typically served specialities from all these colleges. Like Rajma Chawal and Dosa from Hansraj College, Egg Fried Rice and French Fries with Mint Chutney from Ramjas, Minced Cutlets, Omelletes and Chicken Curry from St Stephan’s, Chole Bhature from SRCC and so on.

We tried Vada Pao, which was nice, crispy and spicy. I really liked it. Next on my plate was a piping hot Mattar Samosa, which was delicious. The stuffing of potatoes and peas was perfectly done and was very flavourful. You can’t afford to miss this one. Relish it with a glass of cutting chai and you will experience sheer bliss.

Then came one of the best dishes of the evening, the chicken sliders. Juicy chicken patty in soft buns, it was mouth meltingly delicious and again a must try.

We tried both Chicken Maggie and Masala Maggie, I mean how can you ignore Maggie in college days, its been a lifeline for most of the people and one dish which has evolved so much in taste. I mean the typical masala maggie is actually a legacy of colleges and at Leela, the same tastes were recreated, I personally enjoyed the Masala Maggi more.

We also relished some Crispy Fried Fish with Tartar Sauce and Paneer and Chicken Tikka and all of them were delectable and perfectly done. This is something that at least I didn’t get in my college days, changing times.. but I am glad I could experience it this way!

Then we came down to trying a plate of Kadhi Chawal and Chicken Curry Rice, a staple diet for many in college time. I still remember how we used to crave Rajma Chawal and Kadhi Chawal and the days Chicken was served was a boon. I loved the typical way of how Kadhi Chawal and Chicken Curry Rice were served here, nothing fancy, steel plate, rice topped with gravy and some onions and voila, you are good to gorge upon those plates.

Apart from trying these college legendary dishes, if you have appetite for more, Cafe Knosh serves an amazing spread of buffet that you can lay your hands on along with this special menu

I thoroughly enjoyed this REWIND.. BACK TO UNIVERSITY concept as those are the best days of anyones life and who doesn’t want to revisit them again. SO catch hold of your friends and head straight to Leela Ambience Convention Hotel to indulge in some great food and create new memories. The festival is on till 13th August so make the most of it!



Don’t Forget The Little Details That Will Make Your Wedding Special!

There are a lot of things to think about when you’re planning a wedding. In fact, the sheer number of things that you have to think about can often be pretty overwhelming. Because of this, a lot of people, rather understandably, tend to focus on the big picture elements of their wedding. Things like the venue, the guest lists, the dress, and the rings take up huge amounts of space in their minds. However, as important as all of these things are, it’s crucial that you remember that there are more aspects to making your wedding really wonderful than just the big stuff. Here are a few smaller details that you really don’t want to forget about when planning your wedding. 


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Since your wedding is pretty likely to be one of the most important and special days of your life, it only makes sense that you’re going to want to immortalise it with some beautiful pictures. However, if you want your wedding memories to be as beautiful as the day itself, then you need to hire a really great photographer. Leaving it too late and hiring someone who isn’t very good, or simply relying on friends to take pictures for you, is just going to leave you with pictures that don’t do your perfect day the justice that it deserves.  

Seating arrangements

You’ve probably got a pretty good idea of who it is that you want to invite to your wedding. But one thing that many people forget about is where those people are actually going to sit. The seating arrangements might seem incredibly simple, but the reality is it can make a lot of difference. You don’t want to create a divide among the guests, with one side of the family separated from another, but you also need to be diplomatic about it. Not everyone is going to get along, and if you’ve got a lot of guests, there are going to be people who won’t agree with each other. The last thing you want is your big day getting disrupted by a shouting match on table five!


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The venue is one of the most important parts of any wedding, and it is often one of the very first things that people pick out. However, you need to remember that the venue is only half the battle when it comes to creating the perfect wedding atmosphere. You need to think about the decor as well. The decor that you choose will depend heavily on what kind of theme you’re going for. Do you want something homemade? Something Traditional? These kinds of questions are not only important when deciding what style you prefer but also which styles work best with the venue that you’ve chosen.

It can often be pretty tricky to keep track of all of these things, so it’s worth making a very clear plan of everything that you need to deal with well in advance of the big day. Trying to wing it is almost certainly going to leave you feeling pretty stressed out!

Trip Ideas That Everyone In The Family Will Love

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There are always squabbles during summer about where the family should go on vacation. The parents want a relaxing trip, but the kids don’t want to be bored out of their minds. Of course, there’s always the factor of money; you don’t want to spend a fortune on a short trip, and you might not be able to afford to do so anyway. Here are some ideas for trips that everyone in the family will love (and you’ll be able to afford them).

A road trip.

As talked about over at, nothing beats a road trip with the family. If there’s one way to compromise and give everybody in the family something they love on your next big trip away then think outside the box. You don’t have to settle on one destination if you can’t find one place that’s everyone’s cup of tea. Head off on a road trip and see several destinations in the space of one day. Give everybody a taste of what they want from a family vacation. It’s the perfect solution. Make sure you’re prepared in every sense. Bring plenty of food and water with you, and create a solid plan for the day (or several days) involved with your trip. If you’re seeing multiple places then you want to make sure there’s time to fit everything into your vacation.

Exploring nature.

Perhaps your family isn’t the wealthiest in the world, but that doesn’t mean you have to compromise and give up on the idea of a vacation this year. A family vacation is all about spending some time together with your loved ones and having a laugh. It might be nice to do that on a sunny beach in some distant, exotic resort, but you don’t have to go somewhere so far away and so expensive to do that.

You could have fun simply by keeping things closer to home and exploring nature in a nearby valley, national park, or trail. You could turn it into a fun camping trip, as suggested over at, with fun daytime activities involving seeing the natural sights which surround you. You don’t need to head off on a ten-mile hike; a small walk to admire the natural sights, whether that be a lake or a stunning forest, is enough to get a feel for your surroundings. Better yet, it usually costs next to nothing to hire out a camping site for a night or two.

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Head to the city.

Of course, if you’re really running out of ideas to keep everyone happy then you could go to a place wherein there’s enough to do to keep all people of all preferences happy: the city. You don’t have to spend a fortune going abroad, and you don’t have to worry about running out of things to do. You could check out some options on sites such as for cities near you that the family may never have visited before. You don’t always have to go to a different country to experience a cultural shift; vacations can be had practically on your doorstep. The world is a diverse place.


Ethical Profitability From Your Fertility

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A lot of people don’t like the idea of having kids. Some will be too caught up in their work or studies to have children in their lives. And others won’t want to have a child while they aren’t in a permanent relationship. Unfortunately, some people don’t have this choice, though, and are stuck without the chance of having kids on their own. Thankfully, there are some modern methods which can solve this problem. For those that don’t want children but have the ability to have them, some extra income can be generating if you take the right steps. There aren’t many ways that you can make money while also helping someone realise a lifelong dream.

Donation has long been one of the best ways to help in this sort of effort. Both eggs and sperm can be stored for long periods, nowadays, making it easy for donations like this to be possible. Men make a lot less from this sort of thing than women, though. If you have the ability to donate eggs, you could be compensated from $7,000 (US) each time you donate. Of course, prices will vary depending on where you are, but most will reward donations generously. Men, on the other hand, will rarely make more than $50 (US) for each donation. Though, males can donate much more often than females. Look for sperm and egg donations near me to find your closest clinic. Most cities and towns have a couple of options to choose from.

In some cases, egg or sperm donation isn’t enough, and a donor body is needed for the baby to develop. Surrogacy is becoming more and more common as it becomes easier for doctors to guarantee success. Being a surrogate mother, you can expect to be compensated for between $40,000 (US) and $52,000 (US) for your time. Along with this, all of the medical and legal fees would be covered, too. This sort of effort can be a lot harder than donating eggs, as you will form a bond with the child inside you. And, of course, this job can only be done by a female.

Like with most things, there are some definite pros and cons when it comes to these sorts of donations. To help you decide whether or not this sort of action is right for you, the section below will be going through some of these deciding factors.


  • You get to help a family in need, providing them with the missing pieces they need to complete their lives.
  • For all of your work, you will be fairly compensated. In some places, these earnings may even be tax-free.
  • As a surrogate, you will get some valuable experience before dealing with your own pregnancy.


  • A lot of surrogates feel attached to the child they help to develop, as is natural during pregnancy.
  • It will take a lot of your time to do something as grand as this, making it hard for some to justify.
  • You might have ethical conflicts when it comes to taking money for something like this. Of course, you deserve compensation, but this doesn’t make it easy for everyone.

Hopefully, this post will inspire you to start thinking about donating this personal part of your body. If you don’t plan to have children, you can use your fertility to help others without the choice. This is an incredible thing to do for someone. Of course, though, it’s worth thinking long and hard about the impact it could have on your life.

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