Tag: Planning Tips

When Health Changes The Travel Game

When people think of health in the context of travel, they tend to focus on mental health and the benefits of travelling. Indeed, in the Victorian times and until the glorious 1930s, most wealthy families tend to consider travel as a cure to common health complaints. If you were feeling tired, you just needed to spend a few weeks by the sea to feel re-invigorated again. You’ve been struggling with the flu? Plan a trip to the mountains and make the most of the fresh air available. Travel was perceived as a cure for a lot of health issues, including some more serious ones such as cancer – which, before it was properly diagnosed, was thought to be cured in the marine breeze. But, the health discoveries of the previous century have forever created a divide between travelling and healing. However, if travel doesn’t change anymore our approach to health, new health requirements are transforming our approach to travel every day.the game is risky without having knowledge of results. if you don’t know teer result quiet well then it would be not healthy.

Security check in Munich airport

Travel comfortably and within the baggage regulations

When you are sitting in a plane for hours, you need to make sure that you can travel comfortably. Unfortunately, for a lot of airline companies, comfort isn’t a priority, and you might find yourself cramped into a seat with barely any room for your legs. You can’t easily demand to be upgraded to a more comfortable seat, but you can certainly consider bringing some comfort items on board, such as a blanket and a pillow for long flights. There isn’t currently any restriction on pillows. However, you need to be careful as more and more small airline companies are trying to limit passenger to one hand luggage in the cabin. As regulations evolve rapidly, you might be forced to leave your pillow behind, unless health organisations include comfort as a primary factor.

No, you can’t take your pet, but you can keep your ESA

Unless exceptional circumstances – such as a crisis situation – you can’t take your pet with you in the cabin. Pets need to be put in the hold, and they need to be transported by freight if they are over a certain weight. However, if you have an ESA certification for your pet, aka if it’s an emotional support animal, airlines have to let you travel with your pet in cabin. However, there are certain restrictions that rely on common sense. For instance, if your ESA pet is a horse, it’s likely that the airline will refuse to take you on board as the animal will not fit the cabin space.

The 100ml rule – what does it apply to?

If you’re a frequent flyer, you know about the 100ml regulation for liquid in cabin luggage. However, there are health-related circumstances in which the rule can be broken. Indeed, baby milk can be taken on board with more than 100ml as it’s indispensable to the health and survival of your baby. Similarly, you can transport medicines of more than 100ml with a prescription from your doctor. However, you will need in both cases to present all elements to the security check station.

You can take more than 100ml baby milk

The health challenges that people face are changing the way the travel industry functions. Hopefully, in the long term, requirements such as personal space and mindful seating will also be part of new people-centred travel regulations.


Don’t Forget The Little Details That Will Make Your Wedding Special!

There are a lot of things to think about when you’re planning a wedding. In fact, the sheer number of things that you have to think about can often be pretty overwhelming. Because of this, a lot of people, rather understandably, tend to focus on the big picture elements of their wedding. Things like the venue, the guest lists, the dress, and the rings take up huge amounts of space in their minds. However, as important as all of these things are, it’s crucial that you remember that there are more aspects to making your wedding really wonderful than just the big stuff. Here are a few smaller details that you really don’t want to forget about when planning your wedding. 


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Since your wedding is pretty likely to be one of the most important and special days of your life, it only makes sense that you’re going to want to immortalise it with some beautiful pictures. However, if you want your wedding memories to be as beautiful as the day itself, then you need to hire a really great photographer. Leaving it too late and hiring someone who isn’t very good, or simply relying on friends to take pictures for you, is just going to leave you with pictures that don’t do your perfect day the justice that it deserves.  

Seating arrangements

You’ve probably got a pretty good idea of who it is that you want to invite to your wedding. But one thing that many people forget about is where those people are actually going to sit. The seating arrangements might seem incredibly simple, but the reality is it can make a lot of difference. You don’t want to create a divide among the guests, with one side of the family separated from another, but you also need to be diplomatic about it. Not everyone is going to get along, and if you’ve got a lot of guests, there are going to be people who won’t agree with each other. The last thing you want is your big day getting disrupted by a shouting match on table five!


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The venue is one of the most important parts of any wedding, and it is often one of the very first things that people pick out. However, you need to remember that the venue is only half the battle when it comes to creating the perfect wedding atmosphere. You need to think about the decor as well. The decor that you choose will depend heavily on what kind of theme you’re going for. Do you want something homemade? Something Traditional? These kinds of questions are not only important when deciding what style you prefer but also which styles work best with the venue that you’ve chosen.

It can often be pretty tricky to keep track of all of these things, so it’s worth making a very clear plan of everything that you need to deal with well in advance of the big day. Trying to wing it is almost certainly going to leave you feeling pretty stressed out!

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Goa, India