Tag: Plan Your Travel

Useful tips For Anyone Starting Hiking As A Hobby

If you have always loved being outside and have a passion for adventure, then you might be considering taking up hiking as a hobby. The fact is that hiking is a great hobby as not only is an excellent form of physical activity but it’s also an excellent way to spend more time outdoors, exploring your local area, as well as areas that are a little further afield.


Of course, like any new hobby, there’s a lot that you need to know before you head off over the hilltops to explore. So bearing that in mind, below is a guide to the ins and outs of taking up hiking as a new hobby – read on for all of the best tips and advice.


Photo from Pixabay


Learn to map read


If you can already map read, you can skip this step. If you can’t map read and don’t understand how to use a compass, you might want to take the time to learn. It’s all well and good exploring the local area with just the wind to guide you, but as you head further afield, you will need to know how to map read and use a compass to navigate across different routes.


You might be able to join a local orienteering class to learn the basics or a survival group. If there isn’t a local group for this kind of thing, you should be able to find various map reading and compass using tutorials on YouTube to follow and learn from.


Invest in the right equipment


If you are going to be hiking regularly, then you need to invest in the right equipment. The most essential item is a pair of good quality walking boots or trainers that are comfortable and designed for exercise – to learn more about this head over to biopods.com and have a browse of the designs and resources available on there.


In addition to needing footwear, you will also require a backpack, a compass, a map, a water bottle, a torch, and camping supplies for any overnight hiking trips that you might like to plan in the future. Hiking can be a lot of fun, but it’s essential that you understand the need to always be prepared, which is why investing in the right equipment is so essential.


Be safe


When it comes to hiking– or any hobby – it’s crucial that you always put your safety first. Hiking can be a great way to stay fit and get out and about more, but if you aren’t smart about the approach to hiking that you take, you could end up putting yourself in danger, which is not what you want to do.


Always ensure that you tell someone where you are going and when you should be back. If you are walking alone, share a copy of your hiking trail with a friend or relative, so that if you don’t return on time, they know where you should be. Always carry a fully charged phone with you for emergencies, so that you can contact help, should you need it.


There you have it, everything that you need to know about starting hiking as a hobby.



Exploring the Fontainhas, Goa

Fontainhas is an old Latin quarter at the Altinho foothills in Panjim. It’s one place in Goa where the Portuguese influence is still very evident, so much so that this is the only place in Goa which has Portuguese as the main spoken language.

The name ‘Fontainhas’ was derived from a natural spring, Fountain of Phoenix that sprouted in 1770 and is present to date. Fontainhas was founded in the late 18th century by a wealthy Portuguese named Antonio Joao de Sequeira. He used this land for coconut plantations. But, in the early 1800s, due to the spread of epidemic in the Old Goa, the Portuguese government headquarters was shifted to Panjim. As a result, this area was transformed into the residential area for Portuguese administrative officers and rulers. In 1984, UNESCO recognized Fontainhas as a Heritage Zone.

Narrow lanes, bright and vibrant houses, small cafes, old bakeries, art galleries and every nook and corner that tells an interesting Goan story are some of the characteristics of this amazing place. Even within the hustle bustle of Panjim city, Fontainhas has maintained its serenity and quaintness. All thanks to The Local Beat Goa, I recently enjoyed a heritage walk of mixed with lots of fun and facts about the place. After grabbing a refreshing glass of watermelon juice from the Mamaramma Cafe, just next to the St. Sebastian Chapel, we started off by driving through the uphill lanes of Altinho and the Maruti Temple became our first halt.


Coloured in bright hues of orange, a colour that represents the monkey god ‘Hanuman’, the structure of the temple is a perfect mix of modernity and ancient heritage. As I moved in, I came to know that the temple has two idols of lord Hanuman, and even without climbing up to the main temple, one can see the bigger idol through an opening in the lower floor wall. Well I bowed down my head in front of both, the main idol which is housed in a big hall looks majestic.

The prayer hall is huge and a big chandelier in the centre makes it look magnificent. There is a lot of open space around the main temple and the view from the top is breathtakingly beautiful. You can practically see the entire Fontainhas area from there and especially the spring.

We climbed  down the stairs that lead to the Fontainhas spring. It is believed that there was a tunnel from the temple till that spring, which now stands closed, and the door was sealed with a cross. The two structures that line around the spring used to provide light in that tunnel, are mosque like structures and hence this place becomes a wonderful amalgamation of 3 religions.

From there on we strolled through the lanes of Fontainhas, visiting a few art galleries, which house some of the best art that leave you awestruck. Its so interesting to see these old world charm buildings, you know the windows in some of the old houses use shells in place of glasses, as glass wasn’t available back then. And trust me they look so amazing that given a chance I would want my windows to be made of sea shells.

We also visited one of the oldest bakery, named Confeitaria 31 De Janeiro, it still uses the old stone clay oven and bakes some amazing stuff. I tried the french rolls and it really took me back in time, normally don’t get that kind of taste anymore. They were so fresh and delicious. The name 31 De Janeiro holds a significance in history, Rua 31 de Janeira (31st January Road) is named after the day when Portugal got independence from Spain on January 31, 1640

From a light drizzle to thunder shower, monsoons made the walk even more interesting and beautiful. I also learnt that the houses in Fontainhas still need to get painted after every monsoon, it was a rule laid out in the Portuguese time but is followed till date. This keeps the beauty and vibrancy of this place in tact year after year. One of the historic houses that I came across had big well in front of it, though the well is not in function now, but the serenity and peace of the place is inexplainable. You can really spend some quiet time there breathing the natural and man made beauties together.

Another place where you can sit back, relax and enjoy some great coffee and snacks is the Bombay Coffee Roasters. The front wall of this cafe is quite a popular one with photographers. The mosaic is really worth a look and the place offers calm and comfortable interiors, has wi-fi and is ideal to spend some quality time alone and get some creative work done, or simply chill out with friends.

Talking about mosaic, its not just about the wall of Bombay Coffee Roasters, but this tile art is one of the most significant characteristics of Goa and especially the Fontainhas. Azulejo is the Portuguese name for these beautifully hand painted ceramic tiles. This art originated in the 15th century and travelled to India when the Portuguese settled in Goa. Though back then these Azulejos were imported from Portugal, and there were no Goan artists to do it, the art from literally died. It was brought back by a man named Orlando De Norohna, who had a 5 year degree in commercial art from Goa college of arts. He went to Lisbon to get himself skilled with guitar and came back with Azulejos. Since then the art has been fully revived and many students took interest in learning the same. Today Goa is the only state in India where these tiles are made. Take a walk around Goa and you will see these Azulejos as a part of its landscape. From name tiles to murals, each Azulejo tells a Goan story. Azulejos De Goa in Panjim, is one of the best shops to hunt for these stunning hand crafted tiles.

Moving on, we came to one of the major landmarks of this old quarter of Goa, the St Sebastian Chapel. It was also the point from where we started and the point where we concluded our lovely heritage walk. The Chapel of St Sebastian is a popular tourist attraction in Goa, built in 1818. This chapel is dedicated to St. Sebastian.In earlier days, when people were troubled with the disease of pests and plagues, they turned for help to St Sebastian who treated them through his mediation and miraculous interventions.

This whitewashed church has a striking crucifix which originally stood in the Palace of Inquisition in Old Goa. In the crucifix Christ’s eyes are opened. It’s a rather unusual sight to witness a crucifix with Christ’s head up and eyes open, it’s believed to be so in order to instil fear of god. The god is watching those who are troublemakers and they shall be punished for their sins. The Chapel also houses a statue of the Virgin Mary, two marquetry chests and three elaborately carved screens from a church in Diu, which once formed part of the colony of Goa.

This heritage walk of Fontainhas filled me with so much information and beauty, that the memories will last a lifetime. All I could do is capture it in my camera in order to cherish and relive these moments again and again. This is one thing that you should definitely not miss when in Goa


21 Travel Tips To Make You The World’s Smart Traveler

Traveling has always remained pervasive and perpetual throughout the ages. However the ways of traveling and traveling places have changed. People like to travel a lot. Different countries have become culturally closed and that thing has assisted in fostering this newfangled taste of traveling. Tourism industry has also developed a lot and these things help socially also as we people from different places of the globe travel far and wide and social stature remains stable because of all this. So we can say traveling is a famous activity these days and every person like to be called a traveler.



Awesome Northern Lights Vacations All Over the World

To experience the mesmerizing colors of the Aurora Borealis is the dream of every traveler. It is a bold claim that Northern Norway is the best place to fulfill this very dream. Other than Norway, other places flaunting this beauty are various Scandinavian countries like Sweden, Greenland,andAlaska.

These magnificent Auroral displays occur in many colors, pale green and pink being the most common. There are many shades of red, green, yellow and blue emitting in the night sky around the poles. The light appears in many forms from scattered clouds of light to shimmering arcs and sometimes even shooting rays that light up the sky with a stunning glow.

What causes the Northern Lights?

The understanding of Northern Lights is no rocket science. It is a simple process that occurs when our planet earth revolves around the sun, there is a small fraction of solar wind that is intercepted by our planet.  Almost 98% of these solar particles are deflected by the earth’s magnetic field and are drifted downside towards the Northpole and the South pole.
The excitation of these atoms is caused when they hit the molecules present in the earth’s atmosphere. This collision creates many glowing rings of auroral nature around, known as auroral ovals. The distinctive color of light appears during the disintegration of these particles to their original state.

Best destinations to experience the Northern Lights

Experiencing the Northern Lights is a spiritually uplifting experience. Every form is different, displaying a multicolored shifting dance of nocturnal rainbows. This  ethereal sight can be witnessed from some of the most beautiful Scandinavian countries. To see the celestial moves in the night sky one has to travel north towards the Arctic.


Listed below are some of the top-notchdestinations-


The best-guaranteedexperience of the Northern lights is in Sweden. NorthernSweden is situated in a weather shadow surrounded by a mountain range providingan 80% chance of witnessing the auroral lights. The famous AbiskaNational Park situated in Swedish Lapland delivers the best experience of the Northern lights.

The stupendous mountain range prevents the orographic rains and keeps the sky almost clear and pollution free. It is no wonder that Lonely planet announced the Abiska, world’s most illuminating experiences in the world.


Being a native to Iceland has its own privileges. They are, without a doubt, most privileged ones. Northern lights here are clearly visible for eight months a year, starting from September to the end of April.

On the contrary,it is just a matter of luck to see any such aurora activity as it depends on the local weather conditions and solar activity. Iceland, therefore, is an optimal destination in order to tick seeing the Northern Lights off of your bucket list.


Canada boastssimilar experiences as Iceland since it faces longhours of darkness in winter. However, the dense cloud cover prevalent in these areas decreases the chances of aurora activity. Places like Whitehorse, Yukon in Canada is illuminated by the northern lights as a shimmering cosmic dance across the night lit sky.

Yukon is no doubt the top-notchdestinations for travelers seeking spiritual upliftment in this natural wonder of nature. There are many prime lodging options in Yukon flauntingserene viewing locations at all times.

Source- https://pixabay.com/en/skywatch-couple-love-motorcycle-3384730/

Iqaluit, Nunavut is another superb destination for blending into the cultural perspectives and witnessing northern lights. This epic destination exhibits a unique life to this region.

Athabasca Country, Alberta

Want to get a glimpse of glory? Northern Alberta is the place for you. Alberta is home to Athabasca University’s Geophysical Observatory.

It is amongst the many stations in the whole of North America studying the detailed aspects of Northern Lights.


One of the most fantabulous sights of Northern lights in the world is in Norway. Here the lights only appear at high latitudes from September to March, where the lucky stargazerscan get an opportunity to experiencethe emerald green sky to the scarlet violet sky. Various companies, like Nordic Experience and Sunvil,organize amazing activities such as the Northern Lights and dogsledding.


If you are a resident of America, you are the luckiest as there is no need tohead toEurope to experience the Northern lights. You can actually experience it without leaving the United States.It is the inland Alaskan Arctic where skies are crystal clear and thus provides one of the best spotsto witness the Northern lights and enjoy the natural cosmic light show. Northern America is the most convenient place where Americans head for their chances to see the aurora borealis.

The Northern Lights near Coldfoot is a place in Alaska and is home to the rustic Coldfoot Camp in the Brooks Mountain range. It is the prime Northern Lights observing location in the Alaskan Arctic.

Source- https://pixabay.com/en/aurora-borealis-alaska-space-1181004/


Northern Lights near Barrow

This beautiful town is located on the extreme  northern edge of Alaska which organizes tours and outdoor adventures connected to the native culture providing a vast open area to drown in the feel of Northern lights.

Why do we see the blend of different colors?

The most common color observed in Northern Lights is green. It is due to the collision of the solar wind with millions of oxygen atoms which, when decay fall back to the original state, while emitting the green hue in the night sky.The reason for the red color seen in the northern lights is also caused by oxygen atoms.

The red color is always present, the reason for its intermittent appearance is that the human eyes are five times less sensitive to red light than green. The beautiful swirl of purple tinge is due tothe fact that the earth’s atmosphere is made up of nitrogen.

Source- https://pixabay.com/en/northern-lights-aurora-borealis-984120/Myths associated with Northern Lights


To witness the real beauty of our planet, we need to travel often and experience the richness of diversity in terms of culture, ecology, food and the natural events that occur on this planet.

Author’s Bio:

Yogi and Suchna believe in taking the road less travelled and stumbling upon some hidden gems along the way! For over a decade, they’ve mapped their way across various continents, sniffed out unusual routes, discovered new flavours and stayed at quirky hostels. TheVillaEscape is their expression of soul travel. To check Iceland Trip From Indiayou can catch up with them at TheVillaEscape.



When Health Changes The Travel Game

When people think of health in the context of travel, they tend to focus on mental health and the benefits of travelling. Indeed, in the Victorian times and until the glorious 1930s, most wealthy families tend to consider travel as a cure to common health complaints. If you were feeling tired, you just needed to spend a few weeks by the sea to feel re-invigorated again. You’ve been struggling with the flu? Plan a trip to the mountains and make the most of the fresh air available. Travel was perceived as a cure for a lot of health issues, including some more serious ones such as cancer – which, before it was properly diagnosed, was thought to be cured in the marine breeze. But, the health discoveries of the previous century have forever created a divide between travelling and healing. However, if travel doesn’t change anymore our approach to health, new health requirements are transforming our approach to travel every day.the game is risky without having knowledge of results. if you don’t know teer result quiet well then it would be not healthy.

Security check in Munich airport

Travel comfortably and within the baggage regulations

When you are sitting in a plane for hours, you need to make sure that you can travel comfortably. Unfortunately, for a lot of airline companies, comfort isn’t a priority, and you might find yourself cramped into a seat with barely any room for your legs. You can’t easily demand to be upgraded to a more comfortable seat, but you can certainly consider bringing some comfort items on board, such as a blanket and a pillow for long flights. There isn’t currently any restriction on pillows. However, you need to be careful as more and more small airline companies are trying to limit passenger to one hand luggage in the cabin. As regulations evolve rapidly, you might be forced to leave your pillow behind, unless health organisations include comfort as a primary factor.

No, you can’t take your pet, but you can keep your ESA

Unless exceptional circumstances – such as a crisis situation – you can’t take your pet with you in the cabin. Pets need to be put in the hold, and they need to be transported by freight if they are over a certain weight. However, if you have an ESA certification for your pet, aka if it’s an emotional support animal, airlines have to let you travel with your pet in cabin. However, there are certain restrictions that rely on common sense. For instance, if your ESA pet is a horse, it’s likely that the airline will refuse to take you on board as the animal will not fit the cabin space.

The 100ml rule – what does it apply to?

If you’re a frequent flyer, you know about the 100ml regulation for liquid in cabin luggage. However, there are health-related circumstances in which the rule can be broken. Indeed, baby milk can be taken on board with more than 100ml as it’s indispensable to the health and survival of your baby. Similarly, you can transport medicines of more than 100ml with a prescription from your doctor. However, you will need in both cases to present all elements to the security check station.

You can take more than 100ml baby milk

The health challenges that people face are changing the way the travel industry functions. Hopefully, in the long term, requirements such as personal space and mindful seating will also be part of new people-centred travel regulations.


Explore Texas Hill Country’s Beautiful Teravista Golf Course

If you are traveling and hoping to visit one of the beautiful golf courses near Austin TX, you might want to discover Teravista, in the heart of the Texas Hill Country in Round Rock. Views from the course cover a span of 50 miles, adding to the enjoyment of the game.

Designed by Clifton-Ezell-Clifton, the course has been awarded the distinction of ‘Beginner Friendly Course’ by the National Golf Course Owners Association; it is a great course for playing with the whole family as you travel Texas. Avid golfers as well as newcomers are all welcome here.

Water hazards, sand traps and unique fairways will be challenging and make your game exciting and memorable. There is the proximity to water on 14 holes, and 60 to 70 bunkers are in the layout. Hole #17 is the no. 1 handicap, with its 443 yards. Greens and fairways are composed of Bermuda Grass. Because there is often a long walk between holes, golf carts are recommended at this course. Tournaments are held here, and wedding and events take place at special times.

As an 18-hole championship course, Teravista offers rolling terrain and challenges for all levels and ages of golfers. It has a 7,200-yard layout with five different tee sets. With its location in the Austin area, this course is known for its great conditions.


Two greenside and fairway bunkers, chipping green and double-sided range are part of the experience. A 22,000 sq ft practice green is the largest in the Austin area. Visitors can get ready for their game, while hoping to achieve a great score.

Additionally, lessons are available at the J.L. Lewis Golf Academy on the premises. Seasoned players as well as newbies are taught by J.L., an author and two-time champion of the PGA Tour, winning the 1999 John Deere Classic and the 2004 84 Lumber Classic of Pennsyvannia. He offers world-class instruction for golfers of all abilities and ages and enjoys teaching amateurs to strive for their best.

Pro Shop

One can find the popular brands, such as Nike, Titleist, Under Amour, Foot-Joy and more in the well stocked shop. They have an large assortment of products, from balls to gloves.


You can enjoy breakfast and lunch right on the premises from 9:30 to 3 p.m. at the Caldwell Cafe. It is open to the public, seven days a week.


Travelers can book an online tee-time and can receive a discount if booked the same day at the right time. Advance booking is also possible with a choice of number of holes, players and price range.

With a four-star rating on Golf Advisor, players have commented on how well the greens were kept as well as the fairways. Its well-maintained conditions and course layout make it an excellent choice for those looking for 18-hole games at the best courses near Austin TX.

Teravista Golf Course has a facebook presence with Teravista Golf Club, so visitors can learn of special events or family activities.


9 Travel Experiences To Add To Your List

The time has come for vacation again. You are making your list of all the places you would like to go and visit. There are certain things that you would like to experience and you have added them to your list. Here are a few unique experiences to make sure are on that bucket list of travel.

Swing over the end of the world

That’s right. There is a place that’s nicknamed “the end of the world.” In the town of Banow, Ecuador there is a station that’s held over Mount Tungurahua. It is a crater to an active volcano. Visitors can enjoy themselves with the sight as they swing over the crater.

Go back in time

There are many places in the world that show historical significance. The site of Machu Picchu is one of those places. It is a place that draws not only history buffs but hikers as well. The massive citadel was built hundreds of years ago in the Andes Mountains. It is a place where many hikers travel to not only for the sites but the tedious climb and challenges it offers. The beautiful views at the top are worth every step.

Wildlife at its best

There is nothing more spectacular than seeing wildlife up close and personal. The best experiences found are throughout Africa on a Safari. There are many places that offer tours and guides to take a safari. In today’s time tourists in Africa have the opportunity to travel many ways. They can take a safari on foot, jeep or even horseback to visit the beauty found only in Africa.

Healing in Iceland

The Blue Lagoon is a place that’s found in Iceland. It is a man made spa that features a huge lagoon filled with beautiful blue sea water. The heated water is naturally infused with algae and minerals. Because of this many say that the lagoon has many healing powers as well.

The lovely thermal waters of Iceland’s understandably famous Blue Lagoon. Paradise.

Ski on live rock

Many of us have made that family trip to the ski lodge. Days spent out snowboarding in the snow and nights by the roaring fireplace. There is a place in Nicaragua but that you can do some boarding. It isn’t in snow though. Instead, you will find an active volcano called Cerro Negro. In the city of Leon, tourists can take sled rides or snowboard down the huge slope of the mountain at 2388 feet. It is a once in a lifetime treat for all those who want the joy of snowboarding without the cold.

Swim with the Fishes

The Australian coast is home to the largest barrier reef in the world. It is beautiful and has over 1600 miles of beautiful coral gardens and sea-life. A sight that is not found anywhere else. It attracts both novice and experienced scuba divers year round.

Take a Gondola

The beautiful town of Venice, Italy is home to narrow streets and canals. At every corner, there are small cafes and shops that you will want to see. The best experience is to travel as many tourists do. Take a gondola ride during the day for some shopping or have a romantic night on the water as well.

See the lights

This is one sight that you will not want to miss. The Northern Borealis is one of the most remarkable sights to see. There are many places to see them from Alaska to Canada, Norway, and Sweden.

Walk the great wall

The building of the great wall of China began in the 7th century BC. It is one of the largest and oldest structures in the world. Its defense and magnificent structure made from lime, tiles, and stone. It’s definitely a trek that is worth the time.

Throughout history, there have been many places built or formed to include on the list. Many places aren’t listed here. Some are the castles in Germany, the vineyards in Italy, the Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls and more. They are all great destinations every traveler should experience at least once.


Dr. Summit Shah is a renowned doctor in the Columbus, Ohio area. He is known for his center Premier Allergy that was founded in 2011. Other than helping patients he is an avid adventurer and scuba diver and loves to travel around the world experiencing all it has to offer.

The Idiots’ Guide To Travel Comfort

Sick of getting to your destination, whether it’s for work or business, with a cramp in your back, tired out, and in need of a good rest? Well, you are not alone! In fact, millions of people travel in uncomfortable conditions every day, but there are some improvements you can make to your journey to avoid this. Read on to find out what they are.



Picture here

Depending on your mode of transport seating can be an issue. You may not be able to get a seat, the space may be too small and cramped, or it may not be as comfortable as you’d like.

To deal with the first issue, it can help to arrive for your journey early. Something that will allow you to be at the front of the line and giving you a better chance of getting a seat.


Image here


To deal with uncomfortable seating, you have the option of upgrading the section you are sitting in. Although this will often cost extra. You can also take your own travel pillow and blanket to make things comfier. You earn even now get scarves with a structure in that will support your head while keeping you warm. They don’t even take up too much room in your luggage either, making them a great way to stay comfy no matter how long your journey.



Privacy is a major comfort issue on public transport. Passengers tend to be packed in as close as possible because it allows providers to transport more people and make a better profit. Many folks like to plug in their earphones to deal with this as this can help them feel less overwhelmed by the number and close proximity of people.

Of course, some folks avoid this problem altogether by using private transport. This could take the form of driving your own vehicle or even go so far as to charter a private boat or plane when the situation requires. Something you may think of as prohibitively expensive but before you write it off, learn more about the massive discounts available by clicking the link. After all, why be uncomfortable if options like this are within your price range?

Image here




Controlling your temperature and temperature of the environment around you is something that is hugely difficult on public transport and can lead to you feeling uncomfortable. You really are limited to changing the clothes you are wearing and taking along a cold or warm drink. Although fans and gel hand heaters can also be used.


With private transport, you have a lot more freedom over this. This is because as can use the client control to increase or decrease the temperature as you see fit. Something that can make your journey a lot more comfortable.


Lastly, making a journey can be boring, especially if it’s one that you repeatedly do. That is why many people ensure they have some form of entertainment while they are travelling to keep them comfortable and alert.

When on public transport you are limited to entertainments that you can access via your earphones, so you don’t impinge on anyone else. Although, now with smartphones, this can be anything from popular TV box sets to mobile games.

When travelling on private transport, you have more of an option as you can play things out loud to everyone in the space. Many cars also come with infotainment centres now, that integrate your travel information needs with music, and audiobooks to keep you entertained on-route. Something that can definitely help a long journey go quicker and be a lot more comfortable for the traveller.






Leela Ambience Convention Hotel, Delhi- luxury and food experience at its best!

I am a sucker for luxury and a five star hotel is one of the best ways to indulge in some luxury, leisure and one is lucky enough if the hotel also offers some great food. I recently stayed at the Leela Ambience Convention Hotel, Delhi and I can easily say, that it gave me a perfectly balanced experience of everything. The comfortable stay in a spacious room, culinary delights at Dilli 32 and Cafe Knosh and immense hospitality throughout. Read the full story here

The culinary experience at Dilli 32 was indeed a special one, as the restaurant was running a food festival, Dining with the Maharajas, serving the royal food from Mahmoodabad. Read my complete post here 

I had a very pleasant and fulfilling experience at the Leela Ambience Convention Hotel and I look forward to a visit again soon and also recommend the place to all my readers, I am sure you too will love it.

Foods That Can Make You Sick When You Travel Abroad

We are well aware that we should not drink tap water, eat under-cooked meat or consume unpasteurized dairy to avoid an unpleasant time at the bathroom. It is also safer to be vegetarian when traveling because bacteria thrive well in meat. Unfortunately, there are some foods that might seem safe but can actually ruin your vacation if you’re not careful enough. Here are some foods you should avoid while you are abroad.

  1. Strawberries and lettuce

Experts suggest that travelers should stay away from fruits and vegetables that are grown on the ground and are hard to clean. There may be bad bacteria and other microorganisms in the soil that won’t easily come off with water. If you’re going to a place where there is quite a lot of pollution, stick to fruits that have an outer skin such as mangoes, bananas, rambutan and other tropical fruits.

  1. Fried rice

Fried rice is cooked with bits of meat. The meat may be left hanging around before it is flash-fried with the rice. There is a risk that the meat is not cooked thoroughly even if it looks fine. Hot broth is more preferred as a staple food. It’s safer, and it will refresh you by giving you energy and hydrating you at the same time.

  1. Ice cream

Ice cream may bring you happiness during your darkest days, but it actually poses a lot of risk. It is frozen, melts a little, then refrozen again. This process encourages the reproduction of bacteria. Fruit sorbet is a safer choice. It is acidic so bacteria can’t survive in it.

  1. Sauce

The problem is that you are not sure what’s in the sauce. It could have been prepared with dirty water or uncooked foods such as raw eggs or fresh herbs. This type of ingredient always spells trouble. If you need to eat sauce, check that it was cooked thoroughly and is still hot.

  1. Liquors and craft brews

You might want to taste homemade alcoholic beverages to capture the essence of foreign lands. However, these drinks may have been prepared and stored in unsanitary conditions. Make sure that you know how much alcohol is in the drink. Consuming higher levels than what you are used to can make you seriously ill.

  1. Restaurant food

Avoid empty restaurants if you’re in a country that offers a lot of street food like Thailand. It is best to stick to street meat from food stalls. In this way you are sure how and where your food was prepared. Pick the stalls where a lot of people are lining up.

  1. Soda

You can actually drink soda, but only if it is in a bottle or sealed can. Fountain soda is a big no-no. This usually uses tap water or something that has not been filtered properly. Brushing your teeth with non-bottled water can cause intense pain, so drinking it will be more dangerous.

You can’t really be sure with the food you eat while you’re abroad, so it is best to plan ahead. Exercise, eat a lot of nutritious food and sleep well to boost your immune system. Take a probiotic to line your stomach with friendly bacteria. Safe travels, explorer!


Author Bio Section:

Claire works in marketing team at Brillopak, a premium quality, small footprint robotic packing and palletising machine manufactures in United Kingdom. In a former life, Claire worked as a content specialist and she loves writing, reading & cooking.

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Goa, India