Tag: Travel Planner

4 Amazing Beach Destinations In America

America is one of the most diverse countries in the world, with so many great cities to visit. But it’s also a great beach holiday destination. People often overlook the States when they’re trying to find somewhere sunny to get away from it all, but that’s a shame when you’ve got so many good options. If you’re fed up of the same old beach destinations year in, year out, these are some of the best that America has to offer.

Miami Beach



Miami is probably the best known beach destination in the US, famous for its white sands, clear waters and vibrant nightlife. It’s one of the best party destinations in the world, filled with great restaurants and bars to relax in after a day on the beach. The Marriott Vacation Club Pulse, South Beach is one of the best places to stay, offering luxury accommodation right at the heart of the bustling South Beach area of Miami. You’re just a stone’s throw away from all of the best attractions and everything that you need is in a relatively small area so there’s no need to spend half of your trip traveling around the area.

Waikiki Beach


Miami is great for a fun filled party vacation but if you’re looking to just get away from it all and soak up some sun, it might be a little hectic for you. If that’s the case, Waikiki Beach in Hawaii is probably a much better fit for you. It’s also a more suitable destination for family trips. It’s one of the best surfing destinations in the world but if that’s not your thing, you can just enjoy the relaxed atmosphere on the island while you sip cocktails on the beach. The airport is right near the beach so getting there is a breeze.



When people think of Texas, most of their information comes from TV and movies. They’re probably picturing dusty towns filled with cowboy hats and thick accents. They’re certainly not picturing an amazing beach destination, but that’s exactly what you’ll find if you head to Galveston. This relaxed beach town is well known for its great seafood and brilliant wildlife attractions. Down the Strand, the main strip, you’ll find the Moody Gardens. A great wildlife centre with everything from monkeys to marine life. The laid back atmosphere is a far cry from the uptight conservative attitude that people tend to associate with Texas, so it’s perfect for a relaxing beach getaway.

Coney Island


It’s easy to forget that there is a great beach right near New York, but Coney Island attracts millions of visitors every year. People flock from the big apple to enjoy the great amusement park that the beach is famous for, as well as soak up the sun. It gets pretty busy on public holidays but all of the attractions are open all year round so it’s still worth going during the quieter periods as well. It’s only a short train ride from New York so you can do both in one trip.

Next time you’re planning a beach holiday, don’t forget about all of the great destinations that America has to offer.



The Idiots’ Guide To Travel Comfort

Sick of getting to your destination, whether it’s for work or business, with a cramp in your back, tired out, and in need of a good rest? Well, you are not alone! In fact, millions of people travel in uncomfortable conditions every day, but there are some improvements you can make to your journey to avoid this. Read on to find out what they are.



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Depending on your mode of transport seating can be an issue. You may not be able to get a seat, the space may be too small and cramped, or it may not be as comfortable as you’d like.

To deal with the first issue, it can help to arrive for your journey early. Something that will allow you to be at the front of the line and giving you a better chance of getting a seat.


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To deal with uncomfortable seating, you have the option of upgrading the section you are sitting in. Although this will often cost extra. You can also take your own travel pillow and blanket to make things comfier. You earn even now get scarves with a structure in that will support your head while keeping you warm. They don’t even take up too much room in your luggage either, making them a great way to stay comfy no matter how long your journey.



Privacy is a major comfort issue on public transport. Passengers tend to be packed in as close as possible because it allows providers to transport more people and make a better profit. Many folks like to plug in their earphones to deal with this as this can help them feel less overwhelmed by the number and close proximity of people.

Of course, some folks avoid this problem altogether by using private transport. This could take the form of driving your own vehicle or even go so far as to charter a private boat or plane when the situation requires. Something you may think of as prohibitively expensive but before you write it off, learn more about the massive discounts available by clicking the link. After all, why be uncomfortable if options like this are within your price range?

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Controlling your temperature and temperature of the environment around you is something that is hugely difficult on public transport and can lead to you feeling uncomfortable. You really are limited to changing the clothes you are wearing and taking along a cold or warm drink. Although fans and gel hand heaters can also be used.


With private transport, you have a lot more freedom over this. This is because as can use the client control to increase or decrease the temperature as you see fit. Something that can make your journey a lot more comfortable.


Lastly, making a journey can be boring, especially if it’s one that you repeatedly do. That is why many people ensure they have some form of entertainment while they are travelling to keep them comfortable and alert.

When on public transport you are limited to entertainments that you can access via your earphones, so you don’t impinge on anyone else. Although, now with smartphones, this can be anything from popular TV box sets to mobile games.

When travelling on private transport, you have more of an option as you can play things out loud to everyone in the space. Many cars also come with infotainment centres now, that integrate your travel information needs with music, and audiobooks to keep you entertained on-route. Something that can definitely help a long journey go quicker and be a lot more comfortable for the traveller.






Foods That Can Make You Sick When You Travel Abroad

We are well aware that we should not drink tap water, eat under-cooked meat or consume unpasteurized dairy to avoid an unpleasant time at the bathroom. It is also safer to be vegetarian when traveling because bacteria thrive well in meat. Unfortunately, there are some foods that might seem safe but can actually ruin your vacation if you’re not careful enough. Here are some foods you should avoid while you are abroad.

  1. Strawberries and lettuce

Experts suggest that travelers should stay away from fruits and vegetables that are grown on the ground and are hard to clean. There may be bad bacteria and other microorganisms in the soil that won’t easily come off with water. If you’re going to a place where there is quite a lot of pollution, stick to fruits that have an outer skin such as mangoes, bananas, rambutan and other tropical fruits.

  1. Fried rice

Fried rice is cooked with bits of meat. The meat may be left hanging around before it is flash-fried with the rice. There is a risk that the meat is not cooked thoroughly even if it looks fine. Hot broth is more preferred as a staple food. It’s safer, and it will refresh you by giving you energy and hydrating you at the same time.

  1. Ice cream

Ice cream may bring you happiness during your darkest days, but it actually poses a lot of risk. It is frozen, melts a little, then refrozen again. This process encourages the reproduction of bacteria. Fruit sorbet is a safer choice. It is acidic so bacteria can’t survive in it.

  1. Sauce

The problem is that you are not sure what’s in the sauce. It could have been prepared with dirty water or uncooked foods such as raw eggs or fresh herbs. This type of ingredient always spells trouble. If you need to eat sauce, check that it was cooked thoroughly and is still hot.

  1. Liquors and craft brews

You might want to taste homemade alcoholic beverages to capture the essence of foreign lands. However, these drinks may have been prepared and stored in unsanitary conditions. Make sure that you know how much alcohol is in the drink. Consuming higher levels than what you are used to can make you seriously ill.

  1. Restaurant food

Avoid empty restaurants if you’re in a country that offers a lot of street food like Thailand. It is best to stick to street meat from food stalls. In this way you are sure how and where your food was prepared. Pick the stalls where a lot of people are lining up.

  1. Soda

You can actually drink soda, but only if it is in a bottle or sealed can. Fountain soda is a big no-no. This usually uses tap water or something that has not been filtered properly. Brushing your teeth with non-bottled water can cause intense pain, so drinking it will be more dangerous.

You can’t really be sure with the food you eat while you’re abroad, so it is best to plan ahead. Exercise, eat a lot of nutritious food and sleep well to boost your immune system. Take a probiotic to line your stomach with friendly bacteria. Safe travels, explorer!


Author Bio Section:

Claire works in marketing team at Brillopak, a premium quality, small footprint robotic packing and palletising machine manufactures in United Kingdom. In a former life, Claire worked as a content specialist and she loves writing, reading & cooking.

The Ultimate Checklist To Get More From Your First Hiking Holiday

Modern vacations are evolving, and most people now find that sitting on the beach for a fortnight simply doesn’t tick all the boxes. Exploration is now an integral aspect of any great trip, which is why hiking holidays are an increasingly popular solution. Before taking your first, though, it’s imperative that the right preparations are in place.

Here are six key points of focus that will ensure you choose the right pathway.


Destination | First and foremost, your hike should reward you with a spectacular scene at the finish. Machu Picchu has become one of the hottest attractions as it merges natural beauty with ancient and unique architecture. You can learn more about tours at http://gadventures.com/destinations/south-america/machu-picchu/. Once you’ve seen it for yourself, you’ll be ecstatic that you chose this instead of a beach deal.

Company | Booking with the right operator ensures that you get to experience the best that a place has to offer. However, you also need to consider the party that you travel with. While the rewards make it all worthwhile, there’s no doubt that hiking can be emotionally testing. Travel with friends that are likely to drain the enthusiasm, and it will take its toll on your fun.

Attire | When you dedicate a few days to hiking, it’s imperative that you are made to feel comfortable. The right footwear should be top of the agenda as it will make a telling difference to your trip. Likewise, the best backpack and suitable campaign essentials can remove a lot of stress. In turn, that’ll allow you to enjoy the great outdoors to its full potential.


Camera | Depending on where you travel, you might not be able to get online during your stay. This is why laptops are redundant. Still, a camera and rechargeable battery allows you to document your adventures to ensure those memories last a lifetime. You can find the best ones at http:/\switchbacktravel.com/best-cameras-hiking-backpacking. Once you return home, those snaps can be turned into artwork for the home. Perfect.

Journey | The last thing you need is to feel uncomfortable before you’ve even reached the destination. You might have to choose coach, but flying directly to the nearest airport is essential. Meanwhile, you should avoid public transportation for the onward trip. Aside from the direct benefits, it removes the stress of knowing you have a nightmare return leg to come.

Injections | Hiking is an incredibly enjoyable task, but you are likely to choose places where dangers could be lurking. Given that nothing is more important than your health, it’s vital that you take action by getting the right jabs and medications. A little online research should tell you what’s needed. It doesn’t hurt to have medical insurance in place too. Still, prevention is always better.

With the right precautions, there’s no doubt that hiking trips can be the most rewarding. Aside from all the traditional joys, you gain that sense of self-satisfaction too. Frankly, there’s never been a better time to book your adventure.




Ultimate Guide to The Best Travel Backpack of 2017 by Travel Meets Happy

I recently stumbled upon this interesting blog post Ultimate Guide to The Best Travel Backpack of 2017 and thought of sharing it with you all lovely readers of mine

How to Buy Your First Travel Backpack:

To make it easier for you, whether you’re buying your first backpack, or you are an experienced traveler, we’ve made a list of our top recommendations for backpacks that are available on the world wide web! We’ve also made our own pros and cons list so that you can decide for yourself what is important to you, based on comfort, cost, color, extra features, and everything else that you can think of!

We’d hate to see you end up buying your plane ticket for your first, second, or even tenth adventure and find yourself both looking and feeling like an inexperienced traveler. Travelers, for either pleasure and business, who are obviously inexperienced with international and other long-distance travel can become targets for pick-pocketers and other petty theft. We hope that we can help you to avoid that situation, and save you some trouble when it comes to locating your luggage on the conveyer belt at the baggage claim! Skip the baggage claim altogether with a backpack that meets carry-on requirements, and makes traveling easier and more fun!

Read the full post here

As I surfed more on the blog, I just fell in love with the content and this surely is one blog one shouldn’t miss. Really commendable work by Colleen. Do subscribe and follow her blog and I am sure you will enjoy the read

Travel Meets Happy

A blog on location independence, backpack, and travel reviews. Because the experience is worth the adventure.

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