Category: Guest Post

Types Of Coffee, Coffee Roast And Types Of Grinding

The jacu coffee, first produced by a farm in Espírito Santo. The jaguar, who has nothing, is a big bird that loves coffee. Most coffee growers see it like a plague. But like the civet, the jacu understands to select the best grains, and also leaves a “present” in his excrement. Today, a pot of 250 grams of roasted coffee beans can be found for 150 reais.

What is the Right Time to Visit an Orthodontist?


An orthodontist uses tools similar to ones that your dentist would, such as braces, Invisalign, and retainers. However, orthodontics can help bring your teeth into physical alignment with the jaw. Getting them in the right alignment can affect how well you can chew, sleep, or talk. More importantly, if you want a perfect smile for yourself or someone you care about, you should have the number of a skilled and capable orthodontist on your phone!

Keep in mind though that only knowing a good orthodontist won’t be enough for the sake of your dental health. It is equally important to know the right time to visit them. Below we have gathered the recommendations from dentists for guidance:

Dentist Recommendation for Children

You should consider visiting an orthodontic clinic if your kid is experiencing any of the following problems:

  1. They have crowded or misplaced teeth or ones that protrude
  2. You have often caught them clenching/grinding their teeth
  3. The teeth enamel is in a bad condition
  4. Your kids suck their thumb or fingers or used to do so
  5. Biting, chewing, and/or speaking is problematic for your child
  6. They are missing some teeth
  7. Your child is losing their baby teeth earlier or later than they should
  8. They have an overbite, which means they end up biting their cheek or mouth palate. Not treating an overbite could result in other dental issues.


Benefits of early treatment

It is best to have your children visit the orthodontist as early as possible. There are many advantages to early treatment or as it is known as phase one. For instance, if their teeth are growing in a crowded manner, a skilled orthodontist could create space in your child’s mouth. When the remaining adult teeth come in, there would be ample space for them to grow.

Similarly, crooked teeth or an overbite may lead to low self-confidence children and young adults. The emotional trauma associated with poorly positioned teeth can be prevented with timely application of orthodontics. Early treatment could also reduce or prevent physical trauma associated with orthodontics later in life. Moreover, misaligned teeth could prevent your kid from brushing properly and affect their dental health. Finally, improperly positioned teeth are at a higher risk of injury on the playground. Keep your child safe from such an injury by getting them treated at the earliest.

If they are suffering from any of the problems mentioned above, then the orthodontist will follow phase one with further treatment, but only when your child is old enough.

Even though timely treatment is important, you might be wondering what that means regarding your child’s age. There is no right age for receiving orthodontic treatment. That applies to children, young adults, as well as adults. It is always better to visit an orthodontist and get a better idea about the timing of the treatment.


Dentist Recommendation for Adults

Think you are too old for braces? Chances are that you aren’t! The right time for adults or young adults to visit an orthodontist is once their teeth have been set. Since we regularly use our teeth, they can face wear and tear. Some areas of special wear though arise from incorrect teeth alignment. If that is the case with you, go see your dentist. They could recommend the orthodontic treatment you’d need.

The action you can take

The good thing about seeing an orthodontist is that you can do so whenever you feel the need. That’s because there isn’t a need for a referral. One problem solved, but other things might concern you. Only visit or let your child visit an orthodontist they are comfortable with. Look for a professional who will take the time to listen to your concerns and have satisfactory answers to them.

After you have found the right orthodontist for you – or your family – make an appointment to see them. During an initial appointment, you will receive a full examination and a discussion of any problems that might be present. Besides that, the orthodontist will also give you an estimate of the cost of the procedure that is best for your condition. Finally, they will also let you know how long it will take for the treatment to be completed.

If you’ve already started searching for Orthodontics Near Me, you know where to come for high-quality dental treatment. On the other hand, if you are still thinking about getting it, don’t waste time thinking about whether this is the right time to do so or not. When it comes to orthodontics, the answer to that question is whenever you are having alignment issues. Go visit your orthodontist if the quality of your bite could use some improvement as well. An orthodontist has the right skills and training for treating such issues. So, why not take advantage of their expert opinion?

Author Bio:

Evie Harrison is a blogger by choice.  She loves to discover the world around her. She likes to share her discoveries, experiences and express herself through her blogs. Find her on Twitter:@iamevieharrison


9 Travel Experiences To Add To Your List

The time has come for vacation again. You are making your list of all the places you would like to go and visit. There are certain things that you would like to experience and you have added them to your list. Here are a few unique experiences to make sure are on that bucket list of travel.

Swing over the end of the world

That’s right. There is a place that’s nicknamed “the end of the world.” In the town of Banow, Ecuador there is a station that’s held over Mount Tungurahua. It is a crater to an active volcano. Visitors can enjoy themselves with the sight as they swing over the crater.

Go back in time

There are many places in the world that show historical significance. The site of Machu Picchu is one of those places. It is a place that draws not only history buffs but hikers as well. The massive citadel was built hundreds of years ago in the Andes Mountains. It is a place where many hikers travel to not only for the sites but the tedious climb and challenges it offers. The beautiful views at the top are worth every step.

Wildlife at its best

There is nothing more spectacular than seeing wildlife up close and personal. The best experiences found are throughout Africa on a Safari. There are many places that offer tours and guides to take a safari. In today’s time tourists in Africa have the opportunity to travel many ways. They can take a safari on foot, jeep or even horseback to visit the beauty found only in Africa.

Healing in Iceland

The Blue Lagoon is a place that’s found in Iceland. It is a man made spa that features a huge lagoon filled with beautiful blue sea water. The heated water is naturally infused with algae and minerals. Because of this many say that the lagoon has many healing powers as well.

The lovely thermal waters of Iceland’s understandably famous Blue Lagoon. Paradise.

Ski on live rock

Many of us have made that family trip to the ski lodge. Days spent out snowboarding in the snow and nights by the roaring fireplace. There is a place in Nicaragua but that you can do some boarding. It isn’t in snow though. Instead, you will find an active volcano called Cerro Negro. In the city of Leon, tourists can take sled rides or snowboard down the huge slope of the mountain at 2388 feet. It is a once in a lifetime treat for all those who want the joy of snowboarding without the cold.

Swim with the Fishes

The Australian coast is home to the largest barrier reef in the world. It is beautiful and has over 1600 miles of beautiful coral gardens and sea-life. A sight that is not found anywhere else. It attracts both novice and experienced scuba divers year round.

Take a Gondola

The beautiful town of Venice, Italy is home to narrow streets and canals. At every corner, there are small cafes and shops that you will want to see. The best experience is to travel as many tourists do. Take a gondola ride during the day for some shopping or have a romantic night on the water as well.

See the lights

This is one sight that you will not want to miss. The Northern Borealis is one of the most remarkable sights to see. There are many places to see them from Alaska to Canada, Norway, and Sweden.

Walk the great wall

The building of the great wall of China began in the 7th century BC. It is one of the largest and oldest structures in the world. Its defense and magnificent structure made from lime, tiles, and stone. It’s definitely a trek that is worth the time.

Throughout history, there have been many places built or formed to include on the list. Many places aren’t listed here. Some are the castles in Germany, the vineyards in Italy, the Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls and more. They are all great destinations every traveler should experience at least once.


Dr. Summit Shah is a renowned doctor in the Columbus, Ohio area. He is known for his center Premier Allergy that was founded in 2011. Other than helping patients he is an avid adventurer and scuba diver and loves to travel around the world experiencing all it has to offer.

Foods That Can Make You Sick When You Travel Abroad

We are well aware that we should not drink tap water, eat under-cooked meat or consume unpasteurized dairy to avoid an unpleasant time at the bathroom. It is also safer to be vegetarian when traveling because bacteria thrive well in meat. Unfortunately, there are some foods that might seem safe but can actually ruin your vacation if you’re not careful enough. Here are some foods you should avoid while you are abroad.

  1. Strawberries and lettuce

Experts suggest that travelers should stay away from fruits and vegetables that are grown on the ground and are hard to clean. There may be bad bacteria and other microorganisms in the soil that won’t easily come off with water. If you’re going to a place where there is quite a lot of pollution, stick to fruits that have an outer skin such as mangoes, bananas, rambutan and other tropical fruits.

  1. Fried rice

Fried rice is cooked with bits of meat. The meat may be left hanging around before it is flash-fried with the rice. There is a risk that the meat is not cooked thoroughly even if it looks fine. Hot broth is more preferred as a staple food. It’s safer, and it will refresh you by giving you energy and hydrating you at the same time.

  1. Ice cream

Ice cream may bring you happiness during your darkest days, but it actually poses a lot of risk. It is frozen, melts a little, then refrozen again. This process encourages the reproduction of bacteria. Fruit sorbet is a safer choice. It is acidic so bacteria can’t survive in it.

  1. Sauce

The problem is that you are not sure what’s in the sauce. It could have been prepared with dirty water or uncooked foods such as raw eggs or fresh herbs. This type of ingredient always spells trouble. If you need to eat sauce, check that it was cooked thoroughly and is still hot.

  1. Liquors and craft brews

You might want to taste homemade alcoholic beverages to capture the essence of foreign lands. However, these drinks may have been prepared and stored in unsanitary conditions. Make sure that you know how much alcohol is in the drink. Consuming higher levels than what you are used to can make you seriously ill.

  1. Restaurant food

Avoid empty restaurants if you’re in a country that offers a lot of street food like Thailand. It is best to stick to street meat from food stalls. In this way you are sure how and where your food was prepared. Pick the stalls where a lot of people are lining up.

  1. Soda

You can actually drink soda, but only if it is in a bottle or sealed can. Fountain soda is a big no-no. This usually uses tap water or something that has not been filtered properly. Brushing your teeth with non-bottled water can cause intense pain, so drinking it will be more dangerous.

You can’t really be sure with the food you eat while you’re abroad, so it is best to plan ahead. Exercise, eat a lot of nutritious food and sleep well to boost your immune system. Take a probiotic to line your stomach with friendly bacteria. Safe travels, explorer!


Author Bio Section:

Claire works in marketing team at Brillopak, a premium quality, small footprint robotic packing and palletising machine manufactures in United Kingdom. In a former life, Claire worked as a content specialist and she loves writing, reading & cooking.

How to Travel the World’s Best Places on a Low Budget and Make Money While Traveling – It Is Possible!


Most of us want to travel the world, meet new people, see sights, experience new things and see different cultures. But we are not able to make this dream happen mainly because of money! So here are some trips to travel places without having to spend an entire fortune on them!

  • The initial step is to have a plan and do a wide research about the places you are going to visit like their main attractions, basic expenses, currency rates, food options, housing, local travel means, Some places are cheaper while others have a very high cost of living. So think, research and then finally, decide where you wanna go.
  • Keep your eyes open for deals. Many travel agencies and online websites offer special deals and discounts for tickets and accommodations. These offers might be offered only at specific times of the year, so be on the lookout or subscribe to their websites so that you are kept
  • Stay in economic homestays and small hostels or opt for night swapping, couch surfing, to reduce the housing costs extensively. Or if you have plans to stay for a longer time, you can rent a cheap apartment and cook your meals.
  • Every place has some attractions that you can see without paying any money. The places you visit might have some quirks about it. So make inquiries on the net or from people who have traveled to these places before. You don’t want to miss the free and best things about a place.
  • Look for a low priced location and shop from there. Many tourist places have shops selling things for a much higher rate than usual, targeting travelers from outside. Don’t fall into their traps. For gifts and souvenirs, look out for local markets and departmental stores rather than falling prey to the overpriced bazaars and showrooms.
  • Try to travel during off seasons. At this time, everything will be at affordable rates, and there won’t be much rush. Whether it’s the ticket rates, room rent, the local transport, or the expenses after reaching your destination, you will need to spend a lot less during the slack time.
  • Most of the times, a significant amount of money is spent on food. Go to nice and clean local restaurants rather than fancy, expensive hotels. The local joints often offer the best foods at low Try out the local street food and do some cooking when possible.
  • Another critical point is the use of local transport available at the places you visit. Cabs and cars can be comfy but expensive. Compromise a little and do a bit of walking for short

You can travel and make money more easily than most people think. You might be a qualified individual, with some degrees and a permanent job, etc. But why not take up a job while you are on a trip and meet the expenses? Here are some of the jobs you can take up while you are on a trip!

  • Tourist guide: You can either be a local tour guide or try to be a tour assistant for an international company. It is the best way to travel places and earn money at the same time.
  • Freelance translator: Of course, you will need to know more than one language for this job. The opportunities are extensive – charge restaurant to translate their menu, work for a travel agency or offer freelance services online.
  • English teaching: There are many job opportunities in countries like Thailand, South Korea, and you don’t need to be certified. Being a native speaker is enough!
  • Bartender/Server: Restaurants, bars, and nightclubs are located in almost every places, and the job description is same at all the places. You can find work easily at tourist places, and there won’t be any minimum or maximum job requirement. It is also an opportunity to become familiar with the people and place, which can help you find a job with higher income.
  • Backpacker Hostels: Backpacker hostels usually hire travelers for short terms to fill their gaps offering free room and board. The jobs offered to you might be working at the front desk, bartending or even housekeeping. If you wish to stay for longer durations, some hostels offer extra payment too.


Author’s Bio

Lysha works at Lalco Residency – Hotel Mumbai and she loves her job. Helping clients and monitoring the progress of business strategies along with her leadership skills makes her perfect suit for Hospitality services. You can catch her up at Service Apartments in Mumbai for Rent

Ultimate Guide to The Best Travel Backpack of 2017 by Travel Meets Happy

I recently stumbled upon this interesting blog post Ultimate Guide to The Best Travel Backpack of 2017 and thought of sharing it with you all lovely readers of mine

How to Buy Your First Travel Backpack:

To make it easier for you, whether you’re buying your first backpack, or you are an experienced traveler, we’ve made a list of our top recommendations for backpacks that are available on the world wide web! We’ve also made our own pros and cons list so that you can decide for yourself what is important to you, based on comfort, cost, color, extra features, and everything else that you can think of!

We’d hate to see you end up buying your plane ticket for your first, second, or even tenth adventure and find yourself both looking and feeling like an inexperienced traveler. Travelers, for either pleasure and business, who are obviously inexperienced with international and other long-distance travel can become targets for pick-pocketers and other petty theft. We hope that we can help you to avoid that situation, and save you some trouble when it comes to locating your luggage on the conveyer belt at the baggage claim! Skip the baggage claim altogether with a backpack that meets carry-on requirements, and makes traveling easier and more fun!

Read the full post here

As I surfed more on the blog, I just fell in love with the content and this surely is one blog one shouldn’t miss. Really commendable work by Colleen. Do subscribe and follow her blog and I am sure you will enjoy the read

Travel Meets Happy

A blog on location independence, backpack, and travel reviews. Because the experience is worth the adventure.

Easter Special- Pet Themed Cakes & Cookies- Courtesy Eat Treat!

Its Easter, and baking is surely a mandate on this date, though we can go ahead with the regular Easter Special bakes and include the Easter Bunny in it, but isn’t it fun to anyway bake some pet themed cakes and cookies all around the year..

We often find ourselves wishing we could bring our furry friends to work or sneak them to parties, because our pets are the just the best things about us (no jokes)! We’ve found a yellow bunny cake and cute kitty cookies that the great folks on Instagram are talking about, for those of us who miss our puppers wherever we go. Pet themed cakes are just what you need.

So here is our pick.. take a look at these.. aren’t they so lovely..


Don’t Miss These Amazing Spring 2017 Fashion Trends – Suzy Walsh

As a fashion enthusiast, you probably keep an eye on changing seasonal trends. Fashion is not just about the top brands, but it is also about how you interpret ideas for your personal style. In this special post, we will talk about the best spring 2017 trends. These are ideas that made headlines during the four spring fashion weeks and are absolutely perfect for any fashion-conscious girl. We will also add a few tips on how you can make the most of these ideas.

Think pink: One of the hottest colour palettes of spring is pink! From the mellow pinks to hot fuchsias, pink made a nice comeback to the runway, and we love the amazing mix of shades. You can try pastel pink dresses or bright outfits for casual brunches – there’s enough for everyone. For a few ideas, check the collections of Balenciaga and Valentino among others.

The classic floral girl: Floral prints for spring can be boring, but not this time. A lot of designers and fashion houses, including names like Balenciaga and Chloé, worked with floral in a different way, adding a more retro twist of the 70s. While bright colours were pretty evident, we think that simple floral outfits can make a mark any day. This is more like a classic style, and the good thing is you will find plenty of options in budget on online stores.

More jumpsuits: If you are tall and have a body to flaunt, jumpsuits can be your staple for casual clothing. Jumpsuits look great for any occasion, as long as you choose the right colour. You can find some amazing simple jumpsuit ideas in the shows of Hermès and Vanessa Seward. There were no big hints, but it was more about minimalism, which works best when you are looking for something comfortable yet appealing.

Stripes with a difference: Spring 2016 had a lot of striped looks, but those were bold and contrasting stripes. Come 2017, we will see a lot of functional and more wearable stripes that seem to follow no fixed lines. This is more like origami of lines, often inspired from seaside and office stripes. If you are fond of simple trends, we presume that this should be your singular pick of the entire list. To know more about this idea, take a look at the collections of Chloé and Sonia Rykiel.

Hoodies are here: Hooded outfits are usually reserved for fall, but there’s no harm in trying new things after all. Top shows of Balenciaga and Paco Rabanne featured hoodies with a difference for spring 2017. Instead of regular sweatshirts, hoodies worked best as an addition to regular outfits meant for spring.

Hope you liked this post and have made your shopping list. For more, keep following this amazing blog.


Author: Suzy Walsh is the chief author and editor for The House Of Elegance Fashion – an emerging blog on style, fashion and trends. She is known for her incredible sense of style and has worked with many leading portals as a guest author.


8 Stalls serving awesome regional food at Dilli Haat- Be the tourist in your own city..!!

Exploring regional food is always an interesting thing to do and when you get a chance to indulge in some awesome regional food from across regions under one roof, with a great ambience and loads of shopping options, its a pure bliss. So head straight to Dilli Haat and you get to do all of this, and here is handy list of 8 stalls that you should not miss..

Read More

Best jobs to get into if you think about food all day! Guest Post by Manvendra Kikkeri

It doesn’t matter if you eat to live or live to eat, food is an undeniably important part of our lives. Most people now have a stable nine to five job where you walk in and meet the same people every day and get into a routine, being jaded is only a matter of time .For most cooking is a form of therapy, something that takes our mind off things after a long day of work .But what if you could be around food all day, here are some professions perfect for foodies!

What you will need before getting started :Before starting on your foodie dream I would recommend getting some experience in either a hotel or a restaurant so that you have a fair idea of how the business is run, better yet find a chance to do it overseas so that you can bring a new and exotic flavour to your cuisine .Check out some great job offers at .I personally did my internship at a Mövenpick hotel but it depends completely on your goal .

Food truck chef: This one has been a bit overdone in the past few years the number of food trucks went up exponentially, but there is a reason behind why the food truck is so popular .It’s because there are very little start-up costs, typically just a van and maybe a backup generator both of which are pretty much onetime costs. The second advantage of a food truck is mobility, you can test different parts of the city and evaluate how big the market is, and even play with prices to experiment and find out which is most profitable .The prices and market can then be compared with rent levels if you would like to start a restaurant in the future .This is something that many food truck owners often miss out on!

Take a look at Brothers Maine lobster and their success story


Image source:

Personal Chef: This trend is really gaining momentum, the concept is cooking for a small group of people for a special occasion, most personal chefs often work on a free-lance basis but there are a few companies that offer the service and signing up with them could be looked into. The reason this is becoming so popular is the customer’s desire for personalisation and to get away from crowded restaurants. The biggest advantage about this job is probably getting to meet and cook for some VIP clients if you are really good!

Writing a cook book : The amount of paperback books being bought is definitely on the decline with more and more people become more conscious about the environment and fewer people having time to read .However social media has given us a way to put our recipes out there without having to find a publisher .Starting a you tube channel or a Facebook page could be an outlet that you could explore .I would also recommend looking into the Paleo diet (which is pretty much eating like a caveman) this age old way of eating has now become a major trend !

Food production and retail: Okay this one come with its large number of challenges ,but if you have the perfect recipe to make something that tastes great and you think you can make money on it then go for it .However bringing production costs down can be a big issue as finding a big kitchen to make your wonderful recipe would be expensive .Then when that is done having it in retail will eat into your margins (pun intended) .Online selling is a good option but shipping costs could make your product less competitive .

Take a look at a start-up that makes customized granola bars called element bars!

Food critic and columnist: This one takes a bit of writing talent, however could be a great way to try a different restaurant every day, it also means having a stable job with a newspaper or magazine.

Opening a beach shack: Okay so I saved the best for last .The lifestyle of having a shack is unbelievable not to mention your office will probably have a great view of the sea .The biggest difference about working in a restaurant that caters to leisure travellers as opposed to business travellers is the mind-set that your customers would have ,having a beach shack would mean your service time could be longer and you would probably have to deal with fewer complaints as most of your customers are in a holiday mood, paradise often comes with its dangers, competition can be stiff and business can be seasonal not to mention the licences that you would have to pay for in advance .



Thank you for reading and let me know if I have missed out on any great foodie professions .Let me know what you think and do share your experiences if you have been involved in any of these professions yourself .

By :Manvendra Kikkeri

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