Tag: Goa Blogger

Discover the Newest Gem on Anjuna Beach: SOUL BY THE SEA

In the heart of South Anjuna Beach, just a stone’s throw away from the iconic Curlies, lies a hidden oasis that’s quickly becoming the talk of the town. SOUL BY THE SEA isn’t just another café; it’s a serene escape that promises an unparalleled beachside experience. If you’re on the hunt for a spot that combines breathtaking views with a unique vibe, your search ends here.

Smart Ways to Take Better Care of Yourself

One of the most important things that you can do for yourself is self-care. It helps you to engage in strategies that promote healthy functioning and enhance your well-being when you do and don’t indulge in good self-care. You will build better resilience towards stresses in life, and you build your health in a positive way. You are taking control of your mind, body and soul and that will equip you to live a life that is full and accepted. Self-care should happen on a daily basis and not just when you feel exhausted or cold, so why not look at the way you can take better care of yourself now?

4 Helpful Ways to Support a Loved Ones Through an Illness

One of the most difficult things anyone can go through is watching a loved one suffer from an illness. It can be hard to know what to do or how to help. In this blog post, we will discuss four ways that you can support your loved ones during this difficult time. We hope that these tips will help make things easier for you and your loved one.

6 Signs Your Foundation Needs To Be Checked

foundation repair isn’t always essential, it’s crucial to keep an eye out for unmistakable warning signs that suggest that your foundation needs some kind of treatment. Read on for some of the most frequent signs that your foundation needs some attention asap. 

4 Tricks to Supercharge Your Sleep in 2022

things like eating a balanced diet and getting enough physical exercise. These goals are of course crucial to a healthy lifestyle, but rest and relaxation is just as important. 

How To Have Some Fun As A Busy Parent

Parenting is hard work and may take a lot out of you on any given day. However, that’s not to say that your role and job as a parent shouldn’t be enjoyable and that you shouldn’t make time to have some fun.

Getting Ready To Buy Your First Home

Buying your first home is a big decision. Not only is it a big financial commitment, but it’s also a lot of work to buy a property. If you think you’re ready, it’s a good idea to do your research, so you can go into the buying process with a better idea of what to expect. 

Tips To Help You Live In The Moment

Does your life feel repetitive? Maybe you find yourself in your house alone, bored watching TV, scrolling through endless content on your social media feed, and desperate for change unaware of where to start. 

How To Find The Best Vacation Destinations For Your Family

You can spend hours, days even, searching for the perfect holiday destination. When you travel alone or as a couple, this is a hard enough decision. But, when you’re planning a trip with your family, the choice gets even harder. How can you find the best destination for a family holiday? What sort of things should you look for, and are there any tips to help you out?

How to Improve Your Health as You Get Older

As a person gets older, they will notice that there are some things they can’t do (or can’t do as well) nowadays compared to when they were in their youth. That’s because, as the body ages, it may not allow you to have the same strength or stamina as it once did.

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Goa, India