Category: Parenting

Life Lessons You Need To Impart On Your Kids

As a parent, it’s always going to be your responsibility to impart certain life lessons onto your child. You might think that they will learn everything that they need to know in life in school. This isn’t the case. School misses out certain key lessons which your child should take on board. So, let’s explore some of the key elements here which you might want to discuss and why they could provide benefits to your child as they pass through the different stages of life. 

Preserve Your Mommy Glow Post Pregnancy

If you are pregnant or have been pregnant in recent years, you are probably familiar with this compliment: You are glowing. The pregnancy glow is a real phenomenon, and it can happen for a variety of reasons. It is visible on your face, but it often extends to the rest of your body. 

How To Have Some Fun As A Busy Parent

Parenting is hard work and may take a lot out of you on any given day. However, that’s not to say that your role and job as a parent shouldn’t be enjoyable and that you shouldn’t make time to have some fun.

4 Healthy Habits to Practice as a Family

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy for families to fall into unhealthy habits. For example, you know that exercise is essential, but what about medical checkups? Or getting enough sleep each night? Here are four healthy habits that will bring your family closer together and improve your health as a whole.

3 Unique Reading Area Ideas For Kids

Reading is such a vital skill and getting kids interested in books from a young age will help them improve their education in the future. Unfortunately, a lot of parents struggle to get kids excited about books. There are a lot of distractions out there and kids often find books boring.

Resources to Make Teaching Your Kids at Home a Lot Easier

Homeschooling isn’t as uncommon as it used to be. Today, it’s used in conjunction with regular schooling to help reinforce difficult concepts and also to give your children a better understanding of the subjects they’re learning and why they’re important. However, most parents simply don’t have time to teach their kids at home given their own work responsibilities.

Planning A Wonderful Graduation Party For Your Son Or Daughter

Graduating from college is a real, impressive achievement. It shows dedication, a willingness to try and achieve, and a real sense of self-belief on the part of your child. This is something to be thoroughly proud of them for. If they are the first person to attend college in your family, perhaps this is even more relevant. To celebrate their hefty achievement, it can be a wonderful idea to throw a graduation party.

How to Set Healthy Boundaries with your Children

“Boundaries” is a word which is discussed much but what does this word really imply? A boundary means drawing a line around yourself to define where you end and where your child begins.
“Mini-democracy” is enforced in many households where a child’s voice or opinion is equal to those of his parents.
Healthy boundaries help parents separate their private life from their children’s. But in other families, some parents are inclined to sacrifice their own needs to please their children.

7 games to play with your children in every season

When it comes to enjoying time with your children, playing a variety of different games is going to keep them entertained. If you can throw in a little education without them realizing, that’s an added bonus. Whatever the season, you can never have enough options, whether it’s puzzles, obstacle courses or sporting activities like easy cricket games. So, if you’re looking for fun games to play with your kids throughout the year, here are seven of the best!

Scooters For Kids

Scooters are one of the most common toys amongst young boys and girls alike. They provide endless hours of fun and their popularity does not seem to be diminishing. This is a testament to the toy, as a lot of kids toys tend to be loved for a few years and then they go out of fashion. However, kids scooters seem to be going nowhere.

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