21 Travel Tips To Make You The World’s Smart Traveler

Traveling has always remained pervasive and perpetual throughout the ages. However the ways of traveling and traveling places have changed. People like to travel a lot. Different countries have become culturally closed and that thing has assisted in fostering this newfangled taste of traveling. Tourism industry has also developed a lot and these things help socially also as we people from different places of the globe travel far and wide and social stature remains stable because of all this. So we can say traveling is a famous activity these days and every person like to be called a traveler.



13 thoughts on “21 Travel Tips To Make You The World’s Smart Traveler

  1. Cool graphic! I heartily agree with these, especially #12. Not only should we be open and friendly to strangers in case we need something in the future, but because it enriches our lives!

  2. What a great graphic! These are all such important tips and I love that you put them all together in a way that’s so easy to remember. And, yes, we all need to learn patience!

  3. Thanks for sharing some very valuable insight and tips on travel. I often travel with kids and this is something that just is a reminder for a happier and safe travel. Like the visuals which make it simple and interesting.

  4. Cool travel tips! Happy to report that I do most of them 🙂 🙂 I found quite curious the tip regarding the photo of the luggage… that is a good tip. I literally forget which bag I am traveling with whenever I travel and I keep trying to look for it on the conveyer belt, at the airport! :):):) Safe travels!

  5. You raised some very valid points. Off late traveling has picked up not only in India but across the globe. The tips you shared are amazing. I prefer carrying food though since I am a vegetarian. I also always carry water bottle. It helps save environment and money. Nice tips overall.

  6. Love the idea of taking picture of your luggage! Never thought about it before. I agree with most of your tips, however I don’t need a flashlight, I have it in my phone 🙂

  7. Such a nice graphic! It’s easy to use and bring everywhere with this graphic. Carrying a lock everywhere is definitely important cause we can protect our things. Visiting historical places and reading a history book are good tips too! Thanks for sharing.

  8. I’d hope people don’t really need reminders to look before crossing the street, but I guess the signs on the London crosswalks suggest they do!

  9. These are cool tips! Attention 21year-old people this is for you!
    I like this infographic, its very informative.

  10. Did you make the infographic? If so, well done!

    On Point 9- I think otherwise. If I am spending most of my time outside, I just need a safe place to keep my things, so I will pick an inexpensive room. If I am going to do tiring things, I will need a great bed to relax

  11. The graphics look cool. It was so easy to go through. I more or less agree with everything especially the patience aspect.

  12. What do you mean: go for a healthy option and buy on the way? 🙂
    Overall, good tips and beautiful pictures. I would love making something like this, but I it takes a lot of time.

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