Category: Food

Tips To Improve Your Palate

cross them before, or you’ve been hesitant to try them or felt like you wouldn’t like it so you simply avoid it. However, as you age, your palate will often change and it’s something to be aware of. Trying new things is always a good opportunity when you’re tasting food. Here are some tips to improve your palate.

Meals To Include On A Weekend Family Trip

Over the weekend, everyone goes out for a getaway, either with family or friends. A long- weekend trip is all about spending quality time with your loved ones. If you are planning for a long weekend family outing, then it is important to plan the menu well beforehand.

How To Add More Protein To Your Diet

Do you want to integrate more protein into your diet? Here are some simple and succulent ways to boost your protein intake. Taking enough protein during your meals is usually not complicated. Especially if your meals usually contain a piece of chicken or protein-rich fish. But when your menus contain foods that are not as high in protein – such as soups or pasta dishes, for example – it might be good to consider certain supplements. This can ensure the protein intake of your meals, especially if you are sporty. To ensure protein intake to your daily dishes and your day, eat boiled eggs, dairy products, powdered protein, beans and tofu rich in protein. Here are several methods that can be applied to help you achieve your protein intake goals. Chicken is a great way to do this! You may want to look at smoked spatchcock chicken for example. 

Creating A Multinational Meal At Your Next Dinner Party

Food and culture have very strong ties throughout the world. Many regions, cities, and towns use the food they make as a big part of their identity, showing the world what they can do when they have the right ingredients. The digital age has enabled people to try more foods from across the globe than ever before, while also enabling normal people to learn about the foods available in different countries. Of course, though, this is something that you can take advantage of for your next dinner party. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring some tips that should make it easier to create the meal of your dreams.

Burrito Boys and Pizza Delizia- Double Bonanza!

Who can say no to a fully loaded burrito? Can you? The moment I got to know that Burrito Boys have started their home delivery via Pizza Delizia, it was a double delight. My day was made. Also, it made for a win-win situation for the whole family. My son loves pizzas and I love burritos.

Pasta Salad and Whisky Sour- a combination that every home chef must give a try!

We all know that food and beverages are a match made in heaven, but usually what we don’t know are the pairs beyond wine and cheese that exist, are simple to make and equally sumptuous. Welcome to this new section on my blog called Cocktails And Cuisine With Aditi, wherein I shall share some classic, some offbeat, some regular and some unique food and beverage combos that you will enjoy trying.

Holood Jhol (Yellow Fish Curry) by Chef Arjun!

So during the lockdown, cooking has become one of the major ways to release stress and also to let one’s creative juices flow. Here is a traditional Bengali recipe shared by Chef Arjun from Cuebebar. A very home-style cooking, simple and delicious for sure.

Delicious and Simple Prawn Curry Recipe!

As part of the lockdown series, I am trying more and more recipes at home and although this dish has been one of my favourites since long, I never made it at home. But then today, I thought why not, try this amazingly simple dish that my son also loves a lot. So here is my version of simple home-cooked prawn curry recipe.

Choco-Peanut Butter Nice Cream for Quarantine Days!

Coming to this choco-peanut butter nice cream, I chose both chocolate and peanut butter because its a combination that I personally love, very simple to make and delicious!

Honey Oatmeal Cookies You Would Definitely Like To Make This Quarantine!

Two things led me to make these cookies today, one I was itching to do something because I was bored and secondly I was craving for cookies, so what better than to bake my own.

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