Meals To Include On A Weekend Family Trip

Over the weekend, everyone goes out for a getaway, either with family or friends. A long- weekend trip is all about spending quality time with your loved ones. If you are planning for a long weekend family outing, then it is important to plan the menu well beforehand.

What are some of the meals that you must include in your menu?        

Kickstart the day with Breakfast

Smoothies are healthy and easy on your stomach. A drinkable breakfast can give you enough energy throughout the day and keep you hydrated as well. This drinkable breakfast should contain ingredients like yogurt, berries, bananas, and honey which will provide much-needed carbohydrates and proteins before embarking on an adventure-filled day ahead. You could also make overnight oats so that all you have to do is grab and go.

Bacon, eggs, toast, sausages should be an integral part of your breakfast menu. You could also include pancakes or waffles topped with maple syrup. Another quick yet tasty idea can be scrambled eggs which you can eat up while still warm. If there are vegans in your group consider fluffy buckwheat pancakes.

Refuel with Lunch

Lunch must be kept light so that the kids don’t get cranky in between meals. Sandwiches are often a safe option but if you want to take this meal further, then try grilled cheese sandwiches or paninis with soup for adults and fruit juice for kids. Adding some meat to the sandwich or wrap is always a good idea as it will provide much-needed protein during lunch hour. Vegans may choose tofu wraps or breaded soy fillets.

When it comes to your own lunch, use it as an opportunity to choose new things to try. Whether you are eating out or making food at home, choosing things like a traditional banh mi can give you something healthy, delicious and new to try. You have to make sure that you bring food for yourself as much as for your children, because your health and wellbeing matters, too!

Lunch is also a great opportunity to restore your caffeine stores, which is especially important if it’s been a busy and tiring day out. Make sure that you find somewhere that sells delicious coffee as well as good food so that this can be a treat for the whole family. The non-coffee drinkers in your party should be accommodated too, perhaps with tea or some other hot beverage that can hit the same spot as your cup o’ joe.

Maintain with Supper

Supper is a light meal, so keep the portions small, and supper needs to be something that can be made quickly. You might not have too much time before it gets dark after a long day of adventure, and you don’t want to spend hours cooking. Tacos, kinds of pasta, and salads are all quick-fix meals that you can vary to make them even more delicious.

Celebrate with Dinner

If your trip is going to take up a couple of days, then dinner will need some serious thought as this is the meal where everyone will come together and share their stories about the day’s escapades. Some hearty choices for dinner could include lasagna or seafood risotto, or homemade pizzas, which can be prepared from scratch using bread dough, fresh vegetables, and cheese. Roasted chicken with veggies will never disappoint either.

Dinner is the most important meal of the day. Try to choose dishes that are filling yet don’t leave you feeling heavy. Spaghetti with meatballs, grilled cheese sandwich, and soup are all good options for dinner on such a getaway.

Smoothies or fruit salads are a good way to end your dinner on a healthy note. If you have vegetarians in the family, then go heavy on fruits and vegetables for all three meals.

Another good option is that when you’re on holiday and looking for a great way to enjoy dinner, ordering pizza delivery is the perfect way to go! There are many great pizza delivery services out there, so you can find one that fits your needs. Plus, pizza is a universally loved food, so it’s sure to please everyone in your group. So why not give it a try during your next holiday? You won’t be disappointed!

Indulge in Dessert

Chocolate fudge, candies, cookies are all good options for desserts on this menu. Cookies can be made in advance and stored in an airtight container. You can try making different flavored cookies by adding cocoa powder instead of hot chocolate or using lemon juice/zest in place of vanilla extract.

Sustain with Snacks

You don’t want your kids to get all cranky when you are out on a day trip. They need sustenance in the form of quick bites every couple of hours, so it is important for them to have some snacks throughout the day. You could have dry fruits or trail mixes or granola bars or crackers coated with peanut butter. It’s also good to keep some apples and bananas handy in case someone has an attack of hunger pangs. Make a note of where you can find a grocery store nearby so that if they get hungry in between meals, you have something to feed them without having them turn up their noses at your homemade sandwiches or pizzas.

Don’t forget to include snacks for the adults as well so that everyone is energized all day long. Nuts, dark chocolate chips, fresh fruits, of course, should be included in your menu plan before heading out of town for a fun-filled weekend with family and friends.

Bon Appétit

These were some of the most important menu ideas that you can use when planning what dishes to serve your next long weekend getaway. Be creative and try something new, but always have an alternative option, just in case. Include all these items in your menu, and you will surely have a wonderful time with your family!

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