Tag: Cocktails And Cuisine With Aditi

The world’s first Indo-Japanese Gin Launches in Goa

DOJA is the world’s First In(do-Ja)panese Craft Gin. It’s the first craft spirit launched by East Side Distillery, a new and
innovative Indian spirits company with global aspirations.

Recipe- Prawns in Banana Leaf by Spice Goa!

Prawns in Banana Leaf is a very simple recipe and requires ingredients that are easily available at home, but trust me, it tastes so good that you just can’t stop eating. I am very sure that you will enjoy making and relishing this recipe as much from the comfort of your home as I did at the restaurant.

Pasta Salad and Whisky Sour- a combination that every home chef must give a try!

We all know that food and beverages are a match made in heaven, but usually what we don’t know are the pairs beyond wine and cheese that exist, are simple to make and equally sumptuous. Welcome to this new section on my blog called Cocktails And Cuisine With Aditi, wherein I shall share some classic, some offbeat, some regular and some unique food and beverage combos that you will enjoy trying.

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Goa, India