Useful tips For Anyone Starting Hiking As A Hobby

If you have always loved being outside and have a passion for adventure, then you might be considering taking up hiking as a hobby. The fact is that hiking is a great hobby as not only is an excellent form of physical activity but it’s also an excellent way to spend more time outdoors, exploring your local area, as well as areas that are a little further afield.


Of course, like any new hobby, there’s a lot that you need to know before you head off over the hilltops to explore. So bearing that in mind, below is a guide to the ins and outs of taking up hiking as a new hobby – read on for all of the best tips and advice.


Photo from Pixabay


Learn to map read


If you can already map read, you can skip this step. If you can’t map read and don’t understand how to use a compass, you might want to take the time to learn. It’s all well and good exploring the local area with just the wind to guide you, but as you head further afield, you will need to know how to map read and use a compass to navigate across different routes.


You might be able to join a local orienteering class to learn the basics or a survival group. If there isn’t a local group for this kind of thing, you should be able to find various map reading and compass using tutorials on YouTube to follow and learn from.


Invest in the right equipment


If you are going to be hiking regularly, then you need to invest in the right equipment. The most essential item is a pair of good quality walking boots or trainers that are comfortable and designed for exercise – to learn more about this head over to and have a browse of the designs and resources available on there.


In addition to needing footwear, you will also require a backpack, a compass, a map, a water bottle, a torch, and camping supplies for any overnight hiking trips that you might like to plan in the future. Hiking can be a lot of fun, but it’s essential that you understand the need to always be prepared, which is why investing in the right equipment is so essential.


Be safe


When it comes to hiking– or any hobby – it’s crucial that you always put your safety first. Hiking can be a great way to stay fit and get out and about more, but if you aren’t smart about the approach to hiking that you take, you could end up putting yourself in danger, which is not what you want to do.


Always ensure that you tell someone where you are going and when you should be back. If you are walking alone, share a copy of your hiking trail with a friend or relative, so that if you don’t return on time, they know where you should be. Always carry a fully charged phone with you for emergencies, so that you can contact help, should you need it.


There you have it, everything that you need to know about starting hiking as a hobby.



6 thoughts on “Useful tips For Anyone Starting Hiking As A Hobby

  1. Perfect timing for this post! I really want to get more into hiking but haven’t really known where to start with it, especially with equipment. Maps can be SO CONFUSING that this tip is one that is so valuable! Thanks for the info! x Shannon •

  2. These are wonderful tips! Proper shoes are super important 🙂 ah, I love a good hike!

  3. I remember when i was a kid we learned to read maps in school for PE – we did orientation in the summer lessons. Don’t think i could do it now but I definitely should try and pick that skill up again!
    Katja xxx

  4. These are excellent tips! I always forget how important it is to really know how to read a physical map lol

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