Day: August 9, 2017

Bored Of The Gym? Alternative Ways To Have A Workout

Exercise is a great way to keep in shape. It isn’t specifically all to do with losing weight, although it can play a helping in hand in that. But exercising regularly can help in other areas such as boosting your mood, giving you more energy and feeling more positive. It can even improve the quality of sleep you get, which let’s face it, all of us would like a little more of. However, heading to the gym and using the same equipment day in day out can be very boring and repetitive. Which is why I thought I would suggest some alternative ways to have a decent workout.


Working out at home

Working out at home can be a great alternative to heading to the gym. You may have some space available in your home to house a treadmill or cross trainer, but if you are wanting to shy away completely from the equipment, then YouTube has a fantastic array of workouts you can do from the comfort of your own living room. Perhaps you want to try out a workout that is quick and specific on cardio, or maybe you want to focus on a specific area of your body. Youtube will have a bank of workouts specific to your needs, requirements, and experience levels. You just have to take a look.

Try your hand at a HIIT workout

A specific workout that is taking the gym world by storm is HIIT. More specifically high-intensity interval training. Often these workouts can be smaller in length, but certainly, deliver in the action you take during those twenty or thirty-minute workouts. Again these sorts of workouts can be done in groups at organised sessions, or you can do them from home or by yourself. Whatever works for you.


Swimming is definitely a workout that is completely underrated but enables you to work muscles in your body you never thought you had. It can also be exercise that doesn’t require too much commitment on the activewear. A costume or shorts and even a swim cap for your hair. Thankfully websites like have a great selection to choose. Even if you have longer or shorter hair.

Heading out for a walk

Walking is a great form of exercise and something anyone of us can do at anytime we have free. You simply put on your trainers and clothes and head out of the door. While it may not be the most intensive way to exercise, regular walking will still increase your heartrate and help towards a more active lifestyle.

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Going out for a run

Many people swear by running and see it as a great alternative to heading to the gym. However, it isn’t just as simple as heading out the door and running. You still need to build up your stamina, so thinking about where you run might be a good starting point. But doing this sort of exercise regularly will help you to build up your fitness levels and ultimately ensure that you can run further and for longer. It is also a great way to help clear your mind after a stressful day in the office.


Yoga is definitely a workout that is underrated and is something many of us should try to do a little more of. It can really help with postures and muscle tone, as well as encouraging you to clear your mind and focus on your breath. It might not be for everyone, but combining yoga with other forms of exercise throughout the week will give your body the all over workout it really needs. If you are hoping for some tips to get started with yoga, then websites like could help.

Try an aerobics class

Finally, you may want to try alternative ways to exercise at the gym, and an aerobics class is an excellent place to start. It gives you a set workout that you do in the company of other individuals, as well as having an instructor on hand to help you out with moves, etc. Thankfully, many gyms offer an array of styles of classes ideal for all stages of your experience to help you get started. If you still don’t like the idea of going to the gym, then social media like could help find local classes. Giving you the chance to meet local people as well as workout.

I hope this has offered some alternative ideas to help you get a full workout.

Curing Back Pain The Natural Way

As we get older and age, back pain will seem to be an everyday occurrence. Sure, there are certain medications that can greatly ease the pain and, if the need be, your doctor might even refer you for surgery. However, some people try to stay away from these options as they prefer to take the more natural route. Not sure how you can heal your back pain naturally? Here are some great methods.

See A Back Expert

It’s a good idea to get some medical attention if you do experience regular back pain. Don’t worry, though, they won’t insist that you take medication or have surgery. Find a chiropractor near you if you want to chat about your various options. Let them know that you would prefer some natural remedies. They will be able to incorporate this into their treatment method. If they are unable to, they will be able to refer you to a local acupuncture specialist or other holistic practitioners.

Take Yoga Or Pilates Classes

Lots of people swear by Yoga and Pilates when it comes to back pain. So, it’s worth looking for a local class to see if there are any classes at times that suit you. After a few weeks of practicing Yoga or Pilates, you will certainly find a big improvement in your back. If you don’t have time to go to a full hour class, you can check online guides such as this one for stretches you can do on your own at home and also do some dumbbell neck exercises

Work Your Core

One reason why some people suffer from constant back pain is that their core is quite weak. Thankfully, this is very easy to change as you just need to start doing some exercises and workouts that will help strengthen it. If you are going to Yoga or Pilates, this should help, but there are also some other workouts that are great for core strengthening. These include Metafit and Piloxing.

Use Heat Therapy

If you need some instant relief from your back pain, you should consider heat therapy. This is very easy to apply yourself at home – you just need a hot water bottle or a bag of frozen peas! Place the bag of frozen peas on any area of pain if you also want to reduce any inflammation. The cold temperature will also shut down the nerves, so you shouldn’t feel quite as much pain. Applying heat also acts as a painkiller, and it also increases the blood flow which can help to bring more nutrients to the affected area.

Work Your Brain 

Some back experts believe that you won’t feel quite as much pain if your brain is stimulated and busy. So, it’s worth trying to occupy yourself to see if you can distract your brain away from the pain. Why not give it a try next time your back hurts?!

So, as you can see, there are many alternatives to medicine and surgery when it comes to back pain. Hopefully, this blog post will help you manage any uncomfortable aches and pains!

Building A Ladder To Your Recovery

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Addiction can strike at any time. Life is hard, and we all struggle to cope sometimes. Many of us turn to addiction during those dark hours. But, while escape methods break the clouds for the short-term, they also stop the sun breaking through. And, if you start using on a regular basis, your drinking or drug use will become your biggest problem.

It’s a horrible situation that an estimated 23.5 million Americans have fallen into. But, despite its common nature, addiction is one of the loneliest human experiences. Addicts are cast to the outskirts, and often disowned by loved ones. In the depths of addiction, it can feel as though you’re at the bottom, with no way to climb out. Many addicts wait for someone to hand them a ladder, without realizing that only they can create their escape. But, how do you build a ladder with no tools? In short, the answer is one rung at a time. And, we’re going to look at each one in more depth here.

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The first rung is the hardest to build – admitting you have a problem. It may sound simple, but we often deny our addictions to ourselves. Admitting you’re struggling is never easy, particularly in something like this. But, until you accept the problem, you’ll have no desire to move on from it.

The second rung involves determining the cause. Most of the time, addiction has a start point. While that may have become irrelevant, it’s important to determine what it was. Addicts often use for escape. Until you face up to what you’re escaping, you’ll continue to medicate yourself.

The third rung won’t get built until you accept that you’re worth something. Addiction often leads to low self-esteem, not helped by the way society treats the issue. It’s important to regain your self-esteem. Otherwise, you’ll struggle to consider yourself worth helping. You need to believe you deserve to get better. The chances are that you’ll also have to do so alone. But, when it comes down to it, your belief in yourself is all that matters.

The fourth rung is when other people come into play. While this may sound like it’ll be a relief, this will be a hard one to build.This is the stage in your recovery when you need to turn to something like Lyric Recovery Services to see you through. Here, professionals will be able to help you through the rest of your recovery. While the support is essential, you’ll still need to rely on yourself during this step. The professionals can give you the building blocks, but the rung won’t be made unless you step up.

The sixth rung comes after the recovery itself and involves moving forward. If you live in the mistakes of your addiction, you’ll never forgive yourself. As such, you’re at risk of slipping into those old avoidance techniques. Put what happened behind you. Build bridges with loved ones where you can. Then, set about living the life you deserve.

Not a Day Older: The Best Exercise For Aging Muscles

Growing old takes a toll on your body. Although most of us will change as we age, and looking in the mirror is more of a surprise than anything else, nothing is as affected as much our muscles. If you’re thinking that the amount you exercised back in the days is what you’re living off now and that the muscles you built in your twenties have served you well, you’re quite right – but that doesn’t mean you should stop caring about your body.

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Those sweaty circles of Pilates for seniors can be a bit underwhelming, though, if this is the only exercise your older parents are doing. Use science instead, to find the best type of workout to slow down the aging process and see them enjoy many more years of activity and sports.

The mitochondria

The mitochondria in our bodies are considered the cell’s power generator; it produces energy and converts it into forms that are usable by our cells. As we age, our cells stops to regenerate as easily as it did before, and are simultaneously affected by the mitochondria diminishing in both number and vigor.

We’d like to keep it as a generator for as long as we can, and certain types of exercise have actually proven to undo some of what aging has done to our cell’s power producer.

We’ll lose muscles, in other words, and will struggle with keeping our bodies as light and energized as we used to. It will keep them independent and happy for as long as possible, and they can get much more out of their golden years – and a lot more out of their Medicare Supplement plans. While there’s no decent alternative to growing old, by taking care of yourself and your older family members, you’ll be able to enjoy active years as a senior citizen and leap from one Pilates class to the next one.

Interval Exercise

The type of exercise that produced the biggest change in people’s genes in a study from this year was intense exercise – or interval training. There are a lot of different ways to incorporate this into your regular routine, although it’s usually associated with running or jogging. How well your aging family member is able to cope with running, you know better than any, but consider similar options if this is difficult due to their knees or other immobilities.

Cycling, for example, is excellent interval exercise and can be done in nature as well as on a stationary bike at the gym. If you think the gym is a better option as they’ll have assistants around at all time, remember that time spent in nature is wonderful news for their health as well. Try to compensate by walking outside together and enjoying nature in other ways – with less speed, perhaps.

To get the kind of benefits that will reduce aging in their muscles, it needs to be intense – and to manage this on a bicycle, you’re going to need speed. The gym may be the best option, in other words, unless they’re still relatively young.

While any type of exercise is good for your body, you should treat your family to the best kind of exercise for their age – especially now that you know the science behind it all.







Healthy and Happy Living for Your Elderly Loved Ones

Our parents and grandparents have dedicated their lives to raising us and ensuring that we are healthy, happy and well. But a time will come when it’s your turn to start looking out for them. As people age, they can begin to find difficulty in everyday tasks such as bathing, cleaning and getting about. So it’s important that you look out for them in their time of need. Here are a few ways to ensure that they have a high standard of living.

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Staying Active

As we grow older, it’s often tempting to stop engaging in physical activity in favor of staying home and relaxing. But it’s absolutely essential that the elderly stay active and mobile. Not only does regular exercise help them to feel energetic, but it also keeps them at a healthy weight, helps them to maintain regular bowel movements, aids in managing high blood pressure and angina and can stimulate a poor appetite. Exercise regimes should focus on four main areas: stamina, strength, flexibility, and balance. Good activities to tick all of these health requirements are swimming and yoga. Swimming is a great overall workout and perfect for sufferers of arthritis, as the water’s buoyancy relieves pressure on the joints and helps to support their body weight. Yoga is a gentle exercise which will stretch out the limbs and improve overall balance.

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Assisted Living

Many OAPs prefer to maintain as much independence as possible, so many are adamant that they do not want to be moved into an old people’s home. However, many are unable to effectively maintain large homes and can find the experience of living alone lonely. Nowadays there are great alternative options in assisted living. An assisted living center is progressive and active, ensuring that all of their residents have everything that they need to live fulfilling lives. Services such as those provided by Christwood Retirement Community include companion services (ensuring that your elderly loved ones always have company), skilled nurses at hand and high-quality cognitive care. Never again will you have to worry whether your loved one has taken their medication, whether their living conditions are adequately hygienic or whether they are getting enough exercise.

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Visiting Regularly

No matter where the elderly in your life live, near or far, it is important that you take the time out to visit them regularly. Everyday life can become hectic, but ensure that you book a day and arrange to meet them. If you have children, take them along. This day doesn’t necessarily have to be anything extravagant. You can just pop by for a cup of tea. But it will make all of the difference to your loved one’s mood. Remember that many elderly individuals don’t have social media or mobiles, so won’t get to see as much of you as others might when scrolling through your photos or messaging you online.

While it is important that you don’t patronize the elderly, it is also essential that you show them the love that they have shown you for your entire life. So make the effort to ensure that they are content and well at all times.




Expressing Your Personality Through Color At Your Wedding

Congratulations; your big day is going to happen, and you’ll be able to enjoy one of the most exciting times of your life with the one you love. Weddings are a celebration of two individual’s love for one another, so they should reflect the character and personality that both parties bring to the relationship. Color is the perfect way to add style and individual preference to a wedding day and will ensure that it’s as unique as the bride and groom. However bright or muted you choose your wedding ceremony to be; the following are some areas to consider when you’re infusing the big day with your favorite shades.

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The Decor

Whether it’s balloons, flowers, or ribbons (or all of the above) you’re choosing to adorn your wedding day with; these are the first place to start regarding your color choices. You can easily mix together your favorite shades with an array of floral and foliage decorations, for a beautiful and natural palette. However, if you’re feeling like bringing the loud and bright colors into your ceremony; use bunting, streamers, and inflatables to express your personality and show off your fun side as a couple. Take a look here: for some ideas on a colorful wedding and start making a list of what you might like to introduce into the theme on the day.

If you prefer a subtle use of color; consider introducing metallic shades that will complement your chosen hue, Perhaps you could use silver along with your shades of pink and sage green, or a copper ribbon would look great against pops of blue and teal. Creating a moodboard will help you to find what works well together and you can begin mentally decorating the venue.

The Details

Alongside the larger decorations; the smaller details can create a big impact on the look and feel of your wedding. Therefore it’s worth considering the shades of your confetti, table decorations, and investing in colored wedding sand so you can combine the bride and groom’s character and personality. Sprinkling the table tops with colored paper shapes and glitter is another way to bring the color scheme into the wedding meal, and why not swap the traditional white candles for an orange to match the flowers or even black for a chic formal affair.

The Venue

The venue itself can play a huge part in the overall color and theme of your wedding, so bear in mind what surroundings you’ll be in as you say “I do.” If you’re married outside in nature, you could carry the palette of the plants and flora inside and onto the tables and chairs. You could pick out colors from stained glass windows in old churches and buildings, and infuse them into your bouquet, pocket squares, and wherever could use a colorful addition. Remember; it’s your big day, and you’re only doing this once, so be creative and be yourselves, so that you’ll have some beautiful photographs and memories of your special, colorful wedding.










ED ed – Dealing With Your Partner’s Erectile Dysfunction


It’s one of those topics of conversation that men shy away from, especially if they suffer from it themselves, but erectile dysfunction can have a significant impact on a relationship. From the perspective of a partner, you will need to support and encourage them wherever possible as he is finding ways to manage the condition, but it’s also important that you do your bit too.

Do Research

The more you are able to dig deep into the issue the more you’ll be able to help your partner when it comes to finding methods to manage the conditions, such as lifestyle changes or sourcing the appropriate medical treatments. If you look at the Comprehensive Urology services website, there is a detailed list of what can cause erectile dysfunction. From diabetes or high cholesterol all the way through to an enlarged prostate, as well as lifestyle choices such as drinking too much alcohol and smoking too much. The more you know about the condition and its causes the better you are able to help your partner out.

Emotional Support For Your Partner

A lot of men will blatantly ignore the fact that it’s having an impact on their lives not just their sex life, so you as his partner needs to support him and reassure him. The vast majority of men may view this problem as a major impact on their masculinity. The pressure of performing in an intimate environment such as the bedroom can have a fundamental impact on their mental well-being, which can go on for a long time if left to fester. The issue with masculinity and erectile dysfunction means that if it is left to, in effect, rot, it can be a problem that is a lot more difficult to get out of in the future.

Making Adjustments In Your Sex Life

The pressure of performing is something that can build up in a man’s mind, so you need to find ways to take the pressure off and find other ways to satisfy each other. A man can feel as self-conscious in this department as much as their partner can feel self-conscious about their body, so you need to both find ways to not build it up as a stressful situation. You can make sure to focus on each other rather than “the problem.” This is a big topic to cover, but the one big take away from it is if you are left to focus on your own problems it will build up in the mind, regardless of who you are. So with something like erectile dysfunction which has a major impact on a man’s life, sex shouldn’t be the goal but rather the enjoyment of each other’s company needs to be a priority.

It’s widely accepted that a lot of men don’t talk about their feelings and will tend to avoid issues when it comes to intimacy. But, unfortunately, the best way to deal with it is to open up either to a medical professional to discuss suitable options to deal with it. And if it is a condition that will impact him for the rest of his life, this is the first step in approaching a way to live with the condition.




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