Tag: Medical Care

How to Protect Your Hearing Health

Image source – https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-woman-music-pink-3100/


Our ears and hearing health is not something we tend to give a lot of consideration to until something goes wrong. However, it is so important to start protecting your ears. After all, hearing loss is an incredibly difficult thing to go through, and in some cases it can be prevented. With that being said, read on to discover some of the best ways to protect your ears and your hearing health.

Get regular check-ups – There is only one place to begin, and this is by getting regular check-ups. As hearing loss tends to develop very gradually, if you get check-ups on a regular basis, you are more likely to catch any issues in the early stages. The sooner you take action, the better.

Manage your stress levels – A lot of people do not realise it, but your levels of stress can actually have an impact on your hearing. Both anxiety and stress can be linked to permanent tinnitus and temporary tinnitus. This is a phantom ringing in the ears.

Start exercising more – Did you know that exercising is good for your ear health? Cardio exercise, for example, cycling and running, get the blood pumping to all parts of your body, your ears included. This will help to ensure your ears are working to optimal level and that all of your ears’ internal parts are healthy.

Keep your ears dry – It is important to keep your eyes dry because too much moisture can cause bacteria to enter and attack the ear canal. This is especially important for frequent swimmers or anyone else that is in the water regularly.

Stop using cotton buds – If you are someone that uses cotton buds to clean their ears, you need to stop. Although this is seen as a good way to get rid of earwax, it is actually important (and normal) to have a small bit of wax in your ears. This is because ears clean themselves, and the wax is critical for preventing harmful particles like dust from entering the canal.

Look after your hearing aids – If you are already at the stage whereby you rely on hearing aids, you do need to look after your equipment to ensure it is effective and that your hearing health does not get worse. You can learn more about this online, as there are plenty of guides regarding how to care for your hearing aids. You also need to ensure you read the manufacturer’s specifications, as not all hearing aids are created equally, and therefore, a different care regime may be required.

As you can see, there are many ways you can start looking after your ears and boost your hearing health. Follow the tips that have been mentioned above and you are bound to notice a difference.


Work A High-Stress Career? Look After Yourself First


Working a high-stress career is simply a must for many people trying to achieve their goals and pursue the life they want. There are almost more high-stress careers than there are low-stress, and so it’s important to tailor yourself to the job market so you can work the roles you truly want. For example, a great chef will only become great if they’re willing to suffer the long hours and hardships of the kitchen. A construction worker will need to become adapted to the rugged physicality of the job, as well as mitigating the overstimulation of the nearby machinery.

High-stress jobs are simply a factor of the working world, as they always have been dating back to antiquity. For these reasons, it’s important to take care of yourself to keep resilient and active in the direction you most want to pursue. We’d like to offer you some health tips for achieving this.


You must make sure you are well protected during your workplace activities. It shouldn’t take a H+S officer to give you the motivation to read through the safety policy at your firm. Knowing this could potentially give you life-saving information. At the very least, making sure you are well protected regarding the role you play can help.

If you’re on your feet for multiple hours a day, wearing soft crocs or supportive shoes can help your feet health and your alertness over the course of the day. Making sure you mitigate the effects of workplace trauma can help too, for example, tinnitus treatment can help you mitigate the effects of noisy environments, or become active to work again after an injury. Making sure your skin is protected in toxic environments and constantly assessing your breathing environment will give you and even more complete view of safety in the workplace.


Giving yourself time to unwind from a stressful day will help you loosen some of the tightness you feel after a hard working period. It’s important that you give yourself this time, where you allow yourself to think about nothing in particular. For some people, this involves resting in front of the television, or consuming video games as a hobby. While these can be beneficial, and it’s more than your right to achieve this, there are better hobbies to help you.

Meditating can help you become more focused in your daily life, and actually de-emphasises the part of your brain responsible for stress. A simply crafting hobby can help you meditate physically, and creative expression is often the best way to de-stress. Reading a great book can help distract you in a completely different world, coming back to your life with added rejuvenation. These tips can help you overcome the difficulty of your daily schedule, and approach it with added caution and ability.

With these tips, your high-stress career will come second to your health, just the way it should be.




Take Action on These Tummy Troubles

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The unfortunate thing about stomach pain is that it can often be difficult to work out exactly what is going on in there and whether it’s just an average stomach upset or something more serious. This can lead to many people ignoring their tummy troubles when they really shouldn’t

If you’ve been experiencing stomach pains recently, check out these stomach complaints and they’re symptoms, to ensure you get the help you need:

Acid Reflux

Acid reflux occurs when the stomach acid finds its way back up your digestive system to your throat. Symptoms of this very common stomach complaint include a burning just below the breastbone, which tends to rear its head after eating and is often worse when you’re in a reclined position.

Take Action: To solve the acid reflux situation, simply take some antacids, such as tums when the pain hits. Even better, try to determine the foods that cause your issues and avoid them. If your reflux is really bad, it might even be worth seeing a Gastroenterologist to rule out GERD. The good think about acid reflux is that it is usually pretty easy to treat!


Appendicitis is a condition where the appendix becomes inflamed. If the area around your belly button starts to feel uncomfortable, and the pain spreads to the lower part of your right abdomen, and that pain is worse when you walk, there is a good chance you could be suffering from appendicitis.

Take Action: Should you experience these symptoms, you should get yourself to the emergency room right away. An inflamed appendix needs to be removed quickly, or you could risk it rupturing or introducing lots of life-threatening bacteria into your body.


Gallstones are one of the most painful tummy conditions of all, and all of the trouble is caused by small stones of hardened bile and cholesterol that form in the gallbladder and which are usually caused by a diet that is very high in fat. Symptoms of gallstones include a sharp, searing pain in the upper mid-abdomen area, which spreads to the right side. You may also suffer from diarrhea and sickness if you have gallstones.In serious cases, fever may also be present.
Take Action: When gallbladder pain hits, take an over the counter pain medication to relieve the symptoms. If it doesn’t work, or if the pain goes on for more than two hours, and definitely if you’re vomiting with a fever, you will should get yourself to a doctor. Chances are you will need to have your gallbladder removed.

Crohn’s Disease
Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that usually affects the colon and small intestine. Symptoms of crohn’s include persistent pain in the abdominal area, weight loss, and diarrhea.

Take Action: There is currently no treatment for this particular disease, but if you think you may have it, it is essential that you see a doctor who can prescribe things like steroids and anti-inflammatories to help manage the condition.

If you think you have any of the illnesses discussed here, it’s always a good idea to seek the further assistance of your doctor, who is the best person to help you.

Curing Back Pain The Natural Way

As we get older and age, back pain will seem to be an everyday occurrence. Sure, there are certain medications that can greatly ease the pain and, if the need be, your doctor might even refer you for surgery. However, some people try to stay away from these options as they prefer to take the more natural route. Not sure how you can heal your back pain naturally? Here are some great methods.


See A Back Expert

It’s a good idea to get some medical attention if you do experience regular back pain. Don’t worry, though, they won’t insist that you take medication or have surgery. Find a chiropractor near you if you want to chat about your various options. Let them know that you would prefer some natural remedies. They will be able to incorporate this into their treatment method. If they are unable to, they will be able to refer you to a local acupuncture specialist or other holistic practitioners.

Take Yoga Or Pilates Classes

Lots of people swear by Yoga and Pilates when it comes to back pain. So, it’s worth looking for a local class to see if there are any classes at times that suit you. After a few weeks of practicing Yoga or Pilates, you will certainly find a big improvement in your back. If you don’t have time to go to a full hour class, you can check online guides such as this one for stretches you can do on your own at home and also do some dumbbell neck exercises

Work Your Core

One reason why some people suffer from constant back pain is that their core is quite weak. Thankfully, this is very easy to change as you just need to start doing some exercises and workouts that will help strengthen it. If you are going to Yoga or Pilates, this should help, but there are also some other workouts that are great for core strengthening. These include Metafit and Piloxing.


Use Heat Therapy

If you need some instant relief from your back pain, you should consider heat therapy. This is very easy to apply yourself at home – you just need a hot water bottle or a bag of frozen peas! Place the bag of frozen peas on any area of pain if you also want to reduce any inflammation. The cold temperature will also shut down the nerves, so you shouldn’t feel quite as much pain. Applying heat also acts as a painkiller, and it also increases the blood flow which can help to bring more nutrients to the affected area.

Work Your Brain 

Some back experts believe that you won’t feel quite as much pain if your brain is stimulated and busy. So, it’s worth trying to occupy yourself to see if you can distract your brain away from the pain. Why not give it a try next time your back hurts?!

So, as you can see, there are many alternatives to medicine and surgery when it comes to back pain. Hopefully, this blog post will help you manage any uncomfortable aches and pains!

Not a Day Older: The Best Exercise For Aging Muscles

Growing old takes a toll on your body. Although most of us will change as we age, and looking in the mirror is more of a surprise than anything else, nothing is as affected as much our muscles. If you’re thinking that the amount you exercised back in the days is what you’re living off now and that the muscles you built in your twenties have served you well, you’re quite right – but that doesn’t mean you should stop caring about your body.

Image via: Pexels

Those sweaty circles of Pilates for seniors can be a bit underwhelming, though, if this is the only exercise your older parents are doing. Use science instead, to find the best type of workout to slow down the aging process and see them enjoy many more years of activity and sports.

The mitochondria

The mitochondria in our bodies are considered the cell’s power generator; it produces energy and converts it into forms that are usable by our cells. As we age, our cells stops to regenerate as easily as it did before, and are simultaneously affected by the mitochondria diminishing in both number and vigor.

We’d like to keep it as a generator for as long as we can, and certain types of exercise have actually proven to undo some of what aging has done to our cell’s power producer.

We’ll lose muscles, in other words, and will struggle with keeping our bodies as light and energized as we used to. It will keep them independent and happy for as long as possible, and they can get much more out of their golden years – and a lot more out of their Medicare Supplement plans. While there’s no decent alternative to growing old, by taking care of yourself and your older family members, you’ll be able to enjoy active years as a senior citizen and leap from one Pilates class to the next one.

Interval Exercise

The type of exercise that produced the biggest change in people’s genes in a study from this year was intense exercise – or interval training. There are a lot of different ways to incorporate this into your regular routine, although it’s usually associated with running or jogging. How well your aging family member is able to cope with running, you know better than any, but consider similar options if this is difficult due to their knees or other immobilities.

Cycling, for example, is excellent interval exercise and can be done in nature as well as on a stationary bike at the gym. If you think the gym is a better option as they’ll have assistants around at all time, remember that time spent in nature is wonderful news for their health as well. Try to compensate by walking outside together and enjoying nature in other ways – with less speed, perhaps.

To get the kind of benefits that will reduce aging in their muscles, it needs to be intense – and to manage this on a bicycle, you’re going to need speed. The gym may be the best option, in other words, unless they’re still relatively young.

While any type of exercise is good for your body, you should treat your family to the best kind of exercise for their age – especially now that you know the science behind it all.







Medication :The Only Thing That Brings Relief For The Agony Back Pain?

Back pain is a common problem, with at least 10% of the world’s population experiencing it at any one time, and really can be agony. You can’t sit, or lie in any one position for long. Meaning it’s hard to get comfortable during the day or get a good sleep at night. Something that can serve to further intensify the pain. It is understandable then, why so many people turn to medication prescribed by their doctors to relieve this type of pain but does that mean it is the only thing that truly works? Read on to find out.

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There are a lot of different drugs that are prescribed for back pain. These include acetaminophen, NSAIDs and even epidural injections to numb the area. Many of these are quite helpful, and it is not the aim of this post is not to say that medication doesn’t work. As when you are in considerable pain, you get to the point when you are pretty much happy to try anything that has a chance of relieving your suffering.


When dealing with medications, remember too that some need to tapered off gently and not stopped all in one go, and other cannot be used in conjunction with alternative therapies as it could be dangerous. So, do check with your medical team before making any changes to your medication regime. Even if you do think they are changes that should affect your back pain in a positive way.


Something else that it is possible to try if you are suffering from back pain is a visit to a chiropractor. A chiropractor is a trained professional that use their knowledge of anatomy and physiology to manipulate the body. Working on areas of pressure and stress that can help to relieve back pain.

The really good ones also have access to acupuncture and new technological advances such as Solve™. A Noninvasive Targeted Neurostimulation (NTN), something that can also help to provide relief from the agony of back pain. As well as providing a less invasive alternative for back pain issue than the surgery options discussed below.


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Lastly, an option that many people with back pain go for is surgery. Of course, this is only suitable in some cases. Such as where problems like a herniated disks and sciatica respond to surgery that well. It’s also something that folks may try to avoid wherever possible because of the time off work they have to take and the risk associated with the procedures.

Additionally, it’s also worth bearing in mind that you can go through the difficulties of a surgical procedure but still not be guaranteed that your pain will be eradicated. So it’s vital you weigh up your options and the probability of success before you consider surgery as a solution to your back pain








Foods All MS Sufferers Need To Avoid

Following a healthy and nutritious diet is important for all of us as it can help us live long and happy lives. However, there are some people who suffer from certain illnesses and health conditions that need to keep a closer eye on the foods they eat. And one of those health conditions that requires a finely tuned diet is multiple sclerosis (MS).  

Those who suffer from MS suffer from fatigue, numbness in the limbs, trouble with movement, and bladder problems. There is no cure for this, but patients can take medication to make life with these symptoms easier. However, some sufferers believe that changing their diet has made a world of difference as well. Here are some of the foods they avoid to help improve their symptoms.



Some MS patients find that drastically reducing their daily sodium intake can help to improve things for them. In fact, there have been some studies that show MS patients that have a high level of salt and sodium in their diet are more likely to relapse. Don’t worry about cutting salt out of your food, there are better ways to season your meals and make them taste great. For instance, you could add hemp seeds to your salads and cooked vegetables. In fact, some MS patients find that hemp can help to ease their pain. Sticking your kitchen with plenty of herbs and spices can also help you improve your food’s flavor! 

Full-Fat Dairy

There have been a few studies carried out on the link between dairy and MS. These studies haven’t shown any definite links between the two, but it is believed that cutting down on full-fat dairy is better for an all-round healthy lifestyle. And the healthier you are, the better your body will be able to deal with MS symptoms and relapses.


Saturated Fats

A low-fat diet has been popular amongst MS sufferers since the 1940s. This is because some experts claim that all of the saturated fats found in protein sources, like red meat, tend to make the symptoms of MS worse. However, you should still endeavor to keep good fats in your diet as these are important sources of vitamin D. 


Sugar is bad news for all of our health, especially when it comes to our oral hygiene. But those with MS need to pay particular attention to their daily intake of sugar. That’s because too much sugar in the diet will lead to a lot of weight gain. And if you are carrying a few extra pounds, you will find it difficult to be mobile, especially if you suffer from MS. It is also thought that reducing sugar intake can help the body fight the flu-like symptoms that sometimes come after taking interferon, which is a common medication in the fight against MS.

As you can see, diet can make all the difference to your MS symptoms. And changing your diet in these ways can help you lead a much healthier and happier lifestyle overall!

Ouch! How To Identify The Source Of Your Headache


There are few things worse than having to deal with a persistent headache. It can leave you unable to concentrate on anything, it can make your irritable, and it can put a serious downer on any otherwise perfectly pleasant day. Sure, there are plenty of treatments for headaches out there, but the problem is if you want to deal with one that really persists, you’ve got to know what the cause is, which can often be kind of tricky. In order to help you avoid having to putting up a piercing pain in your skull for long periods of time, here are some of the most common causes of headaches and what you can do about them.


A tension headache is perhaps the most common kind there is with a surprisingly large percentage of the population suffering from them. While the exact causes of tension headaches are widely unknown, they are commonly caused by severe stress and muscle tension, especially in your neck. One of the best ways to alleviate these kinds of headaches is to reduce the causes of stress in your life (something that’s rather a good idea anyway) as well as trying out some exercises to loosen the muscles in your neck.

Eye strain

The vast majority of people spend almost all of our time staring at screens these days. We stare at computer screens at work, then we go home and stare and the TV screen, then we go to bed and stare at our phones. Spending so much time staring at screens is guaranteed to put a lot of strain on your eyes which can often lead to some pretty serious headaches. Of course, computer screens aren’t the only reason that you could end up with a headache caused by eye strain. A lot of people find that conditions like Lao Hua Yan which can cause your eyesight to suffer quite severely can cause you to try and strain harder to see which can cause headaches. The best way to deal with this is to seek medical help either through glasses or something like laser surgery. That way you’ll no longer be spending all of your time straining just to be able to see.


There’s a serious issue among the vast majority of the population that we’re simply not staying hydrated enough. There are hundreds of health reasons why dehydration is incredibly dangerous, but it’s certainly one of the more common reasons why people end up suffering from headaches that they can’t get rid off. When your body is dehydrated then your brain actually shrink from fluid loss. This causes it to pull away from the skull causing a lot of pain. Your body needs the right amount of fluids and electrolytes in order to function properly, and without them, you’re going to end up feeling seriously ill. If you’re dehydrated, then there’s a good chance that a headache could well be the least of your worries but it’s important to keep an eye out for it as a sign that you might need to hydrate yourself pretty urgently.

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