Tag: Health Problems

What You Should Know About Work-Related Health Problems

When you go to work, you don’t normally expect to get hurt there or have your health damaged in some way. Unfortunately, these things really do happen and they’re often no fun at all to deal with. Whether you’ve experienced these kind of problems before or not, you need to be aware of them and how to get the help you need when you need it. Read on now to find out more about all of this. 

Stress and Anxiety Caused by Work is More Common Than You Think 

The problem of stress at work is growing massively, and more people are now feeling able to talk about it. That’s a good thing, but what’s not good are the practices that lead people to feeling under pressure and stressed every day of the working week. It’s a common problem, so if it’s something that you’ve been struggling with, there’s no shame in that at all. 

The HR Department Might be Able to Help You

If you are having difficulties with things like stress or anxiety caused by your work life, you should head to your company’s HR department and see what they can do for you. They might be able to change your schedules or your workload so that you don’t feel quite so under pressure all the time. That’s got to be a good thing, so it’s worth looking into.

If You’ve Been Exposed to Something Harmful, You Should Seek Justice

There are many damaging and hazardous materials that people work with every day. However, just because you’re aware of the risks, that doesn’t mean your employers can expose you to unsafe materials without the right safety equipment. The risks of asbestos exposure resulting to mesothelioma are very real. And that’s just one example, so you should seek legal justice if you’ve ever been in a situation like that.

Your Employers Have a Duty to Protect You While You Work

No matter what anyone tells you, you should remember that you do have rights at work and your employer has a duty to protect you from threats and harm that might arise in your line of work. So if you feel like basic safety standards are not being met, you should take action and be vocal about it. If it becomes a problem, getting a union involved will be necessary.

Aches and Pains Could be Caused By Repetitive Work

All those little aches and pains you’ve been feeling might not simply be a sign that you’re getting older. They could also be down to the fact that so many of us do jobs that are physically repetitive. Repetitive strain injuries are technically workplace injuries, and they can impact anyone from builders to receptionists.


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 There are so many ways in which your health can be damaged when you’re at work. That’s something that you should be aware of because then you can better combat the potential problems you experience in the workplace. That’s got to be a good thing, so don’t ignore this any longer.

Osteoporosis: Understanding The Bear Bones Of This Condition

Many people have heard the term osteoporosis, but do they really understand what it means, and the effect it can have on their health? Probably not, and that is why my post below outlines the basics of the condition, as well as what can be done to prevent and alleviate it. Keep reading to find out more.

What it osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a bone condition. It occurs when the structure of our bones lose density. Something that means the spaces within the bone structure get larger and the actual fibers of bone get smaller. This is often described as them being porous.


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Unfortunately, the symptoms of osteoporosis are often not detectable until the damage has been done. This is because it is a largely silent and gradual disease, and only when it reaches an advanced stage where breaks and fractures become much more likely does it start to be noticeable. That is why it is often associated with older people. Obviously, bone breakage is painful and can be debilitating, meaning it’s something that is best to avoid if at all possible. Especially if it is frequently occurring, as can present with this condition.


Over time osteoporosis can cause major problems in any of the bones in the body, and especially the spine. This is because individual vertebrae can fracture, something that is known as kyphoscoliosis. This causes pain and a hunched over appearance that makes mobility very difficult.

What causes it

Believe it or not, our bones are not static elements of our body. In fact, old bone is reabsorbed into our system throughout our lives, and new bone is created. However, if there is a disruption or imbalance in this process, it can lead to osteoporosis because not enough new bone is created to support the body.

This imbalance is more common in people with a calcium deficiency as this is an essential nutrient to help develop bone growth. It is also common in women because hormonal changes after the menopause cause a rapid loss of bone density which is often never completely balances out, causing them to more at risk of this disease.

Treatment and prevention

Obviously, if you have developed, or been identified as being at risk of osteoporosis, your doctor will advise you on the best course of treatment to stay well.

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However, there are some things that you can do that will minimise your risk of suffering from this condition in the first place. Ths includes using supplements, calcium in particular, as this can help to increase bone density.

Although some folks do have concerns about the safety of putting nutrients into their body in such high quantities. That is where consulting with your doctors and doing your research comes in as you can find out more about this in the AlgaeCal safety study on Pubmed. There you will find all the facts you will need to help you decide whether calcium is the right supplement to help you in your quest to prevent osteoporosis.

Takeaway: So in summary osteoporosis is a condition where the bones aren’t dense enough. It’s caused by a lack of calcium and an imbalance in bone production and reabsorption. Also in addition to medical treatments, calcium supplements may be helpful in preventing this condition.






Health Issues: Not Serious, But Seriously Annoying

There are certain health issues that just seem to happen. To an extent, we all see them as part and parcel of being a human. They’re not serious; they won’t compromise your life beyond irritation and mild discomfort; and they’re definitely not life-threatening. They’re just annoyances that most of us will find ourselves experiencing at least once in our lives.

As ‘normal’ as these maladies may be — in terms of the number of people they impact — they might have a genuine cause. Even if an issue is not particularly debilitating, if it happens to you frequently, then you don’t just have to shrug and dismiss it as a standard part of life. If you take the time to figure out what’s really going on with these oh-so-standard problems, you might just be able to cure them once and for all. Fixing aspects of your health that have been bothering you in a low-level-but-still-present way can make a huge difference to your overall health, and give you the confidence that you’re going to wake up feeling well every morning.

So, without further ado…


Okay, so it’s not the nicest subject to have to talk about, but hey, it happens to the best of us! Constipation is a symptom of a range of different health problems, so it’s always worth checking with a doctor if the issue becomes chronic.

For the most part, though, constipation is transitory– though that’s not to say it’s fun to deal with. One common solution is to try a magnesium supplement; a lack of magnesium has long been associated as a potential cause for constipation.



Glance through any pharmacy and you will see myriad options for treating dry eyes. It’s a symptom that many people experience, with too much computer usage and not enough sleep often the cause.

However, there is another potential cause you’re going to want to be aware of; dehydration. If you’ve not been drinking enough water, then you’ll feel the impact throughout your body— but particularly in your eyes and your lips. So if you have persistent problems with dry eyes — or chapped lips for that matter — then increase your water intake rather than reaching for an over-the-counter solution. It could make all the difference.


Sometimes, excessive daytime tiredness doesn’t have a cause beyond the basic explanation– you didn’t sleep well the night before. However, if you seem to be sleeping well, getting a decent night’s rest, and you still feel tired, then this is worthy of further investigation.

The most common cause is a disorder called sleep apnea, where you temporarily stop breathing at night. Don’t panic; your body recognizes this as an issue and rights itself immediately! You won’t remember these moments or feel any ill-effect from them, apart from tiredness the next day; sleep apnea sleep is not as restful as ‘standard’ sleep. See a doctor if your experience fits this description; sleep apnea is treatable, and you’ll sleep much better in future.

Just because a health complaint isn’t dominant and ruining your life doesn’t mean you just have to put up with it. Explore the possible causes, speak to your doctor, and you stand to improve your life exponentially!



Take Action on These Tummy Troubles

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The unfortunate thing about stomach pain is that it can often be difficult to work out exactly what is going on in there and whether it’s just an average stomach upset or something more serious. This can lead to many people ignoring their tummy troubles when they really shouldn’t

If you’ve been experiencing stomach pains recently, check out these stomach complaints and they’re symptoms, to ensure you get the help you need:

Acid Reflux

Acid reflux occurs when the stomach acid finds its way back up your digestive system to your throat. Symptoms of this very common stomach complaint include a burning just below the breastbone, which tends to rear its head after eating and is often worse when you’re in a reclined position.

Take Action: To solve the acid reflux situation, simply take some antacids, such as tums when the pain hits. Even better, try to determine the foods that cause your issues and avoid them. If your reflux is really bad, it might even be worth seeing a Gastroenterologist to rule out GERD. The good think about acid reflux is that it is usually pretty easy to treat!


Appendicitis is a condition where the appendix becomes inflamed. If the area around your belly button starts to feel uncomfortable, and the pain spreads to the lower part of your right abdomen, and that pain is worse when you walk, there is a good chance you could be suffering from appendicitis.

Take Action: Should you experience these symptoms, you should get yourself to the emergency room right away. An inflamed appendix needs to be removed quickly, or you could risk it rupturing or introducing lots of life-threatening bacteria into your body.


Gallstones are one of the most painful tummy conditions of all, and all of the trouble is caused by small stones of hardened bile and cholesterol that form in the gallbladder and which are usually caused by a diet that is very high in fat. Symptoms of gallstones include a sharp, searing pain in the upper mid-abdomen area, which spreads to the right side. You may also suffer from diarrhea and sickness if you have gallstones.In serious cases, fever may also be present.
Take Action: When gallbladder pain hits, take an over the counter pain medication to relieve the symptoms. If it doesn’t work, or if the pain goes on for more than two hours, and definitely if you’re vomiting with a fever, you will should get yourself to a doctor. Chances are you will need to have your gallbladder removed.

Crohn’s Disease
Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that usually affects the colon and small intestine. Symptoms of crohn’s include persistent pain in the abdominal area, weight loss, and diarrhea.

Take Action: There is currently no treatment for this particular disease, but if you think you may have it, it is essential that you see a doctor who can prescribe things like steroids and anti-inflammatories to help manage the condition.

If you think you have any of the illnesses discussed here, it’s always a good idea to seek the further assistance of your doctor, who is the best person to help you.

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