Tag: Best Health Blogger

4 Alternative Vegan Diets You Can Try

Adopting a vegan diet is one of the healthiest things you can ever do when it comes to looking out for your body. The over-consumption of meat and animal products has been linked to many serious and degenerative diseases, so regulating your daily consumption of such foodstuffs can certainly help in preventing those health conditions from compromising your health. Besides this, sticking with a vegan diet will also do wonders for you when it comes to helping you lose weight and feel much better overall.

However, for those of us who have grown up with having a large amount of meat in our daily diets, giving up meat entirely can prove to be very challenging, or even outright impossible. Thankfully, there are alternative vegan diets you can try out that can start you off on the healthy and virtuous path of complete and total veganism. Here are some of them.

Lacto-ovo Vegetarian

This is the most common type of diet that many aspiring vegans would adopt at the start of their zero-meat intake journey, often sticking with it for long periods of time until they either convert back to a carnivorous diet or graduate into full veganism. As its name suggests, the lacto-ovo vegetarian diet consists of a healthy amount of greens, dairy, and eggs. Meat is naturally left out of the equation.

But what about those who suffer from lactose intolerance, but still wish to pursue this particular vegan starter diet? We recommend you drink milked nuts as a dietary alternative—i.e. almond milk, peanut milk, and so on—instead of regular dairy. This way, you get just as much protein with the same creamy deliciousness, but without the added calories, cholesterol, and other potentially harmful stuff that comes with the regular consumption of animal-derived dairy products.

Other versions of this diet include Lacto vegetarian and Ovo vegetarian, which focuses on supplementing their vegetable diet with either milk or eggs respectively.


If eggs and dairy products aren’t quite enough for you to subsist on alongside your leafy greens, then you might want to ratchet the difficulty factor for yourself down a few more notches and go with the pollotarian diet instead. This vegan alternative eating style forbids red meat of any kind, along with all types of seafood. Meat and other food products derived from poultry and fowl are allowed. Dairy is considered included in the diet as well, although some pollotarians choose to exclude such food sources.

As this diet forbids red meat along with seafood, it helps health-conscious dieters and foodie lovers slowly wean themselves off of meat products while still allowing them to partake on healthier and leaner meat choices. Of course, those who decide to go pollotarian should take heed to only cook their allowed meat products in healthy ways to fully enjoy the benefits of their diet.


Somewhat the opposite of the pollotarian diet, going pescatarian means avoiding all meat except for aquatic sources, such as fish, mollusks, crustaceans, and other types of seafood. Dairy, like pollotarians, are also considered as an optional source of nutrition.

The pescatarian diet is a bit easier to handle than the other vegan diet alternatives, simply due to the fact that seafood consists of so many textures, flavors, and cuisine types. In contrast, the pollotarian only has one single type of meat to enjoy, and in a limited number of ways at that. Finally, the consumption of fatty types of seafood, such as tuna and mackerel, bestows a lot of important health benefits to the dieter.


If you’re really finding it hard to commit to the vegan lifestyle but still want to give it an honest shot, then this alternative diet might be for you. The flexitarian dieter seeks to keep to a wholly plant-based diet while also enjoying the meat dish. How occasionally the meat comes up is completely up to the flexitarian, of course, but some choose to indulge once a week, or once a month.

Of all the vegan alternative diets, this may be the easiest to handle since the dieter is able to enjoy their favorite meat dish while still increasing their vegetable intake by a considerably high amount. However, the fact that there is no limit to the type of meat allowed in their indulgent periods means that they are still being exposed to the potential health consequences of meat consumption. The frequency of their “meat breaks” may also have a detrimental effect on the health benefits of their majorly plant-based diet.


Adopting a wholly plant-based diet can really improve your health as well as the quality of life you’re enjoying. However, you don’t have to go cold turkey right away when it comes to eating meat. By taking up these alternative vegan diets, you can slowly ease yourself into this healthier and more rewarding lifestyle.


Quick-Fire Questions: The Health Edition

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Health is the most important aspect of anybody’s life, which is why keeping yours in the best condition should be top of the agenda at all times. For many, however, the hardest challenge revolves around building a winning plan of action.

Here are the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions surrounding this field.  

What Is The Best Diet?

Anyone that says there is a one size fits all diet for everyone is either a liar or a fool. For starters, person A may be 6’1” and wanting to gain muscle, person B could be 5’2” and wanting to lose weight. This in itself should underline the need to focus on finding a strategy that works for you.  

In your case, this could mean getting tested for various food allergies or merely focusing on the foods that you love. It’s far better to discover nutritional habits that suit your needs as well as your lifestyle. When you do this, your chances of sticking to the plan become far greater too.  

There is one tip that should be embraced by all, however: stay hydrated!

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How Much Exercise Should I Do?

The experts say that you should be getting at least 30-minutes of moderate activity at least 3-4 times per week. While this is a good starting point for beginners, most people will find that this isn’t enough to unlock optimum health or performance. Crucially, you need to exercise in a smart manner.

Exercise should be fun and rewarding. Team sports, gym workouts, and class sessions can all be used to significant effect. Meanwhile, you’ll want to focus on targeting your weak points as well as the strongest areas. Mixing up the intensity levels and workout types can keep you on your toes too.

Remember that rest and recovery is equally vital, though, especially when you suffer an injury.

Are Mistakes Final?

No. While you cannot turn back the hands of time, there’s no point in feeling sorry for yourself. After all, we are all guilty of making mistakes with our health. A proactive response is the only way to learn from those errors and develop into a better person. This should be a target for all.

Those errors can come in many aspects of our lives, not least with regards to sexual health. Getting checked for infections is vital after unprotected sex. Meanwhile, an abortion pill can stop the threat of bad decisions impacting your entire life. Be sure to follow this up with further education on the subject.  

Or if you’ve been guilty of habits that harm your health, it’s never too late to change.

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What Are The Best Ways To Stay On The Road To Recovery?

No two people are identical. Nonetheless, despite the fact that it has to be a personal journey back to the top, embracing helping hands is vital. With the right support, the journey ahead will feel less daunting. This should, in turn, ensure that the ride is less bumpy too.

Whether battling addictions or recovering from an illness or injury, outlets are vital. Having an activity that helps focus your mind elsewhere and stop dwelling on your problems is vital. Meanwhile, setting daily milestones will break down the process into bitesize chunks.

You can get back to your best, and the right plan of action will undoubtedly aid the cause.  

Is It OK To Self-Diagnose My Illnesses?

We all encounter minor health issues such as flu throughout the year. In those cases, buying over the counter medication is the fastest and most cost-effective solution. However, in a world where we can drag up information on any subject, it can be tempting to take things further. Resist the temptation.

While it is possible that you’ll find the right diagnosis, getting it wrong will prevent you from getting the best treatment. Given that fast, accurate responses are the only way to restore your health to its best, this is the only option. The experts boast that status for a reason.

If it’s anything other than common cold symptoms, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

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Oral Health – Cosmetic Vanity Or Genuine Necessity?

Do you need a Hollywood smile to enjoy great health? Absolutely not. In fact, many would argue that the clearly fake smiles look ridiculous.  One thing you cannot ignore, however, is the fact that the underlying oral health issues are of huge significance.

Good oral health should start with effective daily cleaning. Millions swear by electric toothbrushes, but it’s perhaps even more crucial to add mouthwash and flossing to the daily activities. Meanwhile, regular checkups, especially if you’ve experienced pain, are essential too.

So, to recap: Hollywood smile? No.Winning smile? Definitely.    

Just How Important Is The Right Frame Of Mind?

If nothing else, the answers to the questions above should highlight the fact that mental health is as crucial as physical health. Unfortunately, other people cannot notice the damage quite like they’ll spot physical issues. Only you can take responsibility, but that doesn’t mean you have to be alone.  

Vocalizing a problem to yourself can be the first step to accepting the need to treat it. Meanwhile, opening up to friends and family often leads to love, support, and advice. If the thought of discussing those issues with loved ones feels too much, online forums or local experts can help.  

When your mindset is in the right place, you can achieve anything. Do not underestimate it for a second.


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Any Other Tricks For Great Health?

It may not seem like a major issue, but establishing a routine is vital for your health. From sleeping at the same times to working out on the same days each week, plenty of evidence backs up the claims that this can be hugely beneficial.   

If nothing else, it’ll keep you on the right track and help train your mind. Having said that, the chance to take a break and recharge the batteries is something that everyone should want to grab. Otherwise, it can all get a bit too much.

Most importantly, though, you have to do what works for you.


The Importance of Finding An Outlet in Recovery

The Importance of Finding An Outlet in Recovery


By Kevin Repass


As a former drug addict and alcoholic in recovery, I have found that it is extremely valuable to find some type of outlet or activities you can enjoy to relieve stress, focus or express yourself. Finding an outlet can help maintain sobriety and prevent relapse. My outlet is the gym and writing. Sticking with a gym routine makes me feel better about myself both mentally and physically. Another outlet I use is writing. If I find myself feeling stuck in my head or having a craving for substances, I have found writing poetry or lyrics clears my head. I can capture my feelings at the time and release it onto a piece of paper. Outlets can come in the form of anything- exercise, music, meditation, prayer, arts, and crafts- anything that can keep you in the moment, find inner peace and allow you to release whatever it is you’re feeling at the time. It can also pull your attention away from triggers and curb or prevent cravings.

Way Out

Finding an outlet isn’t just a form of release but also a replacement. In fact, finding a healthy outlet can replace your old, unhealthy habit of drinking and drug use. Finding an activity you can actually enjoy sober is vital. You must find activities and outlets that can help you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I highly suggest finding ones that you never tried sober. Try to avoid activities you enjoyed while drinking or using, as those can be potential triggers for relapse.

Way Forward

If you feel lost and don’t know where to begin when it comes to finding an outlet, the simple answer is an experiment. Step out of your comfort zone. Take advantage of everything and everyone around you. Don’t be afraid to explore new places and try new things, even if you don’t think you would enjoy it. You never know until you try. Who knows, maybe you had a hidden talent or niche that you otherwise wouldn’t have known existed. Finding an outlet can also help you connect with other people. Getting yourself out there can help you find other people who share similar interests which, in turn, can build a positive environment and social network valuable to your recovery. Finding an outlet can also help you rediscover, reinvent and find yourself again.

Kevin Repass is a recovering drug addict and alcoholic. He is a writer for https://yourfirststep.org/ a south Florida-based company dedicated to providing resources and information to all those struggling with drug and alcohol addiction.


In today’s world, many people are waking up to the reality that there is a health crisis going on across the globe. Evidence of the health crisis includes things like a rise in the prevalence of degenerative diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Also note that the emergence of technological machines like computers and electronic devices has led to the prevalence of sedentary lifestyles given that people can now work and socialize without lifting a foot for several hours. Irrespective of the specific reason that individuals fall prey to lackluster health, making lifestyle changes is important and ultimately imperative. Utilize some or all of the wellness strategies outlined below to ensure that you can attain the health help necessary to facilitate optimal mental and physical well-being:

1. Obtain More Self-Knowledge.

One of the best health help strategies under the sun is obtaining more self-knowledge. This approach is helpful because it empowers the individual to go on the journey of self-discovery which will enable her or him to determine which techniques can be successfully utilized to facilitate great health outcomes. For example, introverts may find that they are willing to exercise yet feel immensely uncomfortable in a group fitness setting. Knowing your personality and why you’re inclined to make certain life choices can be the key to ensuring that you can implement the types of health strategies that will facilitate results.

2. Stop Dieting.

Another strategy you should deploy as you think about which wellness strategies you should be implementing is ending your dieting career. Unfortunately, many people get trapped in the world of yo-yo dieting. In addition to negatively impacting your metabolism, this mode of eating is problematic because it typically involves things like temporarily eliminating food groups or severe caloric restriction. These are just a few of the reasons that you should put an end to all dieting right now. Once you do so, begin to develop healthy eating strategies that will empower you to consume foods that facilitate vitality. You can do a major life overhaul or take baby steps to make this happen. An example would be giving up coffee and replacing your regular consumption of caffeine with green smoothies.

3. Attain Sound Medical Care.

One final strategy you should implement to get healthy is attaining sound medical care. Most people will experience a substantive medical issue at some point, and this is why obtaining professional health care services is important. If you’re in need of digital x-ray imaging services for diagnostic purposes, know that the professionals of Middletown Medical Imaging can assist you.


Three strategies that can be used to help you get and remain well are outlined above. Utilize these techniques immediately so you can attain the level of mental and physical wellness necessary to lead an amazing life!

Benefits of Cycling

Well, I think we all know that cycling is one exercise that not only helps you burn calories, but also tones your body, builds your muscle strength and keeps you in shape. I always had this regret of not knowing how to cycle and feel jealous at times when I see my close friends enjoying this form of workout.

There are a handful benefits that I could list out, but then I came across this very interesting posts, that tells about some 101, yes you read it right, 101 benefits of cycling. I am sure you would also find it worth the read. Do share your feedback in my comments section. In the mean while I will try if I can still learn to cycle and enjoy all these benefits 🙂

Painless delivery is not a myth anymore..!!

Giving birth to a child is one of the most cherished experiences in a woman’s life. Her ability to give birth to another life in itself is her biggest achievement ever. It is one of those things that make a woman stand out from men.


With changing times, women have also modernized and they are still able to multitask effortlessly. They’re involved in a lot of other things in life such as career, profession, goals and meeting targets.

Pregnancy is a crucial phase as it involves taking utmost care and precautions when it comes to her nourishment, health and care. Some women think of childbirth as an enriching experience while some often feel afraid and tensed when it comes to giving birth. Most women opt for a Caesarean Section as they feel that the normal delivery method is too painful for them to handle.

But all these are a thing of the past! Today, painless deliveries are common and easily possible. All you need is an expert’s help and your baby can be welcomed into the world easily and painlessly.

Hence, choosing your doctor and hospital is an important decision. Never compromise on choosing the hospital and expert when it comes to delivering your baby. Of course, you want the best for your baby, don’t you?

BirthRight by Rainbow Children’s Hospital, is one such medical care center, which provides state of the art facilities for women and children. The hospital has the best doctors and is fully equipped with the most technologically advanced equipment and procedures.

Birthright is the perinatal division of Rainbow Hospitals providing Antenatal Services and Gynecological Endoscopic Procedures to women. The team specializes in tertiary level of care extended to both, the women who have high-risk pregnancy as well the ones with normal pregnancy.

The integrated team consisting of Obstetricians, Fetal Medicine Specialists and Geneticists, working closely in conjunction with Neonatologists, Pediatric Subspecialists and Maternal Intensivists to optimize maternal and fetal outcomes.

BirthRight, the perinatal division of Rainbow Hospitals has a team of well-qualified Obstetricians and Fetal Medicine specialists with rich experience of having worked abroad and at reputed corporate hospitals across the country. They are ably supported by their in-house Neonatal team and round-the-clock Obstetric Anesthesia and Epidural facilities. Their services are effectively delivered by childbirth educators and lactation consultants.

Support services:-

  • Pregnancy Counselling
  • Childbirth Preparation Classes
  • Breastfeeding Support
  • Postpartum Care
  • Nutrition and Dietary Support
  • Yoga and Fitness Counselling
  • Well-qualified Obstetricians
  • Fetal Medicine specialists
  • In-house Neonatal team
  • Round-the-clock Obstetric Anesthesia
  • Epidural facilities

Diagnostic procedures:-

  • Amniocentesis
  • Chorionic villus sampling

Therapeutic procedures:-

  • Selective reduction
  • Multifetal pregnancy reduction
  • intrauterine transfusion
  • Therapeutic pleurocetesis
  • Thoracoamniotic Shunt


BirthRight recognizes that childbirth is one of life’s major events, sometimes complicated, but mostly a natural process involving intense emotions and physical experiences. It is an event which profoundly changes people’s lives and is very fulfilling for both the mother and father. Therefore they place emphasis on safety and quality as well as providing a premier service to ensure that your birthing experience is memorable for all the right reasons.

At BirthRight they provide care for you right from conception to delivery. During your pregnancy, they offer antenatal classes which are conducted by an expert childbirth educator.

They also have a friendly outpatient department for your check-ups backed by a full range of laboratory services inclusive of fetal medicine and ultrasound services for monitoring the health of your unborn baby (fetus). They believe that information empowers pregnant women to handle their pregnancies without fear and anxiety. They ensure that all the going-to-be-mommies have an adequate supply of information throughout their pregnancy.

The diagnostic procedures include tests like Amniocentesis and Chorionic Villus Sampling to ensure a smooth birth process and get an in depth knowledge on any genetic disorders, abnormalities, birth defects or down syndrome etc.

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder which is caused due to a defect in the 21st chromosome. It generally occurs due to an excess of genetic matter in the chromosomes. Children who have Down syndrome tend to have certain features, such as a flat face, a short neck, longer forehead and short fingers. They also have some a degree of intellectual disability. Down syndrome is a lifelong condition but with care and support, children who have Down syndrome can grow up to have healthy, happy and productive lives. Tests and diagnosis can help in evaluating these conditions at an early stage and thus precautionary methods can be brought into practice, thereby, reducing the risk.

Also the facilities like Multifetal Pregnancy Reduction, Intrauterine Transfusion, Therapeutic Pleurocentesis and Thoracoamniotic Shunt which ensure least risk in the pregnancy and smooth delivery.

Hence, to conclude, choosing the right hospital for pregnancy and delivery is imperative to both the mother and child’s health so be wise and choose BirthRight.



When It Comes to a Healthy Lifestyle, Don’t Rush!

Life is a marathon, not a sprint, and it pays to keep this in mind when it comes to getting yourself a healthier lifestyle. You see, the biggest pitfall in changing one’s lifestyle and making it healthier is the fact that when it is rushed it is more likely to be ruined. And when the changing of a lifestyle is ruined, it’s hard to get momentum back to attempt it again. So, don’t rush your lifestyle change! And for advice on the best ways to do this, make sure to read on.

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Don’t attempt changes that are too drastic

The biggest pitfall in the road of making your lifestyle far healthier is the first one that is faced: the shock to the system that it induces. This shock is brought about by the fact that a massive change has occurred within your body, especially when the change is because of the fact that you have cut out unhealthy habits in your life, and it is shock that can make you give up on your lifestyle change before you even really get started with it.

In order to beat this pitfall and this shock, you should never make changes to your lifestyle that are too drastic. Instead, you should ease these changes in and have them occur naturally, rather than forcefully. This could mean gradually cutting down on cigarette intake with each day that passes or swapping cigarettes for a far healthier smoking instrument, such as a vape, entirely. It could mean cutting down on trips to your local pub or club and subsequently cutting down on your alcohol intake rather than cutting alcohol out entirely. Or it could mean forging that little snack you have been meals or replacing it with, say, a carrot stick.

The point is, there is no point in making too drastic a change to your lifestyle, even when your intentions for doing so are to make it healthier, because it will make you more likely to fail with it even before it has began.

Take your time with everything that you do

Not only should you not attempt changes that are too drastic, but you should also take as much time as you need to attempt whatever it is you are attempting. You should do this because of the fact that everybody works at their own pace and grows at a different pace to others, even those that they are closest to.

For instance, one weight loss system may work and work quicker for one member of a family, but may not work for another. And, the fact that, say, your brother is losing weight quicker than you shouldn’t disgruntle you. You should take YOUR time when losing weight, not your brothers. You should do things that your body can withstand.

Everybody works at different paces, and all bodies can withstand different changes. It’s important to remember this when attempting to make your lifestyle a lot healthier. And it’s important to ease yourself into whatever changes you attempt.


Health Issues: Not Serious, But Seriously Annoying

There are certain health issues that just seem to happen. To an extent, we all see them as part and parcel of being a human. They’re not serious; they won’t compromise your life beyond irritation and mild discomfort; and they’re definitely not life-threatening. They’re just annoyances that most of us will find ourselves experiencing at least once in our lives.

As ‘normal’ as these maladies may be — in terms of the number of people they impact — they might have a genuine cause. Even if an issue is not particularly debilitating, if it happens to you frequently, then you don’t just have to shrug and dismiss it as a standard part of life. If you take the time to figure out what’s really going on with these oh-so-standard problems, you might just be able to cure them once and for all. Fixing aspects of your health that have been bothering you in a low-level-but-still-present way can make a huge difference to your overall health, and give you the confidence that you’re going to wake up feeling well every morning.

So, without further ado…


Okay, so it’s not the nicest subject to have to talk about, but hey, it happens to the best of us! Constipation is a symptom of a range of different health problems, so it’s always worth checking with a doctor if the issue becomes chronic.

For the most part, though, constipation is transitory– though that’s not to say it’s fun to deal with. One common solution is to try a magnesium supplement; a lack of magnesium has long been associated as a potential cause for constipation.



Glance through any pharmacy and you will see myriad options for treating dry eyes. It’s a symptom that many people experience, with too much computer usage and not enough sleep often the cause.

However, there is another potential cause you’re going to want to be aware of; dehydration. If you’ve not been drinking enough water, then you’ll feel the impact throughout your body— but particularly in your eyes and your lips. So if you have persistent problems with dry eyes — or chapped lips for that matter — then increase your water intake rather than reaching for an over-the-counter solution. It could make all the difference.


Sometimes, excessive daytime tiredness doesn’t have a cause beyond the basic explanation– you didn’t sleep well the night before. However, if you seem to be sleeping well, getting a decent night’s rest, and you still feel tired, then this is worthy of further investigation.

The most common cause is a disorder called sleep apnea, where you temporarily stop breathing at night. Don’t panic; your body recognizes this as an issue and rights itself immediately! You won’t remember these moments or feel any ill-effect from them, apart from tiredness the next day; sleep apnea sleep is not as restful as ‘standard’ sleep. See a doctor if your experience fits this description; sleep apnea is treatable, and you’ll sleep much better in future.

Just because a health complaint isn’t dominant and ruining your life doesn’t mean you just have to put up with it. Explore the possible causes, speak to your doctor, and you stand to improve your life exponentially!



Fighting Fit: Staying Healthy At Work, And For Work

It’s a real fight sometimes staying fit and healthy at work. However, it’s definitely worth doing, and this is for two reasons. The first is that no job is worth sacrificing your health for. After all, it’s really the only thing we have when you take all the trappings of life away. The second is that poor health can endanger your job. Leading to excessive time off sick and even resulting in you no longer being able to work and support your family. With this in mind read on for some advice on how to stay healthy at work, and for work.

Look at your work environment

The first thing you do to keep healthy at work is to look at the environment that you work in. Is it conducive to health and wellbeing? If not, what can you then do, or ask your employers to do to improve it?

It may be that you work in a shop or restaurant and are on your feet all day so you can decide to swap from heel shoes to flats. Something that will put less strain on your back and knees. You may work in an environment where the risk of infection is high, such as a hospital or public building. In this case why not ask your employers to provide hand sanitizer, and items like automatic doors, that can reduce the risk of infection? If you work in an office environment and are indoors all day, you may choose to start taking your breaks outside. This can help you stay healthier because you can access natural light that helps your body to create D vitamins, as well as getting a break from your desk.

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Just remember whether it is a change that you or your employer makes your environment can have a big impact on your health.

Use work health benefits

Next, a good way of staying fighting fit at and for work is to use the health benefits that your company provides. They may offer a free or reduced-priced gym membership. They may even be generous enough to provide health insurance. Although it is always worth asking what is covered by your policy, as not all grant access to eye health services as well as medical help. If this is the case with yours ask to add vision to your business insurance plan that your employer provides. They may even offer to pay for this for you, especially if you can prove that your eye health is vital to your job.

Manage your stress

Next, to stay fighting fit for work, it’s absolutely essential that you acknowledge and deal with stress. Just pretending that it isn’t affecting you will not stop it having a negative impact. Instead, you need to find constructive ways of dealing with it, ones that you can use while you are at work.

To this end, consider short guided meditations at your desk, taking breaks outside of the office, or even using a stress relief app like the ones here to help you manage any negative feelings. This will then help to stop them building up and causing more major health problems later on.









Been Let Down By Your Medical Care? Here Are Your Options

We live in a very fortunate time, in 2017. The quality of medical care in most western countries is very high, and whether you have public healthcare or rely on your insurance, you can usually find the help you need fast. We put our trust in those working in the healthcare profession, simply because we have few reasons not to. After all, these people are trained professionals, so most of us have no qualms putting our health in their hands. But what do you do when something goes wrong? Of course, all medical procedures go exactly as they should 99.9% of the time – however, if you are one of the rare few who experiences a fault with your procedure or service, this can be little consolation. Receiving a botched treatment, or having your time wasted with the wrong type of treatment or medication can be incredibly infuriating, not to mention potentially dangerous to your health. If any of these scenarios happen to you, here are a few options you will want to take into consideration.

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Try not to lash out

When something has gone wrong with your medical treatment, it is fairly likely that it happened either because of human error or because of a data mix-up (i.e. the electronic system that processes patient information failed in some way). Neither is excusable, but they DO happen – some medical professionals have even expressed concern that longer working hours are resulting in more slip ups from staff. Either way, a mistake that affects you can quickly leave you feeling angry, let down, and distrustful of the system. You may find yourself shouting down the phone at your hospital receptionist and writing angry posts on local forums. While making formal complaints is advisable, try and remain calm for the most part. Your complaints will be taken much more seriously if you do, and you will also put your health under much less strain too.

Find an alternative doctor

If you have suffered a botched surgery, going in for further surgery may be the last thing on your mind. But usually, it takes a subsequent surgical procedure to fix the mess created by the previous one. A common example of this is breast implant revision surgery, which many women go through each year. Paying for cheap cosmetic surgery overseas might seem more friendly to your budget initially, but remember, these types of surgeries can easily come back to bite you.

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Claim compensation

As the saying goes, when there’s blame, there’s a claim; and you may be entitled to a payout to compensate for any mistakes made by your doctor/surgeon. Check your health insurance policy to see what you are covered for. Normally, you should be able to (at the very least) claim for things like missed wages while you are in recovery. Or, depending on the situation, you could even have a potential medical negligence case on your hands, meaning that you could be owed a huge sum of money for the inconvenience.

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