Tag: Woman Health

In The New Year Manage Your Periods Better With Newly Launched Namyaa Period Care Kit!

All thanks for Pandemic, our lives have gone for a total toss. Nothing is same as before and we aren’t sure if things will ever go back to normal or not.
If you are a woman facing irregular periods since the lockdown days, you are not alone. Reports confirm that there has been a 25% increase in women visiting doctors with complaints connected to their periods. Irregular and heavy periods being the most common one.

Best diet to follow during pregnancy suggested by Dietician Sheela Seharawat!

Some diseases and illness require special attention and care. Considering this fact, Sheela Seharawat, a nationally acclaimed dietician suggests umpteen numbers of diet plans with effective tips. Stay healthy and look younger is her motto. She established the diet clinic in the year 2006. She has achieved success and a registered dietician under IDA. She holds her master’s degree in food and nutrition and is the founder of Diet clinic, which has currently 36 branches running successfully all over the country. Well-educated Sheela is a graduate with honors. She has been honored with many awards and before this profession; she was the professional attendant in the army hospital. She has well trained the entire team of dieticians at Diet Clinic. Here is what she has to suggest as a best diet to be followed during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is the time for significant changes. It is the time when you not only have to be careful about your own health, but also be careful about what you eat and how you eat, as it directly have it effects on the growing baby inside your womb. Growing another life inside you is not only stressful but also brings in a lot of responsibility.

Pregnant women need to ensure that their diet is balanced and provides them with the necessary nutrients and energy for proper development and growth of the baby and this involves the right mix of proteins, carbohydrates and fats and consuming a large variety of vegetables and fruits.


As mentioned above, a pregnant mother should have a well-balanced diet, and the diet should include the following:

  • Fruits and vegetables: leafy greens and dark orange vegetable products regulated the digestive system and provides antioxidants from natural source. Fresh vegetables are easy to prepare and digest and also provides folic acid, a vital nutrient required for the baby’s growth.

Fresh fruits are nutritious and makes the baby grow stronger.


  • Proteins: an essential component required for the growth of a healthy baby, pregnant mothers should include fish, lean meat, and chicken, as well as eggs in their regular diet. Quinoa, tofu and soy products, beans, lentils, legumes, nuts and seeds are rich sources of protein and reliefs from anxiety during pregnancy.


  • Healthy fats: vital for mothers and baby’s health, healthy fats builds up baby’s brain. Fats are termed healthy which are not man made, but are natural like olive oils, coconut oil, palm oil, cod liver oil, avocado, many nuts and seeds.


  • Carbohydrate rich foods: foods like potatoes, rice, pasta, and bread are high in carbohydrate content, Carb provides energy and is therefore, an important component in pregnancy diet.


  • Fibers: women’s have higher risks of constipation during pregnancy and fiber intake minimizes that probability and regulates the digestive system. Eating plenty of fiber during pregnancy also reduces the risk of hemorrhoids and helps in the growth of the fetus. Whole meal bread, wholegrain pastas, beans, lentils, fruits and vegetables are rich sources of fibers.


  • Calcium and Zinc: calcium is an important element in the development of bone health of the baby and hence it is important to have a daily intake of calcium in the diet. Dairy products like milk, cheese and yoghurt, calcium-set tofu, soybeans, bok choy, broccoli, collards, Chinese cabbage, okra, mustard greens, beans, kale, and soy nuts are rich calcium sources.

Zinc in trace quantities is important for growth and development, cellular integrity and many biological functions like metabolism protein synthesis and also development of the fetus. Meats, fish, chicken, dairy products, beans, nuts, peanut butter, ginger, onions, bran, wheat, rice, pasta, cereals are good sources of zinc.


  • Extra Iron: it makes the main component of hemoglobin, which is vital for carrying oxygen within the body. The amount of blood in a women’s body increases by almost 50% and hence she needs more iron intake to make more hemoglobin for the extra blood. Inadequate iron supply to the body may make the mother anemic and also suffer premature delivery, low weight baby, tiredness and fatigue during pregnancy and even new-born death.

Painless delivery is not a myth anymore..!!

Giving birth to a child is one of the most cherished experiences in a woman’s life. Her ability to give birth to another life in itself is her biggest achievement ever. It is one of those things that make a woman stand out from men.


With changing times, women have also modernized and they are still able to multitask effortlessly. They’re involved in a lot of other things in life such as career, profession, goals and meeting targets.

Pregnancy is a crucial phase as it involves taking utmost care and precautions when it comes to her nourishment, health and care. Some women think of childbirth as an enriching experience while some often feel afraid and tensed when it comes to giving birth. Most women opt for a Caesarean Section as they feel that the normal delivery method is too painful for them to handle.

But all these are a thing of the past! Today, painless deliveries are common and easily possible. All you need is an expert’s help and your baby can be welcomed into the world easily and painlessly.

Hence, choosing your doctor and hospital is an important decision. Never compromise on choosing the hospital and expert when it comes to delivering your baby. Of course, you want the best for your baby, don’t you?

BirthRight by Rainbow Children’s Hospital, is one such medical care center, which provides state of the art facilities for women and children. The hospital has the best doctors and is fully equipped with the most technologically advanced equipment and procedures.

Birthright is the perinatal division of Rainbow Hospitals providing Antenatal Services and Gynecological Endoscopic Procedures to women. The team specializes in tertiary level of care extended to both, the women who have high-risk pregnancy as well the ones with normal pregnancy.

The integrated team consisting of Obstetricians, Fetal Medicine Specialists and Geneticists, working closely in conjunction with Neonatologists, Pediatric Subspecialists and Maternal Intensivists to optimize maternal and fetal outcomes.

BirthRight, the perinatal division of Rainbow Hospitals has a team of well-qualified Obstetricians and Fetal Medicine specialists with rich experience of having worked abroad and at reputed corporate hospitals across the country. They are ably supported by their in-house Neonatal team and round-the-clock Obstetric Anesthesia and Epidural facilities. Their services are effectively delivered by childbirth educators and lactation consultants.

Support services:-

  • Pregnancy Counselling
  • Childbirth Preparation Classes
  • Breastfeeding Support
  • Postpartum Care
  • Nutrition and Dietary Support
  • Yoga and Fitness Counselling
  • Well-qualified Obstetricians
  • Fetal Medicine specialists
  • In-house Neonatal team
  • Round-the-clock Obstetric Anesthesia
  • Epidural facilities

Diagnostic procedures:-

  • Amniocentesis
  • Chorionic villus sampling

Therapeutic procedures:-

  • Selective reduction
  • Multifetal pregnancy reduction
  • intrauterine transfusion
  • Therapeutic pleurocetesis
  • Thoracoamniotic Shunt


BirthRight recognizes that childbirth is one of life’s major events, sometimes complicated, but mostly a natural process involving intense emotions and physical experiences. It is an event which profoundly changes people’s lives and is very fulfilling for both the mother and father. Therefore they place emphasis on safety and quality as well as providing a premier service to ensure that your birthing experience is memorable for all the right reasons.

At BirthRight they provide care for you right from conception to delivery. During your pregnancy, they offer antenatal classes which are conducted by an expert childbirth educator.

They also have a friendly outpatient department for your check-ups backed by a full range of laboratory services inclusive of fetal medicine and ultrasound services for monitoring the health of your unborn baby (fetus). They believe that information empowers pregnant women to handle their pregnancies without fear and anxiety. They ensure that all the going-to-be-mommies have an adequate supply of information throughout their pregnancy.

The diagnostic procedures include tests like Amniocentesis and Chorionic Villus Sampling to ensure a smooth birth process and get an in depth knowledge on any genetic disorders, abnormalities, birth defects or down syndrome etc.

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder which is caused due to a defect in the 21st chromosome. It generally occurs due to an excess of genetic matter in the chromosomes. Children who have Down syndrome tend to have certain features, such as a flat face, a short neck, longer forehead and short fingers. They also have some a degree of intellectual disability. Down syndrome is a lifelong condition but with care and support, children who have Down syndrome can grow up to have healthy, happy and productive lives. Tests and diagnosis can help in evaluating these conditions at an early stage and thus precautionary methods can be brought into practice, thereby, reducing the risk.

Also the facilities like Multifetal Pregnancy Reduction, Intrauterine Transfusion, Therapeutic Pleurocentesis and Thoracoamniotic Shunt which ensure least risk in the pregnancy and smooth delivery.

Hence, to conclude, choosing the right hospital for pregnancy and delivery is imperative to both the mother and child’s health so be wise and choose BirthRight.



Why Every Woman Needs A Gynecologist

Ladies, it’s time to tackle the issue you’ve been avoiding. That’s right; we’re talking gynecology. None of us like the idea of a doctor poking around below, and as such, we often avoid that dreaded visit to the gyno. Some women don’t even realize that regular visits are necessary. Instead, they wait until there’s a problem.

If a problem arises, it’s obviously important not to hesitate. Sure signs you need to book an appointment include:


  • Increase in discharge
  • Unexplained cramps
  • Abnormal bleeding
  • Unidentified lumps


But, you shouldn’t wait for symptoms like those mentioned above. ‘Having a gynecologist’ may seem like something from the movies, but it’s a step every woman should take. Even if you’re worried about the exposure of your private parts, you’ll soon overcome the fear. In no time, you’ll feel the same going to the gyno as you do visiting the dentist. It may not be pleasant, but it’s necessary. If you aren’t convinced, we’re going to look at the two main benefits regular gynecology visits offer.

Peace Of Mind

One significant benefit of regular appointments is the peace of mind that comes with them. Often, we’re unsure of our bodies, especially when it comes to down there. As such, the smallest symptoms send us into a panic. Instantly, we head online and diagnose ourselves with the worst option possible. But still, embarrassment stops us getting the issue checked. As a result, we live out each day convinced it might be our last. Who wants to live like that?

When you have a regular gynecologist, you can rest easy in the knowledge that you can book up at any. And, you won’t have to get embarrassed. You’ll have formed a trusting relationship with the gynecologist you see. They’ll know the ins and outs of your body, and will be in a much better position to spot an issue if there is one. So, there won’t be any need to head online. You can get a diagnosis, or a clean bill of health before you get the chance to worry.

Gynecologists also deal with birth control and can put your mind at ease there, too. Together, you can work on finding a contraceptive which suits your lifestyle. Regular visits also ensure your gyno can spot changes, and adjust contraception accordingly.

Picture Credit

Gynecologists, like Max Izbicki, also specialize in pregnancy planning. So, they can help when the time comes to start a family. Having a plan in place, devised by someone who knows your lifestyle, is sure to help you relax.

Catch It Instead Of Cure It

The second benefit is the opportunity to spot issues before they escalate. Here, it’s worth returning to the dental comparison. We visit dentists to get on top of small holes and problems. Well, the same can be said for your gynecologist. Through breast and pelvic examinations, they’ll spot lumps, bumps, and worries as soon as they arise. Health checks like these will put your mind at ease, and could even save your life.


Female Focus: The Health Issues Every Woman Should Be Aware Of

Health should be a priority for everyone, but there are certain issues that women can’t afford to ignore. If you don’t pay your health much attention, this guide will come in handy. Even if you’re young, fit and full of energy, there are important steps you can take to protect and improve your health.


Your diet and body weight

Females are much more likely to put weight on and find it difficult to lose it than males. Females tend to have a higher body fat percentage due to hormone levels and changes that take place in the body. Although it can be difficult to lose weight, it’s really beneficial to do this if you are overweight or obese. Obesity can lead to complications like type 2 diabetes, an increased risk of heart disease and infertility. If you don’t know if you’re overweight or not, you can use an online BMI calculator to determine which category you fall into. This measurement uses your height and weight to give you a figure, which will be placed on a chart. If you are overweight, try and get into that healthy zone by focusing on your diet and exercising more frequently. If you are changing your diet, choose meals and snacks that have nutritional value and keep track of your calorie intake each day. Often, losing weight is a matter of cutting down on treats, reducing portion sizes and paying more attention to what you’re eating. If you need advice or healthy eating tips, your doctor will be happy to help.

Image source: https://www.pexels.com/search/healthy%20diet/ 

Sexual health and contraception

Whether you have a long-term partner or you’re dating, it’s essential to give your sexual health a thought. If you’ve been with your partner for a long time, you may have been using the same contraceptive method for years. It’s easier than ever to get hold of contraception, and you can request your contraceptive pill online, which is great if you’re busy and you find it hard to get to the health center. If you’re happy with the contraceptive you’re using, that’s fine, but it’s also a good idea to discuss and consider alternatives, especially if you have side-effects. There are lots of methods, such as implants and injections available. If you’re dating, it’s wise to use condoms as well as any other form of contraception to protect you from sexually-transmitted infections. It’s also advisable to have regular sexual health tests, especially if you’ve noticed symptoms such as irritation or abnormal discharge.

Image sourced from https://www.flickr.com/photos/gnarlsmonkey/263019967

Heart disease

In the past, heart disease was a condition that was linked to men, especially those aged over 60. However, in the last decade, the number of women affected has increased significantly. Did you know that heart disease contributes to 1 in 4 female deaths in the US? If you’re a young woman, don’t think that you’re immune from heart disease. Around 90 percent of women have at least one risk factor for heart attacks and strokes. Start focusing on heart health now to reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular complications. Exercise on a regular basis, drink in moderation and eat a healthy, balanced diet. If you smoke, your doctor can help you to quit, and there are lots of support groups and resources available. It’s never too early to start looking after your heart.

Image via https://pixabay.com/en/love-heart-kiss-hearts-kissing-163690/

Breast cancer

Breast cancer will affect around 1 in 8 women in their lifetime. Although most cases are diagnosed in women aged over 55, breast cancer can affect much younger women. It’s really important to be aware of the symptoms of breast cancer and to seek advice if you do find any suspicious lumps or bumps in the breast tissue or underneath the arms. Other signs may include discharge from the nipples, discoloration, and skin irritation. If you do find a lump, try not to panic. The vast majority of lumps are benign, but the sooner you get checked out, the better.  


Women are almost twice as likely to be diagnosed with anxiety than men. Anxiety is a natural human emotion when faced with certain situations. If you’re waiting for test results, you’re about to go into an interview or you’re preparing for a first date, it’s perfectly normal to feel nervous and to have those butterflies fluttering around in your stomach. The trouble is that anxiety can affect you even in everyday situations when there’s nothing to worry about. An experience that would be a walk in the park for one person can turn into an incredibly daunting experience for somebody who suffers from anxiety. If you do have symptoms like a racing heartbeat, sweating and feeling on edge on a regular basis, see your doctor. There are treatments available, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, which can help you prepare for and process situations so that you feel more relaxed. You may also find techniques such as exercise and meditation helpful.

Image courtesy of https://pixabay.com/en/meditation-girl-nature-female-yoga-1724777/

Period problems

It’s very common to have heavy periods or experience unpleasant symptoms when you get your period. If you are struggling with pain or your periods make life a misery every month, there are treatment options that could help to alleviate symptoms and make you feel more comfortable. Periods are part and parcel of life as a woman, but they shouldn’t put you out of action for days on end.

Image by http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/hledej.php?hleda=happy

Health is a subject that should concern everyone, but there are certain issues that are more pressing for women than men. Whether you’re in your 20’s or your 60’s, it’s beneficial to be aware of potential health conditions that may affect you and to take steps to reduce your risk of developing diseases. It’s not always possible to prevent health problems, but making positive lifestyle changes can have such a powerful impact on your health. As well as adopting a healthy lifestyle, it’s also useful to keep in touch with your doctor. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you’re worried about symptoms, you need advice about treatment options, or you’ve not been feeling yourself lately. Always remember that your doctor is there to help you.





Women’s Health: What You Need To Know


Health, it’s a minefield, right? Well, as women, not only do we have all of the general areas of health to be concerned about, we also have a few specialist areas that we need to learn to master over the years. Sometimes, when you think of it all from the start, it can all feel like a bit much. How are you meant to be able to get a grip with it all? It may seem impossible, but you can not only understand your health as a woman but also master it. There is a lot to learn, that’s for sure, but it will all start to come easy to you.

If you want to be able to enjoy good levels of health, feel good in your body, and benefit from a long and happy life, you need to start taking action. But before you can take control of your own health, you have to know a bit more about what that really means. Women’s health is made up of so many different areas; it’s not always easy to understand them all. But, by getting a bit more information on each, you should start to find it easier to look after your body, be sure that you are healthy, and know what to do if you’re worried that you’re not.

General Health



Women are human, meaning that a huge part of our women’s health is focused on everyday health. This takes into consideration things like diet and exercise, but also your mental health, stress, and also your lifestyle choices too. Read on for tips and ideas on how to get better levels of general health.

Fitness & Nutrition

For your body to be able to function properly, you need to be fueling it right and exercising. But this isn’t only good for your physical health, but your energy levels and happiness too. If you’re suffering from any kind of ailment, a good diet and plenty of exercise may not cure it, but it will make a significant improvement on how you feel.

Mental Health

But nailing your physical health isn’t all. You need to be able to ensure that your mind is in a good place too. Because mental health makes a huge contribution to your overall health levels and can affect how you feel physically. Be sure to be aware of how you feel mentally, listen to your mind and do what you can to de-stress on a regular basis to stay healthy.

Lifestyle Choices

Every single choice we make with regards to our lifestyles will also have some kind of impact on our health. So choose wisely. This concerns the alcohol your drink, whether you smoke, and even drugs. All of which can negatively impact your health. But that’s not all. You also have the places you live and the amount of stress and toxins you expose yourself to on a regular basis.



From our teenage years until menopause, every woman goes through menstruation. It’s not something that we all like to talk about, but it’s a huge part of female health. Sometimes, you may have questions or fears, or even worries that you may want to work through. And to make sure that you’re healthy, you’re going to need to do that.


What constitutes a normal period to you will be completely different to someone else. So, it’s important that you only use the information you find as a rough guide. You should get to know your body and your own flow. You need to know what is normal and regular for you, so that you can look out for any changes should there be any.


Most women will have some form of pain when they menstruate. It can be frustrating, but it’s often completely normal. Again, this will be personal to you, but you may suffer from cramping around your abdomen or lower back. Pain relief and even a hot compress may help. But if your pain is strong or persistent, be sure to speak to your doctor about prescribed solutions to ease the pain.


Then comes those dreaded hormones. Most of us are far too familiar with PMT and the joys it can bring us. During our menstrual cycle, our bodies are filled with different hormones at different times, meaning that we can feel a range of different emotions at any given time. They’re not always easy to handle, but the first step is recognizing when you’re hormonal and accepting it, then learning to distinguish between real emotions and hormone-induced ones.



Firstly, pregnancy is not always something that some of us will experience, or even want to. But, it does make up a huge part of a woman’s health naturally. So whether you’re looking to get pregnant and want to make sure that you have a healthy pregnancy, or you want to avoid that, here’s the lowdown on what to do.


Whether you do plan to have children at some point in the future or not, contraception is something you may want to consider. Not only will it keep you safe from getting pregnant, but some forms can also protect you from STIs. There are lots of forms to consider, from birth control pills to reversible contraception and even permanent forms. Be sure to discuss your options and which may suit you best with your doctor.


Then there are your fertility levels to consider. If you are trying to get pregnant or thinking about it, speak to your doctor. There are things that you can do to boost your fertility, as well as different tests and checks that can be carried out if you find it hard to conceive naturally after a set period.

Healthy Pregnancy

When you get pregnant, or when you’re trying to conceive, you’re going to want to do everything you can to have a healthy pregnancy. Not only does this mean feeling comfortable and content, but you should look to eat a balanced diet that can fuel your body and help the baby grow, take your vitamins, try to stay active and even take care of your emotional health.



As women, we also have the menopause to look forwards to. Now, some people handle this better than others, but it all comes down to your body and how it deals with the menopause process individually.

Noticing The Signs

Whether you’re still young or approaching middle-age, it’s important to know what to look out for when it comes to the menopause. There are a lot of common symptoms that can identify the onset, such as hot flushes, so be sure to know what is normal for your body, so that you can get an indication of what’s changing.

Getting Treatment

When you do hit menopause, and you find that you’re struggling, you don’t have to suffer in silence. There are treatment options to ease the symptoms and make the process easier to live with. Types of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) are often quite common, so speak to your doctor about options.

Helping Your Body

You should also aim to help your body as much as you can during this process. It’s always important to stay healthy as you age, but if you look after your body during the menopause, you may find that you can relieve some of the symptoms. In particular, you could find that a good diet and plenty of exercise helps your body through it.



It’s important for us all to get check ups every now and again. The screening process is often something that is vital to keep you safe and protected. But you’re going to want to make sure that you do your own research and know how to make sure that you’re covered too.

The Tests Available

So, first of all, you should speak to your doctor about the screening tests that are available to you. As women, we need to make sure that we get screened for two important female cancers as a minimum – cervical cancer and breast cancer. But some of these have age limits, so be sure to discuss your options with your doctor.

Your Medical Rights

Now, at this point, you may also find that you need to find out what you are entitled to receive as a part of your medical care. Different providers will have different options, and it may also depend on the policy you have. Screening isn’t always covered. So, if you want to make sure that you can get the screening you need, you need to check out cancer screening coverage and either upgrade your policy if it’s not included, or switch if you can.

Knowing Your Own Body

As with many other areas, for screening, it’s so important that you know your own body. If you know what is normal to you, you will be more aware should anything change. When it comes to breast cancer, there are checks that you can carry out. You should also know what to look out for with regards to both breast and cervical cancer symptoms to hope to catch anything early should you be affected.



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