Tag: Cycling

Benefits of Cycling

Well, I think we all know that cycling is one exercise that not only helps you burn calories, but also tones your body, builds your muscle strength and keeps you in shape. I always had this regret of not knowing how to cycle and feel jealous at times when I see my close friends enjoying this form of workout.

There are a handful benefits that I could list out, but then I came across this very interesting posts, that tells about some 101, yes you read it right, 101 benefits of cycling. I am sure you would also find it worth the read. Do share your feedback in my comments section. In the mean while I will try if I can still learn to cycle and enjoy all these benefits 🙂

Cycle Your Way To Better Health: Here’s Why You Need To Hop on Your Bike!

Whether you’re looking to get back into fitness or you’re already a gym buff, cycling is the perfect exercise to add to your routine. It’s an incredible workout which is safe for most people and has some amazing health benefits too. Here are some of the reasons!

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Readily Available and Suitable For Most People

It might be a touch more difficult than say, walking- but most people know how to ride a bike. It’s something you learn during childhood, and as they say, it’s a skill you never forget. The majority of people are able to hop on a bike and start riding to get fit. Plus, it’s fun too- mountain biking for example allows you to get across all kinds of terrain so you can head out for the day and see some sights while getting fit. Just make sure to find the right bike for you, it needs to be the right size and have an amount of gears you’re happy with. This roadmaster granite peak review states that this particular model has full gear range, along with twist shifters making changing gear easy while you’re out. When the weather is bad, every gym has a selection of bikes too, making cycling really simple to slot into your routine. Better still, you can choose from spin biking, upright biking or the recumbent bike (which has a much more comfortable seat!) Even if you’re incredibly unfit and not able to walk for more than a few minutes, cycling is a great place to start. As you’re seated, you can go a little longer than with other exercises, start with a low resistance and build your way up. Even if you’re already a gym bunny, you can crank up the resistance and pedal harder and still get a great workout in.

Builds Strong Muscles, Joints, and Bones

Building strong muscles, joints and bones in your body helps to keep you supple and sturdy. Since cycling uses the large muscles in the legs, these are especially benefitted, but biking can also help your core, shoulders, and arms too. Cycling strengthens the joints of the knees which is particularly beneficial as you get older since so many people suffer from knee issues. It also builds lean muscle in the legs, which not only allows your body to burn more calories at rest. Plus, strong legs will improve your performance in other areas too, whether it’s walking, running or cross training. Any exercise helps to contribute to strong bones, which is not only useful now but even more so as we age. Later in life, bone loss can lead to conditions like osteoporosis so working on building strong bones when we’re young can help tremendously.

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Great For Cardiovascular Health

As with any aerobic activity, biking is ideal for cardiovascular health. Keep upping the resistance and speed until you’re breathless enough to only be able to speak in short sentences. And from there, keep increasing it to boost your fitness. Better heart and lungs mean your body is more efficient, and you’ll find yourself feeling less tired and fatigued going about your daily tasks.


Getting Involved in Cycling To Pedal The Pounds Away

It’s difficult to make a lifestyle change, especially one which hurts you in order for you to start getting better. Millions of people around the world say ‘this is the year is the year I start getting serious about my fitness.’ However, many fall short, and many don’t even begin their journey. The first hurdle individuals have to jump over is the fact that they will undoubtedly look like an amateur. Many also feel incredibly self-conscious of how they look. Lots of people just want to hide from sight, so they don’t feel like they’re judged. Obviously, an embarrassment of one’s own body keeps people from changing and remaining in a sedimentary and introverted lifestyle. However, there are sports which you can take part in, exercise for and do so in your own time. The key is to take is steady, because slow is smooth and smooth is fast.

Image by – Ben_Kerckx

Why cycling?

Cycling is a great sport to burn fat because you’re literally moving your entire body weight, and bike’s and you’re pushing against the forces of nature. Cycling is one of those sports that cuts directly to the bone and goes for the jugular regarding fat loss. It attacks your body mass index, and extra pounds you’re carrying. This is achieved because when you cycle, you’re in a concentrated posture that mimics that of squatting. The largest muscles in your body, the quadriceps are then forced into action, along with your calves. Research has shown that a waistline of over 35 inches for women puts them at serious risk of heart disease. So when your legs are working extremely hard, the fat on your thighs, waist, and stomach are the first to feel the burn.

Photo credit – Jeremy Jenum

Modern equipment

First thing’s first, you could start cycling at the gym, but if you wouldn’t feel comfortable with people looking at you, perhaps the au naturel route is better for you. You’ll need information on equipment because the sport requires you to be careful of what you’re getting on and what you’re wearing. A versatile road bike, with a smooth frame that absorbs bumps in the street, is the best option. Modern bikes have over 20 gears, which can behave like your marker in a way. If you’re a novice, start on a higher gear, and work your way down. To get the best out of your bike, it needs to last. Read up on how to maintain your bike, so any problems can be attended to before they start to impact your bike. Certain guides will give you information on how to grease your chain, so if you’ve been riding in rain or through mud, the mechanism doesn’t start to lock up and erode. You’ll also get proper information about tyres pressure for different surfaces, which could potentially save you from a nasty fall.

Health and safety first

Before jumping into the sport, you need to make sure you’re in no danger of getting seriously hurt. The proper, bubble spot grip gloves will allow you to grip the handlebars no matter how fast you’re going and how rough the road is. It goes without saying that a rigid bike helmet is imperative to protect your skull should you fall off or be involved in an accident. Adults don’t have to, but knee pads would also be a great way to protect vulnerable joints.




Get On Your Bike: 5 Reasons To Take Up Cycling

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Don’t let that bike rust away in the shed. There are plenty of pros to cycling that can make it the ideal way of getting around. Here are just a few reasons to get on your bike.

It will keep you fit

Cycling has all kinds of health benefits from building muscle to helping joint stiffness to helping circulation and breathing. It’s the perfect aerobic workout and one of the best ways to lose weight. Cycling however is not only healthy for the body, but the mind. Whilst cycling, you totally replenish your body’s supply of oxygen, providing fresh oxygen to the brain which helps with concentration and work productivity. Health.harvard.edu lists some of the major health benefits.

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It’s faster than walking

When it comes to getting around locally, cycling can be twice to three times as fast. If you usually walk to work, cycling could allow you to leave the house later, which could in turn allow you to wake up later.

And it’s more eco-friendly than driving

Meanwhile, for those that drive short distances to work, taking your bike instead could be a much greener way to get to work. Bicycles don’t use up fuel and don’t damage roads as much as cars leading, leading to less repairs. Meanwhile, whilst there are some fossil fuels burnt up during the manufacture of a bicycle, it’s nothing compared to the manufacture of a car. For helping you to feel happier about your carbon footprint, taking the bike to work instead of a car could be worthwhile.


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It’s family friendly

Cycling can be a great family bonding experience. Whether you go a bike trip along roads or simply cycle around the park, the kids will love it and you’ll all improve your fitness from it. Even for kids that are two young to cycle, there’s the option of trailers as available at sites such as BikeTrailerHub.com. You can also pursue cycling as a holiday activity – there are plenty of vacation hotspots around the world that specialise in cycling.

It’s also cheap

Riding a bike is also remarkably cheap. Your biggest cost is going to be the purchase of the bike itself, which may be a few hundred if you’re looking for a professional model. However, after this, you won’t have common driving costs to worry about such as insurance or fuel or parking or road tax.

Bike repairs are generally cheap as you can go DIY on most of them. Even if you do visit a professional to get your bike fixed, it’s unlikely to set you back as much as a regular car repair. Few people would ever swap out a car for a bike, however you could lower your driving costs by taking the car less and a bike more. Cycling may even save you on extra costs in the long run. For one, it will keep you healthier longer, which could lead to fewer medical bills in the future.



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