Tag: Fitness Tips

How to get rid of Wrinkles!

How to get rid of Wrinkles!

As soon as we think we are ageing, the appearance of wrinkles start bothering us.As we age, fine lines and wrinkles will start to appear. But there’s plenty of ways to get rid of wrinkles such as avoiding too much sun exposure, making a few lifestyle changes, and creating a proper skincare routine.

Here’s some natural ways you can do to help reduce and combat wrinkle issues:


1. Avoid too much sun exposure

Direct sun exposure will eventually hurt our skin and is one of the leading causes of wrinkles because of the sun’s drying rays. You should always keep yourself protected by applying sunscreen of at least SPF 30. Not only does it help reduce getting fine lines, it also decreases the chance of skin diseases such as sunburn, and can even prevent skin cancer.


2. Eat healthy

You are what you eat. What your body intakes will eventually reflect your physical appearance. Select foods that are rich in omega-4 fatty acids and vitamin E. Eat your way to fabulous skin by adding foods such as fish, sunflower seeds, fruits and vegetables to your meal plan.


3. Keep hydrated

“You must drink at least 8 glasses of water each day.” is a cliché. But it is a must.

Many of us doesn’t drink enough water our body needs. And many of us are not aware of the benefits of keeping ourselves hydrated even during cold, winter days.

Water is essential in giving our skin the right moisture and distributing essential nutrients on the skin cells. It also delays the appearance of fine lines as it increases our skin’s elasticity.

Keeping ourselves hydrated doesn’t only benefit the appearance of our skin but it also helps in keeping us healthy overall as it flushes out toxins in our body. Lastly, it is a great alternative for hunger as we sometimes think we are hungry only to realize we just need a glass of water to satisfy our thirst.


4. Get plenty of sleep

Lack of sleep accelerates the human aging process. It causes wrinkles to appear under the eyes, neck, and forehead. Getting enough hours of sleep is advisable if you want to maintain a healthy glowing skin. And while you’re at it, try sleeping on your back or on of your sides so there won’t be constant pressure on your face. You might also want to consider changing your pillow cover to fabric and silk. Deep sleep can eventually repair skin tissues so create a relaxing bedtime routine and selecting essential oils like lavender.


5. It’s Time to Move that Body

Exercising is something that most of us our too lazy to do. But moving our bodies actually makes us younger looking as it clears the skin of toxins through sweat. It also helps regulate the circulation of the blood. We just have to be careful in selecting the kind of exercise we should be doing as some says that specific exercises such as weightlifting causes more wrinkles to appear.


4 Awesome Tips About Enjoying Long Term Health And Happiness From Celebrities

Long-term health and happiness isn’t always something we automatically have. Taking care of your health is especially important as you age, and finding happiness outside of material things is so important. The amount of people suffering due to a poor diet, or trying to find happiness in buying ‘stuff’ or getting followers on social media is ridiculous. Even celebrities aren’t immune with all of their fans and money. Celebrities fall ill all the time, and even end up with depression. That being said, certain celebrities do have great advice for people who want it. Here are 10 tips from celebrities who know what they’re talking about!

Christie Brinkley – Start The Day Off Right

We all want to know Christie Brinkley’s health secrets. She looks absolutely incredible for her age. She says she always starts the day with hot water and the juice of a whole lemon, and sometimes adds cayenne pepper and honey. Rihanna is also a fan of hot water and lemon to start the day!


Rosie Huntington-Whiteley – Cut Out Red Meat

Jason Statham’s other half and baby-momma to be Rosie is a world renowned model. As well as being absolutely stunning, she’s also super healthy. She explains that she loves food, so she doesn’t restrict herself. However, she has cut out red meat. Since doing so, she says she feels so much lighter and healthier. Some studies suggest that red meat can have many negative health effects, so even if you don’t cut meat out altogether and go ‘plant based’, it’s a good move.

Russell Brand – Stop Caring About What Others Think

Russell Brand has been through a lot. A recovered drug addict, he’s been married, divorced, said some pretty controversial things, and now has his first child with his girlfriend. Russell says that it’s imperative you don’t care what other people think of you. In his words, it’s ‘irrelevant’. This is definitely a key to long term happiness. Doing things for others and being kind is great, but caring too much about how you look, what others think of how you’re living and so on, will only cause problems in the future. If Russell cared what other people thought, he likely wouldn’t have gone to rehab for heroin and methadone treatment. He’s been clean and sober for 10 years now!

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson – Do Your Bit To Help Others In Need

Dwayne Johnson is famous first and foremost for being ‘The Rock’, one of the most well known wrestlers of all time. Then he turned to acting in films, and he can sing a bit too. While he may look a little scary, he’s actually really, really nice. Not only is he healthy and loves to work out (that much is obvious) he’s also a huge advocate of helping those in need. In 2006 he started a charity that works with terminally ill children. He just loves having pictures with his fans too!

Try these things for yourself and see how you feel. Do it one at a time so you don’t feel overwhelmed!

4 Unexpected Health Issues That Can Arise When Starting A New Fitness Plan


Starting a new fitness plan is one of the more exciting times of the year. Taking control over the direction your life is going is beneficial no matter who you are, and can help you feel on top of your destiny. A new fitness plan can be the bedrock of all of this, because a fitness regime is much more than a fitness regime.

Working to a schedule of improving your body sets you on a schedule, a routine, and allows you to keep disciplined within those parameters. A scary job interview feels like nothing when you have lifted weights in the morning, because you have already made the effort to combat adversity that day. Who could stop you from there? It’s important to understand just how powerful this can be, because realizing it will allow you to stay focused in the times you’d much rather quit.

Improving your fitness level is one of the most beneficial gifts you can give to yourself. Sometimes though, it’s not a cover-all solution. Sometimes, new health issues can arise due to focussing obsessively on working out and changing your lifestyle. Progressing in your health and fitness is always worth it, but it pays to be aware of the following unexpected issues that can arise – and how to deal with them.

Swimmer’s Ear

Swimmer’s ear is a nasty condition that is usually brought on by repeated wet/warm conditions in your ear. If you have bacteria entering your ear through some form, such as dirty showering facilities, dropping your headphones on the floor and then plugging them into your ear, or simply not tying your sweaty and greasy hair back during a hard cardio session, you might become a victim of swimmer’s ear.

Swimmer’s ear is similar to an ear infection, and should be checked out by your doctor immediately. The reason that achieved its moniker is that swimmers are the most likely to get it, thanks to the aquatic nature of their sport. It can be relatively painful and completely shut off your ability to hear in that ear as it swells. This can throw you off for a couple days. Not only will the ear itch from the inside, but you won’t be able to touch it without intense physical pain.

To counteract this, purchase (with your doctor’s recommendation,) some over-the-counter ear spray that helps neutralize the PH in your ear, and helps it stay conducive to fighting the bacteria there. Luckily, over the course of a few weeks, the medicine should work as intended and complete reverse the malady. You’ll surely be much more careful about your exercise hygiene in future.

Torn Callus

Weightlifters have enough to deal with. In a given session they have to adhere to many safety standards. Lifting the barbell over the mid foot, making sure that balance is achieved and that the weight is just heavy enough to make strength process, but just light enough to be safely handled are a few examples of this. Not only that, but the most insidious enemy of the weight room is torn calluses.

This isn’t to decry the importance of calluses in the first place. Calluses are natural skin developments that occur to counteract a form of stress. Lifting a heavy barbell is most definitely a form of stress, so calluses that develop are necessary for lifting those loads safely, and so the skin doesn’t get damaged. Sometimes though, this can work counter to what is intended.

A lifter who places the barbell in their hand in an incorrect place, which is common for novice and intermediate lifters alike, will eventually have the barbell scrape down their hand at heavy enough pull loads such as chin-ups or deadlifts. This creates a jamming ‘wedge’ in the hands as the bar travels. This can lead to the bar tearing the skin of the hand open. This is a nasty to witness, horrible to experience pain that will take you out of any exercise or hand usage for however long it takes to heal. Not only will this be absolutely terrible to experience, but it will completely make you lose all of your progress made in that last month.

To prevent this, make sure that you place the bar on the callus’ that have developed just on the line under your fingers. Aim to grip the bar from there, and it will prevent the barbell from traveling down your hand when unintended because it will already be in the ‘end position.’ If you grip the bar in the middle of your palm, it will drag down to the end position and create the problem if you’re unlucky.

To further guard against this, make sure you are using chalk during your heavy lifts. This will help your grip immensely during those massive lifts.

Foot Diseases

Runners, rowers and swimmers alike are all likely to gain a foot infection, a bunion or some form of painful foot malady over their time traversing their exercise duty in sweaty footwear, or walking on sweaty, dirty flooring. This is much more common than you might original assume. How often do you think about your foot health? How often do you maintain your feet past washing them in the shower and trimming the nails on occasion?

To help counteract these issues, make sure that you see the best foot doctors in your area, and also wear breathable, clean footwear. Remember, while it’s cost effective to keep wearing the same shoes for your exercise for years on end, you will be sweating into these often. Replace often, or at the very least wash your footwear every fortnight to a month. Look after your feet, and they will look after you.


Overtraining is a very real phenomenon that occurs when someone ignores the fact they are otherwise untrained, and fuelled by a desire to ‘be the best’ as many motivational and disciplinary popular slogans will tell them, they’ll throw themselves into a training regime vastly more difficult than that they can currently handle. This will eventually lead to overtraining, a very real phenomenon when the body physically cannot recover in the time between workouts. This will lead to exhaustion and maybe even depression. This exhaustion is different to general exhaustion. This will be a real, deep and pervasive feeling of lethargy that is difficult to combat unless you get plenty of rest.

Novices are usually better at recovering than those who are well trained, but ONLY if the programming is correct. If you’re starting on a running program, consider starting Couch 2 5K – the popular running program designed to keep a novice able to complete each session, even if they have started as a couch potato. For weightlifting, consider a beginners program like Starting Strength or Stronglifts 5×5. These programs have been specifically designed for exercise utility and recovery time to squeeze the best ‘noob gains’ from a beginner, and this can result in some amazing progress that completely helps you avoid overtraining.

Over time, as your body adapts to stress, you can consider adding more volume or variety of exercises to your workouts. For example, a runner, once he has achieved 5k, might consider skipping rope or rowing before and after his workout. A weightlifter might consider adding barbell curls to encourage the coveted ‘strong arms.’ Find what works for you, and continually update your program as your stress adaption increases. You’ll find that you’ll have built the best foundations for the newly added exercises if you do.

Keeping on top of a positive health training regime is the most important thing you can do for your health, happiness, positivity and general life enjoyment. However, if you are affected with some of the previous maladies, enact the solutions suggested, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming that super-man or woman you originally intended.




The Nuisance Of Having Flat Feet & What You Can Do About It


Pes planus, otherwise known as flat foot syndrome, is a difficult condition that can be difficult to cope with among those afflicted. When the ligaments and tendons in a foot collapse and unfortunately are unable to contribute to their share of the load-bearing function of the foot, flat footed syndrome can be defined and diagnosed. This can be a real nuisance on the part of those afflicted, to say the least.

Usually, young children have flat feet, but as the foot grows and develops, a natural arch will arise. In those with flat feet, either these arches haven’t developed as it should have or they’ve failed due to an injury, obesity problem or other consideration that is unfortunate to experience. For some people, having flat feet doesn’t pose any other problem than strange stance and gait issues, but for some, it can lead to recurring pain that is difficult to contend with, and can be annoying to experience. It can also affect how comfortably these people are able to walk and maneuver around their environment.

If this is you, or you know someone afflicted with flat feet, consider utilizing or suggesting the following ways to mitigate the negative effects. If you believe that your child is experiencing flat footed syndrome, you might not have reason to worry. See your healthcare professional first and foremost before you take any affirmative action to fix an issue that might not exist.


If you have flat feet, you need footwear that contributes to the normal way your foot arch is supposed to work. Normal is supportive, and this means that you might need to wear shoes with a more pronounced heel raise than other people, or maybe even asymmetrical shoes that allow for the nuance of your foot positioning to be best catered for. To understand what shoes work the best, you should check this article here, which can also help you understand and gain some insight into this condition.

Lose Weight

Losing weight has an innumerable amount of benefits, but if you are flat footed, it can be of massive benefit. Losing weight helps take off the load on your feet when moving, and this can help reduce the feelings of pain to a tenfold degree. It can also help your body provide much better blood flow to the affected areas, and this is a benefit in itself. Many obese people tend to mitigate the effects of their weight by walking with ankles turned out too far in front, and this can wreak havoc on your foot arches.

To lose the weight effectively, consider using a simple diet such as intermittent fasting, as well as getting at least 3 hours of exercise a week, at whatever challenging pace is normal for you. Remember, it doesn’t matter how slow you go, what matters is how consistent you are with the practice and diet considerations.

Of course, if you have flat feet as a result of your weight, it’s not advisable to begin a running routine. Search for the exercise that you’d feel most comfortable with performing multiple times a week, and switch it up if possible. Exercises like swimming, ground yoga, and some bodyweight exercises require very little stress be placed on your feet. Tailor your exercise regime around these necessities, and you’re sure to find yourself feeling better about your situation in no time at all.

However, before you begin any form of new stress-adaptive training or nutrition plan when obese, you must ALWAYS consult your medical professional. This is a great guiding principle no matter how many articles like this you read and want to take advice from.


A podiatrist is a specialist foot doctor that can help you overcome all manner of foot difficulties relating to stress, exercise, and most importantly, overcoming the issues of flat foot syndrome. Here they can provide you with X-Rays, potential physical therapy as well as simply care techniques such as ice baths or recommending foot sports massages.

In the worst possible case, they may even suggest you undergo surgery via an orthopedic surgeon and will be able to refer you with their medical authority to the best places in which to undergo this. This can help sort out any underlying issues that might have caused the foot issues, but you shouldn’t expect the surgery to completely reconstruct your foot arches.

Be sure to take care of all of these considerations, and you’re likely to overcome the issue of flat-foot syndrome, or at least mitigate its effects.



Get On Your Bike: 5 Reasons To Take Up Cycling

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Don’t let that bike rust away in the shed. There are plenty of pros to cycling that can make it the ideal way of getting around. Here are just a few reasons to get on your bike.

It will keep you fit

Cycling has all kinds of health benefits from building muscle to helping joint stiffness to helping circulation and breathing. It’s the perfect aerobic workout and one of the best ways to lose weight. Cycling however is not only healthy for the body, but the mind. Whilst cycling, you totally replenish your body’s supply of oxygen, providing fresh oxygen to the brain which helps with concentration and work productivity. Health.harvard.edu lists some of the major health benefits.

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It’s faster than walking

When it comes to getting around locally, cycling can be twice to three times as fast. If you usually walk to work, cycling could allow you to leave the house later, which could in turn allow you to wake up later.

And it’s more eco-friendly than driving

Meanwhile, for those that drive short distances to work, taking your bike instead could be a much greener way to get to work. Bicycles don’t use up fuel and don’t damage roads as much as cars leading, leading to less repairs. Meanwhile, whilst there are some fossil fuels burnt up during the manufacture of a bicycle, it’s nothing compared to the manufacture of a car. For helping you to feel happier about your carbon footprint, taking the bike to work instead of a car could be worthwhile.


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It’s family friendly

Cycling can be a great family bonding experience. Whether you go a bike trip along roads or simply cycle around the park, the kids will love it and you’ll all improve your fitness from it. Even for kids that are two young to cycle, there’s the option of trailers as available at sites such as BikeTrailerHub.com. You can also pursue cycling as a holiday activity – there are plenty of vacation hotspots around the world that specialise in cycling.

It’s also cheap

Riding a bike is also remarkably cheap. Your biggest cost is going to be the purchase of the bike itself, which may be a few hundred if you’re looking for a professional model. However, after this, you won’t have common driving costs to worry about such as insurance or fuel or parking or road tax.

Bike repairs are generally cheap as you can go DIY on most of them. Even if you do visit a professional to get your bike fixed, it’s unlikely to set you back as much as a regular car repair. Few people would ever swap out a car for a bike, however you could lower your driving costs by taking the car less and a bike more. Cycling may even save you on extra costs in the long run. For one, it will keep you healthier longer, which could lead to fewer medical bills in the future.



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