Healthy and Happy Living for Your Elderly Loved Ones

Our parents and grandparents have dedicated their lives to raising us and ensuring that we are healthy, happy and well. But a time will come when it’s your turn to start looking out for them. As people age, they can begin to find difficulty in everyday tasks such as bathing, cleaning and getting about. So it’s important that you look out for them in their time of need. Here are a few ways to ensure that they have a high standard of living.

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Staying Active

As we grow older, it’s often tempting to stop engaging in physical activity in favor of staying home and relaxing. But it’s absolutely essential that the elderly stay active and mobile. Not only does regular exercise help them to feel energetic, but it also keeps them at a healthy weight, helps them to maintain regular bowel movements, aids in managing high blood pressure and angina and can stimulate a poor appetite. Exercise regimes should focus on four main areas: stamina, strength, flexibility, and balance. Good activities to tick all of these health requirements are swimming and yoga. Swimming is a great overall workout and perfect for sufferers of arthritis, as the water’s buoyancy relieves pressure on the joints and helps to support their body weight. Yoga is a gentle exercise which will stretch out the limbs and improve overall balance.

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Assisted Living

Many OAPs prefer to maintain as much independence as possible, so many are adamant that they do not want to be moved into an old people’s home. However, many are unable to effectively maintain large homes and can find the experience of living alone lonely. Nowadays there are great alternative options in assisted living. An assisted living center is progressive and active, ensuring that all of their residents have everything that they need to live fulfilling lives. Services such as those provided by Christwood Retirement Community include companion services (ensuring that your elderly loved ones always have company), skilled nurses at hand and high-quality cognitive care. Never again will you have to worry whether your loved one has taken their medication, whether their living conditions are adequately hygienic or whether they are getting enough exercise.

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Visiting Regularly

No matter where the elderly in your life live, near or far, it is important that you take the time out to visit them regularly. Everyday life can become hectic, but ensure that you book a day and arrange to meet them. If you have children, take them along. This day doesn’t necessarily have to be anything extravagant. You can just pop by for a cup of tea. But it will make all of the difference to your loved one’s mood. Remember that many elderly individuals don’t have social media or mobiles, so won’t get to see as much of you as others might when scrolling through your photos or messaging you online.

While it is important that you don’t patronize the elderly, it is also essential that you show them the love that they have shown you for your entire life. So make the effort to ensure that they are content and well at all times.




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