Building A Ladder To Your Recovery

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Addiction can strike at any time. Life is hard, and we all struggle to cope sometimes. Many of us turn to addiction during those dark hours. But, while escape methods break the clouds for the short-term, they also stop the sun breaking through. And, if you start using on a regular basis, your drinking or drug use will become your biggest problem.

It’s a horrible situation that an estimated 23.5 million Americans have fallen into. But, despite its common nature, addiction is one of the loneliest human experiences. Addicts are cast to the outskirts, and often disowned by loved ones. In the depths of addiction, it can feel as though you’re at the bottom, with no way to climb out. Many addicts wait for someone to hand them a ladder, without realizing that only they can create their escape. But, how do you build a ladder with no tools? In short, the answer is one rung at a time. And, we’re going to look at each one in more depth here.

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The first rung is the hardest to build – admitting you have a problem. It may sound simple, but we often deny our addictions to ourselves. Admitting you’re struggling is never easy, particularly in something like this. But, until you accept the problem, you’ll have no desire to move on from it.

The second rung involves determining the cause. Most of the time, addiction has a start point. While that may have become irrelevant, it’s important to determine what it was. Addicts often use for escape. Until you face up to what you’re escaping, you’ll continue to medicate yourself.

The third rung won’t get built until you accept that you’re worth something. Addiction often leads to low self-esteem, not helped by the way society treats the issue. It’s important to regain your self-esteem. Otherwise, you’ll struggle to consider yourself worth helping. You need to believe you deserve to get better. The chances are that you’ll also have to do so alone. But, when it comes down to it, your belief in yourself is all that matters.

The fourth rung is when other people come into play. While this may sound like it’ll be a relief, this will be a hard one to build.This is the stage in your recovery when you need to turn to something like Lyric Recovery Services to see you through. Here, professionals will be able to help you through the rest of your recovery. While the support is essential, you’ll still need to rely on yourself during this step. The professionals can give you the building blocks, but the rung won’t be made unless you step up.

The sixth rung comes after the recovery itself and involves moving forward. If you live in the mistakes of your addiction, you’ll never forgive yourself. As such, you’re at risk of slipping into those old avoidance techniques. Put what happened behind you. Build bridges with loved ones where you can. Then, set about living the life you deserve.