Month: July 2018

Things That Can Happen To Your Body When Flying


As humans, flying isn’t a part of our lives which is natural. We have always wanted to explore other parts of the world, and in the last 100 years pioneers have allowed us to take to the sky easily and without any issues at all. However, being on a plane can still have weird effects on our body, and here are just some of the issues you might face in a plane this year.

You’ll be thirsty

As we gain altitude in the air when we get on a plane, the humidity in the air will start to change. Where you are normally surrounded by a decent amount of water vapour, there will be a lot less when you get high in the sky. You can, therefore, benefit from keeping a bottle of water with you for your flight and make sure that you are able to stay hydrated on the trip.

 Toxic water supply

The main thing which is gross about being on a plane is the sheer number of people who are in the same space using the same facilities. If you want to avoid issues with your stomach, avoid any water which isn’t bottled. Plane water can often contain E.Coli and this is a nasty bug which is usually found in faecal matter. Enough said.

 It’ll hurt your ears

If you have sensitive ears already, you might struggle with the change in pressure when you enter a plane and get up into the air. You can use different types of hearing protection to keep your ears happy throughout the flight and it will hopefully stop you from struggling too much with your hearing on the flight.  

Breathing issues

When you start to travel up and to a higher altitude, you will notice that the levels of oxygen in the air are a lot lower than they are at ground level. The main issue that this can create is for those with breathing problems such as asthma or emphysema. If you believe that you are really going to struggle to breathe during the flight make sure you bring some travel oxygen with you and maybe even your inhalers.  

You might swell

The pressure on a plane is a lot less than the pressure you feel when on the ground and this can cause your body to swell up and do some weird things. Make sure that you wear loose fitting clothes and also loose shoes on the plane because your feet are likely to swell up and it will hurt you if you are wearing tight shoes. Make sure you are comfortable on the plane and make sure that you leave room for your body to grow if it needs to!

Planes can have some odd effects on the body and you can end up feeling a bit odd when you reach the ground again. But remember that you can always recover from their effect in a few hours once you land so they won’t last too long. Enjoy your flight, be aware of the weird body changes and have fun on your summer holiday.

Leica hosted its third session of ‘Coffee with Leica’ , a photo talk by Canadian Diplomat, Roger Chen

A leader in luxury camera segment worldwide, German Luxury Camera brand ‘Leica’celebrated the cultural heritage of India with the third session of ‘Coffee with Leica’on Saturday, 21stJuly 2018 by joining hands with Canadian Diplomat and proud Leica user- Mr. Roger Chen. The brand through this initiative not only promoted the Indian culture but also sharing Leica’s experience with the new generation of photographers.

Post the amazing response received for the first two sessions of ‘Coffee with Leica’, the third session was sculpted around Roger’s latest collection ‘Devotion- A Journey through India’, where he displayed photographs taken during his three years stay in India, capturing festivals, religion, culture and tradition. The session addressed new generation of photographers, sharing valuable information around ‘The art of capturing Indian streets which is filled with the amusing culture of India’ and photography journey with Leica.

The way Roger went on telling stories about each of his capture, it was a great narrative not just about photography nuances but also the culture of India. He also shared why some of his pictures, which he loved, never made it to the exhibition. All those minute details which change our perspective of looking at photographs in a certain way was just so interesting and intriguing.

His collection is up for exhibition at Leica Store, New Delhi from July 16thto July 26th, 2018.

About the Speaker

Mr. Roger Chen has been a diplomat working overseas over the past 25 years in locations such as Jakarta, Kuwait, Shanghai, São Paulo, Cairo, Beijing, New York and the past three years in Delhi. As an avid travel photographer, Roger has thrived on capturing the diverse cultures, traditions and customs he has been to be privileged to witness. In his Leica journey he documents the world through the Leica M10 and a 35mm f/1.4 Summilux. Follow him on Instagram to see India through his lenses.

About Leica

Leica is a 107-year-old popular German, luxury camera and sports optic brand. Known to be held by renowned photographers and celebrities worldwide, Leica a pioneer in camera and optics for decades, aims at bringing in a class apart photographic experience with their first store in the heart of the capital at Connaught Place, New Delhi in India.

Leica is headquartered at Wetzlar, Germany and has branch offices in Australia, China, France, Italy, Japan, Switzerland, Singapore, South Korea, the UK and the US. Leica would be holding such interesting photo talk events and photo walks every month, for those who are keen to attend, must follow them on Instagram to get regular updates.

I throughly enjoyed myself and all I can say is that apart from gaining knowledge, I am filled with much more enthusiasm to try new techniques in photography, break the rules and simply keep experimenting. I also had a small chit chat with Roger and here is what he said

Wishes and Blessings Organise a Painting Competition at Balwant Rai Mehta School!

Established in 2014 with a mission to ‘inspire and empower dreams’, Wishes and Blessings is a registered NGO that has emerged as a unique platform for helping the underprivileged. We aim to spread blessings and fulfil wishes by linking beneficiaries with donors. We work across
the spectrum of society surpassing age and gender barriers on diverse causes including education, health, skill development and relief. With their continuous effort in various fields, they strive to reach out to as many needy people as possible and according to their age and requirements, they put in efforts to fulfil their wishes.

Recently in association with Balwant Rai Mehta School, they organised a painting competition for children and I was bestowed upon an opportunity to be present their as a judge. Though judging the talent of these amazing kids is never justified and always a difficult task, but like the say its not about winning or loosing, its about the passion and the spirit. The moment I entered in the hall, I could sense the high spirits, excitement and passion that children were putting in painting their imaginations on sheets. As I kept moving, I felt as if each painting spoke something to me, it spoke to me of their sheer dedication, it spoke to me of the fact that they were not doing it for any competition, it didn’t matter if they won or not, they were doing it to satiate their own creativity. And each painting better than the other, put me as an artist to shame. The imagination that these children possess, their vividness is something we can never achieve as adults.

The best part about the event was that specially abled, and hearing impaired children were also part of it, but they were not made to feel any different. They were sitting like regular children and till the time, one actually doesn’t interact and come to know of their issues, its never showcased. And I would say that probably we as adults feel more for their disabilities, but the confidence they show, the way they carry themselves is unmatched.

After soaking myself in their art for about an hour, when I could not take my eyes off their working, it was finally time to judge the top 3 in all categories and this I would say was the most challenging part. In true sense each painting was better than the other and on several occasions we ended up being confused on which one to chose. After juggling our heads for long, finally 3 winners were chosen in each category, and all thanks to the support from Wishes and Blessings, the first winner in each category got scholarship worth Rs. 10000, to help them pursue their dreams further in the field of art.

It was a great event and I felt very privileged to be a part of it. I am looking forward to attend more events by Wishes and Blessings and somehow in my own little way contribute to the well being of mankind.

More Than The Bells: Music To Fit Your Wedding’s Theme

Over the last few years, there has been a huge spike in the popularity of themed and stylised weddings. From those throwing themselves back in time with classical dos, to those pushing the boat out and choosing a theme which has never been applied to a wedding before, there are loads of ways to make your event unique. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring a single part of a themed celebration; the music. This should give you a good idea of what to look for when you’re trying to match music to your style.


Indie: In modern music, indie rock has become one of the most popular genres around the world. With bands like Arctic Monkeys, The Killers, and loads more in the charts, a lot of people will want this sort of sound for their big day. This music will best fit in weddings with modern themes, hosting in venues like hotels and conference centers, inspiring the feel of being a concert or festival. Most people won’t be able to get one of the big players, unfortunately, and you may have to look for a band like The Kicks to take their place.


Hip Hop: Throughout the 90’s and early 2000’s, hip hop was taking the world by storm. A new wave of music came out of places which people never would have expected, breaking the mould and creating loads of subgenres in their path. Having this sort of music at your wedding can be great for all sorts of themes, ranging from the quirky and whimsical, to those which may be taking themselves too seriously. The best way to enjoy the sort of music is by having fun with it, with everyone knowing at least one or two popular tracks.


Jazz: In recent years, jazz has been making somewhat of a resurgence amongst young people. Inspiring a classy feel, this sort of music is great for weddings with a luxurious theme, taking people back to the 40’s and 50’s. With this side of music taking off, there are loads of bands ready to take on events like your wedding. Websites like can help you to get your hands on acts which you won’t be able to find anywhere else. Of course, though, it will be worth shopping around.


Swing: For some people, jazz won’t strike quite the right chord, and you might want something a little more lively on your big day. Swing is sure to put a smile on anyone’s face, especially any elderly guests who have attended your wedding. Taking the place of retro dance music, an option like this is great for an event with similar themes to jazz, only with a lighthearted feel. Websites like be used to get an idea of the options in the world. There are loads of groups to choose from if this sort of music appeals to your theme.


Dance: Coming back into the modern world, dance music can also be used to set the stage for a unique theme at your wedding. This sort of option will appeal to young people most of all, enabling you to create a scene similar to the parties you’ve shared with friends as you’ve grown up, while also giving you the chance to open the doors to some fun. Dance musicians have the power to be incredibly creative with their work, with the tools they use being very flexible. This makes it possible to create timeless songs which haven’t been heard yet.

Record Your Own or Perform LiveAnother idea is to showcase your own music at your wedding if you’re an aspiring artist and musician yourself. This will truly add a personal and unique touch to your big day and your guests are sure to be impressed. You can either pre-record your own music or choose to perform live if you’re up for the challenge. In either case, you might want to consider getting an Aeros Loop Studio to help you make one-of-a-kind songs and beats and then share your best loops with your guests. The device gives you options such as quantizing your tracks in any time signature or playing in freeform mode. This is an idea that’s sure to create a memorable experience for you and everyone in attendance!


When you’re choosing music to fit a theme, you have to keep a few different things in mind. To begin, time and era are very important, as these will tie into both your theme and your music. For example, a classical wedding could be best paired with classical music, as they reflect the same period. Along with this, though, you also have to consider what you like. It’s not worth choosing a band which you won’t enjoy just to fit it to the style of your wedding. Instead, as long as it makes you happy, you can be as creative as you like with this part of your big day.


Hopefully, this post will inspire you to start working on this side of your wedding day. A lot of people find it hard to choose the music they want for their wedding, with all of the options on the market creating chaos and confusion. It doesn’t have to be this way, though, as long as you’re willing to do some research and find a theme which your wedding will follow.

Bo-Tai, Not Just Food, But An Experience!

Some places offer great food, while some offer experience, very rarely we come across places that offer food which not just food, but a wholesome experience. Coincidently, I have felt this at two places and its no surprise that both these places come from the same group. Masala Library by Jiggs Kalara was my first such experience where in I felt that its not just about food, but everything put together, and now my second experience came when I recently visited Bo-Tai. Conceptualised by Zorawar Kalra, this restaurant offers all the ingredients be ranked amongst the top. The ambience is perfect, very classy and refined, the hospitality is top notch, from the moment you enter, you are entire experience is personalised. The staff attends to you with utmost care, attention and knowledge of food and drinks.


The presentation of food is commendable and the most important thing, the taste is unmatched. Bo-Tai is a Thai speciality restaurant and it truly serves the best Thai food in the city.

Here are some of the highly recommended dishes

Scallop Carpaccio- A mouth melting experience, the scallops were just so delicious.

Crispy Caramelised Raw Mango Prawns- These are definitely a must try, super scrumptious prawns and that tangy taste of raw mango was just perfect.

Chicken Florets- True to their name, these blue coloured chicken dimsums in chilly oil were delectable.

Duck Sausages- The best dish I had, the sausages were simply mind blowing and the duck meat was so soft and juicy. The pumpkin dip and baked mashed potatoes as accompaniments enhance the taste greatly.

Lamb Satay- One of the finest satays that I had in recent times, you cannot afford to miss this dish, and the peanut dip too wasn’t the regular type and was really delicious.

Lamb Chops- Utterly delicious and succulent lamb chops, totally worth a try.

Masamman Curry- So when we talk of Thai curries, this curry usually sets the benchmark and I have to say that this was perfect. Served with Steamed Rice, they completed my meal.

Dessert- You have to try to believe how delicious it was.

Also for dessert you can try the Caramelised Banana Cocktail, it was just too good.

Me and my son had a great time enjoying this scrumptious food and overall experience at Bo-Tai. Highly recommended. Do share your feedback if you happen to visit.


Bo Tai Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

7 Tips to keep your bowels healthy

When it comes to keeping your bowels healthy, your lifestyle and the choice of different foods plays a crucial role. Simply put, what you like to eat can also substantially affect the way that your body digests food.

The more important things that can help you maintain a healthy digestive tract include drinking lots of water and adding a substantial amount of fiber into your daily diet. Besides dietary changes, regular exercise can also contribute to the wellbeing of your digestive tract too.  Let us check out a few tips that can keep your bowels healthy.

o  Eating a diet rich in fiber content

According to leading nutrition consultants across the globe, eating food items with high fiber content can substantially improve your overall digestive health. This includes the different whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits.

Just about any kind of high-fiber diet can help your body’s digestive system to keep the food ‘moving’ throughout your digestive tract. In the long run, this will also make you markedly less likely to become overly constipated. In fact, a high-fiber diet can also help you prevent and treat a myriad of different digestive problems and conditions, such as hemorrhoids, Diverticulosis, and the annoying irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). And there is a bonus as well here. Once you start consuming foods rich in fiber, you can achieve and maintain your dream weight in the long run.

o  Try to include both insoluble and soluble fiber in your daily diet

One should consume both types of fiber because they help improve your digestive system in a variety of different ways. For example, the most common types of “Insoluble fibers” colloquially known as roughage cannot be digested by the human body. They help add a substantial amount of bulk to the stool.

On the other hand, the different types of the highly soluble fiber draw in lots of water and thereby help prevent watery stools at the same time.  Good sources of insoluble fiber include different vegetables, wheat bran, and whole grains. Besides these choices, you can get highly soluble fiber from nuts, seeds, oat bran, and even legumes.

  • Always try to limit those foods that are way too high in fat content

This is because fatty foods slow down the whole digestive process completely. Foods with high-fat content make a man (or even a woman for that matter) prone to periodic bouts of high constipation. Remember that it is equally important to add at least some amount of fat in your daily diet. And there is a certain way of going about doing it.

For instance, pairing the fat-rich foods with high-fiber foods items can make them a lot easier to pass through your entire digestive system.

o  Lean meats are the way to go!

When you prepare a meal, always keep in mind that protein is an essential part of just about any healthy diet. But, you should be careful to understand that fatty cuts of meat that you consume can also lead to uncomfortable digestion. This is why, whenever you consume a lot of meat, always go to the meat shop and only select the lean cuts, such as skinless poultry, or sirloin steaks.

o  Maintain a schedule if you can

Meal times have been an integral part of our collective lifestyle since time immemorial. Our bodies are attuned to eating at certain times of the day and night. This is why making a schedule and keeping to it, more or less rigidly can also help your digestive system with reference to your bowel movements. After all, it stands to reason that the more regular your meals, the steadier will be those bowel movements as well. If you really want clean and healthy bowels, then maybe you should consider sitting down at roughly the same time periods for all your major (and also minor) meals of the day, such as breakfast, lunch, dinner and a light supper, before going to bed.

o  The seminal importance of drinking water

As mentioned earlier, staying well hydrated is important. The thing is that drinking plenty of fresh water is really good for your overall digestive health. And when you mix your hydration plans with a high-fiber diet, then all that fiber will pull in the water and help you pass your stools easily.

o  Skip all those the bad habit if you can and also exercise regularly

Ok here is the thing. Excessive smoking, excessive caffeine, and alcoholic beverage consumption is terrible news for your digestive tract. In fact, hard liquor, coffee, and even cigarette smoking can easily throw a spanner in the works when it comes to the effective functioning of your entire digestive system. And it is not just your bowels that will be affected, but rather other parts of your digestive system such as stomach (ulcers) and heartburn (Esophagus reflux).

Apart from the above, exercise also goes a long way in taking care of your bowel movements. And the good news is that it doesn’t have to be a high-intensity workout. Even a simple cardio workout at homeis effective. To get into the mood for an awesome workout, invest in trendy active wear and stylish accessories such as sports bra and butt lifterpanties.

o  Conclusion

In the light of the above, it can easily be seen that taking care of your bowels is really not that hard, provided you follow these simple tips.

Author Bio:

Judy Robinson is a passionate health and lifestyle blogger. She loves to write on healthy lifestyle, fitness 101 and DIY related topics. Follow @judyrobinsonfor more updates.


3 Natural Health Resets That Might Change Your Life


Image via Pixabay

A lot gets said about the best tactics for enhancing your overall health, ranging from all kinds of dramatic dietary recommendations, to adverts for particular exercise routines whose advocates are convinced can solve all the problems experienced by mankind, in short order.

But for all the fine-tuning you can do to try and get your body and mind performing to their optimal standards, there are also a wide range of more straightforward, holistic, and big-picture changes you can make, which can have a disproportionately large impact on your health and well-being as a whole.

Author Charles Duhigg writes in his book, “The Power of Habit”, about “keystone habits” — habits which set off a cascade of positive change, and lead to numerous positive habits, in and of themselves.

Here are some “keystone” approaches, strategies, and techniques, for improving your health.

Go camping

There are many benefits to camping, from getting more fresh air, to spending a larger proportion of your day being physically active, and even just benefiting from the apparently innate healing benefit of trees.

Researchers have, in the past, found evidence that patients in hospital rooms with windows facing trees, experience better health in a shorter timeframe than others.

Other research has suggested that people who live in more rural environments and spend more time in nature tend to be happier and healthier than those who don’t.

Researchers have also suggested that continuous bouts of low-level physical activity throughout the day — such as walking — have a profound impact on health; considerably more than a daily hour in the gym.

Research has also found that chronic insomniacs, when taken camping, quickly have their circadian rhythms rebalanced and are able to fall asleep, probably due to the natural cycles of light and dark. If you need to optimize your circadian rhythm, a few days spent in the great outdoors, without digital devices, may be the key.

Quit caffeine

Caffeine is a ubiquitous substance in today’s world — it’s pretty much everywhere, and it’s in virtually everything. Chocolate bars contain caffeine due to their cocoa content, coffee and energy drinks obviously contain it, but even other soft-drinks you wouldn’t expect — such as Lucozade — contain added caffeine.

Over time, however, constant caffeine use can lead to burnout and adrenal fatigue, as stress hormones are kept constantly high.

Quit caffeine and deal with the withdrawals (which can take a few months) and you’ll likely find that you have much more consistent energy levels as a result. 

Eat as much as you need to feel satisfied

Many dieters who think they’re being healthy end up causing themselves severe health problems due to being restrictive eating patterns.

Eating at a caloric deficit — even one deemed “moderate” by modern diet gurus — can lead to major hormonal issues, including the shut-down of the thyroid — as evidenced by the Minnesota Starvation Experiment and similar studies.

There’s also evidence that yo-yo dieting causes the body to gain fat more easily in future.

To avoid these catastrophic outcomes, eat as much as you need, as often as you need it, in order to feel satisfied. Just stick to whole foods and whole-cooked meals, and limit processed food intake to every once in a while for special occasions.

Spinach Soup with Mixed Veggies

So now as I am on a health roll, soups and salads make a very important part of my diet. I keep experimenting with different favours of soups and keep trying mixing and matching the ingredients.

Here is a recipe I tried over the weekend and turned out really good, simple, flavourful and full of goodness.

Spinach Soup with Mixed Vegetables

Ingredients that you will need:

  • Spinach- 250 gms
  • Garlic Cloves- 3-4
  • Olive Oil- 2 Table Spoons
  • Chopped Mix Veggetables- 150 gms( cabbage, carrots, beans, capsicum, corn, peas, cauliflower florets, mushrooms)
  • Vegetable Stalk- 1 litre
  • Corn Starch- 1 Table Spoon
  • Mixed Herbs- 1 Tea Spoon
  • Paprika- 1/2 Tea Spoon
  • Salt to Taste
  • Grated Cheese to Garnish

These ingredients are good enough for 2 large serves


  • Heat 1 table spoon olive oil in a pan and add chopped garlic to it.
  • Saute the garlic for about 2 minutes.
  • Roughly chop the spinach, wash it and then add to the pan.
  • Saute, garlic and spinach, for about 8 minutes, the spinach would be more or less cooked by now. Turn off the gas, and empty the spinach in a bowl and let it cool down.
  • Put the gas again on heat and add 1 table spoon olive oil, take all chopped vegetables and cook them for about 10 minutes on low heat. Cover the pan, and cook for another five minutes.
  • Once the spinach cools down a bit, blend it to a smooth paste with the help of a blender/mixer.
  • Add this spinach paste to the cooked vegetables and stir it for about 2 minutes.
  • Add vegetable stalk, or incase you dont have a stalk ready, add normal water. Bring the soup to a boil.
  • Add spices, and then mix the cornstarch in 2 spoons of water and add to the soup. This will get the soup to a thicker consistency.
  • Let it simmer for another couple of minutes and serve hot garnished with grated cheese.

Do share your feedback in the comments 🙂

Blurb Hosts Hotel Marketing Round Table Discussion in Goa

Blurb, a leading PR agency in Goa which caters to Luxury Hotels and Restaurant Industry is all set to host a round table discussion on the Hotel Marketing. Well known players from the industry will be seen taking the speakers position and throw light on the current industry standards. Names like Saurabh Khanna, GM, The Park Hotels, Sachin Patil, STAAH Channel Manager & Rubiq Website Development, Wilbert Egipsy, Digital Marketing & Ecommerce Unomas, Sol De Goa, would grace the occasion and raise the standards of such a round table discussion as they bring with them years of experience and are encyclopaedias of the industry in their own rights.

Blurb was created to work in this area with a special focus on social media marketing. At the time, there were no agencies in Goa specialising in end to end marketing solutions for hospitality brands. Over the past four years, its success stories include most of Goa’s leading restaurant and hotel brands, such as the Black Sheep Bistro, Mustard, Simba Craft Beer, Habanero Goa, and Vivanta by Taj Panaji to name a few.

The start-up was created by Sapna Shahani, an enterprising female entrepreneur who spent her formative years in the tech rich city of San Francisco, California and later returned to her hometown Mumbai. Goa was always a home away from home where she spent family holidays, so setting up business in Goa felt more comfortable than the overcrowded business capital of Mumbai. Sapna completed a fast-track MBA course at the Indian School of Business (Mumbai) which was specially designed for working women entrepreneurs. This gave her the confidence to make the shift from TV/ documentary production to running her own full-fledged PR and marketing agency.

“Blurb aims to promote innovative businesses in the hospitality space and only plugs businesses that we believe in. Hiring a consultancy like Blurb is like taking out an insurance policy for your business. An external set of eyes helps you take customer-centric decisions to advance your brand’s relevance in the market. In today’s fast-paced world, there are so many marketing activities that entrepreneurs need to do to stay visible that it makes more sense to engage specialists for this responsibility, who have the bird’s eye view of the industry,” remarked Sapna.

Since its inception, Blurb has worked with premium five star hotels like Fort Tirakol to niche cafes and restaurants like Artjuna. ‘Every business has a unique story to tell and the Blurb team knows how to share it’. This catch phrase helps build the right brand perception in the eyes of the customer. 

So what are you waiting for, if you want to hear the industry experts speak their knowledge out, pre-register yourself for the event and make the most of it.

7 Reasons Camping Is Beneficial for Your Health

If you want to make the most of your time with friends or family, then you should look into camping. There are many activities to indulge in, ranging from fishing, campfires to hiking and biking. But there is a lot more to camping than meets the eye.

Camping interestingly has numerous health benefits. In fact, spending time outdoors camping can add years to your life. Not sure how? Here are 7 reasons for you to consider.

1.   Exercise

When you are camping, you get a great deal of exercise. You get to partake in different activities, like the ones mentioned above, which in turn allow you to burn those extra calories in no time. Additionally, exercising outdoors and doing as many activities as you can also benefit your heart and lungs greatly.

2.   Healthy Food

During your camping trip, your options are limited when it comes to the food you can actually consume. Basically, you have to make do with meals that can be grilled or cooked on a campfire.

If you choose foods that require preparation, your digestive system will get a break from all the fast food you have had previously. Also, rather than taking pies and candies, promote healthy eating by taking fruits, nuts and granola bars instead.

3.   Sufficient Sleep

The best part about camping is that you can sleep in for as long as you like. The environment and quiet nature will do wonders for you when it comes to getting proper sleep. After a tiring day of activities, you will find it incredibly easy to doze off under the starry sky. Rest assured, with sufficient sleep, your body will function more effectively than ever before. Surprisingly your sleep cycle will improve by leaps and bounds.

4.   Decreases Anxiety and Depression

Based on research carried out, green spaces are known for decreasing depression and anxiety. By camping, you will break away from your hectic lifestyle. It is here where you can develop clarity to better understand yourself.

5.   Socialization

Tired of your everyday routine? Well, that is where camping comes into the picture to give you the much-needed break you need from your place of employment and otherwise. Since you will get time with your friends or family, you can socialize and learn more about them, without any distractions of course. Socialization, according to the American Journal of Public Health, can increase your lifespan and defeat memory problems.

6.   Fresh Air

Once you have set up camp, you can finally take a deep breath of fresh air, which alone will make you feel refreshed. The feeling of excitement is not because of the long vacation, but because of all the surrounding greenery. Said greenery gives off high-quality oxygen, which improves brain functionality, all the while making you feeling happier and decreasing stress levels as well.

7.   Sunshine

Whether you are camping in your RV or sleeping outdoors, it really does not matter. The bottom line is that spending time outside will have a positive impact on your health. Apart from that tan you always wanted, the sun gives your body the Vitamin D it needs to absorb phosphorus and calcium so that your teeth and bones stay strong.

Now that you know of the health benefits that lie in store for you on your next camping trip, pack your Canvas tentASAP. Remember, the more you stay outdoors, especially with your friends or family, the better you will benefit in more ways than you can imagine.

Author Bio:

Judy Robinson is a passionate health and lifestyle blogger. She loves to write on healthy lifestyle, travel,  fitness 101 and DIY related topics. Follow @judyrobinsonfor more updates.

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Goa, India