Tag: India Lifestyle Blog

Wishes and Blessings Organise a Painting Competition at Balwant Rai Mehta School!

Established in 2014 with a mission to ‘inspire and empower dreams’, Wishes and Blessings is a registered NGO that has emerged as a unique platform for helping the underprivileged. We aim to spread blessings and fulfil wishes by linking beneficiaries with donors. We work across
the spectrum of society surpassing age and gender barriers on diverse causes including education, health, skill development and relief. With their continuous effort in various fields, they strive to reach out to as many needy people as possible and according to their age and requirements, they put in efforts to fulfil their wishes.

Recently in association with Balwant Rai Mehta School, they organised a painting competition for children and I was bestowed upon an opportunity to be present their as a judge. Though judging the talent of these amazing kids is never justified and always a difficult task, but like the say its not about winning or loosing, its about the passion and the spirit. The moment I entered in the hall, I could sense the high spirits, excitement and passion that children were putting in painting their imaginations on sheets. As I kept moving, I felt as if each painting spoke something to me, it spoke to me of their sheer dedication, it spoke to me of the fact that they were not doing it for any competition, it didn’t matter if they won or not, they were doing it to satiate their own creativity. And each painting better than the other, put me as an artist to shame. The imagination that these children possess, their vividness is something we can never achieve as adults.

The best part about the event was that specially abled, and hearing impaired children were also part of it, but they were not made to feel any different. They were sitting like regular children and till the time, one actually doesn’t interact and come to know of their issues, its never showcased. And I would say that probably we as adults feel more for their disabilities, but the confidence they show, the way they carry themselves is unmatched.

After soaking myself in their art for about an hour, when I could not take my eyes off their working, it was finally time to judge the top 3 in all categories and this I would say was the most challenging part. In true sense each painting was better than the other and on several occasions we ended up being confused on which one to chose. After juggling our heads for long, finally 3 winners were chosen in each category, and all thanks to the support from Wishes and Blessings, the first winner in each category got scholarship worth Rs. 10000, to help them pursue their dreams further in the field of art.

It was a great event and I felt very privileged to be a part of it. I am looking forward to attend more events by Wishes and Blessings and somehow in my own little way contribute to the well being of mankind.

Every Gift Matters- Book Review

A few words about Carrie Morgridge, the author of this really magnificent book, Every Gift Matters.

She is the Vice President of the Morgridge Family Foundation and diligently alongside her husband working for the past fifteen years to put the foundation’s funds to their ultimate use, spark innovation and generate transformation. She graduated summa cum laude from International Academy of Design and Technology, thus giving her a cutting edge on design innovation. She is an aggressive athlete having finished nine ironman competitions. She and her husband split their time between Colorado and Florida.

The Foundation has taken up leadership funding in various projects with Non profits at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, National Jewish Health, Mile High United Way to name a few.
She conceptualised and founded the Student Support Foundation creating philanthropy clubs to teach students how best to deal with financial gifts and put them to optimum use.
She also founded the Share Fair Nation, a notional event designed to train thousands of teachers in integrating technology to teach.
Recipient of the distinguished Frances Wisebart Jacobs Woman of the Year in 2010 from Mile High United Way.

Now about the book,to be honest I thought it would be a drag continuing about philanthropy vis a vis donations, donations and more donation stories. But what a pleasant surprise the book is really engaging and truly captures the spirit and character of its author. Gives us great insight into her humble stumbling beginning into philanthropy to her real capturing of the essence of philanthropy, as she says no gift is too small and if you work at it you can really make your $1 gift the power of $3.

Absolutely superb acumen ably assisted by her various acquaintances turned friends and the ever present support of her husband John.
An enchanting read which really gives you an indepth knowledge of how to go about putting your donation to good use.
Philanthropy is not just about writing a cheque and feel that you have done your bit.
No it is much much more than that as Carrie so beautifully illustrates with numerous big and small anecdotes.
Philanthropy is a responsibility where by giving you make sure your money is put to its right use and brings about a change in the lives of many.
An absolute must read book for everyone.
Kudos to Carrie for sharing her experiences and showing how to keep learning from your mistakes and keep going.


You can log on to http://morgridgefamilyfoundation.org to know more about the foundation and Carrie.

The book is available on Amazon for Rs 1325/- for hardcover and Kindle version is available for Rs 66/-

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Goa, India