Tag: Book Reader

The Tree with a Thousand Apples- Book Review

“If the criminal was once a saint and the saint was once a criminal, then who is a criminal and who is a saint?”

Some lines just hook you, isn’t it.. these lines printed at the back cover of this book made an instant connection with me, and all I wanted to do was grab the book, a cup of coffee and just sit down in leisure to read through it, and thats exactly what I did.

Based on true events of the mishaps in Kashmir, its one of the most sensitive books I have ever read in regards to Kashmir and the issue people face there. Though the start of the book is slow and doesn’t go as expected, but if you manage to hold on for sometime, the book starts gripping you and taking a very enthralling shape.

The three main protagonists tie you in an emotional tale and take you through the ups and downs of both their relationships and life in general. How they meet after 20 years after their respective lives have been shattered, makes for an interesting yet sensitive read. From being a beautiful valley to a bloodshed valley of unpredictable circumstances, the author has beautifully captured the essence of Kashmir. Reading the book one can very well imagine and relate to the changes Kashmir has gone through over a period of time and also how it has affected the lives of people who once lived there or still continue to.

Unlike the beginning, you may find the climax of the book little rushed up, especially when the story shifts its base to Bombay. The ending also may seem slightly filmy, but yet the overall experience of reading this book has been a pleasant one. Though a work of fiction, but one knows exactly when the author has depicted true events. Normally the books that I have read in past which focus on Kashmir miseries, haven’t encapsulated a story in them, they have been pure work of true incidents much like documentaries, but this book by Sanchit, will satiate both your needs as a reader. It will give you a beautiful and emotional story to connect with and also give you a gruesome insight into the realities of Kashmir.

Definitely a must read.

My Rating 4.5/5 Stars

Its available on Amazon

Spirit Flows Power Glows- Book Review

Keerthisinghe is a Sri Lankan by origin and is an Entrepreneur, Speaker, Politician, and T.V. Presenter based in India.
He is a firm believer in God and holds great knowledge of Buddhist philosophy.
Having lost his father at the tender age of eight he faced numerous challenges in life and despite his adverse circumstances managed to enter the University of Colombo and graduated as a Bachelor of Law and became a professional lawyer in 2000.
He became an early rupee millionaire and then lost it all.
Being the fighter that he is, his quest has not ended despite going through many failures.
He had firm belief in God and his own never say die attitude to rise again n again. He went through personal and professional set backs always to bounce back even defying death.

The Book as the name suggests is a work of art, a seriously motivational book with a nice and refreshing outlook to really inspire you to achieve your dreams.
A simple narrative interspersed with some truly inspiring stories and personal experiences gives you an ample window to look through the Author’s up and down journey and his strong will and belief in the Almighty to cross all hurdles and move towards the Goal. The book really takes you on a roller coaster ride and leaves you infused with positive energy and high spirit. One gets a sense of belief and feel all charged up to take on the world.

An absolute cracker of a book for all. Very Inspiring. Very Motivational. An absolute must read.

Grab your copy now, you will not regret your buy.

Its available on Amazon for Rs 270/- for paperback.

My rating 4/5 stars

Book Review- Life and The Grey Notes by Mayank S. Singer

A word about the Author first,Mayank Sengar is from a family of culturalists based in the holy city of Varanasi.
He is naturally blessed with a keen eye for the human factor and a fine sense of appreciation for life’s varied experiences which also reflects in his work.
He has an uncanny talent of connecting with people from all strata of society and that in turn is evident of his very real characters in his stories.
Mayank currently lives in Gurgaon with his wife and two lovely kids.

Life and the Grey Notes is a collection of short stories, 10 to be precise.

1. Inside Bermuda Triangle
A story of a modern day confused youth looking for answers to chart his future.
And answers he does get but in a very surreal manner.
Was it God himself leading him or???

2. The Evening Call.
The story of a just retired ever happy and helpful man and his quest for peace in this modern techno savvy society.
A really moving and telling story of the make believe virtual world which all of us are caught up in.

3. Hoping for Hope.
The story of Hope against all odds epitomized in the form of one person:Bhoop Singh,who has a solution to every problem and is the living symbol of inspiration and hope for all around him.
Is he for real or is he too fallible to the vagaries of life??.

4. Who’s the Pet?
A fascinating view point from the author vis a vis the pet that we keep.
Do we provide him with all the security,love and affection or is it actually the vice versa??

5. The Golden Fear.
Another little gem from the Author regarding our love for the yellow metal.
Is it to be bought and put safely in bank for future security or can it be enjoyed by the female members of the family???

6. The Religious Atheist
A story of a young man not very bright in studies and being constantly compared to other bright students.
His gradual dependence,like most ,growing upon praying to God for a miracle.
His subsequent loss of faith.
Does he regain his faith???

7. Blood Group H+
A superb story of an hard working man trying to achieve his small dreams with honesty.
Is it possible in today’s opportunistic world?
Or does he fall prey to the tryst with dishonesty???

8. Lets Judge
As the title clearly suggests we in our day to day life are always more than keen to be judgmental of events and people around us.But a chance encounter of the protagonist with a fellow passenger leaves a mark on him.
Should we Judge???

9. The Unlucky Betrayal
Again the title really says it all.
You may be having the time of your life in everything you do right from childhood to your growing up,lucky you.
But does luck betray you when you least expect it????

10. The God Particle
In this fast paced crazy lifestyle of today one is not able to find answers to so many of life’s riddles.
But somehow one remark from someone gets right into you and becomes the answer to your myriad questions.Right????

Well a simply beautiful collection of short stories touching upon the various facets of life.
A wonderfully simple narrative style that holds your attention.

Highly recommended.

Grab your copy now!!!!!!!

Its available on Amazon for Rs 134/-(paperback)

My Rating 4.5/5

Becoming Assiya- Book Launch and Review

The book was formally launched on 21st February, at Office Office CP, attended by a select few invitees and family and close friends.
It was a small intimate affair to laud the efforts of a young twenty year old girl whose efforts had borne fruit in the shape of her maiden book, BECOMING ASSIYA.

A word first about the young debut making author, SIMRAN KESHWANI.
She is a Final Year literature student at the Lady Shri Ram College for women, University of Delhi.
She is actively involved in several social causes and is working selflessly to change the world for good, one word at a time.

Kudos to Simran for choosing a very sensitive subject for her very first book, few dare to do so.
It is a tormenting story of a misplaced Syrian refugee and her trials n tribulations encompassing a world full of hatred.

Her journey right from her birth through the ravaging War and it’s bone chilling consequences to the tireless effort to reclaim her lost identity form the crux of this spellbinding tale of a physically and mentally ravaged young Assiya who amidst all the bloodshed,violence and extreme torture still manages to hang on to HOPE!!!!!!
HOPE for herself, her fellow human beings and the COUNTRY she belongs to SYRIA.

The canvass is a horrifying story of people of a war ravaged Syria and Simran’s portrayal of the same is captured in all it’s blood n gore. Fabulous writing which keeps you turning pages but also makes you stop inbetween and makes you think hard at what kind of a world are we a part of?
What kind of a legacy is this world going to leave for generations to come!!!!!

A really commendable piece of writing from this young upcoming author.

I am sure she is here to stay and make a name for herself in the literary world.


Available on Amazon

My Rating 4/5 Stars

Kashmir 90- Book Review

A word about the Author first, Vineet started his journey from Dehradun having done his schooling there before moving to Bangalore for his engineering from B.M.S.College. Having completed his engineering he joined the Corporate World and since then has been working at various locations in India n Abroad. He completed Executive Program in Business Management from IIMC and is also a PMP certified professional. He is presently settled in Mumbai and is working in the field of Project Management. This is his second book having written,Vinu, I am getting married earlier and working on his third book titled Twin Trouble.
Apart from writing fiction, Vineet Mishra has other hobbies including his passion for riding.
He is also a proud HOG (Harley Davidson Owner) and enjoys long rides.

Now about the book Kashmir 90 ,as the name suggests it relates to that horrific period in our modern history which is really a shame on our country.
The book traces the the journey of its main protagonist Shiv Pandit, a Kashmiri Pandit who lives a carefree life in the Jannat of our country Kashmir.
His life from the age of 18,living in a well to do family, loved by all and popular among his friends to the devastation. He and the family go through that darkest of dark periods forms the crux of this book.
The book has been beautifully written and the life n journey of Shiv Pandit unfolds in a simple but riveting manner.
The life in College with friends, the faint sensibility of finding love to the kindness and love of the family to losing it all in a sweeping series of events that follow the unrest and subsequent exodus of the Kashmiri Pandits from the Valley.
How he goes through all the losses and almost losing his sanity to again joining the mainstream of the society with some semblance of success with the one regret of losing his college crush/love Maya.
Does Shiv manage to find Maya? Makes for a fascinating read. Highly recommended.
Go grab your copy and feel the trauma of the in numerous people who went through this sad ordeal of being outcaste from your own land n people.

My Rating 4/5

Available on Amazon for Rs. 225 for paperback.

Every Gift Matters- Book Review

A few words about Carrie Morgridge, the author of this really magnificent book, Every Gift Matters.

She is the Vice President of the Morgridge Family Foundation and diligently alongside her husband working for the past fifteen years to put the foundation’s funds to their ultimate use, spark innovation and generate transformation. She graduated summa cum laude from International Academy of Design and Technology, thus giving her a cutting edge on design innovation. She is an aggressive athlete having finished nine ironman competitions. She and her husband split their time between Colorado and Florida.

The Foundation has taken up leadership funding in various projects with Non profits at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, National Jewish Health, Mile High United Way to name a few.
She conceptualised and founded the Student Support Foundation creating philanthropy clubs to teach students how best to deal with financial gifts and put them to optimum use.
She also founded the Share Fair Nation, a notional event designed to train thousands of teachers in integrating technology to teach.
Recipient of the distinguished Frances Wisebart Jacobs Woman of the Year in 2010 from Mile High United Way.

Now about the book,to be honest I thought it would be a drag continuing about philanthropy vis a vis donations, donations and more donation stories. But what a pleasant surprise the book is really engaging and truly captures the spirit and character of its author. Gives us great insight into her humble stumbling beginning into philanthropy to her real capturing of the essence of philanthropy, as she says no gift is too small and if you work at it you can really make your $1 gift the power of $3.

Absolutely superb acumen ably assisted by her various acquaintances turned friends and the ever present support of her husband John.
An enchanting read which really gives you an indepth knowledge of how to go about putting your donation to good use.
Philanthropy is not just about writing a cheque and feel that you have done your bit.
No it is much much more than that as Carrie so beautifully illustrates with numerous big and small anecdotes.
Philanthropy is a responsibility where by giving you make sure your money is put to its right use and brings about a change in the lives of many.
An absolute must read book for everyone.
Kudos to Carrie for sharing her experiences and showing how to keep learning from your mistakes and keep going.


You can log on to http://morgridgefamilyfoundation.org to know more about the foundation and Carrie.

The book is available on Amazon for Rs 1325/- for hardcover and Kindle version is available for Rs 66/-

Super Women- Book Review

Super Women is a compilation of inspiring stories of 20 women entrepreneurs.The author is Prachi Garg,a Mirandian and an inspiration herself.She is co-founder of Ghoomophiro.com and Anmoluphar. An alumni of Great Lake Institue of Management, she is a passionate writer and fond of traveling. In many ways she herself is an entrepreneur and a successful one at that and a great role model for women.


Super women brings to light the stories of twenty women entrepreneurs who have by their sheer hard work and will to succeed have found the right balance in their personal and professional lives, managing to hold fort on both fronts with equal dedication and love.

These women have foraged into a vast range of services like extending support to acid attack victims to providing free skin care solutions; online retail of lingerie, handmade bags and fashion accessories.
They have also found a niche in providing eco friendly utility products; some awe inspiring quirky merchandise; another very inspiring service has been to empower folk artists and showcase their art to the world to providing clinical assistance those suffering from depression and allied problems; image consulting to house hunting, arty solutions, to innovative marketing and corporate communication; from creating happy readers to making religious ceremonies simpler.
These super women have opened doors to some yet unexplored avenues.

The author very beautifully traces the journey of these women from their baby steps to finally realising their dreams and in the process providing us with various services.

Kudos to these super women and Prachi, a super woman herself for bringing together this inspirational book.
Grab a copy and live the lives of these super women. A salute to Women Power.

Available on Amzon- Price Rs 123/-

Book Review-Suhani by Turia

Suhani is a book by Indian author Turia based in Mumbai. She is a publicist by profession. An avid reader, she is fond of traveling, day dreaming and writing poetry in her free time. Day dreaming is a new one for me. Before I go on to the book I was more curious about the name Turia and ventured to find out about the meaning of the name. Turia they say is a Tahiti name meaning the name of a princess. Other descriptions say Turia is someone very capable and in control of life which Turia sure seems to be.
Let me start with giving you an extract from this beautifully penned book:

The Sadhu looked into the eyes of the pilgrim who had travelled from far to meet him.Such powerful eyes thought the pilgrim

The Sadhu must have read that in his eyes.

The Sadhu smiled and thought,In your eyes I can see the lives you have lived,the journeys you have made,the people you have loved and those you have lost,the tales you told and those that you didn’t,do not look into my eyes,for in your eyes I see the stories you have lived,when I see you they become part of me……..

“Everyone is part of the same story”,thought the Sadhu……after all life is a story……told and retold so many times,in so many worlds and so many lives.


This to me really forms the essence of this book.
The book traces the story of Suhani a tea vendor on the ghats of Ganges in the holy city of Benares who goes through the most unholy of experiences while growing up as on orphan,the repeated sexual abuse by her Uncle.
The quite dignity with which she still carries herself while pursuing her love for Abstract paintings is just commendable.Her limitations and despair come through beautifully.
One day her life takes a huge turn with the advent of Kabir and his undying selfless love for Suhani.
From hereon very skillfully the author brings about the love between the two and the courage Suhani is able to bring to surface because of Kabir.
How she embarks on a new journey bringing forth the all new Suhani is for you to find out.
What I liked is the undercurrent of true,undying,unwavering love between the two protagonists.

Highly recommended. Go grab your copy.

Available on Amazon- Price Rs 510(paperback)

S.O.A.R Success Over Adversity Reigns- Book Review


This is the second book by the author Abir Mukherjee who is an IT professional based in U.S.A.
The backdrop of the book is related to the IT industry.The three protagonists who come together in the book namely Uday, Adhyayan and Rajasekaran take you through a roller coaster journey of friendship, love, ambition and deceit.
The story rests on Uday’s dream of making it big. He hits upon a brilliant idea and leaves his job to pursue his dream. He ropes in his two friends Adhyayan aka Adi and Rajasekaran aka Raja to join him.
The three embark upon the journey which takes them through disappointments and trials and turbulations and breakups.
Then comes a huge shock as Uday gets embroiled in a case of cheating and is arrested.
Hearing the news Adi and Raja leave everything to be at his side forgetting the differences they had in the past.
The ensuing married life of Adi which suffers immensely due to the project and the new found love of Raja make a compelling parallel story.
Will Uday be cleared of the controversy, Will Adi’s married life get back on track and will Raja be able to marry his love, an outcaste marriage?
Grab a copy and find out. The book surely has some editing errors and could have been better in that area, nevertheless it makes a very interesting read for sure.

About the Author:


Abir Mukherjee was born and brought up in Bardhaman, a small town of West Bengal. He is currently based in U.S.A having completed more than 8 years as an IT Professional. He has completed his B.E. in computer science and engineering in 2005 and started working in different software MNCs. ‘S.O.A.R’ is his second novel.Blackbuck Publication has published his first novel, ‘As Life Has No Undo’. He loves to sketch and write in his spare time. He writes to entertain people, not to teach them how to live life, how to be successful in life or any other philosophical lessons

Book Price: Rs 175/- available on Amazon

Rating: 4/5

The Ribbon Trap-Book Review


The Ribbon Trap is the first publication of its Author Shine Syamaladevi born in a small village in Kerala.Himself an avid reader and a daydreamer he got the opportunity to travel across the nation on various official appointments.


The journeys across fuel led his passion and resulted in this, his first book a true labour of love .
The Ribbon Trap is a poignant love story of Krishnaprem and Smita.
The author beautifully captures the undying love of both right from the very young age of school going mates.
The journey from childhood to adulthood is very beautifully sketched amidst an array of emotions.
The ever changing life has one constant,their unwavering love for each other.
No hesitancy or doubts creep into their love even when they are staying apart in different cities due to work related postings.
As they grow so does their love for each other.
Then as destiny would have it Smita is pulled into a game of deceit and murder.
Embroiled in the falsely implicated case she goes through living hell only on the unwavering strength of her love for Krishnaprem to whom she wants to return.
Krishnaprem is also with her and for her all through the horrendous turn of events in a backdrop of political intrigue,police brutality,and shockIng betrayal from certain very close individuals.
I again stress the beautiful and undying love for each other for me is the underlying strength of the story.
Well worth the read. Commendable first attempt.

Book Price: Rs 256/-

Available on Amazon


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