Book Review-Suhani by Turia

Suhani is a book by Indian author Turia based in Mumbai. She is a publicist by profession. An avid reader, she is fond of traveling, day dreaming and writing poetry in her free time. Day dreaming is a new one for me. Before I go on to the book I was more curious about the name Turia and ventured to find out about the meaning of the name. Turia they say is a Tahiti name meaning the name of a princess. Other descriptions say Turia is someone very capable and in control of life which Turia sure seems to be.
Let me start with giving you an extract from this beautifully penned book:

The Sadhu looked into the eyes of the pilgrim who had travelled from far to meet him.Such powerful eyes thought the pilgrim

The Sadhu must have read that in his eyes.

The Sadhu smiled and thought,In your eyes I can see the lives you have lived,the journeys you have made,the people you have loved and those you have lost,the tales you told and those that you didn’t,do not look into my eyes,for in your eyes I see the stories you have lived,when I see you they become part of me……..

“Everyone is part of the same story”,thought the Sadhu……after all life is a story……told and retold so many times,in so many worlds and so many lives.


This to me really forms the essence of this book.
The book traces the story of Suhani a tea vendor on the ghats of Ganges in the holy city of Benares who goes through the most unholy of experiences while growing up as on orphan,the repeated sexual abuse by her Uncle.
The quite dignity with which she still carries herself while pursuing her love for Abstract paintings is just commendable.Her limitations and despair come through beautifully.
One day her life takes a huge turn with the advent of Kabir and his undying selfless love for Suhani.
From hereon very skillfully the author brings about the love between the two and the courage Suhani is able to bring to surface because of Kabir.
How she embarks on a new journey bringing forth the all new Suhani is for you to find out.
What I liked is the undercurrent of true,undying,unwavering love between the two protagonists.

Highly recommended. Go grab your copy.

Available on Amazon- Price Rs 510(paperback)

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