Everything You Want to Know About Meditation

Meditation has different meaning for different people. For me, its a soothing effect on my mind, body and soul. I don’t practice it regularly but whenever I do, it surely helps me declutter. I will admit that it takes a lot to meditate. It doesn’t come easy and even now I am not a pro. It really takes months and years of practice, because merely closing your eyes and deep breathing is not meditation. Meditation is like a connect with your own soul, to hear your innermost voice and to feel each and every breath that you take. Its difficult, but once you are able to do so, the peace is unmatchable.

Here is everything you wanna know about Meditation

3 thoughts on “Everything You Want to Know About Meditation

  1. Meditation is a way for me to calm down after a hectic day! I’m definitely sleeping better, if I do some before going to bed 🙂

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