Tag: Positive Lifestyle

Can Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Help Treat Anxiety Disorder

Have you ever undergone severe panic attacks, compulsive thoughts, or inescapable tensions? Though it isn’t yet proved that the listed symptoms are observed in the patients suffering from anxiety disorders, the risk to develop the same is high among the people suffering from intolerable phobia or worries.


There exist a plethora of medication and treatment that can help you tackle anxiety, however, counseling and therapy are often considered to be the best possible measure to begin your treatment with. Some specific kind of therapies such as exposure therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy direct the patient on how to diminish your anxiety disorder, get rid of troublesome thoughts, and overcome your phobia. Here’s how you can treat anxiety disorders with effective therapy:


Get rid of Anxiety disorders with appropriate therapy


As per the recent studies, therapy is termed to be the best possible technique and alternative to medication to treat even extreme anxiety disorder. Not only does it evaluate the reasons behind this disorder but it helps you to create an effective coping ability.


It is worth noting that there are diverse sorts of anxiety disorders, hence, an appropriate therapy is executed taking into the account your symptoms and problems. For instance, a patient experiencing compulsive thought related problems would be provided with a completely different therapy than the one who suffers from regular panic attacks. Though the span of counseling is more or less short-term, the duration of the procedure mainly relies on the symptoms and severity of the disease and can take up to 7-10 sessions to get full recovery. Let’s learn the major therapies for an anxiety disorder:


Cognitive behavioral therapy


Apart from aiding the patient to recover from panic attacks, CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) has proven to be effective enough in eliminating phobias, obsessive thoughts, depression, and worries, social as well as comprehensive anxiety disorder, and the list goes on. The therapy is categorized into two major parts i.e., cognitive therapy and Behavioral therapy.

While the contribution of off-putting thoughts to your disorder is determined in the former case, the later identifies how the sufferer response to the worrisome situations. As said ‘improving the way you take on the situations would help you feel better while encountering them’, the foremost measure the therapy focuses on is to change your thinking. Here’s how it happens:


  • Determining the negative thoughts: One of the major challenges faced by the patient suffering from an anxiety disorder is that they tend to consider the situation more hazardous than they actually are. For instance, for a person dealing with germ phobia, touching another person would be as dangerous as killing themselves. Though it might appear a ridiculous fear, determining your very own illogical fears isn’t an easy task. And that’s when a therapist comes into the play. He/she helps you identify your phobia, fear, worries, and negativities that have made you suffer from anxiety disorder.


  • Getting rid of negative mindset: While finding out the issues seems quite effortless, overcoming the same can turn out to be the major challenge of your life. In this phase, your counselor would instruct you on how to analyze the harmful thoughts. This stage includes: evaluating useless thinking, checking out the accurateness of the anticipated negative concerns, performing multiple experiments, guiding you on how to avoid the things you’re scared of, and analyzing the probability that what the patient is worrying would in reality happen.


  • Changing negative concerns into practical thoughts: Once you’ve got an idea of the concerns that are affecting your lifestyle, you could change the same with more sensible and rational thoughts. In this phase, your counselor would assist you to be more practical. He/she will also make necessary statements that work as an evidence of virtual reality.


Apart from the mentioned phases, cognitive behavioral therapy helps you ascertain the causes behind your intense anxiety disorder, learn problem-solving skills, and challenge your phobia.


Final Verdict


Is anxiety disorder negatively affecting your daily life? Get cognitive behavioral therapy and get the positive results within a few sessions. Furthermore, you should aim to boost your relation with your friends, colleagues, family, and other beloved people, adopt a healthy lifestyle and opt for regular exercise to get rid of the issue with ease. Good Luck!


Author Bio

Hello Readers !! Natalie and Caitlyn Bell are the founders of Healtholine, They started Healtholine to provide a platform where they could share informative articles related to health, fitness, beauty, weight loss etc Natalie is a featured author at various authoritative blogs in the health and fitness industry. Connect with both sisters to know more.


Everything You Want to Know About Meditation

Meditation has different meaning for different people. For me, its a soothing effect on my mind, body and soul. I don’t practice it regularly but whenever I do, it surely helps me declutter. I will admit that it takes a lot to meditate. It doesn’t come easy and even now I am not a pro. It really takes months and years of practice, because merely closing your eyes and deep breathing is not meditation. Meditation is like a connect with your own soul, to hear your innermost voice and to feel each and every breath that you take. Its difficult, but once you are able to do so, the peace is unmatchable.

Here is everything you wanna know about Meditation

Your Creative Life After An Accident

If you are naturally a creative spirit, the idea of being forced to stay at home to recover from an injury can be terrifying. For a lot of people, an accident can be traumatising and depressing. Many find themselves reliving the moment of the accident continuously in their minds, which can create a fertile ground for anxiety disorders and stress. Additionally, the fear of not being able to get back to full health can also affect your professional career and even your social future. An accident remains you of your vulnerability. It brings only negative emotions as you recover. But, if you exercise your creative mindset, you can find a way to turn the negative into positive.

Use creativity against pain

Take the stress out of your recovery at home

If you’ve left the hospital and have chosen to recover at home instead, it can be stressful to find yourself struggling with mobility issues in your own home. A lot of people hope to get back to normal as soon as they leave the hospital. So, brace yourself for a long recovery time and invest in creative mobility-friendly kits – you can read about them here. Using the right items and changing your furniture to match your needs can take a lot of stress of your mind. Don’t make it extra difficult for yourself to stay at home!

 Be creative about developing healthy habits

Recovering is about helping your body to heal. It doesn’t happen overnight, unfortunately. But you can use the time to develop healthy habits by learning how to cook, for instance. Healthy and delicious recipes can help you to fuel your body with the vitamins and nutrients it needs to heal. Additionally, you’ll find that you’re less likely to indulge in junk food if you can be creative with your cooking. It’s fair to say that getting your 5 a day can seem dull if you are not an enthusiastic cook. But when you can whip a yummy meal in an instant, no vegetable will ever be boring again! 

Use art to relieve your anxiety

You can use drawing or painting as a way to alleviate your anxiety. Emotionally, it is a rewarding journey. As Picasso once said ‘Art washes from the soul the dust of everyday life.’ Creatively expressing your worries and pains about healing can help you deal with the recovery time positively. You can put all your joy, sadness, tears and smiles into each piece. It doesn’t matter if nobody else sees it. What matters is that it’s a piece of darkness that doesn’t get to live inside your mind any longer.

When life gives you lemons, find a creative solution!

Use your experience to find new creative paths

An accident is ultimately a negative life experience. If you look back in the story of most successful entrepreneurs, their past was inhabited by failures. Nevertheless, the lesson successful business people learned from it was to keep looking for the light at the other end of the tunnel, the solution that will fix it all. Failure is part of the journey, but it doesn’t hold you back. It helps you to grow. Embrace your accident in the same way to make the most of it.

Creativity can help you recover faster after an accident. From using creative solutions to being creative yourself, healing is the final step of your inventive path.







Keeping Everyone In The Family Happy And Healthy

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Maintaining a happy family in such a busy modern world can be tough. Everyone’s got to focus on their own individual lives, after all. Your kids might be worried about school, whether they get a lot of homework to complete every week or they have problems with certain teachers, friends, and fellow classmates. You might have a lot on your mind in terms of your job, bills, and other important adult responsibilities. However, staying connected as a family is the best way to keep everyone happy and healthy, and we’ll discuss that in this article.


Stay physically active.

First of all, physical health is essential to happiness both today and in the long-term. When you’ve got so much to do in the average day, exercise is probably the last thing you want to put on your ‘To Do’ list. If you do have any free time then you and other members of your family probably watch TV on the couch or take a power nap to get through the rest of the day. It’s time to change this mentality in your household. Staying physically active won’t just ensure that you maintain a healthy figure but that your mental health improves too.


You should find some sort of physical activity that can get the whole family to spend time together. It’s also a great way to ensure that everybody commits to this new lifestyle. You might all want to go on more walks around your local park, for example. But you could really push yourselves by joining a new club. Perhaps you could take up dance as a family. That’ll be a fun way to socialize and relax without really thinking about the fact that you’re exercising. As we’ve discussed before, it’s important to look after the older members of your family, so you should invite the grandparents to join in with your new exercise routine. Remember, physical activity doesn’t have to be strenuous; getting your body moving is the important thing. If you choose an easy activity then everyone in the family can get involved.


Save money.

If you want a happier household then you should start saving money. It’ll mean you don’t have to worry so much about covering costs and your kids don’t have to worry about you. You could reduce energy bills by insulating your home more effectively and getting energy-efficient appliances, for example. If your kids are prone to ripping or ruining their clothes as soon as you buy new gear then you could even check out a service such as www.stitchit.co/services/ to mend their jeans, shirts, and so on. There’s no point in wasting money on new clothes all the time when your kids are just going to wreck anyway. Save that money for when they actually need new clothes because they’ve outgrown their old ones. Being frugal is about taking a look at your expenses and cutting out the waste. Your family will be much happier if you don’t have to worry about money. You can go on nice vacations or treat yourself to luxuries if you start being smarter with your finances.


Have weekly family meetings.

A final way in which you could keep everyone in the family happy and healthy is to hold a weekly family meeting. Happiness and healthiness are synonymous in many ways. If you want your family to have a healthy life then you need to prioritize their mental states. The best way to do that is to gather in a room and check in with everyone. Let people air their issues if they’re struggling at work, at school, or even at home. This is a chance for everyone in the family to support each other. It’s also a chance to have fun and bond as a family. Everyone could swap stories, as suggested over at www.webmd.com/parenting/. You could tell a funny story from your week or an old story from many years ago to make the kids laugh.

How You Can Make A Positive Difference With Mental Health


When you have someone in your life that suffers with their mental health, it’s something that you can feel quite a personal connection to. Whether that person is you, someone in your immediate family, or even a close friend, you may want to be able to make a change. Of course, helping with your own mental health can be easier for you to take control of when you’re able to beat depression or keep some of the hardest elements of mental health under control. But when it’s others around you that are suffering, you often want to try and make as much of a positive difference as possible. And if you’re someone that can have some influence, then you’re definitely going to want to use your skills as much as possible to do that. So let’s take a look at what you can do to make that happen.

  1. Focus On Positivity

First of all, you’re going to want to make sure that you can focus on positivity. It’s not always easy when you’ve got people suffering around you, but if you are able to be that one person that always stays positive, that can bring everyone around them up with them, and just try to spread happiness and cheer, you’ll be making a big difference. Because all too often, we let negativity bring us down. But if you can keep the positivity flowing, you’ll have a much better chance at helping those around you that suffer with mental health.

  1. Encourage Exercise

When someone is suffering from mental health issues, they won’t always feel all that motivated in life. And it’s hard, because exercise is actually a great way to uplift them. There are so many mental health benefits of exercise that it’s essential for you to try and get your loved one to workout. Whether it’s playing a sport, going for a walk, or trying something new, you should find this will help to lift their spirits.

  1. Get Support

From here, you’ll then find that you may need to bring in some support. It won’t always be the case, but if your loved one is really struggling with their mental health, the only way that they may be able to get out of the situation they are in is to find some support by speaking to a medical professional. Encouraging them to do so will be a great thing for you to do.

  1. Get Trained

Or maybe you want to see if you can make a difference? When that’s the case, you might like to take a mental health counseling masters online to become qualified yourself. When something is so personal to you, it’s great to know that you can do something to help others in the future.

  1. Never Give Up

Above all else, you have to keep the faith. Consistency is also key. Never giving up means that you’re always there and you’re doing what you can to try and improve their situation. It may take time, and it may be hard work, but if you keep it up and have faith in your abilities, you will make a difference and help them to turn things around.

Easy Ways to Beat Depression

Depression is a common symptom that affects people who have various medical problems. If you’re suffering from depression that’s caused by psychiatry problems, there are easy ways to beat the behavior patterns. A practical defensive strategy for depression should involve proper daily routines, efficient exercise, and many hours of sleep.

Design Practical Routines

Because breakfast is a very important meal, it can help patients who are dealing with depression. In order to use breakfast to resolve depression symptoms, you must select food items that provide proper nutrition. This strategy is effective, as proper nutrition can enhance mood patterns throughout the day. If you need help picking suitable breakfast items, consider anything that has fiber or grains, and you can wash these products down with a cold glass of milk or a delicious cup of juice.


By exercising on a regular basis, you can maintain general mood swings. In order to implement exercise procedures, you’ll have to focus, and this process will help you avoid typical behavior patterns that cause severe levels of depression.

The process of designing an easy exercise routine is simple because there are many practical options for patients who enjoy indoor and outdoor activities. Yoga equipment, bar bells, and exercise balls can help you workout in a residential environment, and you can burn calories outdoors by jogging around your neighborhood or by trying various sports.


Proper sleep can enhance your mood so that you can avoid many minor problems that can lead to dramatic depression symptoms throughout the day. In order to get enough sleep, you must manage your mood by following a practical routine that involves healthy food and strategic exercise.

If you need more strategies for depression, consider pursuing psychiatry resource information. In many cases, you could also gather information about depression by consulting a doctor.

Friendship: The Medicine Of The Soul

Have you ever stopped to notice how insular we’ve all gotten? Look up and down the high street on a busy day, and you’ll see people with their eyes turned downward with headphones firmly placed over their ears, blocking themselves off from the world. Our evenings have become less about life, love and laughter and more about Netflix and chill. In an age where being social means logging onto an app, we are all in danger of losing something truly special. Because spending meaningful time with our friends is extremely important for our general wellbeing. It can keep anxiety, stress and negative feelings at bay, help us to focus on the positives in life (even when life feels overwhelmingly negative) and even make us more attractive…


Image by Pixabay

Social media is not social

Social media absolutely has its place, but it’s no substitute for spending quality time with the ones we love. Social media has an unfortunate way of distorting our perception of others and ourselves. We feel obliged to present the world with a semi-real, stage managed version of our lives while making us feel with nagging certainty that everyone else is having more fun than us. Ditch the apps and get social!

Your friends make you feel valued

Friends who listen, really listen, are precious as they value us and help us to value ourselves. If you’re having trouble with your partner, your know that your friends will listen and advise as best they can without judgment. If you’ve just been to get a hearing aid fitted, they’re anxious to learn more. If you need to have a lengthy rant about work they’ll be there for you while you get it off your chest and if you’ve had a promotion or a bonus they’ll share in your joy.

Your friends break up your routine

We all know the danger of falling into a routine. Wake up, eat breakfast, work, make dinner, eat dinner, tidy up, sleep. It can all make you feel less like a human being and more like an anonymous drone. That’s why you can never underestimate the value in dropping everything for coffee and a catch up with a friend. It can break up the routine and put us back in touch with who we really are inside. If you haven’t touched base with your friends in a long time, pick up the phone tonight!

Your friends make you feel younger

Old friends have a habit of turning us into young friends. The kinds of friends we make in high school and college tend to stay with us for life because you’re able to dip into that wonderful bank of shared experiences which you can reach into and feel the years melt away.

Your friends even make you prettier! 

You’re never more attractive than when you smile! Taking time to hang out with your friends inevitably results in lots of smiles and laughter which are not only great ways of boosting your mood but helps you to look and feel prettier without a single beauty product!

The Key To Helping Others: Taking Care Of Yourself First

Everyone knows that they need to be taking care of themselves, but sometimes, that’s much easier said than done. If you’re one of those people who is always looking after other people, then you might find that your own needs aren’t being met. And while that would be just fine for a while, if it carries on unchecked then, sooner or later, you will find that it’s something you should have corrected much earlier. Here are a few ideas to ensure all your needs are met.

Source: Pexels.com

The Essential Ingredients

While it’s nice to daydream of going on a long travel trip, or taking a couple of months just to do whatever you want to do, sometimes simply just taking care of the essentials in life is enough to give us a solid platform on which to be our best. Before you’ve even begun thinking about the needs of others, make sure you’re eating well, getting enough sleep and exercise, and that your health is in check. You’ll find it much easier to be there for others if you’ve been there for yourself first.

Getting Help From Others

It might sometimes feel like that, but you’re really not in this all on your own. You will have people who are willing to help you, and if you don’t – or they’re not available – then there will be professional options. If you’re overworking yourself trying to take care of an elderly relative who needs support, then look at getting some respite care in the home. It’ll give you a break, during which you can refresh and re-energise. For things like children, then you’ll have siblings, parents, and other friends with their own children to give you a break for the evening.


If you’re a person who always thinks of the needs of others first, then you probably can’t even remember the last time that you treated yourself to something nice. Moving forward, make a promise to yourself to do something that’s only for your benefit will help ease the burden of looking after others.

It could be buying a new dress, taking a day to do something that you love doing, catching up with your new favorite reality game show like Biggest Liar in Ghana, or simply spending the evening with relaxing music and a good book.

Be Wary of Overdoing It

Some people don’t know how to say no. Whenever something is asked of them, they’ll volunteer their time and move it straight to the top of the priority list. While this may, on the face of it, look like a good characteristic, it can only be considered as such if it’s not negatively impacting the person’s life. If you find yourself overwhelmed with tasks, then learn to say no. It might just help people understand that you’re doing a lot for them without asking anything in return.

Learn to Laugh

Finally, remember that our attitude is everything. If we’re positive, then the battle has already been half-won. Learn to laugh at life, and you’ll prevent too much stress from building up. Positivity will take you a long way!

Ten Tips for a More Positive Body Image

Many women around the world struggle with their confidence. Whether you just ended a relationship and feel unwanted and unloved, or just want to feel better about yourself, you will definitely benefit from a confidence boost. Remember that how you see yourself is not the same how others see you. Make sure that you learn how to show your most positive side in every situation, and your body image will become much healthier. Read our tips below.

1. Update Your Wardrobe

Retail therapy is one of the best ways of getting rid of the blues. You must update your wardrobe and stop wearing the clothes that don’t bring out the best of your figure. Looking trendy is the first step towards being liked and respected. Find your personal style and look for inspiration from others.

2. Try a New Hair Color

It might be that you are not happy with your hair color or style. Does the haircut you have had for many years still suit your body size and personality? If not, it is time for a change. Get some ideas from hair stylists in your neighborhood for free, and decide which adventurous style you are going to try.

3. Play with Online Makeover Tools

If you are not quite brave and confident enough to take a leap, you can start playing with some of the online styling and makeover tools. They are fun, entertaining, and help you decide on hair color, style, makeup, and accessories.

4. Ask Your Friends for Advice

You might not be confident enough to try new things, and could need advice. Your friends will be more than happy to give you feedback on how you walk, hold yourself, wear different clothes, and style your hair. Ask for complete honesty, but be prepared to deal with it.

5. Get Fit

While most people start exercising to lose weight, getting fit has several additional benefits, too. Going for a walk, for example, reduces the level of anxiety hormones in your body, so you stop worrying about your looks and how others see you. Simple lifestyle changes, such as walking to the shops instead of driving and taking the stairs instead of the elevator can go a long way.

6. Learn How to Wear Heels

High heels make your legs look longer and leaner. If you rarely wear them, you should start practicing. Every dress looks much better with a stiletto, and looking taller improves your confidence, too.

7. Sign Up for a Makeup Course

If you have no idea what colors and styles suit you, there is something to be done about this. Why don’t you sign up for a makeup course and learn how to make blemishes disappear and how to highlight your best features. If you need makeup to feel good walking out of the door, let it be.

“Makeup” by SAN_DRINO is licensed under CC BY 2.0

8. Tone Up and Lose Weight

Often the reason why people have a negative body image is the way they look in their tight clothes. If you are fed up with being unhappy and want to get rid of your bat flaps, you can create a personal training schedule for only a few minutes a day to get toned up. If you tend to comfort eat, find a diet shake company that offers nutritious desserts. Alternatively, eliminate sugar and fat to lose weight from the right areas.

9. Start Dating

Dating is one of the best ways of getting positive confirmation and building up your confidence. If you get to take a nice photo and register on one of the sites, as soon as the responses come in your confidence level starts increasing. Even if you are not serious about meeting anyone, you will benefit from guys expressing their interest in you.

10. Learn to Accept Compliments

One of the common traits of women with low confidence and negative body image is that they don’t take compliments seriously. They simply say thanks, but don’t think that the other person meant the positive comment they made. Learn to accept the fact that others notice your looks and try to believe that they genuinely like you.

“a little wardrobe update” by Geneva Vanderzeil apairandasparediy.com is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Low confidence is an issue that is often associated with negative body image. If you want to feel better in your skin, ask for help and start trying new things. Losing weight and becoming healthier is only the first step; you must keep on working on your confidence and appearance until you are satisfied and get enough compliments each day to keep you going.

Music For Well-Being: 11 Positive Effects Of Music On Health

Music for me is something that soothes my soul, it sets me free, lifts up my mood and helps me unwind in the most relaxing manner.

Music doesn’t provide just entertainment, but also has lots of positive effects on our health. I came across this wonderful article on Music for Well Being: 11 Positive Effects of Music on Health.

Read the full article here

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