Tag: Family Life

Tips For Spending More Quality Time With Your Family

Quality time is so essential in any family relationship. Unfortunately, it seems like nowadays, everyone is always too busy to spend time with their loved ones. If you’re looking for ways to make more quality time for your family, look no further! Here are some tips to help you spend more quality time with your family.

Why Isn’t My Child Meeting Important Milestones?

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If you’re worried about your child because they always seem to be the last of their peers to reach certain milestones like saying their first words or developing motor skills, chances are there is nothing to worry about and they’re just doing things in their own time.


Although there are guidelines as to when kids should reach their important milestones, they are far from art in stone, and many kids will take a lot longer than predicted. That does not mean that there is anything to worry about. However, sometimes, there will be an underlying issue that could be keeping them back and you will need to address those.


Here are some of the most common reasons why milestones are not met to put your mind at ease and/or ensure that you get the necessary help for your child:


Hearing Loss


Depending on which stats you look at, between 2-3 of every 1000 children experiences hearing lossto some degree and this can lead to them not hitting important milestones such as developing speech. On average, children can speak between 30 and 50 words by the time they are 21 months old, with most speaking for the first time at least by the time they are 18 months old. If your child has not reached that target, but they understand speech well, it may just be that they are a late bloomer. However, if they don’t appear to understand what you’re saying, let alone being able to speak themselves, it could be that they can’t hear you well enough to do so and they may need a hearing aid or other treatments for which you will need to see a good ENT.




If your child is able to speak, but they do not speak “correctly” and have trouble sounding out words, it could be that they are suffering from asthmawhich can make controlling the air they breath out difficult, thus making it harder to produce the right sounds. If you suspect this could be the case, seeing a doctor should be a priority.


Poor Muscle Tone


If you’re a worried parentbecause your child isn’t crawling at 8 months and hasn’t taken their first steps between 11-12 months, don’t panic yet. Is your child a little less chubby than the other babies? Does he or she have more weight on the upper body than the lower? It could be that weaker muscle tone and a top-heavy body are making it harder for them to do what they will eventually do given time – nothing to worry about.



If your baby isn’t walking as soon as you think they should be, or they aren’t developing other motor skillsas quickly as their peers, it could also be that their temperament is the problem. You see, babies and toddlers who are more easily frustrated will push themselves to do things faster and more efficiently than babies who aren’t easily frustrated, simply so they can do what they want to do more easily. This, again, is nothing much to worry about.


Most of the time, when kids don’t hit their milestones as fast as you think they should, there’s no problem, but if they miss lots of milestones and they simply don’t appear to be making progress, you absolutely need to see a doctor because it could be the sign of a more serious illness or disorder. Your doctor should always be your first port of call!

Keeping Everyone In The Family Happy And Healthy

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Maintaining a happy family in such a busy modern world can be tough. Everyone’s got to focus on their own individual lives, after all. Your kids might be worried about school, whether they get a lot of homework to complete every week or they have problems with certain teachers, friends, and fellow classmates. You might have a lot on your mind in terms of your job, bills, and other important adult responsibilities. However, staying connected as a family is the best way to keep everyone happy and healthy, and we’ll discuss that in this article.


Stay physically active.

First of all, physical health is essential to happiness both today and in the long-term. When you’ve got so much to do in the average day, exercise is probably the last thing you want to put on your ‘To Do’ list. If you do have any free time then you and other members of your family probably watch TV on the couch or take a power nap to get through the rest of the day. It’s time to change this mentality in your household. Staying physically active won’t just ensure that you maintain a healthy figure but that your mental health improves too.


You should find some sort of physical activity that can get the whole family to spend time together. It’s also a great way to ensure that everybody commits to this new lifestyle. You might all want to go on more walks around your local park, for example. But you could really push yourselves by joining a new club. Perhaps you could take up dance as a family. That’ll be a fun way to socialize and relax without really thinking about the fact that you’re exercising. As we’ve discussed before, it’s important to look after the older members of your family, so you should invite the grandparents to join in with your new exercise routine. Remember, physical activity doesn’t have to be strenuous; getting your body moving is the important thing. If you choose an easy activity then everyone in the family can get involved.


Save money.

If you want a happier household then you should start saving money. It’ll mean you don’t have to worry so much about covering costs and your kids don’t have to worry about you. You could reduce energy bills by insulating your home more effectively and getting energy-efficient appliances, for example. If your kids are prone to ripping or ruining their clothes as soon as you buy new gear then you could even check out a service such as www.stitchit.co/services/ to mend their jeans, shirts, and so on. There’s no point in wasting money on new clothes all the time when your kids are just going to wreck anyway. Save that money for when they actually need new clothes because they’ve outgrown their old ones. Being frugal is about taking a look at your expenses and cutting out the waste. Your family will be much happier if you don’t have to worry about money. You can go on nice vacations or treat yourself to luxuries if you start being smarter with your finances.


Have weekly family meetings.

A final way in which you could keep everyone in the family happy and healthy is to hold a weekly family meeting. Happiness and healthiness are synonymous in many ways. If you want your family to have a healthy life then you need to prioritize their mental states. The best way to do that is to gather in a room and check in with everyone. Let people air their issues if they’re struggling at work, at school, or even at home. This is a chance for everyone in the family to support each other. It’s also a chance to have fun and bond as a family. Everyone could swap stories, as suggested over at www.webmd.com/parenting/. You could tell a funny story from your week or an old story from many years ago to make the kids laugh.

Help for Individuals with Parents in a Nursing Home

As your parents get up in years, they will face a variety of challenges that will be difficult for them and for you. Many have gone the route of finding a nursing home where their parents will be able to get the care that is needed as they age and as they face new challenges.


It is important for you to be as involved as possible in the care that your parents are receiving in the nursing home. You may not be able to spend all of your time there, but make sure that you are visiting often and that the doctors and caretakers know who you are. The more often they see you, the more likely they are to tell you things that are going on with your parents. If you can establish a good relationship with the caretakers and medical professionals who work in the facility, your parents are likely to get the best care possible.

You want to be fully aware of the medication and medical treatments that your parents receive. There is usually a nursing home MAR that contains information about the type of medication your parents have been prescribed and have taken. Make sure that you fully understand the type of medication they are taking and make sure your questions get answered. Take time to find out more about the conditions that your parents may have and learn about the variety of treatments that are available. It is extremely important to be proactive when it comes to the medical care they receive.

It is good to remember that emotional and mental health is just as important as physical health. This may require that you take your parents on outings if it is possible and provide them with friendship and entertainment. Of course, the type of activities your parents will be able to engage in will depend on their circumstances. Also, the amount of time that you have to dedicate to their care will depend on your circumstances. However, do the best you can to give them the emotional and mental support they need.

Family Matters: Ways To Care For Older Family Members

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When you’re young, it seems impossible to imagine your parents or any other older relatives reaching the stage where they’re not able to do everything for themselves. Which means that when that time does come, it can be incredibly upsetting to come to terms with. However, just because it’s upsetting doesn’t mean that it’s something that you should ignore. The truth is that when your older relatives start to struggle with day-to-day tasks, their need for support is likely to fall onto you. Most people are more than happy to be there for older relatives when they need them, but they aren’t sure what they can actually do to help. With that in mind, here are some ways that you can more effectively care for your parents or any other older family members.


Set time aside for them


One of the hardest things for older people is the feeling that they no longer matter to those around them. As though, now that they’re older, they’re no longer as important as they might have been once upon a time. However, that’s obviously not true, and a great way to support them is to let them know how important they are to you by spending time with them. Sure, most of us have pretty busy lives, but the fact of the matter is, no one is too busy to take a little time out of their week to spend with someone important to them.


Get them professional help


Of course, the help that your older relative needs might be a little more specialised than just a sympathetic ear. If they need some kind of specialised care, then a service like Spectrum healthcare might just be perfect. Organisations like Spectrum offer some of the best home health care available meaning that they can get all of the help they need without having to go into a home and leave the place where they’re most comfortable.


Help them keep their independence


If there’s one thing that a lot of people say is harder than anything else when it comes to getting older, it’s the fact that they begin to feel as though they have no independence. If you’re looking after an older relative, then make sure that you’re not smothering or patronising them. Make sure that you can help them in ways that won’t make them feel useless or lacking in independence. If they can do things by themselves, don’t hover over them. Just because they need a little extra help doesn’t mean that they’ve suddenly turned into children who can’t do anything.


Of course, it’s important to remember that you shouldn’t put your life on hold in order to look after your relatives. Sure, you may be willing to make changes and sacrifices in order to help, but if you’re giving everything up, then you’re just going to end up missing out on time that you could spend on your own life. If you can’t take care of yourself, then you’re never going to be able to take care of anyone else.



What Any Parent Needs To Consider When They Have A Family

Becoming a parent is one of the most exciting, exhausting but amazing journeys you will embark on in your life. From the moment you get that positive pregnancy test it no longer is just about yourself, you have someone to be responsible for, and that can be an overwhelming feeling. But as time moves on you sink into your new role, and life carries on developing new routines as each day passes. However, there are certain things we can put to one side that is important once you have a family to think of. I thought I would share with you what some of them are.


Consider taking out life insurance

Life insurance is important when it comes to your family. None of us truly knows what the future holds, but right now, we could be invested in mortgages and debts. Not to mention being reliant on your wages. This is why life insurance should be a vital part of your outgoings. It can then take care of anything that is outstanding, and even help towards living expenses for the future. Thankfully, a little research online should be able to determine the best policy for you.

Make decisions on health care

The health care of yourself and your family is a high priority, so you should have procedures in place for when you need daily or urgent medical care. Thankfully, in some areas, you can gain access to an urgent care clinic to deal with any of those emergencies that can arise when you least expect them to. It’s important for you to remain vigilant with your families healthcare, so encourage a healthy diet, regular exercise, and keep on top of common illnesses and issues that arise.

Think about the future with a will

Every one of us have some form of assets. It might just be the jewelry we have on, the clothes we are wearing, or even houses and cars, etc. However, on the same lines of not knowing what the future holds, it’s a good idea to have a will in place. This ensures that there is no confusion on different matters and finances.


Make sure you value your time

Time is by far one of the best and most important things you can give your children. While I appreciate that many of us have busy jobs and lifestyles, it is still important to invest in time rather than material things with your kids. Take your annual leave when you can, leave the office when you should do. No one ever regrets not spending more time in the office, do they?

Saving as often as you can

Finally, it is always worth considering saving for your children’s future at your earliest convenience, even if it is a small amount each month. At some point, your child will grow up and need help with higher education, maybe getting a car, or even help on the property ladder. Having saved up, you could be in a position to help them.

I hope this helps you get ahead when it comes to your families needs.

Eating Together as a Family Is More Important Than You Realized

Food is a huge part of life; not only does it provide us with sustenance to live but for most people, it can be a very social thing too. We all know the importance of teaching our children to make healthy decisions, but did you know that it’s not just what’s on their plate that matters? Experts suggest that eating dinner as a family is highly beneficial too. Not only does this help us to teach our children good habits with food but it keeps families close and bonded as well. Plus children who eat with the family tend to consume healthier foods with more vegetables and less salt, sugar and saturated fat. If family meals have fallen by the wayside, here are a few tips for getting back on track.

Keep The Atmosphere Light and Friendly

Try to keep heated debates and discussions away from the dinner table. Keeping the vibe light and friendly will make family dinner times much more enjoyable, rather than something the family shies away from. If you have any serious topics to discuss with your kids or partner, call a family meeting rather than doing it over dinner. Switch off the tv, and instead put some music on low if you want a bit of background noise. Make a rule that there are no phones or tablets at the dinner table, it should be a place without distractions where you can chat and enjoy your food.

Aim To Eat At Least One Meal Together on Most Days

When everyone is busy and has different schedules, eating together every day probably isn’t going to be practical. But you should aim to eat together most days, whether that’s in the morning or the evening. It doesn’t have to be anything too fancy, for a weekday breakfast a couple of cereal options and a bowl of fresh chopped fruit everyone can spoon on top should do the trick. Or a few slices of toast with some tea and juice. The act of getting everyone together to enjoy this time is beneficial, it doesn’t have to be over a feast each day.

Dine Out Together

Dining out as a family is a wonderful treat. Tasty food served with no dishes to tackle afterward- bliss! While it can be expensive, it’s so nice to do every once in a while. If you look at online menu prices before deciding on a venue, you can work out roughly how much it’s going to cost. As you can see from Dave and Busters menu, there are some lower cost dishes as well as more expensive options, so it all depends on what you’re looking to spend. Just about everyone enjoys a meal out, so the perfect way to treat the family and get some all-important bonding time in.


Get Everyone Involved

Younger children will usually be more open to foods they have helped to prepare. When time allows it, you could have them help you wash vegetables or do a couple of simple tasks in the kitchen. Different family members could take it in turns to set the table or pour drinks. It helps to teach responsibility and helps you to all get into a routine when it comes to mealtimes.


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