Tag: Creative Lifestyle

4 Good Habits for Fostering Creativity

If you’re one of those people who make a living or get their enjoyment from being creative, then you’ll know that it’s an attribute that can feel all too fleeting. One day, our output seems extraordinary; at others, it seems like inspiration is a million miles away. But what if you could control your creative levels, wouldn’t that be something special? While you’ll never be able to have a tight grip on this elusive attribute, there are things you can do to make sure you have more of it. We take a look at a few methods below.

Source: Pexels.com

Spend Some Time Alone

There are some advantages to working with others, but if that’s all you’re doing, then you’ll be doing your creative side a disservice. Contrary to popular belief, collaboration doesn’t always result in a more creative output. If you spend time alone, then you’ll be narrowing in on your own thoughts and feelings, and that’s what you should be channelling into your artistic projects. It’s easy to get caught up in whatever’s popular, but this will only show that you have a sense of what’s trendy – and that’s a very different thing to creativity.

Kick the Vices

Another myth about creativity is that it is given a boost by alcohol and other illicit substances. This is not the case; there is a long list of artists who have had their promising career destroyed by drug and alcohol abuse. If you’re currently relying on mind-altering substances to open up your creative pathways and can’t seem to stop, then click here. Once you’re in a healthier position, you’ll find that your creative mind is much more productive.

Escape Your Echo Chamber

We’re all guilty of falling into a routine, walking the same way to and from work, listening to the same type of music and so on. While there are benefits to this way of living for normal types, if you’re creative, then you might be cutting off a good source of inspiration: diversity. If you can momentarily escape your echo chamber, then you might discover a new way of thinking or doing that propels your artistic side to the next level. It can be as simple as selecting a new way to get from A to B, visiting a city you’ve never been to before (and would ordinarily not visit), trying yoga, or tuning into a different radio station every now and again. Also, don’t underestimate the value of striking up a conversation with a person who you would not normally talk with!


Some creatives think that waiting for inspiration to strike is the worst sin of all. Because this feeling is so elusive, you could be waiting for a long time, and then when it does arrive, find that it only lasts for a few moments. Instead, foster your perseverance side. It’ll be the tool that allows you to sit down and get to work even when you don’t want to. Sometimes, just doing it is what it takes to get your project up and running.

Your Creative Life After An Accident

If you are naturally a creative spirit, the idea of being forced to stay at home to recover from an injury can be terrifying. For a lot of people, an accident can be traumatising and depressing. Many find themselves reliving the moment of the accident continuously in their minds, which can create a fertile ground for anxiety disorders and stress. Additionally, the fear of not being able to get back to full health can also affect your professional career and even your social future. An accident remains you of your vulnerability. It brings only negative emotions as you recover. But, if you exercise your creative mindset, you can find a way to turn the negative into positive.

Use creativity against pain

Take the stress out of your recovery at home

If you’ve left the hospital and have chosen to recover at home instead, it can be stressful to find yourself struggling with mobility issues in your own home. A lot of people hope to get back to normal as soon as they leave the hospital. So, brace yourself for a long recovery time and invest in creative mobility-friendly kits – you can read about them here. Using the right items and changing your furniture to match your needs can take a lot of stress of your mind. Don’t make it extra difficult for yourself to stay at home!

 Be creative about developing healthy habits

Recovering is about helping your body to heal. It doesn’t happen overnight, unfortunately. But you can use the time to develop healthy habits by learning how to cook, for instance. Healthy and delicious recipes can help you to fuel your body with the vitamins and nutrients it needs to heal. Additionally, you’ll find that you’re less likely to indulge in junk food if you can be creative with your cooking. It’s fair to say that getting your 5 a day can seem dull if you are not an enthusiastic cook. But when you can whip a yummy meal in an instant, no vegetable will ever be boring again! 

Use art to relieve your anxiety

You can use drawing or painting as a way to alleviate your anxiety. Emotionally, it is a rewarding journey. As Picasso once said ‘Art washes from the soul the dust of everyday life.’ Creatively expressing your worries and pains about healing can help you deal with the recovery time positively. You can put all your joy, sadness, tears and smiles into each piece. It doesn’t matter if nobody else sees it. What matters is that it’s a piece of darkness that doesn’t get to live inside your mind any longer.

When life gives you lemons, find a creative solution!

Use your experience to find new creative paths

An accident is ultimately a negative life experience. If you look back in the story of most successful entrepreneurs, their past was inhabited by failures. Nevertheless, the lesson successful business people learned from it was to keep looking for the light at the other end of the tunnel, the solution that will fix it all. Failure is part of the journey, but it doesn’t hold you back. It helps you to grow. Embrace your accident in the same way to make the most of it.

Creativity can help you recover faster after an accident. From using creative solutions to being creative yourself, healing is the final step of your inventive path.







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