Day: July 2, 2018

Mushroom and Onion Soup

This one is a really simple yet amazing recipe, full of healthy nutrients and taste.

Here are the ingredients-

Mushrooms- 1 packet/250gms

Onion- 1 medium sized

Garlic- 4-5 cloves

Olive Oil- 2 tablespoons

Paprika- 1/4 teaspoon

Basil leaves- 1/4 teaspoon

Oregano- 1/4 teaspoon

Mixed herbs- 1/4 teaspoon

Salt to taste

Cheese- 1 cube grated (optional)


  1. Heat olive oil in a pan and sauté chopped garlic cloves
  2. Cut onion into rings and add to the garlic and sauté for another 5 minutes
  3. Now add roughly chopped mushrooms and cover the lid of the pan and cook for 5 minutes
  4. Add all the spices and stirring occasionally continue cooking for 4-5 minutes
  5. The mushrooms should be soft by now and completely cooked. Remove from pan and let it cool for sometime
  6. Once the mixture cools down, blend it in a mixer
  7. Pour the mixture back in the pan and add water to adjust it to a thick soup consistency
  8. Bring the soup to a boil and then simmer it for 2-3 minutes
  9. Serve hot, top it with some grated cheese for that added flavour.

Wellness Matters 101: Simple Solutions And Suggestions That Promote Health

People who have decided that they’re no longer comfortable with signs of poor health like mood instability and weight gain should know that they don’t have to tolerate a substandard physical or mental state of being any longer. If you’re ready to begin cultivating a lifestyle that is conducive to health, now is the perfect time to get started. Below you’ll find just three of many simple solutions and suggestions that you can implement to begin promoting health right now:

1. Eat Mindfully.

One of the most effective and important mindfulness strategies under the sun is mindful eating. This technique is powerful because it enables the individual to take conscious control over their eating habits so that they are continually consuming foods that promote clear thinking and physical vitality. Although defined broadly, eating mindfully basically involves thinking critically about the food you consume rather than simply consuming a product because it is available or to quell the rise of a negative emotion like anger or sadness. There are many ways that you can make mindful eating your new normal, and one is by recording what you eat in a food journal.

2. Meditate.

In addition to eating mindfully, make sure that you tap into the efficacy of other mindfulness strategies such as regular meditation. Meditating regularly is a wonderful way to promote health because it helps individuals think clearly, decrease their stress levels, and sleep more soundly. Because there are literally hundreds of meditation modalities under the sun, it shouldn’t be difficult for individuals to locate at least one that they will enjoy and attain excellent results from. Whether you recite words of affirmation within silently or concentrate on inhaling and exhaling rhythmically, you’ll likely start to feel that your mind and body begin operating at a higher level of efficacy so that you can maintain your mental and physical equilibrium!

3. Start Engaging In More Physical Activity.

One final technique that can take your level of wellness to an all-time high is working physical activity into your life. Doing so will empower you to gain strength, build muscle, enhance your metabolism, lose weight or maintain your ideal weight, and attain more mental clarity. There are many ways that you can get started with the process of exercising regularly, and one is by purchasing home gym equipment from a company such as Smart Squat.


Once a person realizes that they’re no longer willing to settle for less than the best in terms of health, it’s time to put the strategic planning process in full swing. You can use some or all of the wellness strategies outlined above to keep yourself on track to attaining the high level of health you deserve to have!


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Goa, India