Things That Can Happen To Your Body When Flying


As humans, flying isn’t a part of our lives which is natural. We have always wanted to explore other parts of the world, and in the last 100 years pioneers have allowed us to take to the sky easily and without any issues at all. However, being on a plane can still have weird effects on our body, and here are just some of the issues you might face in a plane this year.

You’ll be thirsty

As we gain altitude in the air when we get on a plane, the humidity in the air will start to change. Where you are normally surrounded by a decent amount of water vapour, there will be a lot less when you get high in the sky. You can, therefore, benefit from keeping a bottle of water with you for your flight and make sure that you are able to stay hydrated on the trip.

 Toxic water supply

The main thing which is gross about being on a plane is the sheer number of people who are in the same space using the same facilities. If you want to avoid issues with your stomach, avoid any water which isn’t bottled. Plane water can often contain E.Coli and this is a nasty bug which is usually found in faecal matter. Enough said.

 It’ll hurt your ears

If you have sensitive ears already, you might struggle with the change in pressure when you enter a plane and get up into the air. You can use different types of hearing protection to keep your ears happy throughout the flight and it will hopefully stop you from struggling too much with your hearing on the flight.  

Breathing issues

When you start to travel up and to a higher altitude, you will notice that the levels of oxygen in the air are a lot lower than they are at ground level. The main issue that this can create is for those with breathing problems such as asthma or emphysema. If you believe that you are really going to struggle to breathe during the flight make sure you bring some travel oxygen with you and maybe even your inhalers.  

You might swell

The pressure on a plane is a lot less than the pressure you feel when on the ground and this can cause your body to swell up and do some weird things. Make sure that you wear loose fitting clothes and also loose shoes on the plane because your feet are likely to swell up and it will hurt you if you are wearing tight shoes. Make sure you are comfortable on the plane and make sure that you leave room for your body to grow if it needs to!

Planes can have some odd effects on the body and you can end up feeling a bit odd when you reach the ground again. But remember that you can always recover from their effect in a few hours once you land so they won’t last too long. Enjoy your flight, be aware of the weird body changes and have fun on your summer holiday.

3 thoughts on “Things That Can Happen To Your Body When Flying

  1. Great advice, I have ears problems when it comes to pressures and surely, I need to take protections.

  2. I have problems with motion sickness on plains – it’s good there is medication to help that nowadays 🙂

  3. Wow! thanks for sharing your experience when you ride in the airplane! I’ve never ride an airplane before thanks for sharing!

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