Tag: Healthy Lifestyle

As Time Goes By… What We Need To Look Out For

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Ageing is one of those inevitabilities of life, but we don’t always know the best way to cope with it. The importance of looking after yourself as you enter your 30, 40, 50, and every decade beyond, means you need to take a little bit of extra care with how you do things on a regular basis. But also, lots of people feel that age is just an inevitable decline, but in fact, if we keep an eye on specific symptoms as we age, we can learn to manage these better, and live a much richer life. So, what is worth keeping an eye on, regardless of how old or young we are?


Hearing Problems

Loss of hearing isn’t something that’s just for elders, the more you are exposed to loud noise, including music, the likelihood is that you will develop hearing problems sooner rather than later. Tinnitus is one of those things you need to be aware of, and it can start by hearing a ringing, or some sort of noise inside your ear. Luckily, there are various forms of tinnitus treatment now, but it’s important to be aware of some of the things you might be doing that accelerates your hearing loss. One prominent example is if you listen to music through earphones.


Various Bone Issues

While there are things like osteoarthritis that can strike when you are much older, the seeds are sown much younger in age. If you like to go running to keep healthy, there is a chance that you might be using improper form, and if you run too much, it can wear away at your cartilage, meaning your joints will rub together and be very uncomfortable. It’s always important to take proper stock in the health of your joints and bones, especially after the age of 40. But strength training is one of those solutions that help, as long as you do it with proper form.


Digestive Problems

This isn’t something you notice so much when you are younger, but gradually as time wears on, so will your stomach. The lining of our stomach can be eroded by the poor diet we can eat through our lives and our gut bacteria can be worn down, which can contribute to issues relating to inflammation, as well as food intolerances. A few ways to help our stomach is to eat foods rich in probiotics, which helps to replenish the bacteria in our guts, but also, giving our stomachs time to repair itself. While they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, there has been research into how fasting can help repair the cells of every part of your body, not just your gut. You can start to do this by, very simply, skipping breakfast now and again.


In addition to these, one of the main things we all know this is that our minds aren’t as sharp as they used to be. You can remedy this by, very simply, exercising your mind. Much like we exercise our bodies, you can do the same for your brain. Ageing doesn’t have to be a depressing thing, as long as you keep an eye out for the key problems we all get.




Healthy Habits You’re Doing Wrong

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You might think you’re being healthy, setting up lots of habits to maintain your hygiene levels and boost your general wellbeing, but you could actually be making matters worse! There are numerous ‘healthy’ habits that are actually anything but. Check out the following to see if you’re doing healthy wrong:


Washing Your Hands After Applying Sunscreen


If you diligently apply sunscreen, then that is definitely a healthy habit, which you should be applauded for, but if after application, you wash your hands, well…you’re doing it wrong. It’s obvious really, but if you wash your hands, they won’t be protected from the sun’s rays! This is a common mistake millions of people make, but it’s easily changed by rubbing the sunscreen in and leaving it be instead of rushing to the sink!


Cleaning Your Ears with a Q-Tip


Keeping your ears clean is important for optimal hearing, and of course hygiene reasons. However, if you use a q-tip to get rid of waxy build-up in the ears, you’re doing it wrong. First of all, poking a q-tip in your ear is dangerous, it only takes a little slip for you to push it too far and perforate your eardrum – something that is really painful! Not only that but you could actually end up pushing more wax further into your ear canal, which is the opposite of what you want. Good ear cleaning practices never involve Q-tips! There are sprays you can use to dissolve wax and of course professional cleanings can be booked if the problem is serious, too.


Showering Daily

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Okay, so this is a controversial one, but unless you’re regularly getting really dirty, perhaps due to your job, or you sweat a whole lot due to your heavy exercise regime, it is probably unnecessary to shower every day. Why? Because doing so depletes the layers of lipids and oils that protect your skin and keep it moist. If you must shower every day, at the very least, use moisturizer to replace some of these lost essentials.


Sitting With Your Knees and Hips level on the Toilet


Going to the bathroom regularly is healthy, but this is how most people sit when they’re using a modern western toilet, and if you’re one of them, yes…you’re doing it wrong. You see, a ‘squatting’ position where the knees are higher up than your butt is the perfect position for smooth flowing bowels and less straining when you need to go. Some people keep a stool in their bathroom to help them with this, and well, help make the passage of their stools a little easier.


Lounging Around When You Have Back Pain


A lot of people think that, when they have back pain, the best thing they can do is sit, or lie down and relax, but this is only likely to exacerbate the problem, especially if they’re lounging in a soft couch. If your back hurts, then inactivity can make the problem worse by increasing stiffness and allowing your muscles to weaken. So, actually, the best thing you can do is to get up and do some low-impact exercises, such as swimming.


Were you doing any of these healthy habits wrong?



How To Stay Healthy As You Continue With Life

We all age. It’s a fact that some people may not like hearing much, but it is undeniable. However, it shouldn’t be a cause for feelings of despair. Yes, our bodies change as we get older, and we may not be able to do some of the things we could do in our early 20’s. But before you panic and start searching for affordable IVF plans because you think you’ve left it too late, or trying to find out if there is such a thing as a stylish zimmer frame, consider that with age comes knowledge, wisdom, and (usually) a fuller bank account.

 (Source)    Nonetheless, it’s never too early, or too late, to  start caring for your body and your mind. Below are a few tips to keep the spring in your step and the sparkle in your eye as the years come and go, allowing you to pursue your passions.


Stay Active

The adage goes ‘if you don’t use it, you lose it,’ so make sure you keep using it. Your body is an amazing thing, so keep it fit and healthy by exercising it. There is plenty of information around to help you find a workout routine that fits your goals, fitness levels, and interests. The most important thing is to find a way of exercising that you enjoy; if you’re not having fun, you’re less likely to stick with it. Just half an hour of exercise a day to make you out of breath and a little bit sweaty can make a vast difference. You could try doing some form of resistance training too. Not only will it keep your muscles and heart strong, but it can also help strengthen your joints and ligaments and even combat the onset of osteoporosis by subjecting your bones to an unfamiliar workload, causing them to increase in density. You could even try attending a fitness class. Not only does it keep you healthy and active, but is a great way to meet new people.


Watch What You Eat

The food you eat is the fuel for your body; it allows you to do all the activities you take for granted day to day. The right food can even help keep you looking younger. If you want to get the most from life, you need to pay close attention to what you’re putting on your plate. As an example, the brain will burn through over 300 calories per day. It may burn through even more if you are concentrating and thinking hard at work, so it’s important that not only is it getting enough nutrition, but the right kind. Everyone knows the five food groups, which should be represented in every meal where possible, but it is also important to have the right balance between these groups. A well-balanced diet should be made up of around 60% carbohydrates, 20% protein, and 20% fats. If you are exercising regularly, it is important that your body has enough energy (carbohydrates) to support the activities you are doing – even if you are exercising to lose weight. If you are incorporating resistance training into your routine, it might be worth considering upping your protein intake slightly, as the protein in your diet is what helps your muscles recover and get stronger. The essential element here though is to make sure you eat healthily and regularly. Only then will you have the energy to spend your day exactly as you please.


Be Mindful Of Your Mind

As you get older, your life tends to settle into a routine. This can be great for your stress levels and time management, but it can be less than ideal for your brain function. Much like how you become weaker when you are bed bound for a few days due to illness, your mind can become less keen when it is not effectively used. Keep your mind active by training it to think in different ways than it is used to, doing so will keep you agile and able to cope with any challenges that life may throw at you. You should also be careful not to neglect your mental health. Making sure you have adequate downtime is key to keeping yourself happy and healthy. While exercise (as mentioned previously) and fresh air can help keep your serotonin levels in the right place, pursuing other activities that bring you joy will go a long way to keep some balance in your life. If you don’t have a hobby, consider finding one. Going to the theatre or attending painting classes are just some of the options when it comes to adding some variety to your free time.


Remembering that being aware of your health and wellness is not reserved solely for the very young, or the elderly, is an important step. We should all be mindful to intertwine our physical and emotional well-being into every aspect of our lives.

When It Comes to a Healthy Lifestyle, Don’t Rush!

Life is a marathon, not a sprint, and it pays to keep this in mind when it comes to getting yourself a healthier lifestyle. You see, the biggest pitfall in changing one’s lifestyle and making it healthier is the fact that when it is rushed it is more likely to be ruined. And when the changing of a lifestyle is ruined, it’s hard to get momentum back to attempt it again. So, don’t rush your lifestyle change! And for advice on the best ways to do this, make sure to read on.

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Don’t attempt changes that are too drastic

The biggest pitfall in the road of making your lifestyle far healthier is the first one that is faced: the shock to the system that it induces. This shock is brought about by the fact that a massive change has occurred within your body, especially when the change is because of the fact that you have cut out unhealthy habits in your life, and it is shock that can make you give up on your lifestyle change before you even really get started with it.

In order to beat this pitfall and this shock, you should never make changes to your lifestyle that are too drastic. Instead, you should ease these changes in and have them occur naturally, rather than forcefully. This could mean gradually cutting down on cigarette intake with each day that passes or swapping cigarettes for a far healthier smoking instrument, such as a vape, entirely. It could mean cutting down on trips to your local pub or club and subsequently cutting down on your alcohol intake rather than cutting alcohol out entirely. Or it could mean forging that little snack you have been meals or replacing it with, say, a carrot stick.

The point is, there is no point in making too drastic a change to your lifestyle, even when your intentions for doing so are to make it healthier, because it will make you more likely to fail with it even before it has began.

Take your time with everything that you do

Not only should you not attempt changes that are too drastic, but you should also take as much time as you need to attempt whatever it is you are attempting. You should do this because of the fact that everybody works at their own pace and grows at a different pace to others, even those that they are closest to.

For instance, one weight loss system may work and work quicker for one member of a family, but may not work for another. And, the fact that, say, your brother is losing weight quicker than you shouldn’t disgruntle you. You should take YOUR time when losing weight, not your brothers. You should do things that your body can withstand.

Everybody works at different paces, and all bodies can withstand different changes. It’s important to remember this when attempting to make your lifestyle a lot healthier. And it’s important to ease yourself into whatever changes you attempt.


Mind Over Matter: Signs Your Brain Isn’t As Healthy As Your Body


Physically health is all the rage in 2017. What with chefs pushing healthy meals and the effects of the consumption of meat, people are aware of the dangers to their body. Sadly, the majority of us don’t have the first clue about mental health. The old school may think it is unimportant, but the mind is the key to a happy and healthy life. Once it starts to fail, it’s an uphill battle which is difficult to win. With that in mind, it’s essential to spot the signs when they appear.

Below is how to tell your mind is fit and healthy.

You Think You Have An Illness

In the past, there was one term for mental illness and it wasn’t nice. Nowadays, diseases range from schizophrenia to bipolar and depression. The key is to watch out for the warning signs and act as soon s possible. Anyone who is unsure where to start can read more about the symptoms of bipolar depression and other mental illnesses online. If the symptoms match what you feel, the next step is to see a doctor or a specialist. One thing you should never do is bottle it up inside. Over time, the feelings get worse and explode spectacularly.  

You Have Difficulty Managing Anger

You don’t have to suffer from an illness to be mentally unfit. Sometimes, struggling to deal with feelings of anger can be a sure-fire sign something is wrong. Again, it doesn’t mean you have to see a doctor or check into an institute. Usually, what it means is that there is an ailment which is causing the outbursts. Stress is a prime example. High cortisol levels tend to make it difficult to be patient or think about emotions rationally. As a result, you may lash out and have a short fuse. Meditating can reduce cortisol production and help control your temper.

You’re Experiencing Weight Loss

There are lots of reasons for weight loss, one being you are eating a balanced and healthy diet. But, dramatic weight loss is a problem which needs addressing as soon as possible. Usually, it has nothing to do with the physical form but the mental. Again, stress is a factor which can cause you to shed lots of weight because it prevents you from eating. Also, the way you view your body may be unhealthy. Young women suffer from this a lot due to peer pressure, but men have body issues too. Anyone who doesn’t eat to stay thin isn’t thinking logically.

You’re Fatigued

Don’t treat being tired and fatigued as the same thing because there are differences. Tiredness stems from a lack of sleep and can is easy to remedy. Fatigue is a mental problem which occurs as a result of the burden of responsibility. No matter how early you go to bed, the feeling won’t go away. The only way to negate it is to delegate your responsibilities and get your feelings off your chest. 

If you are happy-go-lucky, have patience and don’t suffer from stress, your mind is healthy.

TV or Exercise? Why Not Do Both?

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You’re sat on the sofa after a hard day’s work and you know you should be out there jogging or using up your gym membership. But what about all those TV shows you need to catch up on? Many of us will often choose the box over exercise. But why can’t we do both? There are many forms of exercise that can be done in a living room in front of the TV. Here are just a few ways that we could all be getting our fix of physical activity whilst getting up to speed on the latest series.

Buy exercise equipment for your living room

Many types of exercise equipment can be used in a living room. Dumbbells, resistance bands and medicine balls take up hardly any space at all both to store and to use. There are then those more bulky exercise machines such as treadmills and exercise bikes. Exercise bikes in particular allow you to sit down as if you were watching TV and take up very little space (some can even be folded away). Read exercise bike reviews online to find the best one for your living space. You could aim to keep on a certain speed for the entirety of a show or vary it up with each ad break.

Use the couch as an exercise tool

Your sofa can be used to perform many exercises. Tricep dips can allow you to still watch the screen. You could also try elevated press ups with your feet on the sofa and your hands on the floor whilst facing towards the screen.

Do squats and lunges 

Squats and lunges are great for toning up your legs and butt and require only a small space of floor. You can easily do these exercises whilst watching the TV. You could also do squats and lungs with equipment such as dumbbells or a medicine ball, allowing you to work on your upper body strength simultaneously.

Consider static exercises

Some static exercises can be done whilst watching TV. The plank is a great core workout for improving your abs that requires you to lift up onto your feet and elbows – you can do this whilst staring ahead at your favourite show. You can also switch this up and do the superman exercise which involves laying on your stomach and lifting your lower body and chest off the floor.

Use commercial breaks for HIIT training

If you find exercise too distracting whilst you watch TV, why not make use of those annoying ad breaks? These can be the perfect time to squeeze in some high intensity interval training. Exercises could include press ups, sit-ups, weight exercises, squats, lunges – whatever you can think of. Make sure that it’s hard to get the most benefit out of this form of exercise. You can then use the time in which the show is on to recuperate with a slower form of exercise that doesn’t take away your concentration.


Work A High-Stress Career? Look After Yourself First


Working a high-stress career is simply a must for many people trying to achieve their goals and pursue the life they want. There are almost more high-stress careers than there are low-stress, and so it’s important to tailor yourself to the job market so you can work the roles you truly want. For example, a great chef will only become great if they’re willing to suffer the long hours and hardships of the kitchen. A construction worker will need to become adapted to the rugged physicality of the job, as well as mitigating the overstimulation of the nearby machinery.

High-stress jobs are simply a factor of the working world, as they always have been dating back to antiquity. For these reasons, it’s important to take care of yourself to keep resilient and active in the direction you most want to pursue. We’d like to offer you some health tips for achieving this.


You must make sure you are well protected during your workplace activities. It shouldn’t take a H+S officer to give you the motivation to read through the safety policy at your firm. Knowing this could potentially give you life-saving information. At the very least, making sure you are well protected regarding the role you play can help.

If you’re on your feet for multiple hours a day, wearing soft crocs or supportive shoes can help your feet health and your alertness over the course of the day. Making sure you mitigate the effects of workplace trauma can help too, for example, tinnitus treatment can help you mitigate the effects of noisy environments, or become active to work again after an injury. Making sure your skin is protected in toxic environments and constantly assessing your breathing environment will give you and even more complete view of safety in the workplace.


Giving yourself time to unwind from a stressful day will help you loosen some of the tightness you feel after a hard working period. It’s important that you give yourself this time, where you allow yourself to think about nothing in particular. For some people, this involves resting in front of the television, or consuming video games as a hobby. While these can be beneficial, and it’s more than your right to achieve this, there are better hobbies to help you.

Meditating can help you become more focused in your daily life, and actually de-emphasises the part of your brain responsible for stress. A simply crafting hobby can help you meditate physically, and creative expression is often the best way to de-stress. Reading a great book can help distract you in a completely different world, coming back to your life with added rejuvenation. These tips can help you overcome the difficulty of your daily schedule, and approach it with added caution and ability.

With these tips, your high-stress career will come second to your health, just the way it should be.




Does A Healthy Body Really Equals A Healthy Mind?

There’s a common saying that having a healthy body means having a healthy mind, and while some people believe this, others aren’t so sure. Is mental and physical health that closely linked or is it just a myth? Well, that depends on who you ask, but there is a lot of evidence that suggests that our physical health has a huge impact on our mental health and vice versa.

The ancient Greeks, one of the most advanced civilizations during their time, understood the importance of taking care of your mental health as well as your physical health, which could be why their civilization thrived. ‘Sound mind in a sound body’ was the credo of their civilization, and it worked wonders. It’s clear that in the past a healthy body equalled a healthy mind, but what about today?

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It’s time to explore whether, in modern day life, a healthy body equals a healthy mind. For everything that you need to know, read on.

Regular exercise reduces stress

It’s no secret that exercise is good for our bodies, but what about our minds. Various studies have shown that regular exercise can help to relieve stress because working out acts as an outlet for stress and worry. While activities like running, cycling and swimming can be great stress relievers, meditation-based exercise can also work wonders. Take pilates and yoga, for instance, these two activities are made to reduce stress while toning and conditioning the body and its muscles. It’s amazing how you can put on some yoga clothes, grab a mat, and begin to practice this ancient form of exercise, and instantly start to feel happier and less stressed. A bonus of which is that the less stressed you are, the less likely you are to fall foul of anxiety or depression.

Being healthy boosts self-esteem

Did you know that it is scientifically proven that being healthy boosts self-esteem? When you are regularly active and take steps to feed your body with healthy foods, you feel better for it, which then helps to boost your confidence. Being healthy can help to foster your sense of self-worth and boost your strength and power. By meeting your health and fitness goals, you will begin to feel better about your appearance.

People who are more active, sleep better

Obviously, the more active you are, the better you sleep. But what you may not know is that a lack of sleep is linked to many mental health problems, such as depression, post-natal psychosis and post-natal depression, and anxiety. By regulating your sleep patterns, you can help to ensure that you get plenty of sleep, and thus you are mentally healthier. Referring to your physical health, when you don’t get enough sleep, your body sufferers as a result, with your immune system being impacted the most.

So there you have it, a healthy body does equal a healthy mind, or at least in most instances, it does. Admittedly, there is no way to completely prevent mental health problems from occurring. However, that being said, if your body is healthy, then the chances of developing mental health problems is much lower.







Eat Yourself Happy: Foods Scientifically Proven To Beat The Winter Blues

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In case you haven’t noticed, the summer is well and truly gone and with the turning of the leaves and the graying of the skies, something more insidious is creeping in with the longer nights. Many of us find ourselves unaccountably experiencing low mood, depression, lethargy and in some cases increased irritability. As fall sets in and eventually concedes to winter, an increasing number of us start to experience Seasonal Affective disorder (aptly abbreviated to SAD). This can not only sap our mood and make us feel depressed and lethargic (even if objectively our lives are great), but also drain our will to eat healthily and live active lifestyles. It can make us want to oversleep and cause us to crave unhealthy foods, especially starchy refined carbohydrates and sugars, resulting in weight gain which only feeds the cycle of inactivity. “Why bother?” we ask ourselves, before grabbing a candy bar and settling down on the sofa.

If the coming of the fall season makes you want to wrap up in a duvet, grab a bag of potato chips and hibernate then you desperately need a pick me up.

Fortunately, with a little know how, you can chomp the blues away while improving your overall health. But first…

Exercise… It’s non-negotiable

On a dark, cold and drizzly morning, going to the gym or out for a jog is probably the last thing you feel like doing which is exactly why it’s the first thing you should do. The benefits of exercising first thing in the morning are many and various. It can raise your energy levels and mood while leaving you secure in the knowledge that the rest of the day is yours to do as you wish. It can also give your brain a much-needed endorphin boost, raising your mood and also boosting your metabolism.

Even a 20 minute jog is a great way to start the day. If that sounds like a nightmare, give yourself a reason to enjoy your jog. Take your phone and listen to some music, a podcast or an audiobook as you jog. Check out this flipbelt review for an alternative to carrying your phone in your pocket. The last thing you want is to start your day with a dropped and broken phone.

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Mood boosting foods

After starting the day with a brisk workout, you’ve earned a delicious breakfast. Now’s the time to capitalize on this natural mood booster and load up on these nutritious mood boosting foods:

  • Avocado- Avocados are full of healthy fats to stabilize your appetite and reduce cravings but they’re also great for balancing your hormones and keeping your serotonin levels
  • Nuts- A great post-workout food, nuts are full of healthy fats, fiber, antioxidants and protein as well as being full of serotonin.
  • Strawberries- They’re tasty, they’re versatile and they’re rich in vitamins and nutrients to facilitate stable brain chemistry.
  • Sesame seeds- Great for sprinkling and snacking, sesame seeds are rich in the amino acid tyrosine which naturally increases the brain’s production of dopamine naturally boosting your mood while also helping your body to assimilate their protein.



Improving Your Health As You Get Older

Aging is the one thing that nobody can avoid. No matter how physically or mentally healthy you may be, we all get old at some point. The best way to make sure you can still enjoy life when you’re old is to work harder to look after yourself as you get older. An aging body already comes with its aches, pains, and more medical issues than you faced when you were younger. You don’t want to make things harder on yourself by doing a poor job of looking after your body. 

It’s best to adopt a healthy lifestyle whilst you’re still young, but it’s never ‘too late’ to start making changes to your life so that you can live a little more healthily. If you’re alive and kicking then you still owe it to yourself to look after your body and mind. Here are some pieces of advice to help you improve your standard of health as you get older.

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Physical health.

‘Physical activity’ is just another way of saying exercise, I know. But don’t be too dismissive when it comes to keeping your body active. You don’t want to lift weights at the gym or run marathons and that’s absolutely fine. There aren’t too extremes of the spectrum when it comes to exercising or not exercising. You don’t need to spend hours and hours exercising every day if you don’t want to be incredibly muscular or athletic. The key is just to keep your body physically active on a daily basis.

Moving your body doesn’t just reduce fat surrounding your organs (which is a great health benefit) but it also helps to boost your immune system and help to fight off illnesses; this is something which becomes very important as you get older and your body weakens. Just 30 minutes of light exercise or a brisk 10-minute walk could make a huge difference to the health of your heart, your digestive system, and your ability to sleep well.

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Everything deteriorates slightly as you get older. The vast majority of people notice a gradual decline in their hearing as they age, so you’re not alone if you’ve noticed that you’re frequently asking people to repeat themselves because you misheard what they said. Of course, in the modern age, hearing loss doesn’t have to be a permanent state of affairs. Hearing aids and other modern technology have improved the lives of people both old and young who experience auditory difficulties.

Maybe you’ve been to see a specialist before, but you might want to reconsider your audiologist if you think your hearing still isn’t as good as it could be. There are so many options out there that you shouldn’t “make do” with bad hearing. In fact, it can be dangerous to do so. Many people might counteract the fact that they can’t hear the TV by turning up the volume but, much as it would for people with good hearing, high volumes can do just as much damage to the eardrums of somebody with poor hearing. Don’t try to battle with your ears, and make sure you look into appropriate medical solutions.

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Bad habits.

There are countless studies which indicate that curbing bad health habits can have a huge influence later on in life; in other words, you’ll live longer. Addictions such as smoking or drinking are very hard to kick but it’s much easier to do so when you consider the long-term damage. Perhaps you’re still relatively young and the effects stemming from excessive intake of these drugs have yet to really take hold, but the decline of your health is often something which takes place internally before you really start to see the effects externally. Exercise becomes far easier once you stop smoking or drinking excessively, so a healthy lifestyle becomes far more manageable once you’ve stopped these bad habits. It’s about breaking out of that damaging and unhealthy cycle.

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Mental health.

Finally, let’s talk about the mind. When it comes to living longer, people often say the key is to be happy. Not only is this a nice sentiment, but there’s actually some science behind it. The mind and body are interlinked, so it’s completely accurate to say that a good state of mental health can vastly improve your physical health. Think about the ways in which stress, anxiety, and depression all take hold of the body; you might get blemishes on the skin from stress (even young people get that in the form of acne), you might start greying or balding far more quickly, and you might notice a fluctuation in weight.

These things are just a few of the effects of a poor mental state. That’s why it’s so important to work on a healthy mind if you want to keep your body healthy. Breathing exercises and meditation techniques can really help to center yourself if stress is a big part of your life. It’s about becoming more in tune with your mind and finding ways to switch off now and then.

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