Author: Aditi Malhotra
Marketing & Social Media Consultant | Content Writer & Columnist | Events & Wedding Planner | Award Winning Home Chef | Home Baker | Artist | Photography Enthusiast

Celebrate Monsoon with Gond Painting on Umbrella Workshop by ‘Baaya Design’

This monsoon ‘Baaya Design’ invites you to learn the latest interpretation of Gond and create your own painting in the ‘Gond Painting on Umbrella Workshop’. Gond is a decorative art form of painting from folk and tribal art, practiced by the Gondi people of Madhya Pradesh. Capture the magic of rains with splash of colors on your umbrella with vibrant depictions of the traditional art form. The workshop will entail waterproof Gond art color play, Gond painting references, Sprinklers, Rollers, brushes, a full size white umbrella with cover and expert guidance.

Date: 22nd July, 2017

Time: 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm

Price: 1200/- inclusive of all material

For registrations call: 022 24979463 Visit:

Baaya Design, Pratamesh Tower, Raghuvanshi Mills, Lower Parel, Mumbai – 400013

Happy Days, And How To Find Them Again

You are probably aware of the epidemic that is sweeping the world, that of depression and anxiety. You may know someone that struggles with one or both of these problems, or you may have to deal with them on a day today basis yourself? If so then you might what to check out the guide below that can suggest where you may be going wrong and what to do about it?

Are you trying to hard?

Firstly, a lot of anxiety and related depression relates from trying too hard. “But wait,” you say, “Good things come to those who work hard and go above and beyond the call of duty, right?” Well, is that really the case, even in your own experience?

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I’m not recommending being permanent lazy, but it’s good to be balanced in life, and if you are always trying so hard to control outer conditions then not only will this feed into your sense of anxiety, but also make you tired all the time.

Sometimes this great need to work so hard at being approved of by others suggest that there is an issue with ourselves that we need to turn inwards to address. So back off a little and see if that improve things for you.

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Are your expectations off?

Another thing that might be contributing to your anxiety or depression is your expectations. The way we want things to be isn’t often the way that they truly are. This can apply to our relationships, our work, our finances, pretty much everything really.

The problem is the higher your expectations are, the larger space you leave for disappointment when the reality of the world inevitability doesn’t match up to what you were expecting. Of course, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t expect good things for yourself or to be treated with respect and kindness. Instead, it points to the value of being more flexible with your expectations and achieving the clarity to live with things are they are, not as they might be.

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Is there an underlying condition?

Anxiety and depression are medical conditions, and if you have been expanding them for longer than two weeks, you will need to go and see your medical professional for some advice on treatment.

Also, it can really help to make an appointment with a qualified psychologist to get your condition investigated further. This is because there is more than one type of anxiety disorder and more than one type of depression, and the treatments are not all the same for each. So it can really pay off in terms of your recovery to know what you’re dealing with.

Are you kind to yourself?


Lastly, a contributing factor to anxiety and depressive disorders can be how we treat ourselves. Stop and listen to the thoughts parading around you mind for a second. Would you speak to anyone else that way? Probably not, and if you did they would likely leave. So why do we do it to ourselves?

Well, it’s mostly because we aren’t taught how to differentiate between thoughts and the meaning of those thoughts. This is something that both meditation and CBT can help you do. Which makes them something worth exploring in your quest for recovery.


4 Unexpected Health Issues That Can Arise When Starting A New Fitness Plan


Starting a new fitness plan is one of the more exciting times of the year. Taking control over the direction your life is going is beneficial no matter who you are, and can help you feel on top of your destiny. A new fitness plan can be the bedrock of all of this, because a fitness regime is much more than a fitness regime.

Working to a schedule of improving your body sets you on a schedule, a routine, and allows you to keep disciplined within those parameters. A scary job interview feels like nothing when you have lifted weights in the morning, because you have already made the effort to combat adversity that day. Who could stop you from there? It’s important to understand just how powerful this can be, because realizing it will allow you to stay focused in the times you’d much rather quit.

Improving your fitness level is one of the most beneficial gifts you can give to yourself. Sometimes though, it’s not a cover-all solution. Sometimes, new health issues can arise due to focussing obsessively on working out and changing your lifestyle. Progressing in your health and fitness is always worth it, but it pays to be aware of the following unexpected issues that can arise – and how to deal with them.

Swimmer’s Ear

Swimmer’s ear is a nasty condition that is usually brought on by repeated wet/warm conditions in your ear. If you have bacteria entering your ear through some form, such as dirty showering facilities, dropping your headphones on the floor and then plugging them into your ear, or simply not tying your sweaty and greasy hair back during a hard cardio session, you might become a victim of swimmer’s ear.

Swimmer’s ear is similar to an ear infection, and should be checked out by your doctor immediately. The reason that achieved its moniker is that swimmers are the most likely to get it, thanks to the aquatic nature of their sport. It can be relatively painful and completely shut off your ability to hear in that ear as it swells. This can throw you off for a couple days. Not only will the ear itch from the inside, but you won’t be able to touch it without intense physical pain.

To counteract this, purchase (with your doctor’s recommendation,) some over-the-counter ear spray that helps neutralize the PH in your ear, and helps it stay conducive to fighting the bacteria there. Luckily, over the course of a few weeks, the medicine should work as intended and complete reverse the malady. You’ll surely be much more careful about your exercise hygiene in future.

Torn Callus

Weightlifters have enough to deal with. In a given session they have to adhere to many safety standards. Lifting the barbell over the mid foot, making sure that balance is achieved and that the weight is just heavy enough to make strength process, but just light enough to be safely handled are a few examples of this. Not only that, but the most insidious enemy of the weight room is torn calluses.

This isn’t to decry the importance of calluses in the first place. Calluses are natural skin developments that occur to counteract a form of stress. Lifting a heavy barbell is most definitely a form of stress, so calluses that develop are necessary for lifting those loads safely, and so the skin doesn’t get damaged. Sometimes though, this can work counter to what is intended.

A lifter who places the barbell in their hand in an incorrect place, which is common for novice and intermediate lifters alike, will eventually have the barbell scrape down their hand at heavy enough pull loads such as chin-ups or deadlifts. This creates a jamming ‘wedge’ in the hands as the bar travels. This can lead to the bar tearing the skin of the hand open. This is a nasty to witness, horrible to experience pain that will take you out of any exercise or hand usage for however long it takes to heal. Not only will this be absolutely terrible to experience, but it will completely make you lose all of your progress made in that last month.

To prevent this, make sure that you place the bar on the callus’ that have developed just on the line under your fingers. Aim to grip the bar from there, and it will prevent the barbell from traveling down your hand when unintended because it will already be in the ‘end position.’ If you grip the bar in the middle of your palm, it will drag down to the end position and create the problem if you’re unlucky.

To further guard against this, make sure you are using chalk during your heavy lifts. This will help your grip immensely during those massive lifts.

Foot Diseases

Runners, rowers and swimmers alike are all likely to gain a foot infection, a bunion or some form of painful foot malady over their time traversing their exercise duty in sweaty footwear, or walking on sweaty, dirty flooring. This is much more common than you might original assume. How often do you think about your foot health? How often do you maintain your feet past washing them in the shower and trimming the nails on occasion?

To help counteract these issues, make sure that you see the best foot doctors in your area, and also wear breathable, clean footwear. Remember, while it’s cost effective to keep wearing the same shoes for your exercise for years on end, you will be sweating into these often. Replace often, or at the very least wash your footwear every fortnight to a month. Look after your feet, and they will look after you.


Overtraining is a very real phenomenon that occurs when someone ignores the fact they are otherwise untrained, and fuelled by a desire to ‘be the best’ as many motivational and disciplinary popular slogans will tell them, they’ll throw themselves into a training regime vastly more difficult than that they can currently handle. This will eventually lead to overtraining, a very real phenomenon when the body physically cannot recover in the time between workouts. This will lead to exhaustion and maybe even depression. This exhaustion is different to general exhaustion. This will be a real, deep and pervasive feeling of lethargy that is difficult to combat unless you get plenty of rest.

Novices are usually better at recovering than those who are well trained, but ONLY if the programming is correct. If you’re starting on a running program, consider starting Couch 2 5K – the popular running program designed to keep a novice able to complete each session, even if they have started as a couch potato. For weightlifting, consider a beginners program like Starting Strength or Stronglifts 5×5. These programs have been specifically designed for exercise utility and recovery time to squeeze the best ‘noob gains’ from a beginner, and this can result in some amazing progress that completely helps you avoid overtraining.

Over time, as your body adapts to stress, you can consider adding more volume or variety of exercises to your workouts. For example, a runner, once he has achieved 5k, might consider skipping rope or rowing before and after his workout. A weightlifter might consider adding barbell curls to encourage the coveted ‘strong arms.’ Find what works for you, and continually update your program as your stress adaption increases. You’ll find that you’ll have built the best foundations for the newly added exercises if you do.

Keeping on top of a positive health training regime is the most important thing you can do for your health, happiness, positivity and general life enjoyment. However, if you are affected with some of the previous maladies, enact the solutions suggested, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming that super-man or woman you originally intended.



Busy? You Can Still Help with Your Children’s Learning

There are a lot of negative articles about hectic lifestyles, especially when it comes to parents who are deeply invested in business ventures. They’re often criticised for not having infinite amounts of time for family matters.

The response to things like this is usually “just make time”, as though it’s that easy! But let’s be realistic: excelling in your career can be beneficial for your child’s in the long-run, especially when you consider finances. But if your child is having school difficulties, this complicates things. Here are some things you can do the will help you overcome a hectic schedule to help your children get the educational assistance they need.


A lot of kids may balk at the idea of having a teacher outside of school. But so many kids improve tremendously on an academic level when given this type of attention. Some may see it as a lazy alternative to helping them yourself. But you have to get that mindset out of your head. If you’re busy and exhausted, you may not be up to the task. Your child deserves high-quality assistance, and this may be best delivered by a qualified tutor! Look into the ways to pick the best tutor for your child if you think this will help you both.


Smartphones to the rescue

More and more parents are seeing just how useful smartphones can be when it comes to education. While many see smartphones as just another tool that distracts their kids from their schoolwork, it’s absolutely possible to encourage good study behaviors through the use of Internet research and educational apps. It may be worth looking into cheap used phones that your kids can use instead of investing in expensive, ultra high tech phones. There are apps out there that can help with vocabulary expansion, improved reading comprehension, mathematical skills development, and even language acquisition!

Weekend schedules

The weekend is when you’re most likely to have some time. Whatever you’re doing, schedule yourself at least half hour to an hour discussing school with your kid and helping them with their homework. Scheduling it is the best way to get it done; as many busy parents know, as schedule is vital for productivity in day-to-day working life. Let your child know that this is something you want to do every weekend; they’ll get used to it and will be in the right mindset when the time comes.


More reading

If there’s any subject your child shows any interest in, then get them some books on the subject. It doesn’t have to be a strictly academic subject. Robots, dinosaurs, film, fashion – anything! The simple act of reading boosts your brain power across multiple disciplines. It boosts concentration and memory in both the short-term and the long-term. It’s something they should be doing in their spare time. It’s a fantastic way of giving your child some extra academic assistance that doesn’t eat up much of your time at all. When they fall in love with reading at this age, they’re more likely to read enthusiastically throughout their lives, which will also help them a lot when it comes to college!




The Nuisance Of Having Flat Feet & What You Can Do About It


Pes planus, otherwise known as flat foot syndrome, is a difficult condition that can be difficult to cope with among those afflicted. When the ligaments and tendons in a foot collapse and unfortunately are unable to contribute to their share of the load-bearing function of the foot, flat footed syndrome can be defined and diagnosed. This can be a real nuisance on the part of those afflicted, to say the least.

Usually, young children have flat feet, but as the foot grows and develops, a natural arch will arise. In those with flat feet, either these arches haven’t developed as it should have or they’ve failed due to an injury, obesity problem or other consideration that is unfortunate to experience. For some people, having flat feet doesn’t pose any other problem than strange stance and gait issues, but for some, it can lead to recurring pain that is difficult to contend with, and can be annoying to experience. It can also affect how comfortably these people are able to walk and maneuver around their environment.

If this is you, or you know someone afflicted with flat feet, consider utilizing or suggesting the following ways to mitigate the negative effects. If you believe that your child is experiencing flat footed syndrome, you might not have reason to worry. See your healthcare professional first and foremost before you take any affirmative action to fix an issue that might not exist.


If you have flat feet, you need footwear that contributes to the normal way your foot arch is supposed to work. Normal is supportive, and this means that you might need to wear shoes with a more pronounced heel raise than other people, or maybe even asymmetrical shoes that allow for the nuance of your foot positioning to be best catered for. To understand what shoes work the best, you should check this article here, which can also help you understand and gain some insight into this condition.

Lose Weight

Losing weight has an innumerable amount of benefits, but if you are flat footed, it can be of massive benefit. Losing weight helps take off the load on your feet when moving, and this can help reduce the feelings of pain to a tenfold degree. It can also help your body provide much better blood flow to the affected areas, and this is a benefit in itself. Many obese people tend to mitigate the effects of their weight by walking with ankles turned out too far in front, and this can wreak havoc on your foot arches.

To lose the weight effectively, consider using a simple diet such as intermittent fasting, as well as getting at least 3 hours of exercise a week, at whatever challenging pace is normal for you. Remember, it doesn’t matter how slow you go, what matters is how consistent you are with the practice and diet considerations.

Of course, if you have flat feet as a result of your weight, it’s not advisable to begin a running routine. Search for the exercise that you’d feel most comfortable with performing multiple times a week, and switch it up if possible. Exercises like swimming, ground yoga, and some bodyweight exercises require very little stress be placed on your feet. Tailor your exercise regime around these necessities, and you’re sure to find yourself feeling better about your situation in no time at all.

However, before you begin any form of new stress-adaptive training or nutrition plan when obese, you must ALWAYS consult your medical professional. This is a great guiding principle no matter how many articles like this you read and want to take advice from.


A podiatrist is a specialist foot doctor that can help you overcome all manner of foot difficulties relating to stress, exercise, and most importantly, overcoming the issues of flat foot syndrome. Here they can provide you with X-Rays, potential physical therapy as well as simply care techniques such as ice baths or recommending foot sports massages.

In the worst possible case, they may even suggest you undergo surgery via an orthopedic surgeon and will be able to refer you with their medical authority to the best places in which to undergo this. This can help sort out any underlying issues that might have caused the foot issues, but you shouldn’t expect the surgery to completely reconstruct your foot arches.

Be sure to take care of all of these considerations, and you’re likely to overcome the issue of flat-foot syndrome, or at least mitigate its effects.



Seven Beauty Products To Add To Your Beauty Bucket List

Some people will have swimming with dolphins or bungee jumping on their bucket list of things to do. But for any beauty lover, their bucket list will look rather different and probably safer (as well as being quite a bit less adrenaline filled). A good bucket list nonetheless. Any beauty queen that you know will be on the lookout for new products all the time so that they can take their beauty expertise to the next level. So if you’re a wannabe beauty guru, then there are some items that you need to try before the year is out. Here are just a few of them. I’d love to know what else you would like to add to the list!



Lip Plumpers


There are many brands out there that are selling lip plumper balms or lipsticks at the moment, so it was hard to just choose one. However, whatever brand you choose, they are one of the products of the moment. It seems like many of us are taking a step away from anything cosmetic surgery related and want to get the same look in a more natural way. Which is one of the ways to explain why they are taking the beauty world by storm. Being able to get fuller looking lips by just changing your lipstick? Where do I sign up? If you want to read more about lip plumping products, then it could be worth looking at the Idol Lips website. Is this something that you think you’d like to try? If you already have, then let me know in the comments.

Kat Von D Alchemist Holographic Palette

If you are looking for a stunning palette for your makeup collection, then look no further than the beautiful Kat Von D palette. To start with, the palette itself is really stunning. It is triangular shaped so looks pretty. Then you flip it open, and the four shades in there are, as the name describes, shiny and iridescent. They are almost three dimensional if that even makes any sense? You can use the palette for more than just your eyes, though. It could work as a highlighter on your cheekbones, as well as over lip balm and lipsticks. You could even dab one of the shades along your collarbone to really emphasise it. The possibilities are pretty endless.


Kérastase Aura Botanica Bain Micellaire & Soin Fundamental

If you like your beauty products to be on more of the natural side of things, then Kérastase have come up with a winning formula for you. These products are both over 95% natural and free from any nasties like parabens and preservatives. You’d think that the price would indicate that, but they are pretty competitive, as far as branded luxury shampoos go. Many people think that natural products mean that they aren’t going to be very good. But this has some really good reviews, as far as lathering up and keeping your hair looking smooth and hydrated. So good for your hair, your health and the environment? Winning.

Becca First Light Priming Filter

Becca has had some great products to date, especially in the dewy and glowing skin department. But their new primer is just amazing. It might look a little shocking, as it is purple in the jar. However, don’t panic, it goes sheer onto your skin. It really evens out skin and brightens your skin. The dewy and glowing look can finally be achieved. I could go as far as to say that you can get away with only wearing this, rather than more makeup. But if you choose to wear makeup on top of it, then as it is a primer, it will help the rest of the makeup to stay in place and prolong the fresh look of it.


By Terry Baume De Rose

Though this skin cream is on the pricey side of things, at around $90 a pot, it could be worth it for any beauty lover looking to get some seriously good looking skin. It has a rose scent that isn’t overpowering, that leaves your skin feeling fresh and smelling good. It also comes in a pretty pink color, so it would work well as a pretty gift for someone else. But even if you just want to use it for yourself, it will help you to have a healthy complexion that shines and looks hydrated. It leaves your skin feeling fresh and amazing. Why not give it a try?

Charlotte Tilbury Instant Magic Facial Dry Sheet Mask

It seems like Charlotte Tilbury can do no wrong. She has done it again with this magical facial dry sheet mask. The sheet, as the name says, is dry. You massage your face after putting it on and then the ingredients are released. The great thing about them is that it can be reused around three times. So it makes it much more value for money than other face masks that you might find. So if you want hydration, brightness, and smoothness on your skin, then this is the thing for you. At around $20, it is a bargain!

Cutex BB Nail Concealer

Not all beauty products are going to be about your face or hair. Our nails need some love, right? But from time to time, they can be quite dry and damaged, can’t they? You want to leave them bare, but it can be so tempting to just cover them up and keep on painting them. So a BB cream is a great solution to that kind of dry nail problem. BB creams are not just for your face; you can get ones for your nails. The nude tint of the cream will make your nails look healthy, as well as hydrating them at the same time. And for just under $7, it is a great addition to your beauty arsenal. You can put off your next manicure appointment for a couple of weeks longer.

Have you ever tried any of these products? It would be great to hear what you think.


The Hidden Health Benefits To Tea

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Although water is the most widely-consumed drink in the world, tea follows at a close second. It is a beverage that has been drank for thousands of years, with at least 158 million Americans getting a taste of it every single day – and in a number of forms. There are fruit teas, green teas, breakfast teas, sleeping teas; if you can think of a type that should be up there, it’s probably already been covered. But what’s all the fuss about? Why should we be incorporating it into our diet, and what can it do for us?

It’s Good For Your Heart

Not only is it delicious in your favourite form, but a good cup of tea can also be brilliant at preventing buildup of cholesterol in the arteries. There will need to be diet changes made if you want to fully lower your cholesterol levels; you can’t just rely on one cup of tea to completely sort you out. Not only this, but introducing a good amount of tea into your diet can help reduce the chance of a heart attack quite dramatically. The temperature that you drink your tea can also help get your heart beating at a sound pace in the morning; a hot cup of the good stuff out of the best teapot available to you will get you set on the right track. Don’t worry if you’re not into warm drinks; this is a beverage that can be consumed cold as well.

It Helps Your With Exercise

This is more green tea than anything else. Your muscle endurance heightens once you have consumed this antioxidant. It helps your body to burn the fat that you already have, using it as fuel for your workout. While your body already does this, the boost that it gets from green tea – as well as the increase of the workload and what is happening – quickens the process and may help you to lose weight in the long run. There are many different types of tea which will help you to reach your target weight, so don’t worry if you don’t like the current one that you’re trying – there are thousands more for you to take your pick from.

It’s Great For The Brain

Despite the caffeine that lurks within, tea is actually one of the most hydrating drinks that you can have. It’s not a diuretic, as many would lead you to believe, and helps you to retain water within the body. This is great news for your brain. Your brain needs fluids in order to help you focus and concentrate on the tasks at hand, and so tea is a brilliant remedy for this. Not only that, but there are degenerative conditions to do with the function of your brain such as Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease which a cup of tea a day is cited to be able to help prevent. Start introducing it into your diet and see if you can feel any benefits to it all.

Tips For Getting Whiter Teeth, Naturally

Everyone wants their teeth to be whiter. Endless pictures of celebrities with pearly white teeth and magazines filled with sparkling smiles is enough to give you teeth envy. There are some natural ways to get your teeth whiter, without resorting to artificial treatments which can be damaging. Find out more and look forward to a whiter, brighter smile with these top tips below.

Image credit: Pexels

Brush regularly

Now, this should be something you know already, but with almost 1 in 4 Americans failing to brush twice daily, remembering to brush your teeth is one of the most basic things you can do to get whiter teeth. Brush in the morning and at night, and again if you eat foods which are particularly known for staining your teeth such as curries or tomato-based sauces. Remember to replace your toothbrush every three months, and you might want to consider investing in an electric toothbrush as a way to get a more thorough clean.

Avoid certain foods and drinks

As mentioned above, there are some foods that can stain your teeth, and the same goes for drinks too. Red wine, tea, coffee, and sodas can all stain your teeth and give them that yellow-ish shade, and if you truly want a Hollywood smile, you’ll have to limit your intake of them or give them up completely. A regular visit to the hygienist will help remove stains caused by food and drink.

Use baking soda

Baking soda is a handy product to have around the home, for more than just baking. Baking soda is often used as a home remedy to clean many products, and your teeth is one of them. Adding some baking soda to your regular toothpaste will help keep them extra clean and encourage whiteness, and you can buy toothpaste products with it already built in too.

Coconut oil pulling

Coconut oil is another wonder product that has many uses – makeup removal, hair conditioner, cooking agent, skin moisturizer; it’s all possible with coconut oil. Many people also use coconut oil for teeth pulling, as a way to get their teeth whiter. This can be done by taking a spoonful of coconut oil and swilling it around your mouth for 20 minutes. This trick can also be used to protect your gums thanks to the oil’s antimicrobial features. If you’ve recently had teeth implants ( are highly recommended), then you can use coconut pulling to help keep them your gums stronger.

Eat strawberries

Strawberries are a tasty way to try and whiten your teeth naturally at home. Many celebrities are known for mashing up strawberries and applying them to their teeth to whiten them. It’s a trick worth trying, but you’ll want to rinse thoroughly afterwards, and brush as the natural sugars in strawberries, and other fruit can cause decay if left on the teeth.

The secret to whiter teeth is mainly in good hygiene, and if you suspect that your teeth are in a poor condition, you should have them checked out. Avoiding smoking, drinking too much as well as brushing, rinsing and flossing regularly can all help you to get those pearly whites you’ve been craving.

The Heartland: Seeing The Real America!


If you really want to know what America is about, it can’t be done by going to Disney World and spending two weeks with Mickey Mouse and his friends! You need to see the heartland, and get the sights, sounds and smells of a vast and plentiful land. If you have the time to explore what America has to offer them it’s time to saddle up and take a journey through some wholesome all-American activities. Here we go!

Go to a ball game

This is probably the first thing you need to tick off on your list of activities. The best time to catch a game would be during a warm summer’s night, where the rustic snacks of hot dogs and beer scent the stadium with its intoxicating aromas. You can either choose to go to a Major League Baseball game or opt for one of the minor league teams where the local ambience is far more infectious.

View the mountains… from the sky!

There are many ways to get some fantastic views of the mountains and rolling rocks of America’s heartland. But one of the most relaxing ways to do it is by hot air balloon, and if you time it right, you can pick a journey where you get to see the sun coming up over the horizon, which is an awe-inspiring sight to behold. If you check out the hot air balloon price and options available you could do it in style and have a champagne breakfast, or just relax and take in that amazing view!

Cruise down the open road

It’s more than essential that you need to see small town America by hitting the open road via the Pacific Coast Highway or Route 66 while the wind is blowing in your hair and you’ve got some traditional country music on the stereo. If you have the time, or if you are just on a short journey, there are plenty of road trips to take via the heartland of this country. One simple, time-saving option is to go from Las Vegas to Los Angeles via the Mojave Desert, which is home to one of the greatest landmarks in American history, as well as one of the most beautiful natural wonders of the world, the Grand Canyon.

Pay a visit to The King’s home!

Even if you aren’t a fan of Elvis Presley, you need to see the home of the man who personified rock and roll and brought it to millions. Graceland, the museum/home of The King, boasts a collection of his most iconic jumpsuits, as well as his classic cars and even his two private planes, called Lisa Marie and, of course, Hounddog II.

Witness a rodeo

You couldn’t escape America’s heartlands without catching a glimpse of real cowboys at the traditional all-American rodeo. Get a cowboy hat on and get in the stands to look at, quite possibly, one of the most dangerous sports the world has ever seen, and have a great time while you’re at it!

Raising Self-Esteem To Combat Depression And Anxiety

Our self-esteem is forged in the days of youth. It’s when we simply don’t know any better, we’re sometimes obnoxious and speak our mind and don’t hold back. We’re not as self-conscious and therefore, so much freer. However, as you get older, society and the demands of and adult life can drive people into doubting themselves. Improving your self-esteem takes time, it’s more of a growing process than it is something that can be fixed overnight. A good view of the world and a positive feel for yourself, can increase your confidence and be the first step toward finding a happier lifestyle. But, first, a period of self-reflection is in order, because you may have become someone who self-harms in the form of substance or alcohol abuse, and you may have systematic psychological barriers to overcome.

Image by – Ana Paula Lima

The infection of negativity

Thinking negative, can lead you down the road to depression where you sink lower and lower into self-pity, affecting your sleeping patterns, eating habits and concern for your wellbeing. It’s a deep-rooted sense of impending doom that nothing will ever good happen to or for you. It’s as if you begin to hate yourself. Whether it’s because of your job, a problematic family life, a lack of friends or simply a feeling of being lost in the world, it’s negative downward spiral if you continue this way. Try and pick yourself up on it. Whenever you feel angry or a sense of rage toward someone or something, try to stop and pinpoint what it is, that’s annoyed you. Notify the reason in your mind and try to figure a solution for it, rather falling back on a purely emotional response. They say emotion is the cousin of irrationality, and that saying has some truth. When you’re led by your emotions, you don’t think clearly, and you don’t access the cognitive part of your brain, which thinks logically and seeks to solve problems.

Confront your demons

If you know, you’re addicted to drugs, or you’ve become accustomed to binge drinking, don’t fester any longer in a pit of self-harm. If the clang of beer and wine bottles have become a weekly occurrence when you take the trash out, something isn’t right. Alcohol and drug abuse are trips to the abyss that you can avoid. Take the first step by enrolling yourself into the Beachway rehab facility. It’s a therapy center, that’s along the glorious Daytona Beach, and offers a comprehensive healing program for substance abusers. It provides a holistic approach to its treatments and treats you like an individual. Almost all the time, it’s better to allow others to help you in taking the first step, that’s why you can explore their website, phone or email them to learn more about their facility.

Source – Warateens

Positivity and introverts

If you have low self-esteem, you’re likely to be in introvert; someone who avoids discourse or communication with other people for the fear of being rejected or coming off as weird and strange. You’re not the only one; with 7.5 billion people on the planet, you can bet on that. First thing’s first, you should immediately go the other way whenever you start to think you’re worthless or a bad person. Find something that you’re good at, and how you help people or even how your friends appreciate the times you’ve helped them. Positively reaffirm the good things you do in life, and areas which you’ve improved. See the good in you, rather than the imperfections by writing down, some of the things that you’re personally proud of about yourself. When you see this in physical form it has much more of an impact in showing yourself; you are worth something.