Fitting Fitness Around You: Building A Happy Relationship With Exercise For Busy Women

We all appreciate the importance of regular exercise. But, to be completely honest, finding time for those physical activities can be very difficult. Even if you love workouts, they are often the first thing to be sacrificed as you juggle the various responsibilities of modern life. Changing this immediately should be a goal shared by all women.

The only way to achieve that target is to embrace a healthy relationship with fitness that is built exclusively around your aims and needs. Here’s all you need to know.


Appreciate Your Limits: It’s easy to feel envious towards the gym buffs seen on social media. However, you cannot expect to match their bodies or their routines. While you want to push yourself to the limit, it’s always important to walk before you run. Moreover, you must learn to take injury recoveries and time limitations into account. Sadly, if exercise starts causing problems in other aspects of your life, giving up is inevitable.

Incorporate Fitness Into Daily Activities: Time is the main hurdle standing in the way of our fitness goals. However, gym workouts aren’t the only source of exercise. Getting a little creative by cycling to work or holding yoga sessions after work can be very useful. You’ll be getting a full workout while only adding a few minutes to your day. And when regular activity doesn’t prevent you from achieving other life goals, you’ll find that long-term success is more likely.

Turn Holidays Into Adventures: Vacations are a great opportunity to let our hair down. While throwing your diet out of the window for a few days is nothing to worry about, you should still stay active. Combine the trip with a charitable endeavour such as the Mount Toubkal Trek, and you’ll be sure to do just that. Alternatively, if you’re on a city break, walk or cycle instead of taking the bus tour. Either way, it’ll stop your body from regressing whilst you’re away. In turn, this should allow you to get back into the swing of things far easier. Besides, it’ll improve the holiday too.

Exercise With Others: Human interaction is an integral part of human life, which is why time with loved ones is so important. Starting an amateur sports team or simply attending the gym together can make a world of difference. Or if you are someone that prefers to exercise alone, you can maintain a social vibe with a FitBit watch. Track your progress and compare against your nearest and dearest for that extra motivation and something to talk about in person. Perfect.

Choose The Best Routines Possible: By now, you should realise that fitness needs to be fun. Having said that, if you only have limited time in the gym or on the track, you must make it work harder. Finding a suitable HIIT strategy could see you burn twice as many calories and build twice as much muscle. Apart from anything else, seeing those positive results in the mirror is sure to put an even bigger smile on your face. What more could any woman ask for?




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