Day: June 20, 2017

You Said Yes But You Don’t Like The Ring: What Next?

You’ve dreamt of this moment since you were a small girl: your engagement. The love of your life getting down on one knee, and asking you to spend the rest of your lives together. And it’s a beautiful moment, one that you’ll treasure forever. But what happens if you don’t like the ring? It’s a tough one. You don’t want to offend your beloved, as he or she has put a lot of effort into choosing it for you. But if you really don’t like it, how can you be expected to wear it for the next seven or eight decades?

Well, here’s your guide to coping with a ring you don’t want to wear.

Try being honest

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You probably feel awful about having to say that you don’t like the ring, but it’s better to be honest than to pretend you love it. You’re going to have to show it off to lots of people, and you don’t want to lie or look fake. However, this doesn’t apply if your partner has proposed with an antique family heirloom – in this case, you might just have to put up with it, and love it for the fact it’s been in your soon-to-be family’s history for centuries.

Approach the subject when you’re both relaxed and happy. You know your partner well enough to know how well he’ll take it, so choose your time and and place carefully. It’s a good idea to write down what you want to say first, so you don’t end up stumbling over your words later on.

Give valid reasons

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Not liking how big the diamond is, or wanting a different precious stone isn’t good enough. It’s time to explain the real reason behind not wanting to wear it. Perhaps the stone sticks out, and you’re worried about catching it and breaking it? Or what about the ethical reasons. You might have wanted a stone that’s guaranteed not to be a blood diamond. Some brands, like Brilliant Earth, promise that they sell ethical rocks, but it’s worth reading this Brilliant Earth review before buying. Giving well justified reasons should be enough to help change your partner’s mind. They won’t mind practical reasons – but if you’re being a snob about how expensive it is, it might be time to reconsider your priorities.

Change how you wear 

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If you don’t want to tell your partner that you don’t like it, but you don’t want to wear it because of practical reasons, why not try hanging it on a chain and wearing it around your neck? That way you can still show off your ring, but you don’t need to worry about the rocks snapping off or it slipping off. Some people have different shaped fingers, and it might be that the ring design is just always going to be slightly too big or too small. If this is the case, then wearing it on a chain during your day to day business is a safe way to ensure that you don’t lose it. Then, when you’re at home or going out, you can put it back on.


Lets Meet AADAR MALIK- The Country’s First and Only Stand Up Musician

The stage, the camera and the mic have been familiar territory for Aadar Malik from an early age of seven. And today, as he is one shy from thirty, he has accomplished more than most performing artistes could ever imagine in their entire career.

Actor, musician, singer and stand-up comedian, Aadar is a one man army who thinks of the stage as his second home. One of the country’s most sought after stand-up comedians; he has performed in multiple cities in front of packed audiences of all age groups curating his content that has them in splits. His satirical song about his pet goat won the bronze medal at the Worldwide Comedy Short Film Festival in London.

Besides his solo performances, he is also a part of the comedy ensemble SnG Comedy that have together performed enumerable improvisational comedy and stand-up comedy shows. They are a regular at The Comedy Story, Laugh Factory in Mumbai.

One of the country’s most popular YouTuber, Aadar’s original comedy ranges from music/ parodies, satirical sketch comedy to live stand-up comedy videos. With over a million views on most of his digital content, his fan base ranges from teenagers to grannies – something that Aadar didn’t expect. Little did he know, everyone loves to laugh and he has his way of hitting the right chord with every age bracket!

A trained singer from Trinity College, London, Aadar also plays the guitar and the piano with equal finesse. And this year, Aadar brings all forms on talent on a single platform is a one man musical comedy show, The Sound of Comedy will showcase him singing live (lyrics that are comic in nature), playing the grand piano (yes you read that right) amongst other musical instruments and will entertain the audience like never before. This is the first of its kind show in India. Stand up – The Musical is also a part of Amazon Prime’s Comedy Special from India!

Here are some questions he answered exclusively for Ikreate, read along

Ikreate: First of all please tell us about Stand Up Musical as a concept

Aadar: It’s the first time someone has tried to blend music and comedy to this degree. It’s my songs, they are stupid songs with foolish lyrics, tedha hai par mera hai. Musical standup comedy is an extremely new concept here and I’m trying my best to make the audience ease into the fact that this can exist. Full fledged songs that are not parodies can be funny, and be musically impressive.


Ikreate: You are a trained singer, then how come you started performing stand up comedy

Aadar: I trained at music for a very long time. But I had severe stage fright, I took and acting class to get over it and realized I’m better at this. I was playing a standup comedian in a play and that character has since been in development. He is tweaked and changed after every show and every video. I may never be satisfied with him. I have finally become and Indian parent.


Ikreate: Tell us something about your struggle days

Aadar: Yes last week was particularly tough. It’s still a struggle. No magic has happened. We do not live in mansions and bathe in gold. I’m very thankful that when my parents are asked what their son does for a living, they don’t have to explain the origin of standup comedy to neighbors.


Ikreate: Whats your inspiration, how do you prepare yourself before a show

Aadar: This might just be the worst show I will perform, but its ok. No! thats a lie, I can’t afford the worst show ever, it’ll destroy years of work. So you better make it good. That’s enough to psyche the hell out of anyone.


Ikreate: How much of your show is a preparation, and how much is spontaneous.

Aadar: I like to write every word perfectly and then improvise on stage. But then there are the days when you just go, why not and walk on stage with just an idea. It changes from show to show. Now I do complete shows that are improvised.


Ikreate: Have you faced criticism, how have you dealt with it.

Aadar: Yes. I wake up to YouTube comments of “kill yourself!” I take solace in the fact that a critic is just a sorry human being who never really put himself on the line. There are people whose opinion I respect and I will listen carefully to them. Other than that any person who’s seen 7 standup comedy videos online thinks he/she is a connoisseur of comedy. Those are the worst. These are people who will try to look down upon a fart joke. To quote Louis c.k., “You don’t have to be smart to laugh at farts, but you have to be stupid not to.”


Ikreate: Tell us something about your family, did they approve of your choices

Aadar: They didn’t know what I was doing until they saw me on stage. My father still doesn’t. His opinion is, if the audience is liking, it you’ll be alright. My mom is like a real Indian mom, my son is doing good whatever it is.


Ikreate: Who is your biggest critic and your biggest support system

Aadar: My family is both. Anyone else can take a hike.


Ikreate: Where do you see yourself 5 years from now

Aadar: If I do my job right? Jail.


Ikreate: Whats been your most memorable show

Aadar: The first time I managed to get an applause break. I’d had plenty of those while performing plays, but this one was all mine. Written by me, performed by me. It was an open mic at a tiny restaurant. And another comedian won. But I went back home with a career. I really don’t know what happened to the other comic. He had a lot of friends in the crowd that night maybe he still entertains them at the office water cooler.


Ikreate: Share an embarrassing moment from any of your shows

Aadar: I have honestly never been embarrassed at a show. Ever. I honestly leave shame backstage when I go up. Once a guy called me ISIS at a show because I made some inter-caste jokes. That’s when a comic of one religion makes jokes about all religions. He was the embarrassed party that night. His fiancée broke up with him that night. More power to her.


Ikreate: Whats a message you would want to share with the aspiring artists

Aadar: Stop reading inspiring messages and go practice.


Ikreate: Success doesn’t come without failure, so can you share one of your failure stories with us

Aadar: Performing for a bunch of drunk corporates where they broke up my 30 min set into 3 parts and had Russian dancers in between my bits. It was so bad that the Russian dancers who didn’t know English were consoling me by the end of the gig. I got two of their phone numbers. But it was in Russian.


Some Rapid Fire

Ikreate: Your favourite singer

Aadar: Adele.

Ikreate: Your favourite stand up artist

Aadar: Let’s not.

Ikreate: Who do you consider your idol

Aadar: My dog.

Ikreate: Your relationship status

She called me Bhaiyya.

Ikreate: Your favoutrite food

Aadar: Ice cream.

Ikreate: When you are not performing, you are…?

Aadar: Netflix and chill.

Ikreate: Your favourite holiday spot

Aadar: Bed.

Ikreate: Whats the worst thing you have ever put in your mouth

Aadar: Cricket.

Ikreate: You like to eat…

Aadar: Alot.

Ikreate: Beaches or hills, whats your favourite

Aadar: Beach.

And here are some of his acts for you to enjoy!

Thanks Aadar for taking time out and having a great conversation with us, wishing you all the luck for your future endeavours!


Legit Ways To Make Your Wedding The Most Magical Day

Weddings are important, they are a symbol of two lives and two families joining together. That is why they should be as magical as possible. But if your wedding is on the horizon, you may be wondering about how you can achieve this. Keep reading to find out.

Actually, have magic at the wedding

One way to ensure that your wedding is as magical as possible is to have some stage magic at the reception. This a very popular entertainment to have at weddings as it can keep the guest from getting bored in the down times.

You could choose a table magical that goes from group to group, getting them involved and amazing them with their tricks. Or for larger scale weddings why not hire someone to do a full magic show for the kids?

Employ some special effects

Although If stage magic isn’t your thing, you can still inject a little sparkle into the day’s proceedings in other ways. One way to do this is to have a butterfly release instead of confetti at the service.

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This is when each guest is presented with a box containing a butterfly, which they all release together for a dazzling display.

Fireworks are another popular way of making wedding days magical. These can be set up by professional pyrotechnicians, and then set off once it gets dark. Imagine how much your guests and your partner will enjoy a vibrant display like this to celebrate your union.

Get the right venue

Obviously, your wedding day isn’t going to be magical if you don’t get the right wedding venue. You need to pick one that suits your theme, that seats all of your guests, and that you can decorate perfectly.

Remember to visit several different venues before you make your financial decision though. As this is not a choice, you want to make on the fly.

Also, you should have a list of question to hand to ask the venue staff. Such as what is included in the price? What catering facilities the venue has? Whether they can provide accommodation for the bride and groom, and what time the celebration has to stop by?

Make everyone feel special

Also, don’t forget that sometimes it’s the little things that can be the most magical. For example, things that allow everyone to get involved in the day like dancing, guest books, and photos can definitely help to keep the atmosphere going.

Keep you dress a secret

With everyone having access to social media, it’s all too easy for a picture of your dress or other details of your wedding day to leak back to your guests and your groom. But it’s really the surprise that helps the big reveal on the day to be magical.

That is why it’s best to steer clear of sending a picture to anyone and keep your outfit under wraps as best you can. Then you will get that magical feeling when you arrive looking your very best in front of all of your friends and family.



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Goa, India