Tag: Entertainment Blogger

Saroj Khan’s Journey In Bollywood

In its Endeavour to provide high-quality 21st-century education, Rishihood aims to continuously create and recreate its curriculum under the guidance and support of the experts from diverse fields. The inputs and insights from seasoned professionals direct the team to make specifically tailored courses and programs.

Big Shots, Rishihood’s flagship event, is a series of conversations with inspiring doers, creators, entrepreneurs, and big shots to learn from their wisdom, life journeys, and ideas. It is a manifestation of the University’s idea of associating with the best to deliver the best.

The recent event of Big Shots witnessed an enriching conversation with the choreography maestro, Ms. Saroj Khan.  Hosted at the Indian International Center, Max Mueller Marg, Mrs. Saumya Aggarwal, a Board Member of Rishihood Varsity and the moderator for the evening welcomed the chief guest and the audience. Mr. Mahesh Agarwal, radiologist, and a Board Member thanked Ms. Khan and congratulated the team for the association with her.

Saroj Khan shared about her humble beginning in Bollywood 61 years ago when industry and especially dancing was male-centric. With the responsibility of running the family, she started as a child artist in the movie Nazrana and became an assistant dance choreographer at the tender age of 12. She retraces her journey with ‘Geeta Mera Naam’ when director Sadhana offered her the first break.  She gratefully recalls Subhash Ghai who was impressed by her commitment to work offered her work in the movie Hero.

She fondly retells about the making of the super hit number ‘ek do teen..’ with Madhuri Dixit which remains very close to her heart and vivid in her memories. Her relentless dedicated work pushed the Filmfare awards to include Choreography as a separate category for nominations. She not only bagged the first one but completed a hat-trick.

She asserts that the time she joined was a golden period for the industry because everyone worked for the love of art and not the business. She also expresses her hopes of Indian style of dancing to remain on the screens for a long run as she puts ‘our art never dies’. She proudly tells how the next gen actresses have expressed interest to learn Indian dance form from her in the recent times. Choreography, she believes, manifests craving for creation. She keeps her creative process simple where she visualizes the situation of the song in the narrative, considers the dancing ability of the artists and then follows her heart to create the magic.

She has formally entered into a partnership with the School of Creativity, Rishihood to guide the team for School of Creativity. The Varsity seeks to reach exemplary heights in creativity and service society with this partnership. She appreciated Rishihood for initiating the much-needed effort of bringing the novel course of formalizing dance education in India. She also expressed the concern that the path would not be easy enough as a visual performing art like dance is difficult to be taught through traditional means but with concerted efforts of the team, it would be great service for the art and the artists.

The event was witnessed by eminent Entrepreneurs, Journalists, Industry experts, and academicians.

Namaste Jaishree Krishna- A hilarious play on old gen vs new gen conflicts!

Pelican Entertainment brought to the city the play, Namaste Jai Shree Krishna on 02.09.17 at the Pearey Lal Bhawan, New Delhi.

The play directed by veteran theatre and movie artist K K Raina who also enacts along with the irrepressible Ila Arun and ably supported by Aditi Sharma, Ashutosh Pandit and Abhishek Pandey is a hilarious take on the conflict between old traditions and the emerging values of the new generation.

It takes you skillfully and humorously through the continuous conflict of the old and the new. It takes you through the journey of the youth not ready to accept old ideologies readily and the old not accepting the progressive view point of the youth.

The play takes you through a gamut of emotions from philosophy to humor to laughter to sadness and nostalgic at times.
The cast deserves a special applaud for bringing on each and every emotion beautifully across. A really rivetting play which makes you laugh and think at the same time. And the best part is that you just can’t stop applauding.

A treat for the theater lover. Not to be missed at any cost.
Aditya Chauhan, CEO, Pelican Entertainment said, “Theatre is that moon in my past which will glitter throughout my life no matter what profession I pursue. It is something that will help you to explore your personality better and I guess this could also be the reason that people after doing theater even for once can never really get detached of it.”

Lets Meet AADAR MALIK- The Country’s First and Only Stand Up Musician

The stage, the camera and the mic have been familiar territory for Aadar Malik from an early age of seven. And today, as he is one shy from thirty, he has accomplished more than most performing artistes could ever imagine in their entire career.

Actor, musician, singer and stand-up comedian, Aadar is a one man army who thinks of the stage as his second home. One of the country’s most sought after stand-up comedians; he has performed in multiple cities in front of packed audiences of all age groups curating his content that has them in splits. His satirical song about his pet goat won the bronze medal at the Worldwide Comedy Short Film Festival in London.

Besides his solo performances, he is also a part of the comedy ensemble SnG Comedy that have together performed enumerable improvisational comedy and stand-up comedy shows. They are a regular at The Comedy Story, Laugh Factory in Mumbai.

One of the country’s most popular YouTuber, Aadar’s original comedy ranges from music/ parodies, satirical sketch comedy to live stand-up comedy videos. With over a million views on most of his digital content, his fan base ranges from teenagers to grannies – something that Aadar didn’t expect. Little did he know, everyone loves to laugh and he has his way of hitting the right chord with every age bracket!

A trained singer from Trinity College, London, Aadar also plays the guitar and the piano with equal finesse. And this year, Aadar brings all forms on talent on a single platform is a one man musical comedy show, The Sound of Comedy will showcase him singing live (lyrics that are comic in nature), playing the grand piano (yes you read that right) amongst other musical instruments and will entertain the audience like never before. This is the first of its kind show in India. Stand up – The Musical is also a part of Amazon Prime’s Comedy Special from India!

Here are some questions he answered exclusively for Ikreate, read along

Ikreate: First of all please tell us about Stand Up Musical as a concept

Aadar: It’s the first time someone has tried to blend music and comedy to this degree. It’s my songs, they are stupid songs with foolish lyrics, tedha hai par mera hai. Musical standup comedy is an extremely new concept here and I’m trying my best to make the audience ease into the fact that this can exist. Full fledged songs that are not parodies can be funny, and be musically impressive.


Ikreate: You are a trained singer, then how come you started performing stand up comedy

Aadar: I trained at music for a very long time. But I had severe stage fright, I took and acting class to get over it and realized I’m better at this. I was playing a standup comedian in a play and that character has since been in development. He is tweaked and changed after every show and every video. I may never be satisfied with him. I have finally become and Indian parent.


Ikreate: Tell us something about your struggle days

Aadar: Yes last week was particularly tough. It’s still a struggle. No magic has happened. We do not live in mansions and bathe in gold. I’m very thankful that when my parents are asked what their son does for a living, they don’t have to explain the origin of standup comedy to neighbors.


Ikreate: Whats your inspiration, how do you prepare yourself before a show

Aadar: This might just be the worst show I will perform, but its ok. No! thats a lie, I can’t afford the worst show ever, it’ll destroy years of work. So you better make it good. That’s enough to psyche the hell out of anyone.


Ikreate: How much of your show is a preparation, and how much is spontaneous.

Aadar: I like to write every word perfectly and then improvise on stage. But then there are the days when you just go, why not and walk on stage with just an idea. It changes from show to show. Now I do complete shows that are improvised.


Ikreate: Have you faced criticism, how have you dealt with it.

Aadar: Yes. I wake up to YouTube comments of “kill yourself!” I take solace in the fact that a critic is just a sorry human being who never really put himself on the line. There are people whose opinion I respect and I will listen carefully to them. Other than that any person who’s seen 7 standup comedy videos online thinks he/she is a connoisseur of comedy. Those are the worst. These are people who will try to look down upon a fart joke. To quote Louis c.k., “You don’t have to be smart to laugh at farts, but you have to be stupid not to.”


Ikreate: Tell us something about your family, did they approve of your choices

Aadar: They didn’t know what I was doing until they saw me on stage. My father still doesn’t. His opinion is, if the audience is liking, it you’ll be alright. My mom is like a real Indian mom, my son is doing good whatever it is.


Ikreate: Who is your biggest critic and your biggest support system

Aadar: My family is both. Anyone else can take a hike.


Ikreate: Where do you see yourself 5 years from now

Aadar: If I do my job right? Jail.


Ikreate: Whats been your most memorable show

Aadar: The first time I managed to get an applause break. I’d had plenty of those while performing plays, but this one was all mine. Written by me, performed by me. It was an open mic at a tiny restaurant. And another comedian won. But I went back home with a career. I really don’t know what happened to the other comic. He had a lot of friends in the crowd that night maybe he still entertains them at the office water cooler.


Ikreate: Share an embarrassing moment from any of your shows

Aadar: I have honestly never been embarrassed at a show. Ever. I honestly leave shame backstage when I go up. Once a guy called me ISIS at a show because I made some inter-caste jokes. That’s when a comic of one religion makes jokes about all religions. He was the embarrassed party that night. His fiancée broke up with him that night. More power to her.


Ikreate: Whats a message you would want to share with the aspiring artists

Aadar: Stop reading inspiring messages and go practice.


Ikreate: Success doesn’t come without failure, so can you share one of your failure stories with us

Aadar: Performing for a bunch of drunk corporates where they broke up my 30 min set into 3 parts and had Russian dancers in between my bits. It was so bad that the Russian dancers who didn’t know English were consoling me by the end of the gig. I got two of their phone numbers. But it was in Russian.


Some Rapid Fire

Ikreate: Your favourite singer

Aadar: Adele.

Ikreate: Your favourite stand up artist

Aadar: Let’s not.

Ikreate: Who do you consider your idol

Aadar: My dog.

Ikreate: Your relationship status

She called me Bhaiyya.

Ikreate: Your favoutrite food

Aadar: Ice cream.

Ikreate: When you are not performing, you are…?

Aadar: Netflix and chill.

Ikreate: Your favourite holiday spot

Aadar: Bed.

Ikreate: Whats the worst thing you have ever put in your mouth

Aadar: Cricket.

Ikreate: You like to eat…

Aadar: Alot.

Ikreate: Beaches or hills, whats your favourite

Aadar: Beach.

And here are some of his acts for you to enjoy!


Thanks Aadar for taking time out and having a great conversation with us, wishing you all the luck for your future endeavours!


Red Hot chili Peppers to play in India – Let’s make it happen!

How many times has it happened that we’ve madly hoped, prayed, for our favorite international artist or band to perform in India? How many times has it materialized ? How many times do concerts cancel right before the event date?

Remember the cancellation of Bryan Adams event in Delhi back in year 2011, Korn in Mumbai was cancelled in 2012, David Guetta in Bengaluru in 2017? None were cancelled because tickets were not sold. Various realities have scared Indian Music promoters from taking risks and bringing India’s favorite International artists to perform live.

Wanting to make a dream come true, to watch a favourite international artist in India, made two veteran entrepreneurs and music lovers, Kabir Bhasin (co-founder of Furlenco) and Kanishka Sharma (Ex-Flipkart), come up with an idea. This idea is called Fanagig.

The idea is simple. If they themselves are willing to pay to watch their favourite band perform in India, then there must be a few thousand more that would put money down for the same band? If yes, then the concept Fan-A-Gig will be a break through platform to revolutionize the whole live music scene in India!

How does Fan-A-Gig work?

Prerequisite: You are a fan of live music.

All you have to do is go to www.fanagig.com, browse existing campaigns and vote for the one (or more) bands you love. Your support, your vote, will go a long way in making the dream come true.

Votes must reach the goal before Fanagig will take the next step.

If your favorite artist is not in the on-going campaign list, then Fan-A-Gig gives you an option to create your own campaign.

Share campaigns through your social media, get other fans to vote and watch the magic happen.

Once there are sufficient votes, Fan-A-Gig then does the rest of the work for you. After that, all you have to do is pay for your ticket and pack your bag for the concert of your dreams!

Sign up for the cause! Bring the revolution! Let’s make a change! Let’s spread the word and make sure every Indian fan gets the chance of enjoying their artist perform live .

And wait, we are not just talking about big international bands like Red Hot Chili Peppers, Black Eyed Peas or The Cranberries but also great Indian bands like Indus Creed, Parikrama, Raftaar or Badshah! Since it’s about music, there are no boundaries of genres. There is something for every fan. All you need to do is sign up or run a campaign and get this going.

World’s Best Classic Movies Festival by Navrasa Duende

Navrasa Duende, decoded means Navrasa, the nine rasas of art and Duende the quality of passion and inspiration.

Holds true for their Founder Dinesh B.Singh who is a veteran in the business arena and a true patron of art in ant form. His undying love for arts led him to the concept of Navrasa Duende and his never ending urge not only to follow art but also to bring it for the Global audience to partake and experience the various forms of art from across the Globe. It is his endeavor to promote commercial and niche arts from around the world. Navrasa Duende being the first step in this direction.

Recently Navrasa Duende organised a classic movies festival where in classics by two famous directors of that time were shown. The chosen directors were Alfred Hitchcock and Frank Capra.

It was a two day festival and each day, one movie of each directors was shown. I chose the first day of the festival and also the first film, The Man Who Knew Too Much by Alfred Hitchcock. It truly was a trip down the memory lane. Such a pleasant experience witnessing old time classics. The beauty about the movie was its surprising repeat value much appreciated by the audiences present.

A really commendable effort by Navrasa Duende, who have lots more to offer in the near future.  One of the most promising upcoming venture by Navrasa Duende is the Global Carnival, an amalgamation of Dance, Theatre, Visual Arts, Music, Fashion and much more. I am really looking forward to this one. Stat tuned on their Facebook page to get regular updates of events organised by them.

All the best wishes to team Navrasa Duende may they succeed in this most wonderful endeavor and bring the best of Global talent for the art lovers.

Anarchy Hosts Acting School Launch!

All roads lead to this popular club in Andheri West through the week. Anarchy is the latest entrant in that party sector and has become a favorite amongst party goers for their aesthetically designed interiors, buzzing bar and an amazing line up of DJs.

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Last week, we spotted some known faces from Bollywood and the Television industry for an acting school launch event at Anarchy.  Deepshika, who has been part of the industry for quite sometime launched her latest venture an acting school to enable people to pursue their passion for acting.Switching between conversations, dance floor and the bar; they were seen enjoying themselves at this do.

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The event saw the likes of Deepshikha Nagpal, Vindu Dara Singh & Dina Umarova, Kashmira Shah & Krishna Abhishek, Rohit Verma, Rahul Mahajan, Tanaaz & Bakhtyaar, Poonam Dhillon, Terence Lewis, Ayub Khan and many more.

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Raveena Tandon attended wedding celebrations of Dr Swati Srivastava & Dr Riddhesh Jani


Wedding Season..Latest Trends.. and whats best when you get to see what the bollywood divas are wearing this wedding season.. so here is an exclusive glimpse.. read on

This week saw the coming together of talent and passion. Highly specialised dermato-cosmotologist Dr. Swati Srivastava tied the knot with leading nutritionist Dr. Riddhesh Jani. The mehandi and wedding ceremonies were an extremely intimate affair. The guest list was restricted to close friends and family. Seen at these elegant and tasteful gatherings were Raveena Tandon & Anil Thadani, Eijaz Khan, Simple Kaur, Mr and Mrs Keki Mistry and daughter Tinaz, Natalie di luccio, Sangeeta & Sachin Ahir,  Anu Ranjan and many more. Check out the pics to see who rocked the traditional look and how..

Shahrukh Khan Launches The Raees Trailer With UFO Moviez Across 10 Cities Simultaneously..!!

Digital Era saw yet another path breaking initiativeby UFO Moviez. The world’s first-ever Big Screen trailer launch of movie ‘Raees’ on 7th December 2016 mesmerized audiences in 10 theatres across Mumbai, Delhi, Indore, Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Surat and Moga, thanks to UFO Moviez’slatest initiative ‘Curtain Raiser’.Curtain Raiser enabled King Khan to launch the much-awaited Raees Trailer simultaneously in the theatres and gave him an opportunity to interact live with audience on Big Screen. The platform –‘Curtain Raiser’, introduced by UFO Moviez, empowers a brand to interact live with audiences across their network of over 5000 screens.

The remarkable affair began mid-morning with a brief introduction of UFO Moviez, the initiative and release of thrilling trailer of “Raees”. The Baadshah of Bollywood, Shahrukh Khan, stationed at UFO Moviez’s central studio, interacted with the audiences for an hour, with fans fervently asking for more. The audience sitting in theatres in the selected 10 cities could see and interact with the actor himself. The staggering enormity of the initiative truly came across when viewers at one location could hear those at another, while they interacted with Mr Khan.

With King Khan live on screen in virtually every big city, all eyes were locked on the event. With this phenomenal event, UFO Moviez has ignited a spark that will provoke a revolution in the digital wave of Indian cinema. The name of the theatres participated for the interactive session are Mumbai – Gold Cinemas (Milan Mall), Moga (Punjab) – Neelam Nova Cinemaz, Jaipur – Golcha Cinema (Nile), Kolkata – Menoka Cinema,Delhi – Delite Theatre, Indore – Madhu Milan Cinema, Hyderabad– VenkatramanaMegaplexAhmedabad – City Gold Ashram Road, Bengaluru – Q Cinemas, and Surat – DR World (INOX).

A first of its kind, the launch really garnered great excitement. I was one of the lucky few to experience it first hand at the Delite Cinema, Delhi.

The media was there in full strength and one could feel the underlying excitement of the Launch.
There was a continuous chorus of Shahrukh, Shahrukh very spontaneously orchestrated by DJ Raunaq of 93.5 FM, radio partners of Raees. Huge cheers went up as the screen showed up the launch of the trailer.
If the trailer is anything to go by and the sheer vociferous welcome and applaud by the audiences the movie has certainly risen the expectations from this King Khan starrer.

As Shahrukh appeared live on the screen for interaction,the crowd frenzy was something to see. As always Shahrukh was at his wittiest best and interacted with the audience as only he can do. Answering each question in his own inimitable way Shahrukh won the hearts of everyone. His charisma remains unbeaten and no one can come even closer to the aura and magic that he creates with people.

Here is a glimpse of madness and screams that you can hear, the moment this man walks in..this craze is enigmatic..

Founder & Managing Director of UFO Moviez, Sanjay Gaikwad, said on the initiative: -“It was great to execute and present the World’s first-ever Interactive Big Screen Trailer Launch. We are glad that through ‘Curtain Raiser’, the King of Bollywood, ‘Shah Rukh Khan’, was able to interact live with audiences in 10 theatres through the Big Screen while audiences across UFO  screens enjoyed this exhilarating event live on-screen. The audience response to the event was astounding. We are delightedwith the commencement of our platform ‘Curtain Raiser’ and hope to see the same overwhelming response in the future.As India’s largest digital cinema distribution network and in-cinema advertising platform, UFO Moviez takes pridein emerging as the leaders of the new digital era.”

Commenting on the initiative, Veteran Producer – Distributor Mr Pahlaj Nihalani, and President of Movie Image Makers said, – I am really impressed with UFO’s latest initiative ‘Curtain Raiser’. The LIVE promotion vide the digital technology encourages additional footfalls at the cinemas many of which are going through low occupancy. It was a real gratifying experience for the cinema audience as it brought them closer to their stars and gave them an opportunity to interact with them. This kind of innovative promotions will help enhance revenues for the entertainment industry.

Commenting on the Raees Trailer Launch on UFO’s Curtain Raiser, the film’s Producer, Mr. Ritesh Sidhwani, said, “The trailer of the film has released in as many as 3,500 screens Pan India. The launch is a revolutionary concept which has helped us reach out to a larger audience and celebrate the movie goer in its purest form through the advanced technology of UFO Moviez. We have had a fantastic association, and hope to collaborate on future projects that bring innovation and excitement to the theatre going audiences.”

The trailer has already broken records of it having fastest 10 million views in just about 3.5 hours . It just shows the kind of opening we can expect from the movie. In case you have missed it, here is the trailer

About UFO Moviez India Ltd: (www.ufomoviez.com)

UFO Moviez India Limited is India’s largest digital cinema distribution network and in-cinema advertising platform in terms of number of screens. UFO operates India’s largest satellite-based, digital cinema distribution network using its UFO-M4 platform, as well as India’s largest D-Cinema network.  As on September 30, 2016, our global network, along with our subsidiaries and associates, spans 6,730 screens worldwide, including 5,055 screens across India & Nepal and 1,675 screens across the Middle East (UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Lebanon and Jordan), Israel, Mexico and the USA serviced by our subsidiary Scrabble Entertainment Ltd..UFO’s digitization and delivery model has been a key driver of extensive digitization of Indian cinemas and has enabled wide-spread, same day release of movies across India. UFO adds value to all stakeholders in the movie value chain, spanning movie producers, distributors, exhibitors, and the cinema-going audience. UFO provides value to movie producers and distributors by reducing distribution costs, providing reach to a wide network, providing a faster method of delivery of content and reducing piracy through encryption and other security measures. We provide value to movie exhibitors throughout India by providing access to first day release of movies on our digital platform. Audiences benefit from faster access to new movie releases and a consistently high quality viewing experience. UFO has created a pan India, high impact in-cinema advertising platform with generally long-term advertising rights to 3,748 screens, with an aggregate seating capacity of approximately 1.76 million viewers and a reach of 1,906 locations across India, as on September 30, 2016. UFO’s in-cinema advertising platform enables advertisers to reach a targeted, captive audience with high flexibility and control over the advertising process. UFO’s in-cinema advertising platform also allows small exhibitors who otherwise are not able to effectively monetize their advertising inventory due to their limited scale and reach to receive a greater share of advertisement revenue than they are able to using traditional advertising methods.



The launch was a grand affair with Sanath Jayasurya launching the book. Author of book Kapil Pathare read Yuvraj Singh’s chapter where he spoke in depth about his journey. After the chapter reading Sanath Jayasurya addressed the media & spoke a few words about the book & Kapil Pathare.


The launch saw the presence of- Sanjeev Kapoor, Munisha Khatwani, Jyoti Saxena, Aneel Murarka, Garima Pandey, DJ Sheizwood, Manpreet Arora, Hansa Singh & Harsha Bhatkal and many more. RJ Archana who anchored the show wore a beautiful gown by designer duo Bhumika & Jyoti.  

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It isn’t surprising that a sport that goes on for days, often without result, inspires this much writing.  “A book is your best visiting card” says Author, Biker & Entrepreneur Kapil Pathare who launched his book “A Tall Order” which traces the cricketing careers of ten best cricketers from India in the last 25 years. The book is an account of a golden era in Indian cricket. A galaxy of stars descended on the cricket field , shone like never before and left us with over lasting memories. Each of these men brought laurels to India in their unique ways “The book echoes about the lives of 10 extra ordinary cricketers. Their contribution to the sport has made the country what it is today. Together these 10 cricketers have fashioned the fortunes of cricket in the country. We have never been as blessed as we have been in the last 25 years thanks to these gentlemen. This truly is the league of extraordinary gentlemen for Indian cricket because it has raised the standards of the sport in the country and gained the country enough respect worldwide. The book is dedicated to my late father Mr. Jaykumar Pathare”


Sanath Jayasurya says “I am so happy to be a part of this launch. A Srilankan cricketer who comes & launches a book which talks about ten cricket legends of the country & to really do this is overwhelming. I wish Kapil all the best for the book and his future


“These cricketers have impacted lives of us all as they have carved out a niche for themselves in the cricketing landscape. These cricketers have been at the forefront of a revolution that has engulfed world cricket thanks to their achievements. The fact that cricket is still surviving as a sport is because of the impact these gentlemen have made on cricket and helped create an economy. This book hopes to do justice to the work put in by these gentlemen  in front of our eyes in the last 25 years” says Kapil Pathare whose moto is plain and simple – Live Life every day as if it’s your last. No wonder, his enigmatic personality attracts people and the limelight wherever he goes.


Kapil Pathare has penned his success story not just by his sheer corporate skills but quite literally as an established author. His first book was ideated on a cricket pitch when he saw the Indian cricket team in a huddle “What if cricket and management can be interlinked. After all, cricket is more of a mind game and strategy sport. If one draws the right strategies from cricket, they can be used on the corporate pitch as well. More so, for budding entrepreneurs, start-ups and women in the corporate world who did not watch cricket but were really good at their management skills”

The book features- Sachin Tendulkar, Anil  Kumble, Sourav Ganguly, Rahul Dravid, VVS  Laxman, Harbhajan Singh, Virendra  Sehwag, Zaheer Khan, Yuvraj Singh, MS Dhoni. You can read the review here .



Our history of overseas record actually saw a positive turn in the era that we all played together. What we seeing now is progression of what our era achieved – Zaheer Khan.

I have been fortunate as a player and as chairman of selectors for having seen from close quarters there extraordinary cricketers – Kiran More.

It was really great for Indian cricket that we all were at the peak of our powers at the same time – Harbhajan Singh.

Need a cool WhatsApp Status.. Check This Out…!!

We all know this is the generation who expresses its deepest emotions through status messages on Facebook and WhatsApp, but sometimes finding the correct words to showcase your innermost feelings becomes a challenge. You know what to say but don’t find the right words, so what do you do..?


Well Well, www.whatsstaus.com, has understood the plight of the youth and have come up with this interesting site which uploads new status everyday. Also they are more interesting because they have a two-way communication, where in a person can also write status messages for them and earn too, isn’t that a really cool deal. And if you are not a writer, don’t worry, a panel of more than 250 writers, have put in status messages under 60 categories for you to choose from. So whether you are happy, sad, in love, heart broken, or in a funny mood, their is a wide choice of status messages for you under each category.

“My love is a commerce based on single entry system”

“If you live in future, you will be anxious or have expectations or will have fear. To overcome all these, live in the present moment.”

“Expectations kills joy. For complete happiness, accept people and situations the way they are. Do not have any expectations.”

These are some of the interesting status messages that I came across on the site and I am sure there is a lot to explore as they have already published around 6000 status messages.


So what are you waiting for, log on to www.whatsstatus.com and give your friends a solid competition when it comes to putting unique status messages. I am sure they would all want to know your secret to great messages.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Copyright @ikreatepassions 2024
Goa, India