Day: June 27, 2017

Health? It’s Only Skin Deep!


Our skin is the one sure sign of age. There is nothing worse than looking older than your age and looking after our skin, and our body is the best way of fighting off old age. Eating processed foods and indulging in bad habits over the years will do a lot of damage outside and in, but here are some easy and effective methods to looking after your skin and reversing the clock.

Losing Weight

If you carry the unaffectionately named “spare tire” around your belly, losing it is always one of the best places to begin to help you look and feel younger. There are plenty of ways to do it, from eating the right foods to methods like cold laser fat reduction treatment and making sure you exercise, but the best thing is to have a combination of methods with the right lifestyle choices. A diet always sounds like a temporary measure, but it’s a lifestyle choice you need to make so you can keep the weight off. The effects of excess fat increase stretch marks, and if you find yourself with more stretch marks post weight loss, then having a diet rich in collagen will help you to regain that elasticity. Collagen is found in heavy amounts in foods like bone marrow, so you can make a healthy bone broth to drink, or make into gravy using the bones of the animal.

Reducing Stress

Not an easy thing to do in the modern world, but stress will show up in lines on your face and inside too. Too little stress is bad, but too much stress can result in elevated levels of cortisol which will impact on your ability to grow muscle and put you in a constant state of anxiety. We can all do with giving our lives a makeover to give our skin a makeover! By learning stress-controlling techniques that work for you, you can begin to make your life, overall, a better one and by cutting down on unnecessary extra activities and begin to focus on what makes you happy it will have a massive benefit, inside and out.


Recharging isn’t just about getting the right amount of sleep, but it’s about understanding when to take a step back and get a mental break or physical break from things. As mentioned, stress is the big one to cut back on, and by making sure you can recover in ways that benefit you, you will be a much healthier person inside and out. Exercise is a very basic way to rejuvenate and to encourage the body to perspire, getting rid of toxins, but you can also find ways to cleanse your body by detoxifying. And this can be by having a glass of water with a bit of lemon in the morning, or by engaging in activities that reduce stress and anxiety, such as yoga or Pilates. But while one of these methods will work, it’s best to try a combination, and combined with a healthy diet, you will be cleansed, and it will show on your face.



Push Past The Marathon Pain With These Awesome Running Tips


Running a marathon ain’t easy. Even the most experienced runners will tell you that getting to the finish line is a very tough challenge, and you will certainly need to put in enough training to be able to get there. Not only that, though, but you also need to come up with a plan to push through all the pain when it hits. And we’re talking physical and mental pain!

You can reduce the amount of physical pain you experience with sufficient practice. However, the mental pain is something that can be problematic. But as long as you follow these awesome running tips, you shouldn’t struggle with it too much!

Forget Pre-Race Nerves

Pre-race nerves can really mess with a runner’s mentality before the race. If the nerves really get to you, they could scupper your chances of beating your personal best. It is very important that you try to stay relaxed right before the race so that you can forget all about your nerves. One way to ditch the nerves is to focus on your strengths and what makes you a good runner. That way, you won’t be thinking about the different ways things could go wrong!

Use The Best Source Of Energy

If your body doesn’t get the right energy to burn during the marathon, there is no way it is going to make it to the end. But getting the right energy can help reduce the physical pain, which will help you stay motivated and focused throughout the race. Carbohydrates and sugars are packed full of energy and protein is necessary to help the body repair itself. Most runners pack a load of these food groups into their meals the day before the marathon. As well as preloading, you will be able to buy energy supplements that you can take during the race.


Think Of Pain Positively

Ok, so this might sound very hard to do, but if you manage to think of pain in a positive light, then it won’t bother you half as much. Try to connect your pain to a positive thought, as you will then feel it a lot less. Once you start to think all of the usual negative thoughts when you first feel the pain, it will make it a lot worse than what it actually is.

Keep The Finish In Mind

When you are running and start to feel the pain build up, you should start to think of the payoff that is waiting for you at the finish line. Once you cross the line, it will all be over, and you will have certainly achieved something amazing! Not only will you have completed a marathon but you might also be able to beat your personal best! Keep thinking of this personal achievement and all the joy you will feel once you are finished.

No one said running a marathon was going to be completely painless but, hopefully, this guide will help you push past it all!

Good luck with your next marathon!


Rocks To Rock At Rock Bottom Prices

Most girls love to adorn their bodies with beautiful stones and precious metals. Jewelry has been part and parcel of many cultures, throughout time. Today, among modern societies and developing places alike, you’ll find this sort of bodily decoration to be extremely popular. In the recent past, these items would be too expensive for most people to own. But, in recent times, they’ve become much cheaper. This means that for those willing to are willing compromise on diamonds or other expensive stones, real bargains can be found. To help you with this, this post will be going through some of the best gems and rocks for visual and wallet appeal.

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A lot of people like expensive stones because they have very interesting visual features. For example, light dances within a diamond differently to any other stone. And, this gives it a very unique look. But, a stone’s price doesn’t dictate how special it is. In the case of the Tiger’s Eye, you’ll be surprised to see how beautiful a cheap stone can be. Usually, this rock is a mixture of light and dark shades of grey, in formations which almost look like strands. It looks best with a highly polished finish. And, it can be applied to almost any sort of jewelry to look nice. It’s rare to find such a fascinating stone of these colors.

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For some, the Tiger’s Eye may not seem girly enough. And, although it is elegant, it makes sense that it might not be everyone’s thing. A rose quartz is a very different stone to a Tiger’s Eye. This sort of stone is, as its name suggests, pink. These stones grow in crystalline structures, with great detail and precise lines. But, they can also be polished to shine and look smooth. Like a Tiger’s Eye, this sort of stone is great within any sort of jewelry. A local jeweler should be able to help you to find this sort of stone. And, they may even be able to suggest some for you.

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This next rock isn’t actually a rock. Instead, it’s part of a natural process used by oysters and a few other types of mollusk. When a foreign object, like a grain of sand, enters the oyster’s, it has to protect itself against infection or damage. To do this, it creates a smooth shell around the object. And, this is the pearl you wear. These jewels of the ocean have been commonplace in most societies with ties to the sea. And, they can be found in the highest of society out there. The best sort of options for a stone like this are things like handmade pearl earrings or necklaces. A lot of the examples you find from automated factories are made using substandard pearls to lower their price.

Hopefully, this will inspire you to start saving some money on the rocks you wear. A lot of people like to use this sort of accessory to add some color to their outfit. It gives you the chance to make something more interesting. Or, you can use it as an accent to the clothing you already have.




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