Tag: Beauty

Don’t Turn A Blind Eye To Eye Wrinkles

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Are you starting to get wrinkles around the eyes? None of us want to have eye bags and crow’s feet – whilst they may be a natural sign of aging later on in life, many factors can cause us to develop these wrinkles earlier. Here are several ways to combat eye wrinkles.


Stop smoking


Smoking effects the skin in many ways – preventing the flow of oxygen to the surface and causing it to become pale and dry. Smoking also causes facial wrinkles due to the smoke and heat. Packing in your smoking habit could help to fight those eye-wrinkles. You could buy yourself an electronic cigarette from a site like Vapor Vanity and take up vaping instead. Alternatively, you could find another way of giving up smoking such as chewing gum or wearing patches.


Get more sleep


A lack of sleep causes bags to develop under the eyes. This is the result of trapped fluid – when we get enough sleep this fluid is flushed out. Taking steps to improve your sleep quality could help to prevent these bags turning into permanent wrinkles.




Stress can directly lead to a lack of sleep, helping to bring on bags under the eyes. By taking time to destress before you go to bed, you could get a better quality of sleep. This could include taking a hot bath or listening to music or reading a book. You should avoid activities involving bright screens such as watching TV or playing on your phone as these can trick our brains into thinking it’s still daytime, preventing the release of melatonin.


Wear shades in the sun


Squinting in the sun can cause eye wrinkles to develop known as crow’s feet. Wearing shades could help to stop you from squinting and prevent these wrinkles from developing. Not all sunglasses are tinted enough to make a difference, so try different pairs of shades to find that you can see through without squinting.


Stop squinting at the computer screen


If you find yourself squinting at your computer screen often, it could be because the light on your screen doesn’t match the light of your environment. This could include staring at a bright screen in the dark or having to deal with sun glare when working outside on a laptop. Programmes such as Flux can help to adjust the brightness of your screen to the time of day, preventing you from squinting and helping you to sleep better.




Wrinkling can often be caused by dry skin. Applying moisturiser to your face could help to combat wrinkles by providing the necessary oils into your skin. There are even products out there designed specifically to target eye wrinkles such as Skinceuticals A.G.E. Eye Complex. Experiment with these products and see if they make a difference.


4 Skincare Myths That Aren’t True (But You Probably Believe!)

Have you ever been told certain things about your skin, and then believed them for many years? If so, then this article will be a bit of an eye-opener for you! The fact of the matter is; there are loads of skincare myths out there in the health & beauty world. So many people make bold claims without any evidence backing them up. Other people share this information, and it ends up being common knowledge that everyone believes.


Well, now’s your chance to find out if you’ve been lied to your whole life! Here are some common skincare myths that aren’t true, but you’ve believed they are for many years.


Your Skin Is Dry Because It’s Not Hydrated Properly

If you complain to someone about dry skin, they’ll probably tell you its because your skin cells aren’t getting enough hydration. We have a high percentage of water in our body, and your skin isn’t getting enough of it. To solve this problem, you need to hydrate yourself better by drinking more water and using a hydrating moisturizer. Thus, your skin will no longer be dry, and you can happily rejoice.


Is this the truth?


No, and it’s a very common thing for people to believe. The key problem here is that dry skin is not the same as dehydrated skin. Dry skin occurs because of problems with your hormones, which mean you don’t produce natural oils to lubricate your skin. You may be fully hydrated, but the oils just aren’t there, causing dry skin. The issue described above is dehydrated skin, which is completely different. It feels like your skin is dry, but that’s because you aren’t getting enough water. The treatment for dry skin is completely different as you need to target your oils. This comes in the form of oil-based moisturizers and lotions. So, if you have dry skin and are wondering why drinking more water and using a hydrating moisturizer isn’t working, it’s because you’re tackling the wrong problem!

You Need Specific Products For Different Parts Of Your Skin

Let’s say you wake up and have wrinkles on your forehead and crow’s feet at the edge of your eyes. Or, you start to notice wrinkles appearing on your elbows as well as your knees. You want to get rid of these wrinkles, so you go out and buy multiple skin care products. There’s one for crows feet, one for your forehead, one for cheek wrinkles, one for neck wrinkles, and one for your body. If you want to see results, you need these specific products that target the specific areas. Now, you can enjoy smooth, tight skin, once more.


Is this the truth?


No, it’s not. A lot of people assume that you need a cream designed for your face to get rid of face wrinkles, and one for your body to get rid of them there. In reality, all you need is a cream or ointment that includes a de-wrinkling agent. If the product has something that’s proven to fight wrinkles, then it will fight wrinkles no matter where they are. The same goes for any other skin problems you might have. Using a body moisturizer on your face will still moisturize your face! So, don’t assume you have to use special products specifically for body parts, they’re often overpriced, and you can just use a general product instead.

Makeups Containing SPF Can Be Used Instead Of Sunscreen

It’s a sunny day, and you’re getting ready to leave the house and go out. You’ve applied sunscreen to your body, but you’ve left out your face. Why? Because the moisturizer you used contains SPF, as does the foundation you applied. So, that’s all the SPF protection you need, meaning there’s no need for sunscreen. Your face is protected thanks to that lovely layer of makeup.

Is this the truth?

Once again; no, it’s not. While it’s true that a lot of makeup products – particularly foundations, contain SPF, this doesn’t really mean much. At the very most, you get a slither of protection from the sun’s rays. Experts have done the calculations, and they’ve seen that the SPF rating on foundation, and other makeup products, usually refers to how much is in a certain amount. Unsurprisingly, this amount is nowhere near what the average person puts on their face. In reality, you need to apply about ten times as much foundation before you see that SPF rating. Don’t assume your face is protected by SPF foundation, sunscreen is the best way forward.


High SPF Rated Sunscreen Protects You The Best

When you’re choosing a sunscreen for a holiday, you usually look at the SPF number. The higher, the better, right? If you get something with SPF 50, then it’ll protect your skin better than something with SPF 30 or lower. So, all you have to do is selected the highest number for maximum protection.

Is this the truth?

You guessed it; nope, it’s a lie! You see, many people assume that sunscreen protects you from all the harmful UV rays from the sun. But, most of us are unaware that there are multiple UV rays. UVA rays are the ones that give us a nice tan, while UVB are the ones that burn and damage our skin. When you see the SPF rating on a product, it only refers to UVB protection. Therefore, you may not be fully protected from UV rays as the UVA protection could be absent. In reality, an SPF 30 product – that also protects from UVA rays – is better than an SPF 50 with no UVA protection. Of course, if you have two products, both with UVA/UVB protection, then the higher rating wins. But, always make sure you look past the numbers first, to ensure the dual protection is there.

I don’t like to call people names, but you’re a straight up liar if you say you didn’t believe these myths before I busted them! They’re common things that a lot of us believe, but hopefully, some light has been shed, and you now know the truth!



Breaking Out: Controlling Sudden Facial Outbursts

You’re off to a party or going to meet your in-laws for the holidays, and you wake up to find something has happened to your face. Here you were ready to get going only to see you have some form of facial outburst. An outburst could be acne, eczema, infected eyes, dry eyebrows, swollen cheeks, toothache and even an inflamed nose cartilage. Our faces are very important as they are the most distinctive symbol of our identity. When something happens to us facially, we can’t hide it, and we have to bare the embarrassing situation. You may find that women put on makeup to hide flaws such as spots and blotchy skin, and men grow beards to hide from much the same thing. However running away from the concern isn’t going to make it go away indefinitely. You have to take charge of the situation right then, and there are perform measures that will alleviate the problem quickly and effectively.

Image by Kjerstin_Michaela 

Sudden acne or spot breakout

If you’re in your teenage years or just getting into your early twenties, your body is still producing a lot of hormones. Your skin is going to be more sensitive and easy to break than usual and thus more susceptible to infections. Firstly if you see you have lumps and white spots on your face in the morning, it’s time to throw your pillowcase in the laundry as bacteria has caused this flare up. Try and be prepared for this situation with the best aloe vera natural skin creams that you can buy. Don’t use chemical-based creams as your skin might not react to the compounds as the product might suggest. An acne face scrub is quite an effective way to dampen down the spots that are filled with pus. By exfoliating the skin, you’re rubbing away the dead skin cells and bacteria while also reaching deep into your pores to clean out the infection. Rub in circular motions and only with low to medium pressure. Flaring up of the muscles and glands due to prolonged compression forces will cause your face to swell if you do.

Photo by Free-Photos

Mouth inflammation

Waking up to a toothache can be at first confused with a normal headache. Since the sensory nerves live so close together, it’s easy to be misled by your own nerve endings. However, flaring of the gums is a painful experience as the inside of your mouth becomes red and raw. Again this is due to some kind of infection, and it could be due to a cavity and or even triggered by a loose filling. It’s hard to enough to get an appointment to see your local health services as it is which is why the market of an emergency dentist is alive and well. You can pop in the same day and get treated, no matter if you have a root canal, mere toothache, swollen jaw, issues with crowns and bridges, have a broken tooth that needs fixing and or needs a common extraction. The great thing about this kind of service is that it’s open seven days a week from 9 am all the way to 9 pm so getting an appointment quickly is easy.

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Dry and cracked skin


One of the banes of all humanity is dry skin. The largest organ we possess is also one of the most sensitive. A sudden outburst of dry skin can be linked to many different things. It could be too little or too much moisture in the air which leads to skin secreting too many oils or it drying off the surface. It may also be due to miniature critters such as dust mites that eat dead skin cells and excrete out a substance that causes itching. It may just be because you haven’t been consuming enough water which your body needs not just to lubricate itself but also to maintain temperature. Either way, you need to act quickly but calmly. Firstly do not take a shower or bath as the water and soap will accelerate the drying of your skin. It’s wise to keep some form of moisturizer in ointment form in your room. Creams are mostly made out of the water and thus don’t stay on your skin for very long. Ointments are thicker, and although they take longer to penetrate your skin, they act as both the under and above layer of natural skin oil.

Take care of your body in the first place, and these sudden outbursts will be rare. Even still, reacting to the outburst effectively and quickly is the best form of defense. Dry skin is easy to handle if you have the right kind of treatment so plan ahead. Acne is more circumstantial but vividly a more urgent issue but can be solved with a good natural scrub. Inflammation and or aches in your mouth can be solved with same-day dentistry if you need convenience right away.









Simple Steps To Get Glowing Skin From Head To Toe

Do you often wish your skin was more glowing? Sometimes it can seem like all the products and makeup in the world can’t help you to get that fresh, luminous look that you crave. The key to glowing skin doesn’t come from a miracle product – it’s the work of living a healthy lifestyle and making smart choices about your health. Discover the secrets behind glowing skin with these top tips.

Image: Pexels

Drink more water

So many people fail to drink their recommended daily water intake. It’s easy to do, especially if you’re always rushing around. However, water is one of the best things you can do to boost the appearance of your skin. Water helps keep your skin plumped and hydrated, while other benefits of drinking water include reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles and helping your body flush out toxins that can cause spots and blemishes.


Regular exfoliation can make a huge difference to your skin’s appearance. A good buff will help eliminate dead skin cells, work cleansing products deep into your skin as well as help it to absorb moisturizer better. Using exfoliating treatments and buffing sponges is one of the recommendations from www.cellulite.com to help improve the appearance of cellulite. If you’ve got sensitive skin, avoid harsh exfoliators that could leave your skin red and irritated.

Ease up on the caffeine

While you might need caffeine to function, your coffee habit could be doing more damage to your skin than you realize. Caffeine can have an affect your blood vessels, stopping vital nutrients that help it to produce collagen and therefore prevent aging. See if you can switch to herbal teas instead of your regular coffee to see if it can leave your skin glowing and healthy.


Many women forget to moisturize while others will focus on moisturizing their face and not their body. Moisturizing is important to help your skin lock in moisture and give it a smooth and even appearance. You don’t have to buy an expensive moisturizer to feel the benefits, as even the action of moisturizing helps to promote blood flow or ease aching muscles. If you’re really short on time, try a moisturizing spray or in-shower product that’s perfect for keeping your skin soft and smooth when you’re on the go.

Exercise regularly

Weight gain can affect the appearance of your skin, and an unhealthy diet could be causing your face to appear red and greasy. Taking steps to look after your health through a good diet and exercise will do wonders for your skin, as well as boost your mood and energy levels. Finding time to exercise isn’t always easy, but you could combine exercise and TV so that you can exercise at home without having to take the time to go to the gym. Regular exercise boosts your skin’s blood flow, helping it get what it needs to look healthy.

The secret to glowing skin is all down to you. Make sure you give your skincare routine the attention it deserves and enjoy youthful, luminous skin that makes you happy with what you see in the mirror.




Stop Hiding Your Face With Makeup! Here’s the Right Way to a Glowing Face

Almost all of us know that makeup can do some nasty things to our face, and it takes an extremely long time to apply in most cases. However, we usually need it to look our best and hide imperfections on our face. Sadly, it can become taxing and it’s healthier and more beneficial to improve your skin underneath all of the makeup as well. Removing the reliance on makeup is liberating and can help improve your quality of life and give you more time (and money) to focus on other things than your appearance. So if you want a smooth facial appearance without relying on makeup, here is some advice.


Understand It Takes Time

Achieving a smooth face takes time because there are both health issues that affect it and some treatments don’t give instant results. Exfoliating your face and applying some moisturiser will give you some instant relief and smoother skin, but it won’t do much for things like acne and your diet is going to be one of the main contributing factors that will help you obtain smooth skin not just on your face, but your whole body. Taking good care of your skin is vital, and it all starts from the inside.

Wash at Least Twice Daily 

Washing your face is one of the simplest ways to give yourself a clean complexion, but you need to do it the correct way if you want to achieve the best results. Find a face wash that is suitable for your skin and make sure to wash once when you wake up and another time when you go to bed. It’s a lot faster than applying and removing makeup and it’s a lot better for your skin as well. If you find your face wash to be irritating, stop immediately and try a product that’s more suited for sensitive skin. You might feel like you need to wash more often, but unless you’re working out, sweating a lot or getting a lot of dirt on your face, this isn’t needed and you may even strip your skin of natural oils that help it look smoother.


Using Special Products

You might find that your skin has certain issues that can’t be fixed with just regular washing. For instance, if you’re prone to acne breakouts, then you may want something to help keep your skin cleansed and free from it. If you don’t like your freckles, then you may want to look at beautyambition.com for some freckle removal cream. These need to be incorporated into your skin care routine and depending on what they actually are, you need to choose when to apply them for maximum effect. You don’t want to apply them then wash them out immediately after (unless specified to do so!).

Remember to Moisturise

Make sure you try out different types of moisturisers in order to find your perfect one. Most body moisturisers have facial counterparts that usually work fine because if it works on your body, it should hopefully work on your face too. If you get pimples often, then you may want to try a moisturiser that isn’t too oily that will clog up your skin. If you have extra dry skin, then moisturisers with ingredients such as shea butter and aloe vera will help remedy the problem. This article found at webmd.com will help you pick the right moisturiser for your skin type.

Health? It’s Only Skin Deep!


Our skin is the one sure sign of age. There is nothing worse than looking older than your age and looking after our skin, and our body is the best way of fighting off old age. Eating processed foods and indulging in bad habits over the years will do a lot of damage outside and in, but here are some easy and effective methods to looking after your skin and reversing the clock.

Losing Weight

If you carry the unaffectionately named “spare tire” around your belly, losing it is always one of the best places to begin to help you look and feel younger. There are plenty of ways to do it, from eating the right foods to methods like cold laser fat reduction treatment and making sure you exercise, but the best thing is to have a combination of methods with the right lifestyle choices. A diet always sounds like a temporary measure, but it’s a lifestyle choice you need to make so you can keep the weight off. The effects of excess fat increase stretch marks, and if you find yourself with more stretch marks post weight loss, then having a diet rich in collagen will help you to regain that elasticity. Collagen is found in heavy amounts in foods like bone marrow, so you can make a healthy bone broth to drink, or make into gravy using the bones of the animal.

Reducing Stress

Not an easy thing to do in the modern world, but stress will show up in lines on your face and inside too. Too little stress is bad, but too much stress can result in elevated levels of cortisol which will impact on your ability to grow muscle and put you in a constant state of anxiety. We can all do with giving our lives a makeover to give our skin a makeover! By learning stress-controlling techniques that work for you, you can begin to make your life, overall, a better one and by cutting down on unnecessary extra activities and begin to focus on what makes you happy it will have a massive benefit, inside and out.


Recharging isn’t just about getting the right amount of sleep, but it’s about understanding when to take a step back and get a mental break or physical break from things. As mentioned, stress is the big one to cut back on, and by making sure you can recover in ways that benefit you, you will be a much healthier person inside and out. Exercise is a very basic way to rejuvenate and to encourage the body to perspire, getting rid of toxins, but you can also find ways to cleanse your body by detoxifying. And this can be by having a glass of water with a bit of lemon in the morning, or by engaging in activities that reduce stress and anxiety, such as yoga or Pilates. But while one of these methods will work, it’s best to try a combination, and combined with a healthy diet, you will be cleansed, and it will show on your face.



How To Completely Change Your Look In 4 Steps

Whilst the thought of improving your appearance drastically always sounds like a pipe dream, that’s just the negative voice in your head getting you down. We’re programmed to criticize ourselves; don’t ask me why, but it’s the way things are. Still, you don’t need to put up with that. You don’t need to look in the mirror and sigh as you dream of the way in which you wish you’d look.

Healthiness and happiness should be the motivator to change your appearance and your life in general, so you need to push away vain thoughts. Wanting to look good for shallow reasons is never a good motivator because the negative voice in your head will always find something to say to put you down. You need to change your look for you, and it needs to be for the right reasons. Here are 4 steps to get you on the right track.

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Your body.

Your body is probably your worst enemy, as it is for most women. Our heads are filled with so many conflicting ideas as to what constitutes the perfect body. Some people say we should be as skinny as a rake, but other people say we should have voluptuous curves. It’s an absolute headache, and it’s all rubbish.

You don’t “have to” look any particular way when it comes to your body other than the way you want to look. In fact, to be more exact, you should look the way that makes you feel comfortable. Don’t starve yourself, and don’t over-eat. A healthy body should be your priority because there is no ideal size. If you eat a consistent diet and keep active on a daily basis then you’re doing everything right.

Your face.

Another aspect of your appearance that you want to keep healthy in a practical sense as well as in terms of its appearance on the surface is your face. Frequent moisturizing is crucial to avoid dry, cracked skin, and a clean face is absolutely essential when it comes to avoiding acne and other blemishes. There’s nothing wrong with a little make-up, of course, but try not to let your face become too oily during the day.

Mental health also affects appearance, so through practicing positive thoughts about your appearance you’ll reduce your stress and, in turn, your acne; it’s a positive cycle. You should also be looking after your dental health; your teeth shouldn’t just look white but actually be healthy. Look after your gums, in particular, by flossing and ensure that you brush your teeth two or perhaps even three times a day.

Your fashion.

Ah, fashion. It’s a love-hate relationship. We love pretty clothes, but we hate it when they don’t fit us or we think they don’t look quite right on us. If you’re lacking in confidence with regards to the fashion department then you could go on a shopping spree with your pals so as to have a team of advisors on what looks good or bad. You could also browse through online sites offering sleek and modern dresses for women because you might be selling yourself a bit short with your current wardrobe.

Again, don’t put yourself down; a good fashion sense isn’t some elusive concept that you can’t quite grasp. What’s most likely is that you never had the confidence to wear the pretty dresses or outfits you saw in shops or on other people; you need to rid yourself of these doubts and take a risk. Self-esteem is absolutely the key to changing your overall appearance, as we’ll discuss in the final step…

Your confidence.

This is the final step to looking good. Whether you want to try parting your hair on the other side or completely changing the color of your hair altogether, everything will come together if you just work it. People pick up on positive energy and confidence. You look more attractive when you feel more attractive, so you should be making yourself look the way you want to look; that way, you’ll be happier about your appearance, and this will make you look more attractive to others.

Sanghvi Brands Launches The Luxurious Rossano Ferretti Hairspa At The Manor, New Delhi

Sanghvi Brands announced the launch of the Rossano Ferretti Hair Spa at Zehen at the Manor, New Delhi. Having founded more than 20 salons around the world, Italian born Rossano Ferretti has revolutionized the beauty and hairdressing industry with his novel inclination towards his customers’ individual and natural beauty. Ferretti believes in highlighting and enhancing the inherent beauty in each of his customers, and finds his inspiration in the natural fall of the hair and its individual characteristics. In having stripped down beauty and hairdressing to its most natural, organic elements, Rossano Ferretti has done away with the staged perceptions and norms of beauty in his Hair Spas, and has thus transformed the way people perceive hairdressing and hair salons. This fresh, yet luxurious approach to hairdressing has been termed as “Metodo Rossano Ferretti”, or “The Method.” The Duchess of Cambridge, Jennifer Lawrence, Reese Witherspoon, Dakota Fanning, Monica Bellucci, Vanessa Paradis, Uma Thurman, Kylie Minogue and Elizabeth Hurley, among many others have visited the salons globally.

“The Method”, combined with some of the most beautiful locations in the world including in Hotel de Paris in Monte-Carlo, Four Seasons in Milan and other exclusive hotels in Rome, Madrid, Los Angeles, New York and Paris are two of the principal essentials required for a Rossano Ferretti Hair Spa. This combination gives Rossano Ferretti customers the ultimate, luxuriously customized experience.

Making up the rest of Ferretti’s team are international stylists, Michele Finessi & Laurent Visco, both of whom will be available at The Manor.

Michele Finessi has worked at the Ferretti Hair Spas in Venice, Parma & Beverly Hills. Deriving from Ferretti’s approach, Finessi too, incorporates his client’s personality, personal style, & their facial structure into his ideal look specifically tailored to compliment each person’s unique identity, making them feel and look their most beautiful. Finessi has styled many renowned personalities and has also been a stylist at the Oscars. He is now at The Zehen at The Manor, New Delhi to work his magic in India. Laurent Visco too has worked with many French and International renowned personalities. At the age of 23, Laurent Visco came to India to pursue his passion for hairdressing and has been creating magic with his personal style for the past 10 years.

Commenting on the launch Mr. Darpan Sanghvi, Managing Director, Sanghvi Brands says, “We are truly excited to bring Rossano Ferretti at The Zehen at the Manor. As one of the world’s most exclusive and expensive HairDressers, the launch of Rossano Ferretti Hairspa truly brings the best of international hairdressing for the discerning residents of New Delhi.”

Commenting on the launch Mr. Rossano Ferretti, Founder & Chairman, Rossano Ferretti says:Our locations are carefully chosen to ensure clients receive a five-star experience from the very moment they enter. We strive to position our salons in buildings that are beautiful, have strong historical ties, and perpetuate our appreciation for art, architecture, design, fashion, and the culinary arts, as well as for the overall notion of refinement that we value within our brand. We’ve waited a long time to find the perfect location in New Delhi and in Zehen at The Manor, the epitome of well-being, we’ve found an exceptional match.”

About Sanghvi Brands

The Sanghvi Group is a global leader in providing lifestyle wellness & beauty services with over 700 employees worldwide. It has created one of South Asia’s largest portfolios of international lifestyle wellness brands with exclusive rights to operate Spa by L’OCCITANE, Spa by Clarins and ELLE Spa in India along with exclusive distribution rights to ELEMIS products in India. The Sanghvi Group has also expanded to the US, Middle East and Indian Ocean with over 60 locations globally. Embracing the advent of technology, The Sanghvi Group has created MyGlamm, which is one of the World’s largest tech enabled doorstep Salon & Spa service provider.

The Face Shop, a top cosmetic & skin care brand from Korea, finds its foothold in India!

Korea brings its revolutionary beauty and skin care brand The Face Shop to India. Though The Face Shop will be officially made available in Indian market through Amazon from October onwards, a sneak peek into the products and their usage was organised for a few bloggers recently at 38 Barracks in CP.

The Face Shop team traveled all the way to India to make this influencer bloggers segment aware of their brand and it’s usps in turn to reach out their target audiences.
Miss Diane Lee, the spokesperson from The Face Shop, explained about the various natural ingredients used in the products and their benefits. The brand definitely boasts of creating a wide range of skincare, hair care and beauty products from over 1,000 natural ingredients such as flowers, grains, plants, fruits, and oriental medicine to nourish and revitalize the skin so that the skin will feel as much nourished from within, as it looks beautiful on the surface. The brands tagline is ‘Natural Story’ derived from this very fact of using natural ingredients in the products.

The company that was launched in 2003, garnered itself a position of top cosmetic companies in the world within just 4 years of inception and from there on the growth story has been tremendous. Today the brand has its presence in more than 34 countries with 2900+ stores across the globe.
The bloggers meet not only addressed the audience to make them aware of the brand launch in India, but also brought in Shawn Kin, the make up expert from Korea who has been associated with top names exhibiting his make up skills for more than 20 years now.
Shawn shared his make up demo live with the audience, explaining the details of right make up art and things to avoid. Starting from how to go about applying the base before make up, to the right way of shaping the brows, from using the concealer to applying eye shadow and liner to give the eyes a subtle or even a cat look, from how to use the blusher and the correct way of putting lipstick, Shawn casted his spell as he did some quick makeovers and shared his tips keeping in mind the Indian skin tone and textures. It was a delight to watch him as his hands glided from one product to another and one tool to the next creating the perfect look.
Kim even answered the queries and solved difficulties of people regarding usual make up fails and also helped people with some serious issues on how to achieve that flawless look. For example, a lady volunteered for a makeover and she had a set of unequal eye-lids, because of which she always felt that her eye make up of that particular smaller eyelid is never visible. Kim with his expert advise, not only answered her query, but also demonstrated live how she could get rid of this problem and enjoy a beautiful eye-makeup.
Another useful tip that Kim shared was that while applying lipstick one must apply as if smiling and not as pouting in order to retain the shape of the lips in a perfect smile way.
He also said that if we want softer look, we should use powder blush and for a more serious look, opt for creme blush.
It was indeed a very insightful session and I learnt a lot of tips and tricks about make up and skin care.
Lee also mentioned that coming to India was an obvious choice as Indians have been using natural products for skin care and make up since ancient times and hence it makes their brand much more relevant for the Indian market.
Upon answering my question about brand competition, Lee said that though they assure of high quality of products may be like Bobby Brown in competition, but their prices are very much affordable as they want more and more people to buy and use the products.
Its been a week when I was part of this interactive session, and I got a few products as a kind gesture from The Face Shop and trust me since then I have been only using these products. One of their Star Products, the Chia Seeds Cream is something I am totally in love with. The aroma, the lightness of the gel cream is simply awesome. For someone with oily skin like mine, this is a perfect solution. It hydrates the skin without feeling heavy and sticky.
Their other star products include Cushion, which is an all in one cushion that combines the effects of foundation, skin care and sun block, all in one. It surely is the next level of base make up. But the next star product that I loved is from their Rice Water Bright range, its the cleansing foam and I don’t think I will now use any other cleansing foam for myself, its so good.
Since a week, my lips are only hooked to the Ink Gel Stick by TFS, it glides so smoothly on the lips, is long lasting and has amazing shades. Even the Collagen Ampoule Lipstick is excellent. I have become a huge fan of their product range and I so look forward to their being available online from October onwards so that I can add to my collection and make them a part of daily routine.
I am grateful to The Face Shop for choosing our country as their next stop and I hope and wish their journey continues across the world achieving greater success and making people beautiful inside out.
Keep watching their Facebook Page for regular updates and grab the products as soon as they are available, I am sure you gonna love them.

Health, Fitness, Wellness, Beauty, All Under One Roof at A+ Medi Art

“Health is Wealth” an old saying with a deep meaning. In today’s stressful and fast world, sometimes caring about our health takes a backseat, and this is the reason we see diseases like diabetes, obesity and heart attacks on the rise. Also health has a wide meaning, it means both looking good on the outside and being fit on the inside. Most of the times we end up juggling between health centers and beauty salons trying to meet both the needs but eventually one or the other is left out. But now you can breathe a sigh of relief as A+ Medi Art, a state of the art centre for your health, fitness, wellness and beauty needs opens at Vasant Vihar. At A+Medi Art all your wellness and beauty needs like cosmetic medicine, cosmetic surgery, fitness training, weight management, yoga, ayurveda and beauty therapies are catered to under expert guidance.

Dr. Anup Dhir, a highly trained plastic and cosmetic surgeon with more than 30 years of experience in his field, leads the team at Medi Art with other panel of dedicated doctors and trained beauty and wellness experts.


Dr. Dhir has a special interest in cosmetic medicine and surgery. He is one of the pioneers in the world for ADRC (adipose-derived regenerative cell) enriched fat grafting for facial rejuvenation, scars and breast augmentation. Dr. Dhir believes that the foundation of beauty and wellness is a healthy body and mind. He works passionately to help you to achieve your beauty, fitness and health goals by creating an environment of expertise and excellence.

I visited the center recently and had a very detailed chat with Dr. Dhir, where he went on to explain me different cosmetic procedures and their effects. It truly was like an eye opener. He comfortably shared what procedures work better and why. I felt far more updated about cosmetic surgeries, liposuction etc. after my meeting with Dr. Dhir. Also the centre spread across floors promises high standards of quality with their state of the art equipments, be it for the gym, or for the cosmetic surgeries and other beauty treatments.




I also experienced two of their services, a hydra facial and an ayurvedic back spa. After experiencing both I can really vouch for all the services that Medi Art has to offer. Their standards of quality, attentiveness and knowledge of the attendants speaks volume about their commitment level. The staff is so hospitable, caring and well informed, that they impressed me beyond my expectations.

Hydra Facial, is one of the world’s finest medical facial procedures, this treatment is a red-carpet favorite abroad and was brought to India from the US for the first time by Three Graces. A non-invasive and immediately effective anti-aging procedure, the HydraFacial cleanses, exfoliates, hydrates, renews, and does all round-care of your skin. Each session is customized using the original US HydraFacial serums and creams topped with light therapy to improve the suppleness of the skin, diminishes hyperpigmentation, brown spots, and improves acne. I could not believe my eyes when I saw myself after the facial, the blackheads were all gone, the face looked so radiant and glowed like anything, and especially my t-zone which because of being oily attracts most dirt, grime and acne, looked as was polished. I have never been so instantly impressed with a beauty service as I was with this facial, and you really have to experience it to believe it.


The next was the ayurvedic spa, which is basically a heat therapy with back massage and OMG; it was so relaxing and therapeutic that I wished it never end. But as they say all good things come to an end, and so did my experiences at A+ Medi Art. But I am going back there very soon and indulge myself in some of the wellness and beauty treatments, what are you waiting for.. Check their site now and book yourself a session!


The contact details are as mentioned under:

Vasant ViharPlot No A, Basant Lok Community Centre, Vasant Vihar New Delhi – 110057 (India)
Phone – +91 11 4607 5757
Email – [email protected]

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