Tag: Stay Beautiful

Best Skin Care Tips for Summers!

A lot of people desperately wait the entire year for summers to set in, I personally don’t enjoy summers much, but I love one fact about summers, this season allows me to wear light and fewer clothes and not bother much about covering myself under layers of clothing.

Another reason I love summers is for the seasonal fruits like mangoes and that indulgence in the swimming pool. But something that I dislike most about the summer season is the havoc that it plays on my skin. Yes summer is one of the worst possible season when it comes to skin problems. The stickiness, the dry air, the overpowering heat of the sun and the sweat, almost everything leads of skin issues that I dread

Some of the major skin issues that summer season brings along are:

  1. Heat Rash
  2. Folliculitis
  3. Acne Breakouts
  4. Razor Burn
  5. Oily Sticky Skin
  6. Uneven Skin Tone
  7. Dry, Irritated Skin
  8. Body Odour
  9. Sun Burns/Allergy
  10. Heat Boils

But like they say prevention is better than cure, so here are some quick tips to keep yourself away from the summer skin problems

  1. Wash your face and hands with a mild cleanser at least twice a day.
  2. Wear light and loose fitted clothes to avoid getting a rash
  3. Avoid heavy creams and moisturizers
  4. Keep yourself as dry as possible, especially the folds of the skin
  5. In case of folliculitis, apply apple cider vinegar on the affected area
  6. Increase your water intake
  7. In the case of acne breakouts, don’t wipe dry the sweat, rather pat dry your skin and products as Dalacin-T solution clears up acne , so their use can definitely help get rid of it.
  8. Use talcum powder on antifungal powders for body odor and bathe regularly.
  9. Chilled cucumbers turned into a paste by blending can be applied on sunburns to soothe the skin.
  10. Eat a balanced diet with a slight increase in fresh fruits and green vegetables in your diet.
  11. Complete your skin care routine with the Image Skincare Total Retinol A Cream

Hope you found the tips helpful. Do let us know if you have some other interesting tips to share by commenting below.

Simple Steps To Get Glowing Skin From Head To Toe

Do you often wish your skin was more glowing? Sometimes it can seem like all the products and makeup in the world can’t help you to get that fresh, luminous look that you crave. The key to glowing skin doesn’t come from a miracle product – it’s the work of living a healthy lifestyle and making smart choices about your health. Discover the secrets behind glowing skin with these top tips.

Image: Pexels

Drink more water

So many people fail to drink their recommended daily water intake. It’s easy to do, especially if you’re always rushing around. However, water is one of the best things you can do to boost the appearance of your skin. Water helps keep your skin plumped and hydrated, while other benefits of drinking water include reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles and helping your body flush out toxins that can cause spots and blemishes.


Regular exfoliation can make a huge difference to your skin’s appearance. A good buff will help eliminate dead skin cells, work cleansing products deep into your skin as well as help it to absorb moisturizer better. Using exfoliating treatments and buffing sponges is one of the recommendations from www.cellulite.com to help improve the appearance of cellulite. If you’ve got sensitive skin, avoid harsh exfoliators that could leave your skin red and irritated.

Ease up on the caffeine

While you might need caffeine to function, your coffee habit could be doing more damage to your skin than you realize. Caffeine can have an affect your blood vessels, stopping vital nutrients that help it to produce collagen and therefore prevent aging. See if you can switch to herbal teas instead of your regular coffee to see if it can leave your skin glowing and healthy.


Many women forget to moisturize while others will focus on moisturizing their face and not their body. Moisturizing is important to help your skin lock in moisture and give it a smooth and even appearance. You don’t have to buy an expensive moisturizer to feel the benefits, as even the action of moisturizing helps to promote blood flow or ease aching muscles. If you’re really short on time, try a moisturizing spray or in-shower product that’s perfect for keeping your skin soft and smooth when you’re on the go.

Exercise regularly

Weight gain can affect the appearance of your skin, and an unhealthy diet could be causing your face to appear red and greasy. Taking steps to look after your health through a good diet and exercise will do wonders for your skin, as well as boost your mood and energy levels. Finding time to exercise isn’t always easy, but you could combine exercise and TV so that you can exercise at home without having to take the time to go to the gym. Regular exercise boosts your skin’s blood flow, helping it get what it needs to look healthy.

The secret to glowing skin is all down to you. Make sure you give your skincare routine the attention it deserves and enjoy youthful, luminous skin that makes you happy with what you see in the mirror.




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