Tag: Healthy Skin

Season Special- Winter Skin Care Tips

Winter is one season when our skin needs more care than any other season. The dryness of winters is extremely difficult to tackle with and more often than not we end up breaking our heads on which moisturiser should we use and what other things can help us. So here are some tips for you to combat the winter dryness

Winter skincare tips


If you’re feeling your skin dry out more than ever, you’re not alone. If your moisturizer just isn’t cutting it, it might be because it’s not right for your skin type. While moisturizers claim to, well, add moisture, what they really do is lock moisture from water into your skin and deliver it to where it needs to go. If you’re unsure whether your moisturizer is really getting the job done, here are some tips to help you out.


Difference between day and night moisturizer:


Day moisturizers should contain an SPF rating between 30 and 50 and broad spectrum protection to keep your skin from damage. Your facial skin is obviously much more sensitive and should have an SPF coverage regardless of what season it is.


Night moisturizers should be richer and creamier, often containing retinoids and peptides that will soak into your skin overnight. Retinoids are a form of Vitamin A that help fight wrinkles and fine lines, but can make your skin extremely vulnerable in the sunlight and when exposed, could increase the likelihood of skin tumors. Peptides on the other hand trigger the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid, both of which naturally deplete over time and age. You want to make sure to avoid them in your day cream in order to also avoid the negative side effects they may trigger.


Difference between skin type:


Oily Skin:

If you have oily skin, you’ll be looking for moisture in order to control oil production. If oily skin is dried out (not moisturized enough), your skin will actually go into an overproduction of oil, basically making it even worse.


Dry Skin:

If you have dry skin, it’s likely because you have a low production of oil. You will want to look for ingredients that help reduce Transepidermal water loss (TEWL) and moisturizes your skin consistently. This is when you’ll definitely want a night cream to introduce heavier occlusive and emollient ingredients to literally trap water in the skin’s upper layers.


Combination Skin:

If you have normal or combination skin, then most face moisturizers will work just fine. Use a heavier moisturizer in the winter months and go light on the T zone. Or pick a lighter moisturizer designed for oily skin and apply it all over, even in the T zone.


For more information on face moisturizers, check out Reviews.com where they researched over 200 formulas: https://www.reviews.com/face-moisturizer/

Health? It’s Only Skin Deep!


Our skin is the one sure sign of age. There is nothing worse than looking older than your age and looking after our skin, and our body is the best way of fighting off old age. Eating processed foods and indulging in bad habits over the years will do a lot of damage outside and in, but here are some easy and effective methods to looking after your skin and reversing the clock.

Losing Weight

If you carry the unaffectionately named “spare tire” around your belly, losing it is always one of the best places to begin to help you look and feel younger. There are plenty of ways to do it, from eating the right foods to methods like cold laser fat reduction treatment and making sure you exercise, but the best thing is to have a combination of methods with the right lifestyle choices. A diet always sounds like a temporary measure, but it’s a lifestyle choice you need to make so you can keep the weight off. The effects of excess fat increase stretch marks, and if you find yourself with more stretch marks post weight loss, then having a diet rich in collagen will help you to regain that elasticity. Collagen is found in heavy amounts in foods like bone marrow, so you can make a healthy bone broth to drink, or make into gravy using the bones of the animal.

Reducing Stress

Not an easy thing to do in the modern world, but stress will show up in lines on your face and inside too. Too little stress is bad, but too much stress can result in elevated levels of cortisol which will impact on your ability to grow muscle and put you in a constant state of anxiety. We can all do with giving our lives a makeover to give our skin a makeover! By learning stress-controlling techniques that work for you, you can begin to make your life, overall, a better one and by cutting down on unnecessary extra activities and begin to focus on what makes you happy it will have a massive benefit, inside and out.


Recharging isn’t just about getting the right amount of sleep, but it’s about understanding when to take a step back and get a mental break or physical break from things. As mentioned, stress is the big one to cut back on, and by making sure you can recover in ways that benefit you, you will be a much healthier person inside and out. Exercise is a very basic way to rejuvenate and to encourage the body to perspire, getting rid of toxins, but you can also find ways to cleanse your body by detoxifying. And this can be by having a glass of water with a bit of lemon in the morning, or by engaging in activities that reduce stress and anxiety, such as yoga or Pilates. But while one of these methods will work, it’s best to try a combination, and combined with a healthy diet, you will be cleansed, and it will show on your face.



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