The Heartland: Seeing The Real America!


If you really want to know what America is about, it can’t be done by going to Disney World and spending two weeks with Mickey Mouse and his friends! You need to see the heartland, and get the sights, sounds and smells of a vast and plentiful land. If you have the time to explore what America has to offer them it’s time to saddle up and take a journey through some wholesome all-American activities. Here we go!

Go to a ball game

This is probably the first thing you need to tick off on your list of activities. The best time to catch a game would be during a warm summer’s night, where the rustic snacks of hot dogs and beer scent the stadium with its intoxicating aromas. You can either choose to go to a Major League Baseball game or opt for one of the minor league teams where the local ambience is far more infectious.

View the mountains… from the sky!

There are many ways to get some fantastic views of the mountains and rolling rocks of America’s heartland. But one of the most relaxing ways to do it is by hot air balloon, and if you time it right, you can pick a journey where you get to see the sun coming up over the horizon, which is an awe-inspiring sight to behold. If you check out the hot air balloon price and options available you could do it in style and have a champagne breakfast, or just relax and take in that amazing view!

Cruise down the open road

It’s more than essential that you need to see small town America by hitting the open road via the Pacific Coast Highway or Route 66 while the wind is blowing in your hair and you’ve got some traditional country music on the stereo. If you have the time, or if you are just on a short journey, there are plenty of road trips to take via the heartland of this country. One simple, time-saving option is to go from Las Vegas to Los Angeles via the Mojave Desert, which is home to one of the greatest landmarks in American history, as well as one of the most beautiful natural wonders of the world, the Grand Canyon.

Pay a visit to The King’s home!

Even if you aren’t a fan of Elvis Presley, you need to see the home of the man who personified rock and roll and brought it to millions. Graceland, the museum/home of The King, boasts a collection of his most iconic jumpsuits, as well as his classic cars and even his two private planes, called Lisa Marie and, of course, Hounddog II.

Witness a rodeo

You couldn’t escape America’s heartlands without catching a glimpse of real cowboys at the traditional all-American rodeo. Get a cowboy hat on and get in the stands to look at, quite possibly, one of the most dangerous sports the world has ever seen, and have a great time while you’re at it!

2 thoughts on “The Heartland: Seeing The Real America!

  1. yeah, it will be very amazing experience if we find a hot air balloon in america like that in Dubai Dessert. An unforgetable it is, the rising of sun, mountains, cities and setting down sun. Its fair will be quite high but we may spend that for what we are going to get in return. I suggest all users to take a DSLR camera with them to record live experience and share on this blog with others.

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