Day: July 15, 2017

The Heartland: Seeing The Real America!


If you really want to know what America is about, it can’t be done by going to Disney World and spending two weeks with Mickey Mouse and his friends! You need to see the heartland, and get the sights, sounds and smells of a vast and plentiful land. If you have the time to explore what America has to offer them it’s time to saddle up and take a journey through some wholesome all-American activities. Here we go!

Go to a ball game

This is probably the first thing you need to tick off on your list of activities. The best time to catch a game would be during a warm summer’s night, where the rustic snacks of hot dogs and beer scent the stadium with its intoxicating aromas. You can either choose to go to a Major League Baseball game or opt for one of the minor league teams where the local ambience is far more infectious.

View the mountains… from the sky!

There are many ways to get some fantastic views of the mountains and rolling rocks of America’s heartland. But one of the most relaxing ways to do it is by hot air balloon, and if you time it right, you can pick a journey where you get to see the sun coming up over the horizon, which is an awe-inspiring sight to behold. If you check out the hot air balloon price and options available you could do it in style and have a champagne breakfast, or just relax and take in that amazing view!

Cruise down the open road

It’s more than essential that you need to see small town America by hitting the open road via the Pacific Coast Highway or Route 66 while the wind is blowing in your hair and you’ve got some traditional country music on the stereo. If you have the time, or if you are just on a short journey, there are plenty of road trips to take via the heartland of this country. One simple, time-saving option is to go from Las Vegas to Los Angeles via the Mojave Desert, which is home to one of the greatest landmarks in American history, as well as one of the most beautiful natural wonders of the world, the Grand Canyon.

Pay a visit to The King’s home!

Even if you aren’t a fan of Elvis Presley, you need to see the home of the man who personified rock and roll and brought it to millions. Graceland, the museum/home of The King, boasts a collection of his most iconic jumpsuits, as well as his classic cars and even his two private planes, called Lisa Marie and, of course, Hounddog II.

Witness a rodeo

You couldn’t escape America’s heartlands without catching a glimpse of real cowboys at the traditional all-American rodeo. Get a cowboy hat on and get in the stands to look at, quite possibly, one of the most dangerous sports the world has ever seen, and have a great time while you’re at it!

Raising Self-Esteem To Combat Depression And Anxiety

Our self-esteem is forged in the days of youth. It’s when we simply don’t know any better, we’re sometimes obnoxious and speak our mind and don’t hold back. We’re not as self-conscious and therefore, so much freer. However, as you get older, society and the demands of and adult life can drive people into doubting themselves. Improving your self-esteem takes time, it’s more of a growing process than it is something that can be fixed overnight. A good view of the world and a positive feel for yourself, can increase your confidence and be the first step toward finding a happier lifestyle. But, first, a period of self-reflection is in order, because you may have become someone who self-harms in the form of substance or alcohol abuse, and you may have systematic psychological barriers to overcome.

Image by – Ana Paula Lima

The infection of negativity

Thinking negative, can lead you down the road to depression where you sink lower and lower into self-pity, affecting your sleeping patterns, eating habits and concern for your wellbeing. It’s a deep-rooted sense of impending doom that nothing will ever good happen to or for you. It’s as if you begin to hate yourself. Whether it’s because of your job, a problematic family life, a lack of friends or simply a feeling of being lost in the world, it’s negative downward spiral if you continue this way. Try and pick yourself up on it. Whenever you feel angry or a sense of rage toward someone or something, try to stop and pinpoint what it is, that’s annoyed you. Notify the reason in your mind and try to figure a solution for it, rather falling back on a purely emotional response. They say emotion is the cousin of irrationality, and that saying has some truth. When you’re led by your emotions, you don’t think clearly, and you don’t access the cognitive part of your brain, which thinks logically and seeks to solve problems.

Confront your demons

If you know, you’re addicted to drugs, or you’ve become accustomed to binge drinking, don’t fester any longer in a pit of self-harm. If the clang of beer and wine bottles have become a weekly occurrence when you take the trash out, something isn’t right. Alcohol and drug abuse are trips to the abyss that you can avoid. Take the first step by enrolling yourself into the Beachway rehab facility. It’s a therapy center, that’s along the glorious Daytona Beach, and offers a comprehensive healing program for substance abusers. It provides a holistic approach to its treatments and treats you like an individual. Almost all the time, it’s better to allow others to help you in taking the first step, that’s why you can explore their website, phone or email them to learn more about their facility.

Source – Warateens

Positivity and introverts

If you have low self-esteem, you’re likely to be in introvert; someone who avoids discourse or communication with other people for the fear of being rejected or coming off as weird and strange. You’re not the only one; with 7.5 billion people on the planet, you can bet on that. First thing’s first, you should immediately go the other way whenever you start to think you’re worthless or a bad person. Find something that you’re good at, and how you help people or even how your friends appreciate the times you’ve helped them. Positively reaffirm the good things you do in life, and areas which you’ve improved. See the good in you, rather than the imperfections by writing down, some of the things that you’re personally proud of about yourself. When you see this in physical form it has much more of an impact in showing yourself; you are worth something.









Ouch! How To Identify The Source Of Your Headache

There are few things worse than having to deal with a persistent headache. It can leave you unable to concentrate on anything, it can make your irritable, and it can put a serious downer on any otherwise perfectly pleasant day. Sure, there are plenty of treatments for headaches out there, but the problem is if you want to deal with one that really persists, you’ve got to know what the cause is, which can often be kind of tricky. In order to help you avoid having to putting up a piercing pain in your skull for long periods of time, here are some of the most common causes of headaches and what you can do about them.


A tension headache is perhaps the most common kind there is with a surprisingly large percentage of the population suffering from them. While the exact causes of tension headaches are widely unknown, they are commonly caused by severe stress and muscle tension, especially in your neck. One of the best ways to alleviate these kinds of headaches is to reduce the causes of stress in your life (something that’s rather a good idea anyway) as well as trying out some exercises to loosen the muscles in your neck.

Eye strain

The vast majority of people spend almost all of our time staring at screens these days. We stare at computer screens at work, then we go home and stare and the TV screen, then we go to bed and stare at our phones. Spending so much time staring at screens is guaranteed to put a lot of strain on your eyes which can often lead to some pretty serious headaches. Of course, computer screens aren’t the only reason that you could end up with a headache caused by eye strain. A lot of people find that conditions like Lao Hua Yan which can cause your eyesight to suffer quite severely can cause you to try and strain harder to see which can cause headaches. The best way to deal with this is to seek medical help either through glasses or something like laser surgery. That way you’ll no longer be spending all of your time straining just to be able to see.


There’s a serious issue among the vast majority of the population that we’re simply not staying hydrated enough. There are hundreds of health reasons why dehydration is incredibly dangerous, but it’s certainly one of the more common reasons why people end up suffering from headaches that they can’t get rid off. When your body is dehydrated then your brain actually shrink from fluid loss. This causes it to pull away from the skull causing a lot of pain. Your body needs the right amount of fluids and electrolytes in order to function properly, and without them, you’re going to end up feeling seriously ill. If you’re dehydrated, then there’s a good chance that a headache could well be the least of your worries but it’s important to keep an eye out for it as a sign that you might need to hydrate yourself pretty urgently.

3 Unexpected Health Benefits Of Yoga

A lot of people don’t consider yoga as a sport. In fact, if they are hoping to shift the pounds or tone up they opt for a cardio workout instead. Therefore, yoga doesn’t spring to mind as the most ideal form of exercise. But when it comes to your health, there are actually a wide range of benefits yoga can bring you. In fact, you might be left surprised when you read about three unexpected health benefits of yoga.

It’s ideal to help you beat anxiety and depression

When someone is suffering from anxiety or depression, they wish they could free their mind. In fact, they struggle to release the stress which can make things like sleeping and relaxing difficult. But if you are suffering from one of these mental health conditions, you should give yoga a try. After all, yoga is all about releasing the stress in your mind and body. As well as doing poses which can help you to tone up and improve your posture, a lot of the session focuses on breathing and relaxing. And a lot of people leave the practice feeling a lot more relaxed. In fact, they come home and feel a lot better in their mind. A lot of doctors will recommend you try yoga if you are suffering from these conditions. After all, it helps people to control it in their life.


It’s ideal for managing chronic pain

It’s a sad fact that a lot of individuals have to live with chronic pain. And for a lot of them, there is no easy solution to ease it from their life. In fact, aside from making some lifestyle changes, there might not be much you can do to treat the pain. However, yoga is often being recommended if you are living with chronic pain. In fact, as we said before, there has been some evidence which has revealed it can actually reduce the pain. Therefore, you should go along and do stretches which can ease f the pain. And it can also help to relax the brain so that you stop thinking about it as much. Of course, when you go to the yoga classes, make sure you tell them about the pain. That way, they can give you guidance on what you need to avoid, so you don’t make it worse!

It can protect you from injury

When you go to yoga, you will spend a lot of the time working on strengthening your muscles. In fact, the poses can help to ensure you grow stronger and more flexible over time. But you might not realize that as well as being ideal for strength, it’s also good for protecting you from injury. After all, it will ensure your muscles are in good nick so if you are doing any other form of exercise, you will keep strong and away from injury. And as it releases any tension in your limbs, it can stop you from walking away hurt. A lot of older people are encouraged to do yoga in their life. That way, they can avoid injuries like hip fractures which can affect their health.

Image from Pixabay

And it’s also good if you have any digestive problems like IBS. After all, it gets your body moving so everything will flow properly!



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