Tag: Tooth Care

Are All Orthodontists Now Invisalign Specialists?

Since it made its debut in 1997, Invisalign has become the ideal way for patients of various ages to straighten their teeth and achieve beautiful smiles. Unlike traditional metal braces, Invisalign aligners do not contain any metal brackets or wires. They are incredibly comfortable to wear and virtually invisible. Invisalign can be removed for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing.


As long as patients wear them for at least 22 hours a day, they can watch their teeth gradually move into their proper positions. If you are interested in undergoing Invisalign treatment to improve your smile and confidence, you may be wondering whether you can visit an orthodontist.


The truth is that most orthodontists are strong advocates of Invisalign and offer it to patients. However, not all orthodontists are Invisalign Diamond Providers. Invisalign Diamond Providers are among the top 1% of providers in the country. They treat the highest amount of Invisalign patients each year and are considered the most experienced orthodontists in the country.

Dr. Jason Gladwell of Gladwell Orthodontics was recently named an Invisalign Diamond Provider for 2018. He has treated countless patients through Invisalign and takes great pride in correcting smiles in a comfortable, discreet way.

While you don’t have to see an Invisalign Diamond Provider to get quality orthodontic care, opting for an Invisalign treatment plan from an orthodontist who has received this designation can give you some extra peace of mind. Contact Gladwell Orthodontics today to meet Dr. Gladwell and take advantage of a free Invisalign consultation.

At What Age Should My Children Not go to a Paediatric Dentist?

Pediatric dentists are ideal for children as they have the special education, training, and experience necessary to provide children of all ages with quality dental care. If you have a baby, toddler, elementary school child, pre-teen, teen, or special needs child, you can count on a pediatric dentist to care for your child’s oral health.


By taking your child to a paediatric dentist, you can ensure they are at ease when undergoing a teeth cleaning or another dental procedure. A paediatric dentist will do everything they can to make your child feel comfortable in their office.



Should Teens Visit Paediatric Dentists?

If you have a teenage son or daughter, you may be wondering whether they are too old to visit a paediatric dentist. The truth is that even though your teen is no longer a small child, they are going through an important growth stage in their jaw and face. They are also receiving their last permanent teeth, which are especially susceptible to cavities.

Should You Get Two Teeth Cleaning A Year From A Dentist– Read More

You may switch your child to a regular dentist once they turn 18 or encourage them to continue to visit their paediatric dentist who knows their history until they graduate from college. Your child’s specific needs paired with their behavior, maturity level, and overall dental health will all help you determine whether they should be visiting a pediatric or regular dentist.

5 Common Mistakes When Looking After Teeth- Read Here

If you’re in search of top-notch pediatric dentists that are ideal for children, teens and college students look for a 
highly rated local dentist in your area.

Should You Get Two Teeth Cleanings a Year from a Dentist?

The importance of visiting the dentist to get your teeth professionally cleaned twice a year should not be overlooked. By receiving two cleaning per year or one every six months, you can ensure optimal oral health while preventing conditions such as cavities and gum disease. Here are several other reasons bi-annual teeth cleanings are so vital:


Whiter Teeth

You likely eat or drink food and beverages that stain your teeth. A professional tooth cleaning at the dentist can remove these stains and help your teeth appear whiter. If you are particularly concerned about the stains and/or discoloration on your teeth, you may opt for professional teeth whitening services.

Also Read– Tips for Getting Whiter Teeth, Naturally

Early Oral Cancer Detection

During teeth cleanings, a dentist will examine your mouth to search for signs of oral cancer. In the event a dentist notices a sign of oral cancer, you may undergo a test to determine whether it is present. Oral cancer screenings are essential as they can detect oral cancer in its early stages when it’s most treatable.

Are You Doing Everything For Your Teeth- Read Here

Reduced Risk of Teeth Loss

In addition to reducing your risk of developing cavities and gum disease, professional tooth cleanings twice a year can lower your chances of tooth loss. Tooth loss can hinder the way you speak and chew and can also lead to bone loss. Although you can replace missing teeth with bridges, dentures, and implants, natural teeth are always preferred.

5 Common Mistakes When Looking After Teeth- Read More

If you’re searching for a highly skilled and experienced dentist in Raleigh, North Carolina, contact Lane & Associates. We’ll be happy to clean your teeth twice a year and help you achieve optimal oral health.

The Tooth Of The Matter: Top 5 Reasons Why People Hate Going To The Dentist

Possibly not your favourite place to be of an afternoon!   (source)

Hands up who loves their dentist? Anyone? Nobody? Oh sorry, there’s one lady at the back, but she doesn’t count. She’s married to him! Let’s be honest, not many of us love our dentists. It’s not their fault. They are only doing their jobs, after all, so let’s hope they don’t take it personally when you say you hate them. We’re sure you don’t really mean it. It’s probably the experience you don’t enjoy, and not the actual dentist themselves.

Here are the top five reasons why people hate visiting the dentist.

  1. The pain. From the ‘needle of doom’ to the ‘drill of all fear’ ©, we don’t want to face the pain the dentist can cause us. The fact that you haven’t kept your teeth in tip-top condition is another matter. Remember when your dentist told you to floss regularly? You will when you return to the dentist with an agonising toothache.

    2. The invasiveness. You lie back in the seat, open your mouth, and let the dentist prod and poke away with wild abandon. It’s as if they are looking into your very soul while you’re letting them explore your mouth as if they were on a caving expedition. If you value your personal space in any way, a visit to the dentist is sure to annoy you.

    3. The assault on your senses. Why is it dentists all smell the same? It could be the smell of fear from the other patients in the waiting room, but it’s also that weird chemical smell that pervades the room. In case you were wondering, the answer is right here. Then there are the sounds. The sound of the drill growling in the dentist’s chamber, and the foreboding sounds of the dental nurse’s footsteps coming towards you. “It’s your turn for the chair,” she says, with imagined glee. And of course the taste. From the metallic flavour of the dentist’s instruments to that weird green mouth rinse you are told to swill, your senses are being assaulted at every turn.

    4. The expense. It’s not only your mouth being stretched open; it’s your bank balance too. Dentists can be expensive, but let’s be honest, you wouldn’t be feeling the pinch if you had bothered to go for those check-ups earlier in the year. You really do need to book an appointment! Your dentist will sort out any problems before they get worse, and more expensive, down the line!

    5. The lecture. You know you haven’t looked after your teeth, so you don’t need the dentist to drone on longer than his drill. “Oh dear, look who hasn’t been brushing their teeth,” they say. “Didn’t we tell you to floss?” “Have you looked in the mirror recently?” You can only hang your head in shame and pray that the lecture and the whole hellish experience will be over soon.

And yet…

You couldn’t live without them. When you need help, they are always there to ease your pain. In fact, some of your hate may only be based on childhood experiences. Dentists have moved on a lot since you last visited them twenty years ago, and decent practitioners such as Armstrong & Eshleman, P.A. have the accreditation and technology to prove their worth. So, no matter how much hate you have inside, ask yourself two questions. Are you overreacting? They may not be as bad as you imagine. And then… Why didn’t I take better care of my teeth? You won’t need to visit as often if you cut down on all your tooth decaying habits. Food for thought? Yes, but not of the sugary kind! Thanks for reading.

5 Common Mistakes When Looking After Teeth

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There are many obvious ways to mistreat our teeth such as eating the wrong foods and failing to brush enough. However, many of us could be neglecting our gnashers without even realising. Here are a few all too common – but not obvious – mistakes when looking after teeth.

Relying on tooth whitening products

Whitening chewing gums and special whitening toothpastes and whitening strips can help to brighten our teeth. In fact, some premium products as supplied by http://www.iwhiteinstant.com/en/iwhite-instant could help brighten your teeth in a matter of days. However, they won’t stop tooth decay caused by bad habits like eating too much sugar and smoking. To fully protect the health of our teeth, we ought to all cut down on these unhealthy habits first and then start using the tooth whitening products.

Rinsing your mouth after brushing teeth

This is something a lot of us are guilty of – especially those that don’t like the taste of toothpaste. However, rising your mouth out with water after brushing your teeth could be undoing all your tooth-brushing work. You should spit out any excess toothpaste, but keep some on your teeth, as it will allow the fluoride to sit on the enamel and break away at any plaque that was missed whilst brushing.

Brushing too hard

It’s possible to brush too hard and start stripping off the enamel from your teeth. If your bristles on your brush get easily damaged after only a few weeks, this is clear sign that you’re brushing too hard. Brush in light circles with the toothbrush tilted up towards the root, rather than scrubbing back and forward vigorously – this will have a much healthier impact.

Ignoring a tooth-ache

You should see a doctor or dentist as soon as a toothache sets in. If it’s an infection, it could spread to other teeth if left untreated causing more pain and causing more damage. Some people may be afraid to go to the dentist due to a bad experience or costs. However, treatments like root canal procedures have come a long way making them far more precise, whilst getting these treatments early can deter extra costs of having to get more work dental done. Sites such as https://www.southviewdentistrycharlotte.com/service/root-canal/ can offer more information on such procedures. It’s worth always booking an appointment for advice – you may find such treatment isn’t needed if you catch the problem early and anti-biotics may suffice.

Opening things with your teeth

If you often open packaging with your teeth, or worse have a party trick of opening bottles with your mouth, you may want to stop now. This could be causing your enamel to chip as your teeth aren’t supposed to be dealing with such tough materials. Start using scissors and bottle openers and save your teeth.


Are You Doing Everything For Your Teeth?

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The teeth are among the most important parts of the body, and yet so many people fail to really look after them properly. The truth is that many people don’t understand fully what is involved in proper teeth care, and there are also a number of useful and little-known dental solutions which you might want to try. In this post, we are going to take a look at some of the most effective remedies and preventative treatments for your teeth, so that you can have the healthiest mouth possible in no time at all. Let’s have a look at some of the things you should be doing for your own mouth.

Oil Pulling

This first one is an old (ancient, even) method for improving your overall oral health. It helps to keep infection and bacteria away, keeps your teeth white and clean and also removes plaque. It can even reverse the damage caused by gum disease, which is the leading cause of tooth loss amongst adults. If you have never oil pulled before, it is incredibly simple to do – and yet surprisingly effective. You simply take around a tablespoon of oil (sesame or vegetable are best) and swill it around your mouth for twenty minutes. The timing is important here – this is enough time to remove the bacteria that you are trying to get rid of, but not enough that the harmful substances start being absorbed back into the body. After twenty minutes, simply spit away (don’t swallow!) and brush your teeth afterwards. This is incredibly effective – give it a go today.

Aloe Vera

One of the most common reasons that people need to go to the emergency dentist is because of sudden loose or lost teeth. By using aloe vera, however, you might be able to stop that from happening at all. Aloe vera is known for its many healing qualities, and this is true if you use it for your oral health as well. All you need to do here is take some aloe vera, ideally fresh, and rub it on your gums. Then you should wash it away with warm water. Doing this once a day for a fortnight will effectively reduce any gum swelling you might have, as well as keep diseases away more effectively. It is well worth the two minutes it takes to do.

Baking Soda

If you have any spare baking soda in the kitchen cupboard, you might want to grab hold of it for this next one. Although this doesn’t taste all that nice, it is incredibly effective, so it’s worth a go. Simply take a teaspoon of the soda, mix it with a little water into a paste, and rub it on your gums. Leave it for a couple of minutes, and then wash away. Doing this frequently will help to keep your entire mouth much cleaner, and you will be less likely to develop any serious dental problems. Give it a go and see what a difference it can make

Tips For Getting Whiter Teeth, Naturally

Everyone wants their teeth to be whiter. Endless pictures of celebrities with pearly white teeth and magazines filled with sparkling smiles is enough to give you teeth envy. There are some natural ways to get your teeth whiter, without resorting to artificial treatments which can be damaging. Find out more and look forward to a whiter, brighter smile with these top tips below.

Image credit: Pexels

Brush regularly

Now, this should be something you know already, but with almost 1 in 4 Americans failing to brush twice daily, remembering to brush your teeth is one of the most basic things you can do to get whiter teeth. Brush in the morning and at night, and again if you eat foods which are particularly known for staining your teeth such as curries or tomato-based sauces. Remember to replace your toothbrush every three months, and you might want to consider investing in an electric toothbrush as a way to get a more thorough clean.

Avoid certain foods and drinks

As mentioned above, there are some foods that can stain your teeth, and the same goes for drinks too. Red wine, tea, coffee, and sodas can all stain your teeth and give them that yellow-ish shade, and if you truly want a Hollywood smile, you’ll have to limit your intake of them or give them up completely. A regular visit to the hygienist will help remove stains caused by food and drink.

Use baking soda

Baking soda is a handy product to have around the home, for more than just baking. Baking soda is often used as a home remedy to clean many products, and your teeth is one of them. Adding some baking soda to your regular toothpaste will help keep them extra clean and encourage whiteness, and you can buy toothpaste products with it already built in too.

Coconut oil pulling

Coconut oil is another wonder product that has many uses – makeup removal, hair conditioner, cooking agent, skin moisturizer; it’s all possible with coconut oil. Many people also use coconut oil for teeth pulling, as a way to get their teeth whiter. This can be done by taking a spoonful of coconut oil and swilling it around your mouth for 20 minutes. This trick can also be used to protect your gums thanks to the oil’s antimicrobial features. If you’ve recently had teeth implants (nehoustonimplants.com are highly recommended), then you can use coconut pulling to help keep them your gums stronger.

Eat strawberries

Strawberries are a tasty way to try and whiten your teeth naturally at home. Many celebrities are known for mashing up strawberries and applying them to their teeth to whiten them. It’s a trick worth trying, but you’ll want to rinse thoroughly afterwards, and brush as the natural sugars in strawberries, and other fruit can cause decay if left on the teeth.

The secret to whiter teeth is mainly in good hygiene, and if you suspect that your teeth are in a poor condition, you should have them checked out. Avoiding smoking, drinking too much as well as brushing, rinsing and flossing regularly can all help you to get those pearly whites you’ve been craving.

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