Month: September 2017

5 Ways to Manage Arthritis Pain

As anybody with the condition will tell you, there are few things more difficult or painful than living with arthritis. Unfortunately, there’ll be much more people who will be able to inform the rest of us how painful the condition is; the number of people living with arthritis is rising all the time, to the tune of some one million more people each year in the United States. In all, there are around 350 million people with arthritis across the world, including millions of children. Below, we take a look at five ways to manage arthritis pain.


Hit the Gym

Exercise is one of the things that offer nothing but good things; it’ll relieve pain, improve your all round health, and will not negatively affect your joints. Sounds good to us! Benefits include strengthening the muscles around your joints, giving you an energy boost for when your pain is draining your motivation, improve and maintain your bone strength, and, importantly, help you control your weight; this is particularly crucial because excess weight can put pressure on our bodies.

Use Cold Treatments

Cold treatments are a highly effective way to manage an arthritis flare up. When you’re suffering from arthritis pain, apply a cold pack to the affected spot; it’ll soothe the pain. If your pain is more acute, look at using the new methods of cold treatments that are available. A whole body cryotherapy session like those offered by Cryology has been shown to reduce arthritis pain dramatically. It’s like an extreme cold pack (temperatures reach as low as -160c) that those who have arthritis say works wonders for their pain relief.

Live Stress-Free

When we’re stressed, our muscles seize up. And when our muscles seize up, we’re more likely to suffer from an arthritis attack. Ergo, if you want to reduce the chances of a flare up, then you need to get enough relaxing activities into your life that’ll allow you to live without stress. Of course, what exactly this is will depend on the individual, but there are some activities, such as meditation, reading, and unwinding outdoors, that have been shown to be beneficial to all people.

Try Tai Chi

You might not think that a martial arts activity that developed in 13th century China could help with arthritis, but that’s just what Tai Chi does. Because it’s a low impact activity, it could be performed by people of any age. Benefits of Tai Chi include improved posture, greater balance, increase muscle strength, and an all around improve general mobility. It’s also fun and can be used as a stress reducer.

Eat the Right Foods

Having an overall healthy diet is important when combating arthritis, but there are also specific foods that can help relieve symptoms of the condition, too. If you’re looking for a go-to meal, make it a dish of fish like salmon or mackerel (fish high in Omega-3), with a side of broccoli and brussels sprouts, and add a dessert of tart cherries; your joints will thank you for it.


Three Tech Necessities To Enliven A Dull Commute

The daily commute to and from work is not something any of us look forward to. It’s lost time; time that could be better spent at work, or enjoying leisure activities at home. It’s dealing with the annoying behaviour of other commuters, the pushing and shoving, the being forced to sit too close to someone you don’t know. It’s a miserable experience, but one that we have to put up with if we want to be able to do our jobs.

It therefore makes sense to consider the potential for making the commute as enjoyable as possible — or, at least, as bearable as possible. If this is something you’re always going to be forced to do, then turning to technology could be the difference-maker that takes you from mild irritation to as-pleasant-as-possible commuting experience.

So what do you need to ensure the time you spend travelling to and from the office is as good as it can possibly be?

1) Smartphone Games That Don’t Require A Data Connection



If your commute is around 30 minutes each way, then relying on a data connection as a means to entertain yourself is going to get expensive – fast. Browsing the web and social media is how most of us spend our commute, but an hour per day of such browsing is an unnecessary expense.

Instead, turn to smartphone games that you don’t need to be connected to the internet to play. Put your phone in airplane mode and play to your heart’s content, without having to worry about running up a huge data bill.

2) Headphones (That Won’t Annoy Your Fellow Commuters)  

Anyone who has ever been on public transport knows how irritating it can be to be forced to listen to the music of someone else. So if you’d rather zone out to music during your commute, you need to ensure that you’re not going to be one of those annoying commuters. Investing in a good set of best wireless Bluetooth headphones is a good first step, but it’s also worth promising yourself to keep the volume at a reasonable level.

At the very least, having a good option for listening to your own music means you’re going to be able to drown out the music of someone else if necessary!

3) A Reliable Power Source


Smartphone batteries are terrible; this has been acknowledged, explained, debated, and discussed for years now. Given that we seem to have reached a peak point of performance when it comes to battery life, you’re going to need to ensure that you can keep your phone powered through your commutes. After all, if your phone is going to be your main source of entertainment during the daily work travel, then the last thing you want is for it to run out and leave you stuck with nothing to do.

Portable power banks have been around for a few years now, but they still have huge variances in their quality and durability. As a general rule, opt for a larger bank – around 20,000mAh should suffice – so you can be sure of multiple top-ups, just in case you forget to recharge it every night.

So while commuting is never going to be your favourite activity, the above should make it a little easier to deal with!

What You Need For Your Own Podcast

Podcasts can be considered another type of blogging, and can be just as full time. Everyone can make their own podcasts nowadays about anything they love or find interesting. Yet even when you’re blogging you’re going to need some essential equipment, so it’s the same for going bigger with your recording activities. It can often feel like a closer way of interacting with your audience, and your friends and family as well as you can invite on special guests. So feel free to run your own podcast, but what technology do you need to record and edit your own audio show?


There’s three staple things you’ll need to create a podcast worthy of upload:

A Good Microphone

If your computer comes with a built in microphone, you can use that to start off with. However, if you want something more durable and long term, USB microphones make the whole recording loop a lot easier to monitor. This is because you’ll often be able to see the sound levels in wave format on your screen.

If you need some comparisons for the best models, look here, and keep an eye out for entry level microphones as they’ll be best to start and get to grips with. Microphones don’t have to be necessarily complicated however, but are a little bit of an investment so it’s good to know what you’re buying.

A Recording Device

Use your own computer or have an external method of recording. It’s often easier to just use your computer’s built in software if you have nothing else and want to get started straightaway. However, this does mean your files will be harder to find and more easily corrupted as computers are not specialised for this activity long term.

Invest in an external device if you want to try making a podcast long term. These devices will keep your files safe in a format that’s ready to edit, like a WAV. file. They also won’t corrupt your data with trying to store it in a compatible way after being recorded.

Reliable Editing Software

Editing software can be found at many places across the web, but make sure you’re downloading a safe file, and that your software is easy for you to use. You could try something like audacity, which is easy to get to grips with and is completely free.

If you’re confident with what you do, you can use a mixer for your post production effects. These can be used to make a show intro if you’re so inclined, and can create some special effects if you have a themed show or want to dabble in the art of audio mixing.

Creating your own podcast couldn’t be easier with the modern world. Everyone can be their own mini celebrity with online culture, and as long as you have a few listeners you’re in business and everyone can make their own podcasts nowadays about anything they love or find interesting, especially with the help of Music Critic’s Top 10 Best DAW Recording Software of 2018 review for new software for recording! Of course it can always be done for yourself, as it’s another blogging platform, and is a good way to express your creative freedom.

Safeguarding Your Health The Smart Way

Safeguarding your health is absolutely crucial, especially for those who aren’t exactly getting younger! That being said, the younger you are when you start, the better. Here are some smart ways to look after your health for a great quality of life:

Live A More Balanced Lifestyle

Some people think to protect their health, that they need to eat clean, exercise every day, and do every little thing they can. While this level of commitment is admirable, it isn’t necessary. It’s much better to live a balanced lifestyle, with the odd glass of wine and food with friends. Make smart choices 90% of the time and have fun. When you have fun, studies say you will live longer!

Track Your Health

Fitness trackers are a brilliant way of measuring how fit you really are. There are plenty of brands around today, so it depends on the sort of look and features you think will be best for you. Just some of the features you can enjoy include sleep tracking, finding out your cardio fitness level, comparing yourself against similar people in your demographic, your heartrate, and more. You can really improve these way!

Invest In Lifesaving Equipment

Did you know that mature adults are more at risk of suffering from cardiac arrest than other people? Anybody can suffer at any time, but there are ways that it can be prevented. Equipment is becoming more advanced, and having some of it in the workplace or at home could really prevent the worst from taking place. The infographic below can give more information.

By Foremost Equipment

Is It Possible To Travel In Peace?

Anyone who travels regularly will know too well how much stress it can cause. Even holidays can be a powerful source of stress, given the strain on the body and mind they can cause. Likewise, if you find that you have to go on a lot of business trips, you are probably sick of the anxiety that such trips can cause. But there might be hope. By slowing down, taking a step back and changing a few little things, you can make travelling much easier on yourself, and a little more peaceful.

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Get Comfortable With Flying 

A lot of people have trouble flying. It’s not hard to understand why this might be such a source of consternation for many people. After all, humans do not fly naturally, and doing so artificially is always going to create some stress at some level. But it is possible to enjoy flying a little more than you might do currently. One handy tip is to get yourself some noise cancelling earbuds. These are great for planes, as you can shut out the noise of the engine, and even get some well-earned sleep. Something else which can be useful is to take a travel pillow with you. If you are able to sleep for most of the journey, your whole trip will be much easier and more calming. 

Know Your Route

If you are going somewhere unusual or far away, it can be stressful just not knowing where exactly you are going. Generally, it is best to know as much as you can about your route, so that you can keep any potential worry at bay. If you are struggling because you don’t know what’s ahead of you, consider spending a little time planning out your route in more detail. Having more information ahead of time is often all you need to feel more at peace during the journey itself. If you consider yourself a planner, this might even be absolutely vital for you to enjoy yourself.

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Protect Against Sickness

If there is anything that can ruin any travelling, it is getting ill. Nobody wants this – and there is plenty you can do to avoid such a fate if you are careful. If you are travelling to somewhere which has specific guidelines on getting vaccines and so on, be sure to get those. But you should also think about the more simple things – generally looking after your body as you travel. It is also hugely important to look after your body before you travel, as you never know what illnesses might be lurking under the surface which you will want to put a handle on.

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With some simple changes, you can easily enjoy travelling all the more. If you approach it in the right way, there is no reason that travelling of any kind has to be stressful or alarming. A little of the right mindset and some forward-thinking will go a long way towards making your next trip much more peaceful for all involved.



‘Ear, ‘Ear, What’s All This Then? Ear Problems And How To Sort Them!

Our ears are an essential and valuable part of the Body, and hearing is a useful ability that can have a huge impact on our day to day lives. That means our ears need to be looked after, and any health issues surrounding them needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. To do this, you will need to know what common ear issues you are likely to come across. So keep reading to find out.

Hearing Loss

A big problem for many people is a loss of hearing. It can start slowly with folks missing what others are saying, or needing the subtitles on the TV more, or come on more suddenly. Perhaps in relation to a specific trauma or infection.

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The causes of hearing loss are varied as well. In younger people, it may be a genetic condition, or for those with previously healthy hearing, an accident can be at the root of the matter. In particular, using headphones with electric instruments can shock the inner ear, if the volume is not carefully controlled. In older folks, these causes remain relevant. Although hearing loss may also be due to degradation of the different parts of the ear, such as the drum, canal, or cochlea.

When dealing with hearing loss, it is always best to identify what is causing the problem before going ahead with treatment. Such treatments may include medications, surgery, or devices that enhance sounds making them easier to pick up. In fact, many folks that suffer from hearing loss go to companies like Sonic Hearing Aids to get informed about their choices for sound enhancing devices. As they can be an effective, and inconspicuous way of solving the problem.

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Ear Wax

Ear wax is a common problem and can affect people of all ages, genders, and lifestyles. Ear wax is actually the Body’s natural defence against bacteria getting into the ear canal. It also helps to keep things lubricated and not dry and itchy in there too. However, if you have too much, or a build-up of this waxy substance you can run into problems. Ones that cause a decline in hearing, earaches, infections, and even vertigo. Where you feel dizzy and struggle to get you balance even when you are not high up.



To prevent this is important that you avoid having anything inside the ear. This includes cotton buds. Although most people see them as a good way to remove waxy build-up. However, what they are actually doing is just forcing most of the wax further down the canal, so it becomes impacted. In fact, it is much better to rid yourself of ear way by getting drops from the doctor, or in more serious cases getting your ears syringed. A process whereby they draw the way out.

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There are also some alternative and natural therapies that can help. Such as ear wax candles that cause pressure changes in the ear canal drawing the wax out. Although these should only ever be performed by qualified professionals.











5 Ways To Avoid Health Issues As You Grow Older


Everyone ages and everyone will encounter health decline at one stage or another in their lives. However, to prepare ourselves for the race against time, practicing good health care and a balanced lifestyle the only way to slow down the ticking clock. Keeping our body, mind, and soul healthy and happy is the true secret to living a long life.

Diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer are aggressive beasts, taking many people unaware and stealing their health away. But these diseases are preventable to a certain extent. Even though the genes for these conditions may already lay dormant in your veins, conducting a better lifestyle can halt them from ever manifesting destructively. Today we are going to talk about how you can reduce your risk for health issues and stay healthy for longer.

Stay Active

It’s no surprise that an active lifestyle is good for your health. It can help you lose excess fat surrounding your organs, let you build muscles and even assist in the fight against common illnesses, as it boosts your immune system. Exercising for 30 minutes a day is good for your heart, helps you to digest food more easily and allows you to sleep better. It’s a no brainer.


Feel Stress-Free

Stress is one of the primary causes of premature health issues. It is linked to heart disease, high blood pressure, depression, obesity and even asthma. Calming your mind and body at the end of the day is as essential as eating your greens. Not only does your body need to stay healthy, but your mind also does too. Consider meditation. Wake up five minutes earlier in the morning and meditate before you start your day, there are loads of meditation apps which allow you to do this easily.

Avoid Harmful Triggers

There are many dangerous triggers in the world which can cause or aggravate health issues. Smoking is one of them, and if you are struggling to quit altogether, consider moving to a nicotine only substitute such as Mount Baker Vapor. Because it doesn’t contain the harmful chemicals which a cigarette does, it is the safer option for those who want to make a healthy change. Alcohol is another trigger which is linked to liver failure and weight problems. However, you don’t have to stop drinking altogether, just practice moderation.


Eat A Balanced Diet

Being overweight or obese can lead to a number of different health problems:

  • type 2 diabetes
  • high blood pressure
  • heart disease and strokes
  • certain types of cancer
  • sleep apnea

But you can easily prevent the risk of becoming overweight by following a balanced, healthy diet. That’s not to say you have to swear off Dominos Pizza for life; it’s all about moderation. You can cheat every now and again as long as you maintain a healthy diet in between.

Don’t Ignore The Doctor

Finally, if you have a recurring cough, you need to urinate more than normal, or your stomach hurts when you eat: visit the doctor. A trained medical professional will help you with whatever the issue may be and will be able to give you advice on how to prevent it in the future.

Secret Useful Features of Yoga Mats and Activity Trackers

Here are two illustrative and beautiful infographics which explain us the useful features of yoga mats and also the activity trackers. Hope you like them, these have been exclusively designed for ikreate by Reviews Bee.


Reviews Bee was established after the founder and CEO, Roman Sahakov, started to do his own product research.  He became easily frustrated sorting and organizing the data he collected from visiting product websites and reading a multitude of reviews, both from experts and consumers.

He wanted to find a place where all the product information was complete and in just one place.  He knew that would help consumers to be able to make fully enlightened decisions on the products they would be purchasing, thus creating happier customers. This perspective is a perfect new way to research products and sift through the available knowledge. ”  Do follow them on social media and get regular updates

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Namaste Jaishree Krishna- A hilarious play on old gen vs new gen conflicts!

Pelican Entertainment brought to the city the play, Namaste Jai Shree Krishna on 02.09.17 at the Pearey Lal Bhawan, New Delhi.

The play directed by veteran theatre and movie artist K K Raina who also enacts along with the irrepressible Ila Arun and ably supported by Aditi Sharma, Ashutosh Pandit and Abhishek Pandey is a hilarious take on the conflict between old traditions and the emerging values of the new generation.

It takes you skillfully and humorously through the continuous conflict of the old and the new. It takes you through the journey of the youth not ready to accept old ideologies readily and the old not accepting the progressive view point of the youth.

The play takes you through a gamut of emotions from philosophy to humor to laughter to sadness and nostalgic at times.
The cast deserves a special applaud for bringing on each and every emotion beautifully across. A really rivetting play which makes you laugh and think at the same time. And the best part is that you just can’t stop applauding.

A treat for the theater lover. Not to be missed at any cost.
Aditya Chauhan, CEO, Pelican Entertainment said, “Theatre is that moon in my past which will glitter throughout my life no matter what profession I pursue. It is something that will help you to explore your personality better and I guess this could also be the reason that people after doing theater even for once can never really get detached of it.”

Why Natural Medicine Demands More of Your Attention

Most of us take some form of medication at some point in our lives. Be it some painkillers to stave off a headache or some stomach medicine to deal with last night’s heavy dinner, medication is a normal part of our lives and we try our best to only take medication when needed. However, synthetic medication can come with some unwanted side effects especially if they’re much stronger and designed to be used in large doses. In addition, you may be allergic to some of the ingredients which can cause adverse reactions if you aren’t careful. Many drug manufacturers are usually oblivious to the dangers of having an adverse reaction, so they don’t exactly make it clear on labels.

Modern medicine is a wonder that everyone makes use of, but it doesn’t mean that there aren’t alternatives. Natural medicine has been practised for centuries before synthetic drugs were invented. Doctors had to rely on what mother nature provided in order to create effective drugs, and these techniques have mostly been lost to the surge of modern medicine. Fortunately, as more people are being made aware of the possible side effects of modern medication and the many benefits of going natural, more and more pharmaceutical companies are making use of natural ingredients in their medication. 

So to get you started, here are a couple of reasons why natural medicine demands more of your attention, and why you should slowly start making the switch over.

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Natural medicine comes with less harmful side effects

Natural medication isn’t free of side effects, but there are many herbs and naturally occurring ingredients that are far less likely to cause an adverse reaction in users. For instance, Shilajit is an incredibly powerful substance that is used to promote full body health. While it might seem strange to consume tar, the black, sticky material doesn’t come with negative side effects if used correctly. The one thing to note about natural medicine is that it often comes with lots of positive side effects, such as being high in iron. As a result, you may need to reduce your iron intake from other sources so you don’t go over your recommended daily limit.

Natural medicine strengthens your body

Natural medicine is a holistic approach to healing your body because it focuses on boosting your body’s natural functions. For instance, if you’re feeling pain, then painkillers will typically target the source of pain and try to reduce it so that you can continue your day. Natural medication, on the other hand, is much slower to act because it promotes healthy bodily functions, not just the pain itself. If you have a stomach ache, then most people reach straight for painkillers or stomach medication. Instead of targeting the pain, try to reduce the effects and promote healthy body functions by drinking peppermint tea, adding ginger to your tea or even chamomile. These are natural herbs and ingredients that can soothe stomach aches and reduce the inflammation instead of just targeting the pain.

Natural medicine is usually cheaper

Alternative medicines are typically far cheaper than synthetic medication that you would buy from a store. This is because the ingredients are mostly naturally occurring instead of being produced in a factory somewhere. This gives natural medication an edge over modern medicine and many natural remedies can be made from household ingredients and items. If you find that paying for medication is getting too pricey, then consider replacing your synthetic medication with affordable natural alternatives. It’s important to note that high-quality ingredients will always be more potent, so you may need to spend a little more money and stay clear from the cheaper imitations. It helps to do your research in this situation.

Synthetic medicine is made to copy natural medicine

When you consider the fact that most synthetic drugs are made to copy the effects of naturally occurring herbs and ingredients, it makes sense to invest the source of the medication instead of a copy. You wouldn’t buy copies or fake ingredients to make your meals, so why should you settle for anything but the best when it comes to your health? Natural medication is seen as a wonderful alternative to modern medicine, but the reality is that it should be the norm and synthetic medication should be seen as the ugly copy that is mass-produced to make pharmaceutical companies more money. Although convenient, it ultimately doesn’t come with the same benefits as natural medicine.

So the next time you’re feeling ill, think twice before swallowing pills and look at natural remedies instead.

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