Day: September 5, 2017

Sports That Can Turn Into A Career (If You’re Any Good!)

Pexels Image Source: Ballet dancer

If you’re a sporty one that loves to keep active – brilliant! Your body is going to reap all the benefits, and so will your mind. Remember that being active doesn’t just keep you fit and healthy by burning fat and preventing disease. Your mental health greatly improves too, by releasing endorphins into your brain making you feel oh so good, even when you don’t.

But what if that favorite hobby could be turned into a full-time career? – All that is down to you. With the right training, hard work and dedication, you will open more opportunities to reach the top.

Here are some examples of a sporty hobby that can be turned into a successful career.


Who doesn’t love to dance? Whether you’re actually gifted is a whole other story, but dancing is a wonderful way to let your hair down and throw away all your worries and concerns. Making it into a career all depends on the style of dance you’d like to do. While most dancers will be taught a lot of different styles – as your progress, you’ll most likely focus on one more than the other. If you enjoy ballet, then you will want to go in the theatre direction, whereas if you practise more modern dance like modern jazz and contemporary, your best bet is being part of a dance team that has a manager to find you bookings and auditions.


As seen on tv, wrestlers like the men and women from WWE managed to transform their dream into a reality, and now they tour around the world selling out arenas full of their dedicated, lifelong fans. If wrestling is something you’d like to get into, the best place to start is to look for a local group that trains together and can teach you the basics. From there, the more experience you get, the further you can go. To begin, you’ll need your own wrestling uniforms to change into so you’re more comfortable when fighting, along with the suitable footwear to give you the right support.


Gymnastics is one of them sports that takes up a lot of time in your life, making it very demanding and having to have a very disciplined lifestyle. Having said that, the rewards are amazing. Your body will be sculpted like a goddess, and your ability and power that you have will impress many. If you want to make a career out of it, it’s important to train every day getting as much practice and experience as you can. Then you will be entered into competitions that will increase in skill every time you win. If you’re lucky enough to get spotted at one of these competitions, you may be offered a position to represent a professional team of gymnasts.

So as you can see, as long as you don’t give up, you can really make any one of your passions into a successful career. All you have to do is try



It’s Time to Start Feeling Comfortable in Your Own Skin!

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We live in a world that thrives on perfection. Everyone wants the perfect hair, the perfect skin, the perfect smile and the perfect wardrobe to top it all off. It’s easy to get drawn into this culture that idealises the flawless. Sometimes, it makes us overly self-critical. We begin to doubt our own beauty and start to feel blue. It’s about time that we free ourselves from these stresses and start feeling comfortable in our own skin. Remember, nobody is really perfect, and our imperfections are what make us unique and who we are. So, if you’re feeling a little down about your appearance, here are a few tips and tricks that can help you along on your journey to self-acceptance.

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Note Down Your Insecurities

Take a few moments to sit down and make a note of all of the things that make you feel insecure. Once you’ve gathered a list and have identified the root causes of your worries, you’ll realise that most of them are easy to change. All it takes is a little dedication and hard work. If your self-confidence issues are weight orientated, start to make a plan. A healthy balanced diet and the correct amount of exercise can help you to reach a healthier BMI, whether that involves losing a few pounds or putting a little weight on. If you are concerned about blemished skin, visit your doctor. They will be able to recommend creams and lotions that can help to reduce spots and they will also be able to give you an idea of the correct skin care routine for your type of skin. If you don’t like your hair, it can be easily cut, dyed or grown. Alternatively, there are endless types of weave, extensions and wigs out there too! If your hair is constantly getting in the way, you might like to shave it or have a shorter, cropped cut. If there are issues on the list that are a little more stubborn, don’t worry. There is always an expert plastic surgeon on hand who may be able to help. Remember, your body is your own! You can do what you want with its appearance.

Don’t Believe Everything You See

First things first, let’s tackle the media and social media. Every day we are exposed to seemingly endless images of models and celebrities looking the image of perfection. But prevent yourself from comparing your own looks to theirs. After all, these images are highly edited using airbrushing software. Many celebrities will admit themselves that the photographs of them plastered over posters and advertisements don’t actually look anything like them in real life. Now, your friends and colleagues’ social media feeds. Remember that people only post images of themselves when they’re looking good. It’s unlikely that you’ll find anyone who will post a picture of themselves as they wake up in the morning without a filter applied. It’s important that you recognise the power of angles, lighting and filters in other people’s projections of themselves and essential that you don’t compare yourself in real life to others’ altered pictures.

Self-confidence is massively important, as your confidence can greatly affect your lifestyle and composure. So, it’s time to start building it today. Don’t wait around. It’s time to start feeling comfortable in your own skin!

Take Action on These Tummy Troubles

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The unfortunate thing about stomach pain is that it can often be difficult to work out exactly what is going on in there and whether it’s just an average stomach upset or something more serious. This can lead to many people ignoring their tummy troubles when they really shouldn’t

If you’ve been experiencing stomach pains recently, check out these stomach complaints and they’re symptoms, to ensure you get the help you need:

Acid Reflux

Acid reflux occurs when the stomach acid finds its way back up your digestive system to your throat. Symptoms of this very common stomach complaint include a burning just below the breastbone, which tends to rear its head after eating and is often worse when you’re in a reclined position.

Take Action: To solve the acid reflux situation, simply take some antacids, such as tums when the pain hits. Even better, try to determine the foods that cause your issues and avoid them. If your reflux is really bad, it might even be worth seeing a Gastroenterologist to rule out GERD. The good think about acid reflux is that it is usually pretty easy to treat!


Appendicitis is a condition where the appendix becomes inflamed. If the area around your belly button starts to feel uncomfortable, and the pain spreads to the lower part of your right abdomen, and that pain is worse when you walk, there is a good chance you could be suffering from appendicitis.

Take Action: Should you experience these symptoms, you should get yourself to the emergency room right away. An inflamed appendix needs to be removed quickly, or you could risk it rupturing or introducing lots of life-threatening bacteria into your body.


Gallstones are one of the most painful tummy conditions of all, and all of the trouble is caused by small stones of hardened bile and cholesterol that form in the gallbladder and which are usually caused by a diet that is very high in fat. Symptoms of gallstones include a sharp, searing pain in the upper mid-abdomen area, which spreads to the right side. You may also suffer from diarrhea and sickness if you have gallstones.In serious cases, fever may also be present.
Take Action: When gallbladder pain hits, take an over the counter pain medication to relieve the symptoms. If it doesn’t work, or if the pain goes on for more than two hours, and definitely if you’re vomiting with a fever, you will should get yourself to a doctor. Chances are you will need to have your gallbladder removed.

Crohn’s Disease
Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that usually affects the colon and small intestine. Symptoms of crohn’s include persistent pain in the abdominal area, weight loss, and diarrhea.

Take Action: There is currently no treatment for this particular disease, but if you think you may have it, it is essential that you see a doctor who can prescribe things like steroids and anti-inflammatories to help manage the condition.

If you think you have any of the illnesses discussed here, it’s always a good idea to seek the further assistance of your doctor, who is the best person to help you.

What Are The Best Ways To Tone And Build Your Muscles For Sculpting?

Most of us know that lots of aerobic exercises are good for heart health and weight loss. You might enjoy walking a lot, and perhaps you even go jogging occasionally. Did you know that combining these exercises with some weight work can help you to sculpt your body shape more easily? Of course, standing around with dumbbells doesn’t sound like fun, so here are some of the best ways to enjoy toning and building up your muscles:


All you need for this one is a workout mat and enough space to put it down. You can find lots of really good Yoga poses online, or even join a class to get more from it. Yoga builds strength in most of your muscle groups. It particularly works the core muscle and can help to improve your posture. Did you know that Yoga can be used for relaxation as well as energizing? Best of all, it serves as the perfect warm-up to stretch all those muscles out well. Low impact stuff that’s fun and good for toning!

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This is the exercise that’s taking America by storm right now. Kettlebells are relatively cheap to buy and you only really need one. Start with just a couple of kilos, especially if you’re coming back to exercise. If you’re asking what muscles do kettlebell swings work, then you’re not alone. After all, it’s just one weight with one handle. How effective can it be? The trick is to use kettlebell swings to work your shoulders, back, and hips. If you don’t want bulky legs, this is perfect because it tones rather than adding mass.


There are so many different kinds of dancing, but all of them demand a strong core and good posture. This immediately lifts your entire frame. As you’re up on your ball joints a lot, your legs, ankles, and glutes will enjoy a lot of toning. Best of all, the music motivates you to keep going. There are lots of dance exercise classes, but a standard ballroom, jazz, street, or ballet class will work wonders. Plus it’s social and lots of fun!

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Do you remember those pregnancy exercise in the water classes? Some people love them, others hate them. Now you’re back to basics, and it’s time to get in the water and start swimming! The movements you ‘enjoyed’ before are actually pretty good warm-ups. But it is the breaststroke and front crawl that is going to help you tone up your shoulders, arms, and back.

Laying on the sofa?

Yes, laying on the sofa can help you tone and even build up your leg muscles. This can be ideal for anyone with a weakened back. For squishier couch seat cushions, add a pillow or two under your lower back as you lay on the sofa. Now raise your legs in the air, one at a time. From here you can start to explore the range of movement in your hips that are comfortable. Leg pushes, splits and kicks can help push the excess fluid away from ankles and knees. And you’ll get some great toning if you perform these during your favorite soap opera each night!




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