Day: September 15, 2017

Into The Wild In The Modern Age: The Importance Of Keeping Lines Of Communication Open

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Ever since the release of Cheryl Strayed’s ‘Wild,’ many of us have fancied an isolated camping trip. Strayed’s fallout in the face of mourning for her mother was heartbreaking, and her subsequent time on the Pacific Crest Trail turned her life around.

It’s no wonder, then, that many of us decide to follow a similar path whenever life gets us down. And, Cheryl wasn’t the first person to start this trend. There’s something cleansing about the idea of spending time alone in the wild. Sometimes, it seems like the best and only way to hit the reset button.

But, far from the romantic depictions in literature, it’s important to consider the practicalities of such an experience. While a completely isolated camping trip will work wonders for your soul, there are clear downfalls. For one, it’s not always safe. There are so many risks in the world today that our loved ones are sure to want to stay in touch. Plus, complete isolation is such a rarity in the modern age that you may find it harder that you’re anticipating. So, small levels of communication could actually help, rather than hinder, your experience.

But, how do can you insert communication into your trip without ruining the process?

Write letters

Your first port of call should be letter writing. Sending letters as you go is sure to ease the loneliness. It’ll also put your loved one’s minds at rest. Plus, letter writing can be incredibly therapeutic. During face to face/phone conversations, we rarely stop and think about what we’re saying. But, when writing a letter, you have to think about every word. You have time to consider each before committing them to paper. Hence, you may find communication like this helps you come to terms with more demons.

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Why not use wifi?

Wifi may not be what you had in mind, but inviting it into your trip could make all the difference. As long as you set boundaries, there’s no reason this needs to have any impact on your journey. Of course, wifi in the middle of nowhere isn’t easy to come by. But, you’re sure to pass through towns on your route with free wifi hotspots. Make the most of these by posting pictures of your trip on Instagram. You could even send postcards via app services like those offered by My Postcard. This is a fast way to update loved ones with a quick message. If you’re taking your phone with you, download the app before you head off and make use of it whenever you get the chance.

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Find a spot for a daily phone call

You may be doing this to get away, but a five-minute phone call each day will make the experience much easier for you. Plus, this can work as a fantastic security backup. Aim to reach a pay phone at some point during the same hour each day. Then, if you don’t ring, your loved ones will know straight away that there’s a problem.


Quiet and Relaxing Holidays in Florida

Holidays don’t always have to be about walking around, exploring a new country or indulging in nightlife. Sometimes, a holiday is just a weekend break; some time to relax after finishing up a busy project at work or to unwind after a stressful period in your life. We should all go on a relaxing break at some point in our lives, and it’s something that doesn’t have to cost much nor does it need to be an effort to plan. All you really need is a flight and a booked hotel and you’ll soon be relaxing in a spa or lounging on a beach.

One of the best places in the world to relax and unwind is Florida. This cosy state offers some of the most enjoyable entertainment you can find and it’s the perfect spot for quiet and peaceful weekend break. In this article, we’ll go through some of the most common and interesting places to visit when you’re on a break in Florida.



Located away from the hustle and bustle of the beaches, Kendall offers some fantastic culinary gems that are just waiting to be uncovered by you. The Kendall Ice Arena (although not technically in Kendall) is an iconic location for all locals and it’s a great spot to do a bit of ice skating no matter what the weather’s like outside. If you’re an avid gamer and love arcades, then Arcade Odyssey offers over 100 classics that range from video games to pinball machines. Be sure to look at accommodation such as Best Western Plus Kendall Airport Hotel and Suites before you travel so you can do a little planning before you head out. With so many sights to see, you’ll want a little bit of direction to help you make the most of your quiet weekend break.

Bahia Honda State Park

If you love beaches but not the usual partying culture that comes with it on most of Florida’s beaches, then Bahia Honda State Park is the place for you. It’s actually made up of three different beaches, each with their own unique qualities. The water is warm and refreshing, and there are plenty of activities that go on throughout the entire day. Since it’s far enough from the city, the night sky isn’t polluted with light, giving you a clear view for some relaxing stargazing. This is one of the most relaxing destinations in Florida and you absolutely have to come here at least once.

Pine Island

Pine Island is a secluded yet laid-back and exciting location to take a weekend break. If you enjoy lush environments mixed with a spot of fishing, then you’ll feel right at home here. There are long stretches of tropical plants, a unique atmosphere, opportunities for kayaking and canoeing, and it’s even noted as a haven for birdwatchers. Being surrounded by nature and small pleasures are the keys to a relaxing and quiet break, and you’ll find them both in abundance at Pine Island.


Healthy For Life: Medical Checks You Need To Be Having as You Age

It is inevitable that we are all going to age. But how well we age will be dependant on a number of things. Some things in our life we have inherited and may or may happen as a result. Other things can happen through incidents in our life, or how we treat our body. But there are some things that can occur as we get older than can be dealt with pretty quickly. We just need to be getting them checked in time. So has never been more important to have regular doctor’s appointments as we age. Throughout our life we should aim for at least a yearly physical unless we have any conditions that need to be seen to. But what are some checks we should be having as we get older? Here are a few suggestions. If you have yet to have one of these and are reaching a certain point in your life, then it might be time to schedule an appointment. I hope this helps!


Hearing Test

Hearing tests should be done from a young age. But unlike eyesight, it doesn’t need to be done too often. Once every five years or so should suffice, as long as you aren’t noticing any problems in the meantime, of course. But as we get older, our hearing can deteriorate quite quickly. So more often than not is recommended for hearing tests. But don’t worry, if there are any issues, it can be easily dealt with. Just take a look at a site like, and you’ll see the variety of hearing aids that are available. There are many that look like you’re not even wearing one, so you don’t have to make it obvious, if that is something that you’re worried about.

Eye Tests

Throughout our lives, our eyes should be tested around every two years. Again, this should be done sooner if you are noticing problems with the quality of your vision. The number of people, especially women, that wear glasses later in their lives is quite high. So you might want to consider having eye tests annually, rather than every two years. Having good vision can impact your health and life in general greatly, so it is worth looking into.

Stepping on the Scales

Knowing how much we weigh is important for weight maintenance. As we get older, our metabolism can slow down; we tend to be a little less active than we have been before, so weight gain can be quite likely if we’re not careful. So keep an eye on how much you weigh. Being overweight can lead to many issues later in life, but being a reasonable weight can reduce your chances quite significantly.

Cholesterol Testing

Do you know what levels of cholesterol are in your blood? It isn’t something that we tend to know. But having it checked every so often can be really important for our overall health. If you have high cholesterol, it can lead to problems with your heart, and even problems with your blood pressure. So having it checked regularly is important. This can be done with your doctor, especially if you are concerned about it or are overweight. Then you can adjust your lifestyle accordingly, to help improve the results.


Blood Pressure

Similar to cholesterol levels, our blood pressure can have a big impact on our health, but it isn’t something that we get checked all that often. Untreated high blood pressure can be a killer, as it can lead to things like heart attacks or stroke. So don’t let it sneak up on you. You could check out symptoms at if you’re unsure. Get your blood pressure checked regularly and then you can make some changes, as well as take prescribed medication, to help with it.


For women over a certain age, and some men, a mammogram regularly is a great way to detect something like breast cancer before it happens. As well as an annual check, you should look for changes in your body, especially your breasts, and have any changes checked. Yes, it isn’t ideal and can be uncomfortable. But staying on top of it all will help you to deal with anything that might arise, prolonging your health and your life.

Checking Shots

Things like the flu vaccine are available for many of us, especially when the winter months roll around. So if you think you would like one or want to know about it, then speak to your doctor. It can be a lifesaver in winter months when the flu is doing the rounds!



5 Ways to Manage Arthritis Pain

As anybody with the condition will tell you, there are few things more difficult or painful than living with arthritis. Unfortunately, there’ll be much more people who will be able to inform the rest of us how painful the condition is; the number of people living with arthritis is rising all the time, to the tune of some one million more people each year in the United States. In all, there are around 350 million people with arthritis across the world, including millions of children. Below, we take a look at five ways to manage arthritis pain.


Hit the Gym

Exercise is one of the things that offer nothing but good things; it’ll relieve pain, improve your all round health, and will not negatively affect your joints. Sounds good to us! Benefits include strengthening the muscles around your joints, giving you an energy boost for when your pain is draining your motivation, improve and maintain your bone strength, and, importantly, help you control your weight; this is particularly crucial because excess weight can put pressure on our bodies.

Use Cold Treatments

Cold treatments are a highly effective way to manage an arthritis flare up. When you’re suffering from arthritis pain, apply a cold pack to the affected spot; it’ll soothe the pain. If your pain is more acute, look at using the new methods of cold treatments that are available. A whole body cryotherapy session like those offered by Cryology has been shown to reduce arthritis pain dramatically. It’s like an extreme cold pack (temperatures reach as low as -160c) that those who have arthritis say works wonders for their pain relief.

Live Stress-Free

When we’re stressed, our muscles seize up. And when our muscles seize up, we’re more likely to suffer from an arthritis attack. Ergo, if you want to reduce the chances of a flare up, then you need to get enough relaxing activities into your life that’ll allow you to live without stress. Of course, what exactly this is will depend on the individual, but there are some activities, such as meditation, reading, and unwinding outdoors, that have been shown to be beneficial to all people.

Try Tai Chi

You might not think that a martial arts activity that developed in 13th century China could help with arthritis, but that’s just what Tai Chi does. Because it’s a low impact activity, it could be performed by people of any age. Benefits of Tai Chi include improved posture, greater balance, increase muscle strength, and an all around improve general mobility. It’s also fun and can be used as a stress reducer.

Eat the Right Foods

Having an overall healthy diet is important when combating arthritis, but there are also specific foods that can help relieve symptoms of the condition, too. If you’re looking for a go-to meal, make it a dish of fish like salmon or mackerel (fish high in Omega-3), with a side of broccoli and brussels sprouts, and add a dessert of tart cherries; your joints will thank you for it.


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