VLCC Facewash, just what you need for a perfect skin!

Finding a face wash as per our skin type isn’t a challenge anymore these days, as there are plenty of options available in the market, yet finding that perfect face wash remains a task. Certain face washes cleanse, but make your skin feel dry after the wash, and certain leave them too oily. There are face washes that manage the hydration and cleansing part, but they leave the skin plain and dull. It gets difficult to achieve all of these from one face wash. I have tried a lot of brands and options but never got satisfied until recently when I tried the VLCC Ayurveda Double Power Double Neem Face Wash. This is surely one gem of a product, it not only cleanses and purifies the skin, but also leaves it glowing.

Now with the festive season approaching, I am sure all of us would want our skin to feel nourished, cleansed as well as glowing, I highly recommend trying this product out and I am sure you will love it.

Salient Features:

  1. Gel Type Face Wash
  2. Not too thick, and hence easy application
  3. Purifies skin deeply
  4. Prevents acne
  5. Leaves skin replenished and moisturised
  6. Doesn’t dry the skin
  7. Skin feels glowing

The best part about the product is that it is effective for all skin types, though oily skinned people like me benefit the most out of the anti fungal and acne prone qualities of neem, but overall it helps all skin types for an extremely satisfying purifying experience.

Also its very simple to order the product, just log on to VLCC personal care site and order yourself not just this face wash, but a wide array of personal care products. With the festive season right there, you can even order yourself or your loved ones some amazing hampers from the site.

For myself, I know for sure that after using this Double Power Double Neem Face Wash, my search has ended, I am now only gonna explore more products from VLCC as the affects of this product on my skin have given me the confidence to try more. Don’t believe the glow, see my picture below and you will know what I mean

Prepare Your Skin For The Winter Season

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You should always take the time out to look after your skin, but now so more than ever because temperatures are changing. It’s been hot and humid which your body has adapted to, but now the cooler days are introducing themselves, so your skin is going to need some time to readapt to the change, so it’s extra important – now more than ever – to look after yourself properly.

Here’s how you can do that.

Change the moisturiser

As winter is coming, the products that you are using now just aren’t going to cut it. In the summer months, your skincare routine will include lightweight lotions, but the colder it gets, the dryer your skin becomes, so it needs more moisture otherwise it will start the crack. So it’s important to stay on top of the task at hand by investing in the right creams to coat your skin and protect it from the cool weather.

Reduce your shower time

It’s clear that hot showers are greatly welcomed in the winter, but believe it or not, they can actually do more harm than good to your skin. The hot water from the showers will cause your skin to dry out even more which can leave you feeling very irritated and sore. So although you don’t need to suffer by taking a cold water shower, it’d be wise to just shorten the length of time you bathe.

Focus on sensitive areas

It’s very ordinary to have some areas that are affected more than others. A common place is the lips and around the nose, and in that case, they will require a little more attention. In order to solve this problem, you will want to apply a moisturising lip balm on your lips to prevent them from cracking, and keep reapplying your usual moisturising lotion on any other areas to keep them soft.


Exfoliating is a way of removing any dead skin that you have that is clogging your pores and clinging to you when it doesn’t need to be. It removes the dead cells while leaving your skin feeling silky smooth. There are many other techniques out there which claim to do this in a different way – you can find more ideas on sites like Exfoliate.com, along with personal advice and reviews on the various approaches.

Keep yourself healthy

Although you’re paying attention to the outside of your body, you should also make a conscious effort to take care of the inside, as it’s all connected and will make a big difference in your results if everything works together. This means maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle to keep your appearance looking good, all while feeling great.

Stay hydrated

Water, water, water. You can never have enough of it. It’s what keeps the fluids pumping and your skin glowing – even in the winter. When you hear people complimenting one another on how radiant they’re looking, you’ll find that that is down to how well hydrated they keep themselves – look on homemadeforelle.com to find out more. So always keep a bottle of water on you so you can top it up throughout the day.



A Step-by-Step Guide to Planning a Walking Holiday

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Getting out into nature using only your own two legs as transportation is a romantic idea for many people. And there is no doubt that a walking holiday provides a sense of adventure that you simply don’t get from other trips. But you also need to make sure that you have done the proper planning and preparation. If not, what seemed like a dream to start off with could quickly turn into a nightmare! So, here are a few top tips when it comes to planning your walking adventure holiday.

Choose a Location and Type of Walk

The location you go for is really based on your personal desires and also your walking experience. You may be looking to get out into the wilderness without many people being around or you may want some clearly marked footpaths with plenty of other people for company. You should also think about how challenging you want the walks to be. Are you looking for something flat or would you prefer mountainous terrain?

Map a Route

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Once you have zeroed in on an area, you then need to start mapping a route. Think about a start point and a destination based on how much walking you want to do each day and plan your stopping points along the way. Use maps and guides to give you a helping hand. To make things easier, there are plenty of walks that have been already completed by other people and the information will already be clearly listed. If you are more adventurous and experienced, you may want to plan your own route entirely.

Arrange Accommodation

B&Bs, hostels, guesthouses, hotels and camping are all viable options when you are walking, so you just need to think about your budget and the level of comfort you are looking for. The internet has made information so much more readily accessible, so check out reviews online so you get a fuller picture of where you will be staying. Arrange your accommodation methodically so you book places as you go along.

Prepare Your Resources

There are a few things that you will need to make your walking holiday a success. First of all, a map and compass are important, and you should also look at downloading a maps app on your phone. Next up, you need clothing including waterproof walking shoes, jacket, thick socks, fleece, and anything else you can think of. And then you need your gear including a backpack, walking poles, water bottle, electronic devices and chargers.


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It is a good idea to get some walking done before your trip so you don’t find yourself completely exhausted before you have even really gotten going. If you can do a walk covering the longest distance you will be covering in a day, you will feel much more like you are fully prepared for what is in store.

A walking holiday is one of the most wonderful experiences you can have, and hopefully these suggestions have provided you with a helping hand to get started!



Eat Yourself Happy: Foods Scientifically Proven To Beat The Winter Blues

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In case you haven’t noticed, the summer is well and truly gone and with the turning of the leaves and the graying of the skies, something more insidious is creeping in with the longer nights. Many of us find ourselves unaccountably experiencing low mood, depression, lethargy and in some cases increased irritability. As fall sets in and eventually concedes to winter, an increasing number of us start to experience Seasonal Affective disorder (aptly abbreviated to SAD). This can not only sap our mood and make us feel depressed and lethargic (even if objectively our lives are great), but also drain our will to eat healthily and live active lifestyles. It can make us want to oversleep and cause us to crave unhealthy foods, especially starchy refined carbohydrates and sugars, resulting in weight gain which only feeds the cycle of inactivity. “Why bother?” we ask ourselves, before grabbing a candy bar and settling down on the sofa.

If the coming of the fall season makes you want to wrap up in a duvet, grab a bag of potato chips and hibernate then you desperately need a pick me up.

Fortunately, with a little know how, you can chomp the blues away while improving your overall health. But first…

Exercise… It’s non-negotiable

On a dark, cold and drizzly morning, going to the gym or out for a jog is probably the last thing you feel like doing which is exactly why it’s the first thing you should do. The benefits of exercising first thing in the morning are many and various. It can raise your energy levels and mood while leaving you secure in the knowledge that the rest of the day is yours to do as you wish. It can also give your brain a much-needed endorphin boost, raising your mood and also boosting your metabolism.

Even a 20 minute jog is a great way to start the day. If that sounds like a nightmare, give yourself a reason to enjoy your jog. Take your phone and listen to some music, a podcast or an audiobook as you jog. Check out this flipbelt review for an alternative to carrying your phone in your pocket. The last thing you want is to start your day with a dropped and broken phone.

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Mood boosting foods

After starting the day with a brisk workout, you’ve earned a delicious breakfast. Now’s the time to capitalize on this natural mood booster and load up on these nutritious mood boosting foods:

  • Avocado- Avocados are full of healthy fats to stabilize your appetite and reduce cravings but they’re also great for balancing your hormones and keeping your serotonin levels
  • Nuts- A great post-workout food, nuts are full of healthy fats, fiber, antioxidants and protein as well as being full of serotonin.
  • Strawberries- They’re tasty, they’re versatile and they’re rich in vitamins and nutrients to facilitate stable brain chemistry.
  • Sesame seeds- Great for sprinkling and snacking, sesame seeds are rich in the amino acid tyrosine which naturally increases the brain’s production of dopamine naturally boosting your mood while also helping your body to assimilate their protein.



When Work Makes You Sick: What Next?

The work you do is meant to enrich your life. It gives you a focus, and of course is the way you generate the income that you need to provide for your family. Work, on the whole, is something that can be a force for tremendous good in your life.

However, there is a potential downside; the threat of work-related illnesses. Below, you can explore some of the most common questions that relate to the idea of work causing harm to your health. If you suspect you — or someone you know — might have been affected, there’s also some valuable advice on next steps.

What Illnesses Are Caused By Working Environments?

  • Mental health conditions
  • Repetitive Strain Injury
  • Mesothelioma, due to asbestos exposure
  • Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

The above are the most common, but realistically, any work could have an impact on your health. If you suspect that work is involved in your misfortune, then you’ll need to look deeper into the matter. The four mentioned might be the most common, but they’re far from the only health issues a bad working environment can cause.

How Do I Know It’s Specifically Work That Caused My Problem?

Some conditions are easier to trace to work-related sources, as the conditions required for the illness are unlikely to exist outside of working environments. It’s easier to obtain Mesothelioma help or Noise-Induced Hearing Loss assistance than it is for RSI or mental health conditions. With Mesothelioma or hearing loss, the issues that cause these are very obviously related to employment; few people will have experienced asbestos or extensive volumes in their personal lives. The same cannot be said for RSI or mental health conditions.

So if you have worked with asbestos or around high volume without adequate ear protection, Occam’s Razor dictates that it will be your working environment that has caused the issue. For mental health problems or RSI, it’s worth thinking through your personal life and seeing if there are any obvious causes. That’s not to say work isn’t the cause of these issues, but just that the matter requires a little more inspection before you pursue the idea.

 Do I Have To Tell My Employer? 

Yes. It is only right to inform your employer if you suspect something you are doing at work is causing health issues.

Do I Have The Right To Time Off Work? 

If you have been made unwell for any reason then you should have time off work if needed. However, few companies have a specific dispensation for extra sickness leave solely due to work-related illness. You will need to talk to your employer about this.

Can I Sue?

It’s impossible to answer this without being sure of your individual situation. The best thing to do is to speak to a lawyer and see if they believe you have a case.

In Conclusion

If you think your work is making you unwell, then don’t ignore the matter. Speak to your employer and a doctor to see what they say. There might be changes or assistance that can be put in place, or you might have a legal case to help pay associated health costs. Don’t just ignore the problem; work is meant to be a method to earn money, and you don’t have to just accept ill health as a part of that deal.

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Everything You Need To Know About Baking With Almond Flour


Almond flour is nothing new; it’s been around for as long as wheat flour has, but it’s only in the past few years that it’s become a kitchen staple for many of us. The reason behind this sudden explosion of popularity is simple: almond flour is gluten free, which means it’s compatible with gluten free and Paleo diets — diets that have been all the rage in recent times.

The idea of using almond flour is attractive on the surface. There’s no gluten, which is great if you’re Celiac or have an intolerance. Almond flour is also, compared with wheat flour at least, more nutritionally-dense, so you get more goodness for the calories consumed. However, almond flour can also be tricky to handle — especially if you’ve never baked with it before.

If you’re tempted to give almond flour a go in place of wheat flour, then it’s a fairly simple swap when it comes to finding suitable recipes. If you can make something using wheat flour, you can generally substitute almond flour in place of wheat. However, almond flour requires something of a learning process. So, before you go diving into your recipes, here are a few vital facts you need to be aware of when it comes to using almond flour.

#1 – Watch Your Storage Temperature 

Most of us store flour in the back of a kitchen cupboard, which is fine for wheat flour. It will also be fine for almond flour, but it’s not optimal. Almond flour keeps for longer and tends to taste better when it’s stored at low temperatures. Some users even say it’s easier to work with when cold-stored, too. So try and make space in your fridge, or even your freezer, so you can get the best results. 

#2 – Use More Binding Agents

If you’re going to be making bread with your almond flour, the lack of gluten to bind the mixture is going to be very noticeable. The mixture will usually be runnier, resulting in very disappointing loaves. To counteract this, ensure you add more eggs or butter to compensate. This will likely lengthen your mixing time, so ensure you look into finding the best stand mixer for bread dough — or you might wind up with aching arms!

The lack of gluten is less noticeable on items that aren’t required to rise in the same way as bread. A good first bake with almond flour is sweet cookies; very little rise required, and gives you the chance to get used to the new flour experience.

#3 – Watch Your Calories

As mentioned, almond flour is nutritionally dense, making it generally better for you than wheat flour. However, you still need to know how many calories are in almond flour. Just because you’re using something that’s good for you doesn’t mean it’s not calorific. There are less calories in almond flour compared to wheat, but don’t be tempted to eat without consulting the calorific load — too much of a good thing is still too much!

So, have you ever been tempted to try baking with almond flour?

Maximize Each Workout With These Top Tips


Working out can be a lot of fun when you get it right. But ensuring that a workout is right for you doesn’t always have to involve technicalities or trends. Instead, you need to ensure that any efforts you make to improve your fitness, get healthier, and generally push yourself when it comes to exercise, are maximized. And although there are some set ways that you can do this, you have to be able to work out how you can make tweaks to your own workout plans to make them more effective. So let’s take a look at some of the things that can help you to do that.

Get Some Sleep

Never underestimate the power of sleep. It’s so easy to let yourself back into unhealthy habits, and not prioritizing your sleep is definitely one of those. Sleep is so essential to everyday life, but also to your workouts. When we sleep, our bodies heal and repair. So if you want to make sure that your body is able to handle your workouts as best as possible, you need to be thinking about getting as much high-quality sleep as possible. And eight hours as a minimum.

Warm Up

When you’re excited to get your workout in, or desperate to fit in what you can in the time you have, it’s tempting to rush through things. But in reality, you need to take it slow if you want your workout to be as effective as possible. And a huge portion of that is going to be down to your warm up. Because when you warm up properly, you can not only ensure that your workout is going to be more effective, but you can get your body ready to perform at its best.


Stay Hydrated

On the flip side of ensuring that your workouts are as maximized as possible, if them being a bit more of a disaster. And injuries are definitely a huge part of that. However, when you’re able to stay hydrated during your workout, and start off hydrated to, you will be able to not only perform at your best levels, but minimize the risk of injury too.


Next, you also need to be super smart with your nutrition. Because what you eat before, during and after your workout is essential to its success. So you need to do your research. Here, you’ll find that Element Fitness recommends what to eat after a workout, but you should also think about what to eat to fuel the workout too. Because what you eat can really influence how well your workout will be.

Stretch It Out

And finally, you’re definitely going to want to think about what you can do before, during, and after your workout to keep your body at its best. And stretching is always great for that. Not only can your body get stronger and avoid injuries, you’ll find that you can recover a lot quicker, especially with post-workout stretches. In turn, your workouts will start to become more effective.



Want To Stand Out? Hair’s How to Do It

For some people, the idea of making themselves stand out is terrifying. These people like to blend in with the crowd, be as unobtrusive as possible, and pass by unnoticed.

You’re not like that though.

You’re the kind of person who has no problem with all eyes being on you; in fact, you like it that way. You’re an expressive and creative person, so of course, you make expressive and creative choices when it comes to your looks. You don’t want to blend in; you want to be the showstopper in every room, wearing your personality on your sleeve — and on your face, body, and hair too.

If the above sounds like you, then you’re in luck. Below, there’s an exploration of three ways you can express yourself through the medium of the hair on your head. The beauty of toying with your hair and trying things out is that it will always grow back, so you can do as you please safe in the knowledge it’s not going to be permanent. Keep that in mind, and read on…

Choose A Creative Dye Job

If you don’t mind playing with the color of your hair to get maximum effect, then why not choose a dye job with a difference? Often done over bleached hair (to get the best color pop,) mermaid hair is increasingly popular. Given how beautiful the result can be, it’s easy to see why too.

If you’d rather stick with just the one color, then why not orange hair? Rather than being a problem to be fixed, orange hair is now gaining its own status as an outlandish, delightful, and absolutely deliberate hair color choice. 

Extend, Extend, And Extend!

Long hair is a statement. It’s an inherently feminine statement, and it’s also eye-catching — no matter what your age. However, long hair might be more of a dream than a reality; for some of us, our hair just doesn’t grow long enough or at a quick enough speed to sate your desire for something different. If this is the case for you, then tape in hair extensions might be the answer. With these, you can have a full head of long, flowing hair, without having to wait years to grow it out. Perfect. 

Be Brave; Go Short  

Short hair can look fantastic, as many celebrities have displayed over the years. However, among the general populace, short hair on women is less often seen. So if you truly want to stand out, then going short could be the most effective way of doing it.

One thing that short hair does, above all other styles, is accentuate your bone structure. For most people, a pixie cut will be extremely flattering. Contrary to popular belief, short hair can also be feminine, as proven by Halle Berry, Rihanna, Anne Hathaway, and all the other pixie cut fans in the celebrity world. So why not take your lead from the A list, trim your locks, and enjoy a more noticeable style as a result? 

So which of these do you think might tempt you?

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A Small Wedding With Wide Reach

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For some of us, the idea of a large wedding doesn’t appeal. If you’re introverted, having a room full of eyes on you can seem hellish An experience like that is sure to take the enjoyment out of the whole day. Not to mention that big days cost big money. It’s simply not a goal everyone can achieve.

But, there’s no getting around the fact that you let a lot of people down by opting for a small affair. While the wedding day should be all about the bride and groom, that’s rarely the case. In fact, the guests become just as important in a lot of ways. And, if your nearest and dearest aren’t included in proceedings, you can’t be surprised if they get upset about it.

Your first reaction may be annoyance, but put yourself in their shoes. They love you, and they want to share in your special day. They only want a chance to see you happy.

Of course, you still can’t ruin your day just to keep everyone else happy. But, there are ways to widen the reach of your small wedding. Taking the time to find out how is the best way to ensure everyone’s happy. Here are a few methods worth considering.

Set up a photo page on social media

Your friends might not be able to attend the ceremony, but that doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy the pictures. Even though you’re keeping things small, it’s worth investing in a photographer who can capture every moment. Then, you can start a social media page for your day, and post all those pictures in one secure place. Sharing them online ensures everyone gets a chance to see. You can even invite friends to like the page so that they get updates as soon as you post. It’ll be like a live feed to your wedding.

Make a YouTube video

The chances are that you’re already going to film the day. So, why not put that video on YouTube? You don’t have to let the world see if you don’t want to. But, setting this to private and only showing people you choose will ensure those who matter get to see. This is the best way to give absent friends a good idea of your venue. They’ll also be able to hear your vows and join in your special moment.

Keep mementos for people who weren’t invited

Another way to soften the no-invite blow is to keep mementos for people who matter most to you. Something small, like a bag of confetti, or even a bouquet, is sure to go down well. Or, perhaps you had a small cake which you can divide among friends who couldn’t come. Think of this as a goody bag for absent friends. Throughout the day, consider things you can put in there. The chances are that your friends will be so touched you thought of them, they’ll let go of their anger straight away. At least, that’s the hope!


Facetime Cross Platform Compatibility – Windows or iPad?

Facetime Cross Platform Compatibility – Windows or iPad?

Among many advantages of possessing an iPad is your ability to place phone calls through the apparatus, and among the most well-known methods of doing this is via FaceTime. Not only are you able to utilize FaceTime to perform video conferencing, but you might even put voice calls, which means you don’t need to be concerned about combing your hair before speaking on your own iPad.

The excellent thing about FaceTime is you don’t have to do anything special to set up this. The FaceTime program is installed on your own iPad, also you’re read to place and receive telephone calls, because it works via your Apple ID.

Since FaceTime functions such as iPad the iPhone, and Mac, you may call family and friends which have these devices. But the wonderful part is they don’t have to get an iPhone to get calls. It is possible to put a call to Mac with the address or their iPad.

Facetime Functionality:

The first thing you will have to do is launch the FaceTime program. (Read on a really fast way to open programs even in the event that you don’t understand where they are located.) The front-facing camera will turn on, when FaceTime launches and the majority of the display will reveal exactly what the camera is capturing. On the left is but when this is the first time using FaceTime, it’ll be empty.


To place a call, just tap the cover of the menu in which it reads”Input name, email, or amount” and start typing in the title of the person you want to call. They’ll need to maintain your contacts list for you to call them by name, however when they aren’t in contacts, it is possible to type in their telephone. Matching contacts will be listed out by the iPad below the input menu as you type. You may only have the first few letters of a name to find the contact.


On the right of these contacts in the list are two buttons: a video camera and a telephone handset. The camera button will be grayed out, if FaceTime is unavailable for the touch. To start a video conference tap on the camera button beside the contact’s name. Tapping the phone button will place a voice call.

Facetime For Windows


There are detailed guide regarding facetime availability on windows platform which is mentioned above. candidates must have to observe why apple is not creating cross platform networking on their scheduled server. for more details you’ve to know there are few things.


There are a number of things to understand: First, you’ll need to get linked to the world wide web to create FaceTime calls. This might be through a 4G LTE connection or through a Wi-Fi link. Second should have an Apple apparatus like Mac, iPad or an iPhone.


It’s possible to place FaceTime calls with a person’s email address so long as (1) it is the same email address as they used to sign up to their Apple ID and (2) they’ve empowered receiving calls to their email address.
Tapping the plus (+) sign at the top of the menu will bring up your contacts list. This is just another way of looking for the person you want to call.


You can make an Audio-only telephone by shifting the tab at the top from Video to Audio.


You can delete names from your call history by tapping on the Edit button in the top-left corner of the display, picking the contacts you need to delete and then tapping the delete button in the bottom of the list. Don’t worry, this deletes them from the newly record that is referred to as, not your contacts.

How to use facetime on iPad


Would you wish to put calls involving two iOS devices employing the Apple ID? By default, the email address is utilized by all devices attached to the Apple ID. This means if a FaceTime call is set to the address, that they will ring. Additionally, it means you can not put a call between two devices as you can not use 1 home telephone answer it and to put a call. But Apple has supplied a workaround that was simple for utilizing FaceTime on devices.

  • To begin with, you’ll have to go in the iPad’s Settings.
  • About the left-side menu, then scroll down and choose”FaceTime.”
  • At the Center of this FaceTime, configuration is a part headlined with”You Could Be Reached From Facetime At.” Check email address or the contact number if utilizing the gadget that you would like to use. You might even add an additional email address by tapping on”Insert An Email…”
  • Should you and your partner use the exact same Apple ID and you also need your FaceTime calls to visit your iPad and their FaceTime calls to visit their iPad, just ensure there’s an exceptional email address on each one of both iPads and only one of these two email addresses have been assessed on the respective devices.
  • This produces another speech for FaceTime needs to be sent to a particular address.
  • Calls could switch off on your telephone number. But in case you’ve FaceTime switched on, you’ll have to get one option assessed in the”You Could Be Reached…” section. As it’s the only option 20, Therefore, if the telephone number is checked and grayed out, it’s.

Do not have any email address? Both Yahoo and Google offer free email addresses, or you could check the listing of email providers out. You may use it , in the event that you don’t have some demand for another speech.

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