Our business logos carve our identities and hence its very important to have a right kind of logo for your brand. The logo should be such that it gives out your brand message loud and clear and also stands out from others. It should be able to have a strong re-call value, so that people are able to remember your brand because of your logo. For example, even if you are not a Starbucks fan, you would remember the logo, or Coca-Cola for that matter, Whether you prefer Nike over Adidas, you remember both the logos. I know I am referring to some of the big names and one tends to remember these logos because you see them everywhere, but that doesn’t make your own brand logo any less important. These bigger brands may be able to spend loads of money and take months to break their heads with designers to get that one right logo, but not every business can afford that kind of a process.
Recently I was struggling to come up with a classy logo for my business, and I spoke to a couple of designers, but somehow my creative thoughts weren’t translated well to them and end of the day what they presented was not what I wanted. I wasted almost 10 days briefing, waiting for them to design, then redesign, before finally giving up on that idea. Though I didn’t like any of those logos, I still had to pay them, which pinched me a lot.

Then to my relief, I came across this wonderful site called Logojoy, and my logo creating woes met with an end almost instantly. This site offers one to create logo in one of the easiest manners. One can first choose some inspirations, then colour schemes, icons, and then they present to you with multiple options of logos, and you can keep loading more and more options till you find that one right logo.

Once you finalise a logo, you also have an option to make changes to the same in terms of colour, or icons, or font style and yet again, create a perfect logo totally as per your choice. Once you are satisfied, you can purchase the premium set of your logo that allows you to download all formats of your logo files and also you can get a personal discussion time with their designer, if you want any specific changes. Isn’t that wonderful.

Where it was taking me a 10 days wait for a logo which I didn’t like, I created a logo of my choice, purchased it and downloaded the files in less than half an hour. The price point also surprised me, because the premium package costed me just about half the money of what I paid to a designer.
So what are you waiting for, just log on to www.logojoy.com and create a logo that only you have dreamed of.
All I can say is that I have been extremely satisfied with my experience with logojoy and I am grateful that I came across such a site. I am very sure you would feel the same once you have experienced the site on your own.
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