Tag: Online Gifting

The Kiddy Hub- One Stop Shop for all your kids related shopping!

Choosing right products for our little ones always comes across as a challenging task. Whether you are buying things for your own children or you wanna gift it to someone, there is a constant tussle on what kind of product to buy, should we opt for clothes, or do we gift some educational product, do we buy some home decor stuff exclusively for kids or settle for some toys. Most of the times taking this decision means checking out number of shops, or number of websites in case of online shopping, and then comparing and going crazy on what exactly to buy.
But no more, leave your children’s shopping woes at bay, and log on to www.thekiddyhub for all your children related gifting solutions.
The site offers almost everything you can think of under one roof and thus saves the hassle of checking out numerous shops or websites. They offer everything from customised gifts and home decor options, to great educational products, toys and even clothes. The site also offers wide range of items you may need to plan a party for kids.
I was recently in a dilemma when I had to gift something to a 5 year old kiddo for his birthday and this site came as a rescue for me. I actually had in mind to give him something useful, which is both engaging and interactive. I was inclined to give story books and then while searching for books i stumbled upon this amazing thing called as a STORY BOX. The story box is a great combination of a story book along with perfectly curated activities for your little one to enjoy and understand the nuances of the story and almost live the story in real.
I chose two story boxes, MAGICIAN and RED RIDING HOOD. First things first, the packaging was very neat and carefully done. Before gifting it, I wanted to personally check the contents and everything and hence I opened the boxes to take a look. Each item was separately packed and the box also comes with a small bag in order to put all your contents in one place post opening the box. I would also like to highlight, that I found the boxes very reasonable. Priced at just Rs 499 for each story box, and the number of contents it has, its totally worth it.

The Little Story Box makes boxes of carefully created and curated stories, supported by activities that bring them alive for children
Each box is built around our 4R approach : Read , Reflect , Retell, Reinvent
Designed to stimulate Creativity, Curiosity and Communication skills
Like the classic tale of Little Red Riding Hood is brought to  life with the Little Red Riding Hood box! Read the Little Red Riding Hood Story with your little one , let them retell the story with DIY stick puppets , strengthen their fine motor skills as they enjoy the activity sheets , and let them reinvent their own version as they dress up in a Little Red Riding Hood cape!
Use this as an opportunity to reflect , together with your child , on the important topic of strangers and safety.

And the people behind this magnificent product are doing a fab job too. 

Smile multiplier creates children gifts that support a cause , so that you multiply happiness every time you shop for your child. . The cape in the box is made by the benificieries of the Animedh Charitable charitable trust , where less privileged women are given vocational training , to help them transform their lives.

Isn’t it a fantastic thing, I mean while you spread joys to your near and dear ones, it also reaches someone far away and make his/her life a little more meaningful.

I am totally hooked to this site and I know that whenever I have to buy something for kids, this is my go to place not just because of the products but also because I believe in the cause they are supporting.

Inspire Yourself to Give a Gift With These Fun Ideas

For those of us that have a special occasion coming up, have you thought about what you’re getting as a gift yet? Be it a birthday, an anniversary, a seasonal holiday or something more light-hearted such as a friendly reunion, there are plenty of situations in life where we might think about buying a gift. Sadly, it usually turns into a few days of frustration and a lack of ideas, then we’ll cave in and get something generic like flowers, chocolates, a gift card or, even worse, nothing at all!


So to give you some excellent sources of inspiration, here are a couple of ways to prepare yourself for the next big event you have. Keep in mind that these are just ideas and you don’t have to resort to them every time, but they’re fantastic ways to gather inspiration so that you have an idea of what to buy in the future whenever you’re stumped for ideas.

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Browse online stores

It doesn’t matter what store you look at. If you browse any online store and look at the most popular items that are being sold, you’ll be able to gather a lot of inspiration and get a lot of ideas for gifts. If you look up cool stuff to buy on Amazon, you’ll come across hundreds of different items that are suitable as gifts. Even if you search something like “gift ideas”, you’ll still find plenty of ideas and before you know it, you’ll have more choice than you imagined.

Look at personalised gifts

 Something personal is always good as a gift. Be it a mug that has a special message on it or a customised greeting card to go with something you’ve already bought, customising a gift adds a wonderful touch to any ordinary gift. It can turn something dull and boring like a sweater into a memorable and cherished gift. That’s one of the most important things about gifting; if your recipient remembers a gift and associates it with a positive memory, then it’ll give them a nice boost of happiness that motivates them to work hard and stay positive throughout the day. A personalised gift can be something you make yourself, or it could be something made to order.

Speak to the recipient

If you want some ideas on what to buy your recipient, then look no further than the recipient themselves! Speak to them, ask them about their favourite musical artists, ask which films they like, or even ask what the latest book they read was. As long as you gather up information about your target, you’ll find it gets easier and easier to prepare a fantastic memorable gift for them. Just try not to give it away and let them know you’re planning to buy a gift for them. Speaking to your gift recipient is also a great way to ensure you don’t buy the same gift as someone else. It’s always worth having a chat before you spend money on something your recipient already has!

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Goa, India