Want To Stand Out? Hair’s How to Do It

For some people, the idea of making themselves stand out is terrifying. These people like to blend in with the crowd, be as unobtrusive as possible, and pass by unnoticed.

You’re not like that though.

You’re the kind of person who has no problem with all eyes being on you; in fact, you like it that way. You’re an expressive and creative person, so of course, you make expressive and creative choices when it comes to your looks. You don’t want to blend in; you want to be the showstopper in every room, wearing your personality on your sleeve — and on your face, body, and hair too.

If the above sounds like you, then you’re in luck. Below, there’s an exploration of three ways you can express yourself through the medium of the hair on your head. The beauty of toying with your hair and trying things out is that it will always grow back, so you can do as you please safe in the knowledge it’s not going to be permanent. Keep that in mind, and read on…

Choose A Creative Dye Job

If you don’t mind playing with the color of your hair to get maximum effect, then why not choose a dye job with a difference? Often done over bleached hair (to get the best color pop,) mermaid hair is increasingly popular. Given how beautiful the result can be, it’s easy to see why too.

If you’d rather stick with just the one color, then why not orange hair? Rather than being a problem to be fixed, orange hair is now gaining its own status as an outlandish, delightful, and absolutely deliberate hair color choice. 

Extend, Extend, And Extend!

Long hair is a statement. It’s an inherently feminine statement, and it’s also eye-catching — no matter what your age. However, long hair might be more of a dream than a reality; for some of us, our hair just doesn’t grow long enough or at a quick enough speed to sate your desire for something different. If this is the case for you, then tape in hair extensions might be the answer. With these, you can have a full head of long, flowing hair, without having to wait years to grow it out. Perfect. 

Be Brave; Go Short  

Short hair can look fantastic, as many celebrities have displayed over the years. However, among the general populace, short hair on women is less often seen. So if you truly want to stand out, then going short could be the most effective way of doing it.

One thing that short hair does, above all other styles, is accentuate your bone structure. For most people, a pixie cut will be extremely flattering. Contrary to popular belief, short hair can also be feminine, as proven by Halle Berry, Rihanna, Anne Hathaway, and all the other pixie cut fans in the celebrity world. So why not take your lead from the A list, trim your locks, and enjoy a more noticeable style as a result? 

So which of these do you think might tempt you?

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